Virtual Casino Group Not Recommended
During the first decade of Casinomeister, they were our nemesis – the anti-thesis of an Accredited Casino. Throughout the early years, complaints streamed in – some of them being pretty damn awful. There were moments of surreal marketing campaigns and player experiences that bordered on hilarity they were so bizarre. The Virtual Casino group was the recipient of the Worst Casino Group Award four times:
, and Cirrus Casino received Worst Casino of the year 2007. They even made an attempt to be removed from the Rogue pit no less than two times – both of which failed.
Even though this casino group has had its issues, I was in direct contact with their General Manager since 2002. We have shared our differences of opinions at times, but even so – we have worked together to square away players who had legitimate complaints. Most complaints were from bad management practices – which in time began to abate, others were from badly written promos or just sloppy customer service. Even though they were in the Rogue section, we made an exception to assist any players who had problems with this casino group. Both Max and I have met up with the GM several times over the years and have been communicative. Before this casino group was placed on probation, there were only two PABs from the previous year – both resolved.
And to give credit due when it’s warranted, the Virtual group has been adamant on taking care of any past issues. In February 2011, we emailed our entire database of CM members requesting anyone who had any outstanding complaints to come forward. Not only did we send this email out, but so did CAP, and the GPWA. There were only a handful of players that came forward with valid complaints. I should also mention that the Virtual Casino group emailed their entire database as well.
So in November 2013, I placed the Virtual Casino Group on probation and opened a thread here. My initial intention was to remove them from the rogue pit if there were no unresolved complaints within a six month period. But after pressure from the player community, I decided that we would put it to a vote after the probation period was up. I changed my mind about the vote – here’s why.
It became clear that any vote put up to the membership would be skewered by fraudsters, liars, and other cretins who have personal agendas against either Casinomeister, or the Virtual Group. The forum thread was littered with bullshit – and I disclosed my reasoning to cancel the vote here.
In January 2015, which was fourteen months after they were put on probation, I placed them in the Grey Zone and agreed to assist in helping out with any PABs that would come through. That was then – this is now.
It was easy peasy up until 2017 when there was a sale of the company – and the operations moved from sunny Costa Rica to the Czech Republic. It was the perfect storm so to speak: servers were going down, customer service reps didn’t know what the hell was going on, payments were backed up in a bad way. They had a massive amount of players but could not deal with them properly.
So we chose to place them in the Not Recommended section of Casinomeister. Caveat Emptor – if you play there, be prepared to wait a while before any payments come through.
Software provider: RTG
The Virtual Casino group casinos:
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