Yes well I still feel like Viktar jumped the gun a bit too fast on this one and that an apology should come on that side as well.
We are extremely professional. We deal with many very reputable casinos, you can ask around about how ethical of a business we run.
But defamation of our brand on public forums will not be tolerated, I am sure you agree with that. If he really wanted an answer to his questions, we are always here to answer him. Not only did he not ask for clarifications, but he went ahead and copy/paste his post on THREE different casino forums already accusing us of all sorts of horrid stuff. I am sure someone who needs clarification does not act like that.
This thread was completely unnecessary and without any motives. So my apologies to you Viktar if I have hurt your feelings, but your actions were really not appreciated on our side.
Now that you have clarified your need for data, it is possible to re-examine the request in a different light.
Shawn claimed that after we "sign a contract" we will have to provide him with data about all players affiliated by Casinodeal, including player's First, Last Name, emails and phone numbers, and if they have, or have not made a deposit.
In terms of protecting customer's privacy, any data required must be NECESSARY for the proper operation of the scheme, rather than just "nice to have".
The basic need for such a scheme is a means to verify that a given player has made a deposit that would qualify them for any casinodeal benefits.
You would need a reference field so that you could match deposit reports to registrants at your site.
The only UNIQUE identifier would be their casino account number, but this is something you should be asking the PLAYER for when they sign up for rewards. You may well have their names too, but although desirable, it may not be NECESSARY as you have their casino account number, and the casinos would be doing the necessary ID checks. You will want an email address for them in order for casinodeal to send out communications, but again this should come from the PLAYER, as it is possible that they use different email addresses for different purposes, and may give casinos their primary email address, but sign up to websites using another because at least if it gets into the hands of spammers, it can be ditched without disrupting more important contacts.
As for the casino suplying the player's PHONE number, completely out of order. This has NOTHING to do with participating in an ONLINE rewards program, and for the player is something MUCH harder to deal with if it escapes into the wrong hands, as their privacy can be invaded night and day, as well as the risk that a caller might give out information to another member of the household. Many players don't even like giving the CASINO their phone number. Again if a casinodeal player feels it worthwhile to let them have their number, it is something that should be requested upon registration.
Bryan now owns GoneGambling, which also has a points reward scheme and conversion scheme that relies on being able to verify that GoneGambling players have honoured qualifying deposits at casinos where they claim bonuses, as well as having completed deal bid for in the GG auctions.
At no time have GG needed anything other than my casino account number and my email address to track my completion of deals. They DO have my name from the initial registration, but NONE of this information came from the casinos, it was supplied by me when signing up. GG do NOT need a phone number, as everything is done by email, or in emergency through their forum or chat.
It is the extensive data fields that Big Casino have been asked to send across that has made them suspicious, and it does seem that you have chosen a verification method that has all the sensitive data passed to you for checking, whereas really it should be the CASINO that verifies deposits by casinodeal sending what it has, and the casino sending back a simply "yes, player xx has qualified" or "no, player xxx has not deposited the required amount". casinodeal gets back the data they already have, but with an extra field or two added by the casino indicating qualification statuses. The player has knowingly given casinodeal that data, so no problem there, and the casino has not given casinodeal any data that the player has not already given to casinodeal, so no problem there either.
If this was starting to go pear shaped, why did casinodeal not try to initiate contact in order to clear things up. Instead, it seems to have sat back waiting to see if Big Casino would take the initiative, which didn't happen because first off it was casinodeal that initiated the contact, and after half an hour, Big Casino started to suspect they were being lead into a scam, so obviously did NOT want to seek further clarification of a deal it had decided not to pursue.
Rather than cover the whole thing up, Big casino decided to ask around, after all, they are new, and didn't think anything like this was ever used in the affiliate model.
I would also have thought that affiliate stats coupled with their own tracking of their visitors would be enough to marry individual players with their affiliate stats, thus no need for additional records from the casino.
Since the actual Skype call was recorded, there is a record of who said what, and this would also help determine whether this is down to a misunderstanding, or someone backtracking because they got caught pushing the boundaries.