Indian Law Minister Confirms Interpretation Of Law Commission’s Stance On Gambling (Update)
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Dec 21, 2018
The recommendation was for a complete ban on gambling
Answering a question in the upper house of parliament this week, India’s Union Minister of Law and Justice, Ravi Shankar Prasad, confirmed that the recommendation of the Law Commission of India earlier this year was for a complete ban on gambling.
InfoPowa readers will recall that the interpretation of the recommendation became confused when many interested parties seized on a qualification which the Commission added to the effect that if a complete ban cannot be ensured, then parliament and state legislatures should consider legalising gambling and betting with certain regulations and safeguards. The qualification’s more positive connotations tended to take attention away from the main point, which was a ban recommendation.
Minister Prasad confirmed that this week, but would not be drawn into commenting on what action, if any, had been taken by the government in relation to the Law Commission’s recommendations.