Svenska Spel Weighs In On Swedish Online Gambling Liberalisation (Update)
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Aug 18, 2017
Minimisation of problem gambling risks and the introduction of effective mechanisms against illegal gambling are the main issues to bear in mind says monopoly
Sweden’s state-controlled online and land gambling monopoly Svenska Spel has commented on the forthcoming liberalisation of the online gambling sector, suggesting that the key issues to be borne in mind by lawmakers charged with developing the new legislation are the minimisation of problem gambling risks and the introduction of effective mechanisms against illegal gambling.
InfoPowa readers will recall that after years of argument and European Commission warnings about its gambling monopoly Sweden finally commissioned an 18-month review which earlier this year recommended a more open regulated market that would allow international competition to obtain licensing.
The Svenska Spel view was put forward in an op-ed article for local media recently penned by CEO Lennart Käll and Chairman Erik Strand. The piece suggests that international operators applying to enter the Swedish market should be carefully vetted, and that lawmakers need to consider in drafting regulations that the various gambling verticals have different levels of risk in problem gambling terms.
The gambling monopoly is also concerned that the regulations create an even playing field for all operators (perhaps a little ironic, coming from a monopoly).
How the liberalised Swedish gambling market evolves is now in the hands of the country’s lawmakers, who over the years have certainly had enough time and opportunity to familiarise themselves with the industry.