soflat said:
Are you saying that is refreshing and Kimss should keep gambling?
Or maybe Kimss means something else when he says he is a "cronic obsessive gambling addict", but that is a pretty serious problem if it is true.
Sure it's true, and I'm not afraid of saying it out load since I don't consider it a secret. The only thing that could
happen is meeting one of you gyes at a Casino getting a kick in the ass instead of going kamikaze on a slot,
What I believe managra means by her comments, is that it is refreshing to see someone like me standing up against the usual crow. After all, people in gamble forums are quick to tell the world when winning $1000 (Even if spending $2000), but when people are loosing you usually don't say anything. Me doing this, surely is giving support to more people than a lousy winning screenshot does. Most of us loose, and I guess it's nice to see other people admitting that it's not all a dance on roses,
For me, it's kinda stupid going "public" in a forum like this, however I don't see any problems with it. Big brother is all over us anyways, so those who needs to know would have no problem knowing I'm wild when it comes to slots - to wild!
jetset said:
A polite correction here, Managra: No-one is "picking on" Kimss - the advice was offered with good heart and intention by those of us who think he might have a problem and should act appropriately.
I do not consider it picking, by sticking out my head it's easy to get it chopped off as they say. I cant expect that all people should be on my side. We are practically in different camps here.
People who havn't lost much money will most likely look at me as a nutcase, people who have lost much but havnt been on rock bottom will most likely think I'm a big time looser. People who have seen rock bottom will symphasize with me. It's many different camps in here.
I'm a honest man, often to honest. If you ask me if your shirt is nice and it's not - it's not! People who doesn't want an honest opinion usually don't ask me,
But that's me, so people can say what they want to me - I'm usually not offended. However, I reserve my right to defend myself if I feel offended,