Resolved Need advice on iNetBet - don't want to lose 6k from one spin :(

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I have to agree with Chops here, not ignoring all the time and work you have put into this Max.
The fact remains he played one $2 bet on a non allowed game (which should have been made unavailable i.m.h.o or at least given a warning prior to player accepting the bet) but that is beside the point.
He won the Jackpot on a qualified / allowed game and the casino now punishes him to void the winnings?
I mean that is utter bull.

If he'd won the 6 grand on the game that was bonus banned there would be some room for discussion.

Add to this the fact that he contacted support immediately after he realized the mistake and basically being fobbed off and the second time tried to contact them on live chat which is only online for very few hours a day.

Sorry, I feel the casino is being let away with this way too easy.

Another fine example of a casino that has most likely a daily revenue we have to work our whole lives for and then trying to find every excuse in the book to NOT pay those lousy 6 grand.
For us a huge amount of money, for them peanuts.

That is my opinion.

And for OP to be banned? He was always polite and well mannered in his posts and answers.
I think most info was given in this case? So what did he leave out that could have altered the outcome in this case?
I think it was already clear from the beginning the casino would not pay him, no matter the facts and circumstances.

I feel for OP and I have played a good bit at Inetbet and still have an active account. Will close that now for sure.
Do not like to support crowds like this.

And this is my own opinion and decision.
Everyone needs to take their own stance of course.
Max dedicated quite a few hours primarily focused on this issue, this was not an easy case by any means. But after careful consideration and discussing this at length, this is where we are at. We always make an effort to give the player the benefit of the doubt, but taking everything into consideration - and especially that he was not 100% upfront with us convinced me he was using this forum and the PAB service to get something that he wasn't going to get. We can speculate until the cows come home - what his intent was, or if it would have been dealt with differently 100% behind closed doors - I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

And yeah I get it, it's not a popular decision because it was against the player, not the operator, and most of you here are players. :D But we did our damnedest to be fair, and I feel that we made the right call here. We didn't just pull this out of our asses.

As Max stated, there were omissions on the player's part that should have not been made which would have settled this right away. We have been doing this long enough to know how and when to make these calls. As for him being banned - he knew the consequences of not being straight with us. We did not have all the information we needed to deal with this fairly/expediently/effectively, and the player knew it, and he successfully riled up a load of people to support his claim.

Lest we not forget , he was not out of pocket - he was back at a level playing field when he got his deposits back - which is a fair outcome when one breaks the terms of a bonus.

Do we know what happens with the 6k jackpot win? Does it go back to the jackpot or does the casino get it? Im really hoping the answer isnt the casino gets it ..

I know for me and some others we dont like to harp too much on decisions like this because we know you guys do alot of work to help us back to wondering why I woke up to 3 inches of snow this morning and when i will have the time to get winter tires on my car.
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Max dedicated quite a few hours primarily focused on this issue, this was not an easy case by any means. But after careful consideration and discussing this at length, this is where we are at. We always make an effort to give the player the benefit of the doubt, but taking everything into consideration - and especially that he was not 100% upfront with us convinced me he was using this forum and the PAB service to get something that he wasn't going to get. We can speculate until the cows come home - what his intent was, or if it would have been dealt with differently 100% behind closed doors - I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

And yeah I get it, it's not a popular decision because it was against the player, not the operator, and most of you here are players. :D But we did our damnedest to be fair, and I feel that we made the right call here. We didn't just pull this out of our asses.

As Max stated, there were omissions on the player's part that should have not been made which would have settled this right away. We have been doing this long enough to know how and when to make these calls. As for him being banned - he knew the consequences of not being straight with us. We did not have all the information we needed to deal with this fairly/expediently/effectively, and the player knew it, and he successfully riled up a load of people to support his claim.

Lest we not forget , he was not out of pocket - he was back at a level playing field when he got his deposits back - which is a fair outcome when one breaks the terms of a bonus.

As you also know then I'm known for always defending casinos so when I'm not then I feel I have a good reason not to. Also if I am a player or not have never anything to do with that.

You had two things against this player. One was that he didn't tell Max that he got his deposit back. Well, he did tell in this very thread, so maybe he simply just forgot to also tell Max.

The other was that he never told Max that he had sent in KYC. When someone do that they send it to those that are dealing with them, and not support. I've never had any other discussions with those people other than about the documents.
What he had done couldn't be changed anyway so all he had to do was wait.

Another thing against him is that he started a thread here directly after he had played and won. Yes he did but he was asking for advice so this thread was not a complaint.
He didn't make a PAB until he was denied the money.
That he played at the sister casino is maybe because he is a player and also wanted to show them that he intend to stay. Who knows, but that is not against him.
Max dedicated quite a few hours primarily focused on this issue, this was not an easy case by any means. But after careful consideration and discussing this at length, this is where we are at. We always make an effort to give the player the benefit of the doubt, but taking everything into consideration - and especially that he was not 100% upfront with us convinced me he was using this forum and the PAB service to get something that he wasn't going to get. We can speculate until the cows come home - what his intent was, or if it would have been dealt with differently 100% behind closed doors - I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

With respect, I don't understand that. I don't see that anything the player missed out would have made a difference to the case, he didn't actually lie, he just didn't tell you a couple of things, which I understand doesn't look good, but don't see how it would affect if the winnings should be paid or not. If he had told you, would it have changed the outcome? The casino rep did actually lie to you, but its classed as a mistake when they do it? I'm not saying its deliberate what they did, it quite possibly was a mistake by the rep, but how is the player not telling you he got his deposits back or had an email exchange about KYC worse than the casino telling you he had spoken to support and they told him to wait and wait for management to review the case? I am genuinely struggling to understand why one side is vilified for it and the other not? If he had been told not to play on, then clearly, if he did, then its his own fault he lost the money, but they didn't, so that statement could easily be the difference between the player or casino being in the right.

Was the fact the game was easily confused with a slot and once it was opened you couldn't actually quit without playing a round considered as part of the decision, as I would have thought that would be a big part of it. If you don't know a game is excluded until you open it, and once you open it you HAVE to play one round, then is that not extremely unfair?
Max dedicated quite a few hours primarily focused on this issue, this was not an easy case by any means. But after careful consideration and discussing this at length, this is where we are at. We always make an effort to give the player the benefit of the doubt, but taking everything into consideration - and especially that he was not 100% upfront with us convinced me he was using this forum and the PAB service to get something that he wasn't going to get. We can speculate until the cows come home - what his intent was, or if it would have been dealt with differently 100% behind closed doors - I don't know, and neither does anyone else.

And yeah I get it, it's not a popular decision because it was against the player, not the operator, and most of you here are players. :D But we did our damnedest to be fair, and I feel that we made the right call here. We didn't just pull this out of our asses.

As Max stated, there were omissions on the player's part that should have not been made which would have settled this right away. We have been doing this long enough to know how and when to make these calls. As for him being banned - he knew the consequences of not being straight with us. We did not have all the information we needed to deal with this fairly/expediently/effectively, and the player knew it, and he successfully riled up a load of people to support his claim.

Lest we not forget , he was not out of pocket - he was back at a level playing field when he got his deposits back - which is a fair outcome when one breaks the terms of a bonus.

Whilst I appreciate your and @maxd 's efforts I find it quite atrocious that you don't give iNetbet at least a slap on the wrist, no matter if this player was right or wrong, tried to get something, he wasn't getting anyway etc.

iNetbet placed a new game that looked like a slot but is prohibited for bonus wagering between two other new slots and that once you selected a bet you have no other choice but to play before leaving it again. That is leading players intently to break the T&C's. Period! I am stopping short of saying "roguish intent".

In my view, that is a grave misbehaviour of an accredited casino. Plus, they misreprented as well how the case was handled. You have accepted their excuses with no doubts but found now leeway for the player.

Sorry Bryan and Max, but this still stinks greatly for me!
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Do we know what happens with the 6k jackpot win? Does it go back to the jackpot or does the casino get it? Im really hoping the answer isnt the casino gets it ..

I don't think it was a Jackpot per say, just accumulated wins.

Edit: I see he mentioned a 4 grand Jackpot win, the rest was normal winnings
I don't think it was a Jackpot per say, just accumulated wins.
I tried to contact a live rep to explain the mistake. Their chat was offline last night for hours.
One spin.
Then it happened. I started winning. A lot. I won about $2000, but still had a playthrough. Then I won a jackpot for $4000!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I had over 7k at one point. I hadn't hit a jack pot in years.

All said and done, I have a balance of over $6000 from my $150 deposit.

But I am so worried they will void everything because of that one spin. I honestly thought I was going into a slot game. I could barely sleep last night because I was so stressed out.

I don't know what to do. I sent a PM to their rep, and I've sent in my documents to be able to withdraw.

Advice please..........what do I do?

It was a jackpot!
No point making a huge post as it has all been covered already.

But need to agree with the majority. Maybe the OP never shared all information. But it all still comes down to the fact that the casino still used one spin to void the winnings. That just totally stinks. Not the first time they have done that either.

I know it is in their terms, But still cannot understand how you can side with the casino on this. CM stands for Advocate of fair play since 1998. Sorry but how can voiding 6k for one $2 spin be in anyway fair.

Just a shame the OP is in a country where he has no real way of fighting it.
It's like you guys have skipped Max's post. He is pretty clear about how this whole thing transpired. Read his post carefully, I should not have to rehash it.
It's like you guys have skipped Max's post. He is pretty clear about how this whole thing transpired. Read his post carefully, I should not have to rehash it.

But the thing is Bryan, all of max's post is basically 'coulda woulda shoulda' once you read the bit where he says he would have sided with the casino anyway because the player broke the terms.

A single $2 non-advantage play on a prohibited game that was listed alongside other slots (and with no lockout on opening or playing the game), with a mandatory play requirement once you've selected a bet size, and then with no way to leave the game without placing a bet once the bet size has been selected and the player finally realises it's not a slot. And for that, the player loses over $6000.

I hope you can appreciate the issue that we, as players, have with this?
It's like you guys have skipped Max's post. He is pretty clear about how this whole thing transpired. Read his post carefully, I should not have to rehash it.

No Bryan, I think you might have to listen to us as well once in a while.

I might understand that iNetbet enforces their T&C's to the smallest "T", but if they are so adamant about their T&C's then they have also the duty to make it crystal clear to the player. By placing a game that looks like a slot between two new slots they have misled the player into believing it is a slot and put no clear marker on it that it was actually a prohibited game.

Also, iNetbet clearly knows that once you load the game and select a bet, you have to play the round!!! Just as clear that they know that the player has no chance to fight legally for his winnings due to his country of residence.

IMO, this does not bode well for the casino and they would lose a court case without a shred of a doubt!
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Ok, I've dug extensively into this case, received all the supporting evidence I could ask for from the casino, and as I see it it all comes down to the timeline, namely who did what and when.

The date of primary interest is, of course, the day of the player's mistake, play and winnings. That was the 24th of August and here's the timeline of that day as I understand it:

??:?? player deposits, receives bonus.
02:39 first bet at the casino as a new player plays a disallowed game, wins a little.
02:41 tried to contact Support via Live Chat, failed.
02:46 went on to play slots.
02:48 tried to contact Support via Live Chat, failed.
03:39 stopped playing after jackpot ($6000+).
03:46 player is in contact with Support via email regarding KYC for a withdrawal; no mention is made of any game errors nor requests for assistance regarding same. ...
13:25 ... KYC docs submitted.
18:18 player posts to the forums "for assistance".
09:09 (next day) Support re KYC: "Your documents have been added to your file".

Here's what I glean from that sequence of events:

a) the player broke the Terms. On those grounds alone I would have supported the casino's decision against this player. I'm not personally over-joyed that this casino is so strict about their Rules but I cannot and will not discredit them for being so. They may be strict but they are not dishonest and that's a damn sight better than can be said for a great many of the other operators in this business. And before we leave this point I just want to re-iterate that the player's first bet ever at this casino was on a disallowed game during bonus play. Is that a coincidence? Just asking the question.

True, the player did break the terms, and we can argue that the casino has a technical right to confiscate winnings. Whether or not they should though... I really don't see how playing this game could have given a player the advantage.

b) contrary to this player's oft-repeated claims that he was unable to reach Support he most certainly was because I've seen the email exchange between them regarding KYC docs for withdrawal. That took place on the day and into the next. As you can see from the timeline that conversation spanned about 30 hours. I believe it is important to note that never in that email conversation did the player say anything about a game "mistake", not a single word. And furthermore the player has never thought to mention this conversation at any time since. These are lies of omission and that is the second case of necessary and sufficient grounds to rule against this player, not to mention kicking him to the curb for being deceitful.

I know a poster or two actually called out OP for this - that OP was inaccurate in saying he never got a hold of support. He responded something along the lines that he was just talking about when he made the error he couldn't reach support. Sloppy with his words? Absolutely. Worth pointing out? I would say so. But didn't ring to me as intentionally dishonest or having a substantial impact on any of the relevant factors.

In terms of not bringing it up to support after the fact (when he had already won the "jackpot"), wouldn't it have basically been too late anyway? He'd already played it through, either they were going to confiscate his winnings or they weren't - it was past the point that they could simply void a bet or reset him to baseline.

c) this player was awfully fast to jump on the forums and "ask for advice." I have two major issues with this:

i) it's a flat out violation of our zero tolerance Posting Complaints policy which states that players MUST contact the casino rep before hitting the forums with their complaint on pain of being banned for violation of said rule. This is a second instance of grounds to kick this player to the curb.

ii) that post can as easily be read as a deliberate attempt to pressure the casino as it can as a innocent plea for help. And who posts their case on the forum "asking for advice" in that manner _while_ they are waiting for confirmation from the casino on their KYC docs? Something is not at all right here.

Maybe a player who won a big amount to them and is freaked out they could lose it? I'll admit it is pretty weird to post on the forum AFTER playing through it all but BEFORE getting any sort of denial - but maybe he realized at that point he had already ****ed up by playing it through.

Over the next few days the following significant events were added to the timeline:

d) when the player's withdrawal was denied his deposits were immediately returned. He never mentioned those returned deposits anywhere. Not on the forums, not in the many exchanges we've had since, nada.

I always assumed he got his deposit back, don't recall if he stated it. Having what you believe to be $6k reverted to a $100 or $200 deposit - yeah you might focus more on the $6000 than the much smaller deposit, and an emotional person may use the word "stolen" in that situation. Unless he specifically lied about this somewhere I am forgetting?

...f) immediately after the player's so-called "trouble" with iNetBet the player went to their sister casino, deposited several times, played it all away, and over the following days took the comp points they offered and played them away too. These are hardly the actions of a player who has been mortally mistreated by this casino group.

Yeah that's pretty damn weird, but not criminal or dishonest. Only reasonable excuse is if he didn't know they were related.

g) over the following weeks the player and I were in contact many times regarding the PAB in progress. At no time did the player mention the returned deposits or the original email exchange with the casino. All he ever said was "they stole my money" and "I was never able to contact them". IMO this is a case of continued deceit. Again, 4th count, curb-worthy behaviour.

This is a tricky one, the same thing as addressed above, where I said some people called him out. Dishonesty through stupidity or malevolence? Some people are just bad with semantics. It's tough to defend if he literally says "I was never able to contact them." He may well have meant "I was never able to contact them [right after playing the term breaking spin]". But that's why semantics are important.

Item (iii), the forum shit-storm: yup, that one is on us. We could have nipped this in the bud and we didn't. Our bad, though it was the weekend. Apologies to those who were mislead or needlessly maligned by the furor that ensued.

Completely get where you're coming here. You want to keep the forums free from being a mess of unsubstantiated, disorganized, chaotically thrown accusations. Especially since a lot of the time complaints truly are just due to player error, "rigged" game theories, or even fraud. The rest of the members of the forum may be given faulty, incomplete, or blatantly dishonest information and you don't want witch hunts.

But I think this thread had valuable comments that would never have seen the light of day if it were just clamped down early. Just a different preference for things I guess, neither way is necessarily right or wrong.

Ultimately in this case, it does seem to break down to "He broke the terms," and then some additional points of why he doesn't deserve leniency. But most of those additional points seem pretty arguable to me. Maybe there is some email or communication that proves dishonesty on the player's half more than could have been expressed here, some context that we onlookers are lacking.

But the end result does seem support the idea that accredited casinos are allowed to confiscate winnings for ANY term violation - even if such term violation is unintentional. So while I absolutely respect that you guys offer this service to players - one that pretty much no one else does - this is probably one result I still have a few misgivings about.
It's like you guys have skipped Max's post. He is pretty clear about how this whole thing transpired. Read his post carefully, I should not have to rehash it.

To be fair we can see what Max has said. But ins and outs of how it all transpired it still comes down to the fact the casino voided a huge win for one $2 spin on a banned slot.

Sorry guess this is one case where members will just never agree with Staff. Even if the OP had told everything that had happened to the exact detail the casino would still have voided the win and the PAB would have lost. I just can not see how that is fair in any way.
We need an ombudsman

Unfortunately that's rather difficult when the casino is not only the judge, jury and executioner - but also gets to write the rule of law in the first place.

Guess who wins that fight?
The laundry has been aired, not sure why having a speculation about why he would intentionally break the rules is off the table.

I'm just curious why anyone would intentionally do that as I see no loop holes or anything that would end up in his favor doing so.

He went into said game and it forced him to spin, he went to support instantly after... That right there shows the intent to clear the situation and make it right... Least to me. What else can be made of that scenario?
And yeah I get it, it's not a popular decision because it was against the player, not the operator, and most of you here are players. :D But we did our damnedest to be fair, and I feel that we made the right call here. We didn't just pull this out of our asses.

Lest we not forget , he was not out of pocket - he was back at a level playing field when he got his deposits back - which is a fair outcome when one breaks the terms of a bonus.

I honestly dont think anyone is complaining about it because it was ruled against the player. Most people here were arguing how casinos shouldnt be allowed to mislead players and get away with it.

Yeah its a fair outcome because he played one spin, didnt get anything out of it, and it was on a slot thats listed under slots but doesnt count as a slot. Oh and its also a slot(notslot?) that you cant leave once you select your bet.

With all that said, "uproar" was all about those little things, not the player loosing a PAB. Ive seen people loosing a pab where, after all was said and done, pretty much everyone sides with casino in question. You cant honestly expect people to say "oh well, he played one spin of $2, on a trap game so he deserves to lose $6k".

Now technically speaking, casino was right because he played a non slot game. But then again, technically player was also right because non-slot game was placed under new games without a mention if its a slot or not AND its impossible to actually quit the game once you select bet size.

I know you guys have to keep neutral stance, and im sure it wasnt easy decision to make but in the end i have to ask why does casino get benefit of doubt here? Its obvious they werent without faults on this one either, and yet the smallest mistake costs players thousands of $ but casinos usually can get away with their small, or sometimes not so small mistakes?
Or I ask why wasnt there at least a compromise in terms of money.. Again the principle of the issue is that he broke the rules which I understand, however it was the first spin of a bonus in a trap game that he simply made a mistake in entering. Perhaps as I mentioned before a deduction of winnings would at least appease both sides a bit.

Honestly it's why I don't touch bonuses, I think in the grand scheme of things casinos want people to f up with them and it's why I don't even go near them to avoid situations like this. I have used them but it's very very very rare when I do.

Still I am super interested in hearing why or how this one spin and rule break could've been intentional
And, finally, item (i): the original info I was given by the casino, namely that Support had talked to the player and had been told to wait. Well, the short of it is that that never happened, at least not that way. When I received the reply from the casino it was after several days wait -- and unusually long time for these guys to reply -- and the rep I was dealing with apologized for having taken so long to get back to me. The info they gave me ended up not being quite true, but I don't think it was a deliberate attempt to deceive. I suspect they were careless, read the case records over in haste, and summarized them incorrectly.

What made you think the casino's lie is a mistake?
According to you, the player and the casino never discussed about broken rules in any email or live chat conversation.
How somebody can mention something that never happened as a mistake?

You kicked out the player because he lied yet you say the casino's obvious lie is a mistake?

I'm sorry Maxd, there were a few posts from you that I disagree with in the past, but I always respected your opinion, but this one really smell bad. I'm sorry to say this, but that's how I feel.
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