Official Hanky time: saying adios to the Casinomeister.


Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
As readers will know our fearless leader is about to ride off into the sunset, his transition time with Casinomeister is done and today is his last day.
Please post your parting messages, well-wishes and “happy trails” messages here.
Well Bryan, it’s been a hell of a ride! 17 years ago — almost to the day in fact — I joined you for what has turned out to be the best job of my life. A thousand thanks for your humour, patience, wisdom, and just having been a damn fine guy to work for. Big kiss and wishing you the best time of your life with things ahead. Gods willing we’ll take a stroll around your ranch some day.

- Max
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Thankyou Bryan for everything you've done here, fostering a great community and great hub of trustworthy casinos for players. You've always had their back and fought tirelessly to make that a reality, so we thank you for the blood, sweat and tears sir :thumbsup:

Your calm-headedness and chill demeanour will be missed, as will your fairness in managing thousands of 'characters' over the years. I wish you nothing but the best in whatever you do, knowing you're leaving behind a place that is quite simply the benchmark. So at least you didn't waste the last 26 years :p

Goodbye to the greatest - we'll miss you like hell 🙏
Wishing you nothing but the very, very best for the future Bryan.

One of the best decisions I made was to join you and the 'gang' here at CasinoMeister, a decision I shall never regret.

Learned a heck of a lot here over the years but mostly also made some great and true friends.

Enjoy your retirement and good health and happiness.
Kinda already said this in the thread when/where you announced this fact @Casinomeister, but the gist of it was that i really hope you have a smashing retirement, and i hope you do now have some semblance of 'F-you money' to make that easier :D

That said, i can't imagine you staying away for too long, or at least am expecting to see you pop in every now and then, in the near future! Whatever the case: many thanks for all you've done here, for all you enabled me to learn, and the contacts and friends i made along the ride. It means a lot, and i was really happy to meet you and the team. I also really hope we can have a beer again someday in London, Amsterdam or wherever the opportunity would present itself :)

Also, thanks for the smashing time in London, the Meister meeting and the swell time afterwards at the Chinese place! That was for sure a weekend i'll always cherish.

I could say more, but I'm not gonna pull a VWM here :D

All the best, and hopefully see ya soon, be it in text or person!

I became a member in 2020 and was received with respect and warmth by the members on the site. Will miss the youtube clips on good and bad casino and the podcast you made with some from the site. Thank you for creating this nice site for us with casino interest so we can discuss good and bad things. Cheers and have a wonderful retirement🍻
Thank you Bryan, Casinomeister remains one of (possibly the only) outposts for fairness and advocacy in the online casino space. We hope that the traditions and ethos that you originally instilled on this forum long remain well into the future.

Casinomeister has been a journey, with many friends (and possibly a few enemies) made along the way. Lots of fun and warm memories of conferences, meistermeets, and lively discussion on the forum itself.

Enjoy your retirement, it has been very well earned! :cheers:
Just imagine Bryan returning as a normal member. He could go hell for leather in all manner of heated threads and get his ass banned, maybe even break Playford's record.

But will he care?

Will he f-

The end of a quarter of a century-long era. Sad, but we all got to quit and move on sometime. Great memories, acquaintances, meet-ups and knowledge gleaned plus life-changing opportunities. We all raise a glass, and salute you! Auf Wiedersehen. :cheers:
Thank you Bryan for 12 years working together !
There once was a business called slotting who's player's confidence was rotten,
Then along came the Meister to take on the shysters and welcomed the ones that where rocking.

He promoted the best and incinerated the rest in a way that his members could follow
With the quill of his pen he could send them to hell and usher members to sites good to wallow.

Many sites came and gone and his legacy lives on, keep your eyes peeled for more comps tomorrow.
Forget the rest as you where the best and the same will be true tomorrow.
Do vids of your desert drifting, give us something new to follow

A representation of how your career has gone....

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Oh, Bryan…I’ve known this day was coming, but I think I’ve been in denial. It finally hit me last night, like a punch in the gut, that you really ARE done. It’s both unimaginable and bittersweet.

You’re the first person I became friends with in this industry, more than two decades ago. I think back to the first ‘casino affiliate’ conference we attended in Vancouver--with maybe a couple hundred attendees. It’s amazing to think about those early years and where we are today. It’s been said a million times, “we miss the good old days!”

Now here we are with another something to miss, and that is you.

How many players have you prevented from being screwed by rogue operators? How many millions of dollars have you been able to recover for players who were unable to do so on their own? How many casinos have improved themselves by following your voice? How many casinos operate responsibly because they’ve sought your approval? The answer across the board is countless.

You’ve also have been an amazing humanitarian. You’ve used your platform to help victims of disasters and others in need. I sincerely hope that the new owners of Casinomeister will carry this torch, going forward.

For those of us who are close to you, we know how much you’ve been looking forward to this moment. We are all thrilled for you to get on with enjoying your life, having more time with Roz, your family and without stress. You deserve it and you’ve certainly earned it.

I can’t think of many in this business who have created such an impact and a legacy as you have. You will be sorely missed by so many. It’s just hard to imagine Casinomeister without THE Casinomeister.
Thank you for the decades of work you have put in to this place. For creating somewhere we gamers can come to for advice, help, guidance, and a bloody good laugh most of the time. It's been fun.

It's also a credit to you that despite being the boss you've always wholeheartedly welcomed criticism of yourself and how you run this place - I've questioned a few things and you've never once shied away from a response to "square things away", I've always appreciated that - very few online portals have such an approachable hierarchy, more's the pity.

Enjoy your much earned retirement sir. I tip my hat.

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