Unibet Chairman Sells 930,000 Shares In Group
By Brian Cullingworth, Last updated Aug 29, 2014

Ström's company continues to hold 6.8 percent of Unibet stock
The chairman of online gambling group Unibet's board of directors, Anders Ström, sold 930,000 shares in the company earlier this week through his company Anders Ström Core Holdings (ASCH).
The shares constitutes 3.3 percent of the shares and voting rights in the company, and were sold to institutional investors.
ASCH remains invested to the tune of 6.8 percent in Unibet through ownership of a further 1,920,000 shares.
"ASCH retains a significant holding in Unibet and intends to remain a committed and long term owner going forward," said Ström in a statement.
"Personally, I will continue to engage actively in the company in my capacity as chairman of the board, and I also intend to be available for re-election at next year's Annual General Meeting."
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