support: excluded at sister site? you're ok to play.


Dec 31, 2013
Troll Land
hi all, i need some advice on how to proceed next with this issue.
i have closed my Unibet account 1 year ago by self-exclusion citing gambling problem, this after i have closed it permanently before and i was able to open it again. the real reason was the total lack of bonuses or any incentives to continue playing there, i have lost 1000GBP over time with no withdrawals and the best they could do was 100% up to 10GBP. i cited the gambling problem to never be able to open it again. i have reopened it in the past because the selection of licensed casinos are crap, for example Unibet was the only one to carry WMS and Yggdrasil, and still is to this day.

1 year later, this month, a new romanian licensed casino pops up, Vlad Cazino, that shares the same licence with Unibet but promotes themselves as being separate. knowing that i self-excluded on Unibet i go straight to chat to see if i can play:

[20:15:33] Adrian: Buna ziua! Bun venit în serviciul de LiveChat! Vorbiti cu Adrian. Cu ce va pot ajuta?
A: hello welcome how can i help you.
[20:15:33] You are joining a chat with silviu
[20:15:33] silviu: daca pe unibet am inchis contul se suprapune decizia cu acest site?
S: if on unibet i have closed my account the decision stands with this site too?
[20:16:29] Adrian: Buna sera
[20:16:31] Adrian: Sara
[20:16:33] Adrian: Seara
A: hello
[20:16:33] silviu: salut. am pierdut vreo 5000 lei pe unibet dupa care am inchis contul
S: hello. ive lost about 1000GBP on unibet after which i closed my account
[20:16:34] Adrian: Nu
[20:16:47] Adrian: Se poate deschide cont pe Vlad
A: no(the answer to my first question which is put in the field before chat open)
A: you can open account on Vlad

[20:17:02] silviu: sigur nu voi avea probleme la retragere??
S: for sure i wont have problems at withdrawal?
[20:17:31] Adrian: Nu, chiar daca contul e inchis sau exclus pe Unibet
A: no, even if the account is closed or excluded on unibet
[20:18:08] silviu: imi poti trimite acest chat pe email [my email] pt siguranta mea. sa am la indemana in caz de probleme...
S: can you send me this chat to email for my insurance. to have at hand in case of trouble...
[20:18:19] silviu: dupa aia fac cont
S: after which ill make an account
[20:18:31] Adrian: Sigur
[20:18:43] Adrian: Dupa ce inchidem o sa pot sa trimit
A: sure
A: after you close the chat ill be able to send

[20:19:06] silviu: ok mersi astept
[20:19:09] silviu: seara buna
[20:19:16] silviu has exited the session.
S: ok thanks ill wait have a good night
so i make my acccount with the same unibet details, using the same card i used there, sending right away the ID photo as required by romanian regulator, approved in under 2 hours. i have took the welcome package % + free spins. used the free spins, got to zero, i have advanced on their Las Vegas tourney, im on the second place.
several days passed and i decide to deposit again when i see that the bonus from free spins(x25 the winnings) is still in the account even if the balance is zero. i go to their slow and shitty support, the same people from unibet that takes forever to respond and resolve the most basic issues.
14:49:29] Sofia: Buna ziua! Bun venit în serviciul de LiveChat! Vorbiti cu Sofia. Cu ce va pot ajuta?
[14:49:29] You are joining a chat with silviu
SO: hello etc
[14:49:29] silviu: daca sunt cu balanta zero de ce bonusul continua sa apara in cont. cel din freespins. cat de greu o fi ca bonusul sub 0.50 sa devina cash. problema asta la unibet de 1 an... nu s a schimbat mare lucru. daca nu vedeam si faceam depozit???
S: if i am with the balance on zero why the bonus still appears in the account, the one from freespins. how hard can be that the bonuses under 0.50 to become cash. this problem at unibet for 1 year... nothing changed. if i wasnt pay attention and made a deposit???
[14:49:56] silviu: buna
S: hello
[14:50:17] Sofia: Pentru a va putea ajuta, puteti confirma, va rog, data nasterii, adresa/adresa email si un numar de telefon? Vom continua apoi cu cererea dumneavoastra
SO: to help you confirm the following details of you
[14:50:42] silviu: [.......]
S: my details
[14:50:58] Sofia: Va multumesc frumos pt confirmarea datelor si va rog sa imi acordati cateva momente in timp ce verific contul dvs.
SO: thanks for confirming the data give me couple of moments
[14:52:02] silviu: noroc ca imi apare o notificare cu 1 sus in dreapta.. insemnand ca am un bonus de 50% ca altfel nu vedeam ca bonusul din freespins nu s a finalizat desi sunt cu balanta ZERO. daca faceam depozit continuam sa rulez ca un fraier
S: lucky that appears a notification noted with 1 above in the right, meaning that i have a 50% bonus otherwise i wouldnt see that the bonus from freespins didnt finished even if im with balance on ZERO. if i was doing the deposit i would have wagered like a fool (adding: happened before on unibet, the problem is at least 2 years old and im pretty pissed)
[14:54:19] Sofia: Balanta dvs este 0 in acest moment
[14:54:33] Sofia: Puteti anula bonusul actual si activa altul daca doriti
SO: your balance is 0 at this moment
SO: you can cancel the actual bonus and activate another if you want

[14:55:28] silviu: mi se pare logic. nu vad fereastra de anulare. trebuia sa se anuleze AUTOMAT ca sa nu mi se blocheze depozit cash in rulaj din bonus CONSUMAT
S: it seems logic to me. i can;t see a window to cancel it. it should have canceled automatically to not block my cash deposit in wagering of consumed bonus
[14:56:14] Sofia: Vi-l putem anula noi manual sau puteti activa alt bonus, si astfel cel anterior va fi anulat
SO: we can cancel for you manually or activate another one, therefor the previous one will be canceled
[14:56:51] silviu: si daca nu activam alt bonus si faceam depozit cash vi se pare normal sa rulez in continuare un bonus consumat?
S: and if i doesnt planned to activate another bonus and made a cash deposit, it looks normal to you to keep wagering a consumed bonus?
[14:57:33] silviu: joc de 10 ani online pana sa vina onjn sa puna sechestru pe conturile europene asta numai la noi se poate intampla. peste tot sub 1 euro, 50 centi, in fucntie de cazino, bonusul se anuleaza automat
S: i play for 10 years online until onjn(the regulator) came and confiscated european accounts, this only at us can happen. everywhere under 1 euro, 50 cents, matter of casino, the bonus is canceled automatically.
[14:59:36] Sofia: Imi pare rau ca aveti aceasta parere, tocmai v-am informat despre cum poate fi anulat bonusul.
SO: im sorry you have this opinion, i have just informed you how can you cancel the bonus.
[14:59:50] silviu: anulati l
S: cancel it
[15:01:35] Sofia: Cateva momente sa imi acordati va rog.
SO: give me few moments
[15:04:01] silviu: transmite ti mai departe problema. nu exista nici o noima de a avea un bonus activ cat timp balanta este pe zero, decat a bloca un nou depozit al jucatorului in acelasi bonus. nu exista nici o logica si este doar in beneficiul cazinoului. entrapment ii spune si cad in plasa cei noi
S: advance this problem further. there is no sense to have an active bonus if the balance is zero, but only to block a new deposit of the player in the same bonus. there is no logic and is only in the casino benefit. entrapment is the term and new players fall for it
[15:08:44] Sofia: Va rog asteptati catev
[15:08:56] Sofia: Va rog asteptati cateva momente.
SO: please wait few moments
[15:09:10] silviu: nu prea am de ales. astept.......
S: i have no choice. i wait....
[15:10:43] Sofia: Domnule Silviu, observ ca ati solicitat inchiderea permanenta a contului Unibet, din cauza problemelor cu jocurile de noroc. Din acest motiv, voi fi nevoita sa inchid permanent si contul dvs de Vlad Cazino.
SO: mr silviu i observe that you solicited the permanent closure of unibet acct citing gambling problems. for this reason i will also permanently close the Vlad casino account.
[15:12:05] silviu: asta faceati in loc sa anulati bonusul. contul unibet l-am inchis in urma unui chat cu un operator dupa ce am pierdut 5000 de lei si nu am primit nici un bonus nici macar de bun venit.
S: this is what you do instead of canceling the bonus. the unibet account i closed after a chat with an operator after i lost 1000GBP and received no bonus, not even welcome bonus.
[15:12:27] Sofia: Noi luam foarte in serios aceste motive de inchidere ale contului, deoarece ne pasa de jucatorii nostri.
SO: we take serious those reasons of closing the account, because we care for our players.
[15:12:42] silviu: si poate ati vrea sa cititi asta
S: maybe you want to read this.(the chat from above)
[15:12:46] silviu: [20:15:33] Adrian: Buna ziua! Bun venit în serviciul de LiveChat! Vorbiti cu Adrian. Cu ce va pot ajuta?
[20:15:33] You are joining a chat with silviu
[20:15:33] silviu: daca pe unibet am inchis contul se suprapune decizia cu acest site?
[20:16:29] Adrian: Buna sera
[20:16:31] Adrian: Sara
[20:16:33] Adrian: Seara
[20:16:33] silviu: salut. am pierdut vreo 5000 lei pe unibet dupa care am inchis contul
[20:16:34] Adrian: Nu
[20:16:47] Adrian: Se poate deschide cont pe Vlad
[20:17:02] silviu: sigur nu voi avea probleme la retragere??
[20:17:31] Adrian: Nu, chiar daca contul e inchis sau exclus pe Unibet
[20:18:08] silviu: imi poti trimite acest chat pe email pt siguranta mea. sa am la indemana in caz de probleme...
[20:18:19] silviu: dupa aia fac cont
[20:18:31] Adrian: Sigur
[20:18:43] Adrian: Dupa ce inchidem o sa pot sa trimit
[20:19:06] silviu: ok mersi astept
[20:19:09] silviu: seara buna
[20:19:16] silviu has exited the session.
[15:13:10] silviu: sau ati vazut ca sunt pozitionat bine in turneul pt vegas si as trebui eliminat
S: or you saw that im good positioned in vegas tourney and i should be eliminated
[15:14:38] Sofia: Imi pare rau, domnule Silviu, a fost o confuzie, dar ati solicitat inchiderea permanenta a contului Unibet din cauza problemelor cu jocurile de noroc, iar acest lucru se aplica pentru toate brandurile noastre, inclusiv Vlad Cazino.
SO: im sorry mr silviu there was a confusion, but you solicited the permanent closure of unibet account citing gambling problems, and this decision apply on all brands of ours, including vlad casino.
[15:15:49] silviu: nu exista confuzie in schimb exista suport deficitar. daca nu eram primit aici trebuia sa fiu anuntat de la inregistrare, am folosit aceleasi date ca pe unibet
S: there is no confusion instead there is poor support. if i was not welcomed here i should have been announced from the registration, i used the same data like on unibet.
[15:16:10] silviu: mi-ati acceptat depozitul, cu acelasi card.
S: you accepted my deposit, with the same card.
[15:17:13] silviu: ca urmare daca incideti contul vreau returnarea depozitului. daca nu mi se permite sa joc de acum incolo, vreau premiul cel voi castiga in turneul vegas
S: therfor if you close the account i want the return of deposit. if im not allowed to play from now on, i want the prize i will win in the vegas tourney
[15:19:24] Sofia: Cateva momente, va rog
[15:20:38] Sofia: Voi trimite cererea dvs catre departamentul abilitat si vom reveni noi la dvs cu un e-mail cand vom avea un raspuns
SO: ill send the request to department and we'll come back with email when ill have an answe.
[15:22:34] silviu: ati putea reveni mai degraba cu un telefon ca sa nu mai asteptam unul de la altul reply la email. daca faceti share de aceiasi licenta cu unibet desi va promovati ca fiind separat, specificandu mi se clar ca chiar daca sunt exclus pot dechide cont aici, nefiind oprit la inregistrare ori la depozitare, consider ca am tot dreptul sa joc.
S: better come back with a telephone to not wait one for another reply to email. if you share the same licence with unibet even if you promote as being separate, clearly specifying to me that even if im excluded i can open an account here, not stopped at registration nor depositing, i consider that i have the right to play.
[15:22:48] silviu: vreau acest chat trimis pe email. oricum il voi salva si eu.
S: i want this chat send to email ill save by myself anyway
[15:23:24] Sofia: Va pot trimite acest chat prin e-mail, dupa incheierea chatului. Va mai pot ajuta cu altceva momentan?
SO: i can send after the chat is closed. can i assist with anythi else?
[15:24:23] silviu: poate nu astept cu zilele acel email. la revedere
S: maybe i will not wait for days for that email. good bye
[15:24:26] silviu has exited the session.
i have posted the whole transcript with accurate translation, if there are other romanians can confirm. so i have been allowed to open an account, i have received the ok from their support even if i was excluded at unibet which they distance themselves publicly from, no filters whatsoever prevented me from opening account, depositing, passing verification. actually i have had a big hit during first deposit, but i was so drunk that i kept playing. i could have made a withdrawal and by the look of it they would not pay. with that big hit i scored the second place in a tourney they have, and by the look of it i will finish in top 5 earning a cash prize. but this woman closed my account right away. imagine the shock of keep depositing and eventually withdrawing and the outcome of their reckless and poor management. days passed and still no response from them. what should i do now. they dont offer telephone contact option and to file a complaint with our regulator is very hit and miss reading other stories.

the reason for 3 posts is because it wont let me to post above 10000 characters in one post. this new design is honestly horrendous.
You should contact the rep from Unibet to get your deposit back. You will not get any tourny win though.
It sucks with bad support who don't know the rules but not much you can do now.

That the earlier bonus aren't removed from your account was one of the reasons I closed my Unibet account, and I had a chatperson lying to me. So I'm not that fond of them :)
do you know how i have come to deposit 1000GBP with unibet? because every time ive go to chat asking for a bonus, the answer was keep playing, you'll get in the future. there was no welcome bonus, nothing. so i kept playing. the slots translated in my language proves to be utter crap but this is another story and the deposits vanished instantly playing minimum bets. the best they could do was 100% up to 10GBP, sorry but i was used to better treatment from european facing casinos this is spit in the eye. i said i have gambling problem to close the matter eternally, and this casino pops up that have the providers that the other casinos still dont have years later after regulation. so why not asking. if i will not get that prize, beside they need to return my deposit, i want to see my name disappear from the tourney list, the chances are i will finish on second to fourth, why to deprive another player my prize.
It can be so different. I never used a bonus there. I didn't want one. They just gave a no deposit bonus to me and that was what I couldn't get rid of:p
The guy in chat told me I had to make the wagering on it even if the account was at zero since I lost. So stupid.

No matter what, you are only entitled to your deposit back since they lied to you, but they can't give any other winning. Let's just hope they do what is right for the next person in the tourney.
Talk to the rep for Unibet to make sure they don't forget you:thumbsup:
ive sent the link to the unibet rep. i dont know if he is powerless in the house, but if he can go back in archive and retrive my unibet chats he will see, like in this case, how clueless and badly trained the RO support is. brain surgery, to stay on chair and do your casino homework then assist people with your knowledge, or maybe they have so poor salaries they dont care that much. all the ro casinos are total crap, but once in a while i feel the need to stay in home playing online like those days with severe weather otherwise i go to corner cafebars with free bar and enjoy a slot the way was meant to be with no problems at every step that is online for this market.
I am fully aware of the rules about this, but I must say, if you are lied to by support, then they should honour the winnings. I think it's disgusting casinos do this. SE is something any live chat or support rep should be fully aware of, it should be part of basic training.
the tourney ends in 28 days, the biggest win in 20 spins in a row on selected slots. first place is trip to vegas with 7 days hotel + $500 at hand, second 200eur, third 100eur and then lower. the first place im sure that got the tigers in jungle spirit. i deposited aprox. 50eur so is not like i wont sleep the nights if im not getting a poor prize like this. but i sure want to be deleted from the tourney, they can play dirty and keep me there depriving the one below me my prize. i want my deposit back and depending how much it takes for this simple request over their lie and mistake, maybe i wont lose my time with our useless regulator that have people behind complaints section like unibet support.
Buna seara syntynyt. Ce experienta rea! :eek:

Nu știm Unibet..... scuzati, știm Unibet. Customer support at its best. :rolleyes:

Question is how much Unibet is involved or if Vlad Casino is just a white label running on the Unibet license/platform. Hope the Unibet rep can shed some light and help you.

Gotta love the name, Vlad Casino, riding on the Dracula legend! :D
all they could do after i waited 6 days was to send an email announcing me that the account was suspended, wow this is news, didn't this happened during that chat already?, and the measures to take for my gambling problem blah blah.
unibet rep seems to have logged in however no message from him. now i need to contact the regulator for and endless and probably futile battle, but i will chase my deposit until they will pay it back.
Hi all,

First of all, I would like to apologise for the support that was given in this case. I still don`t know the full details but it will be checked internally.
As for the "unibet rep" having signed in today, I indeed did but surely you can`t expect to get an instant reply. Cases need to be looked into first and people need to be contacted.
As you stated, you did indeed self exclude with the specific question not to ever reopen your account again. At Kindred, we take responsible gaming very serious. We did win several responsible gaming awards in the past within the industry and always strive to do even better.
Having said that, we are not perfect and unfortunately mistakes still happen, however, we always take our responsibility. You will be refunded, even though you did lose your deposit up till the last cent.
As for the ongoing tournament, currently you are in 10th place but since the tournament is still ongoing, changes are that you won`t be in the running for a price anymore.

We also don`t hide the fact that Vlad casino is part of Kindred. There have been several press releases about this, however, we also don`t broadcast this on the Vlad site since it is a standalone brand where we will purely focus on casino only.

Hope that answers your question and all the best in the future.

Kind regards

You will be refunded, even though you did lose your deposit up till the last cent.
Hi Dave. do you feel you do a favor to me returning the deposit? if i would had a withdrawal the casino would pay me? if yes, you can keep the deposit, open the account, restrict the gameplay and i will happily take the prize from the tourney(which im still on the second place by the way, username is kaevum, maybe you have looked at another player) of course not, lucky me that ive contacted support with that freespins matter otherwise i would have deposited whenever i wanted and i'm not sure you would refund all of that, since a mere 50eur lost 'to the last cent' is considered a favor. keep in mind that the only reason i have opened this account was the dysfunctional, badly trained, lying, whatever the case is, support. like i told to your romanian colleagues, the refund is not enough, i must disappear from that tourney like i never played.

to add: i knew from the first time that the casino was tied to unibet, however looking at the romanian affiliates promiting the brand it clearly says that it has nothing to do with unibet, so despite the shared licence, the design, ive checked with support to be sure KNOWING that i selfexcluded on unibet, i specifically checked to play on safe waters than run in this kind of problems.
This has nothing to do with doing favours or not. Those are the procedures in place when it comes to responsible gaming. As for the tournament, you are right, my Romanian is unfortunately none existent so I confused it with another tournament. Anyway, we will take the necessary steps to remove you from the tournament results manually one way or the other and we will pay all the other participants accordingly.

Kind regards,

the sentence i quoted sounded like a favor "even though you did lose your deposit up till the last cent" like would matter or not if i lost or win with it. i will keep my eyes open to see my name disappear from the tourney for the sake of fairness, would you did that by yourselves without me asking? would the vladcazino management would return the deposit without me asking? as for winning awards for responsible gambling, following procedures etc, hold your horses and cliches for the non experienced, if vladcazino had any care for responsible gambling, beside the agents would be trained accordingly to prevent the blatant mistakes like this, there would have been filters in place to prevent me from opening the account, flagging the phone number or any detail, after all it looks like the connection with unibet was really not there, until Sofia checked most probably because i pissed her off with my bonus problem. i have sent the ID photo and been approved while in-play, obviously no checks have been made.

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