North Korea and US politics

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Absolutely a ticking time bomb, in 2043 White people become a minority.

But all the wealth will still be in, and I don't like using crude group terms, but old white men's hands, will it not? The middle class will be poorer and smaller but I doubt the 1% will be worse off, they have become richer in the last 30 years and helped in this regard through globalisation, markets opened up for cheap labour and investment.

Maybe the idea is to take some of the wealth which would previously have gone to the middle class and redistribute it to the less well off people below, many from ethnic groups, in the form of better benefits/healthcare etc...rather than the richest 1% being expected to contribute more, instead their wealth carries on going up?
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This vid of trump with epstein doesn't look good:

Trump looks like a louche, lounge lizard loser with his bushy eyebrows, the women don't look young enough for Mr epstein's interest though, so not sure it's that incriminating but I don't like seeing trump hovering round him, subservient like that. :puke:

Oh, just wait, Epstein will be another "low-level coffeeboy", a "stonecold loser" a "......" (enter words as you see fit) soon. :puke:
That's good news, I hope it will happen. White people have always been a minority in the world. Why should US be any different.

What are the demographics of Finland again?
This vid of trump with epstein doesn't look good:

Trump looks like a louche, lounge lizard loser with his bushy eyebrows, the women don't look young enough for Mr epstein's interest though, so not sure it's that incriminating but I don't like seeing trump hovering round him, subservient like that. :puke:

Those host on that show, Morning Joe are Joe Scarabrough and Mika Brzezinski. He's an ex-congressman Republican and shes a Liberal. They're married to each other now.

Her father was Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter.
I always liked hearing his take on things when he was on the show, unfortunately he died a couple years ago.

Published on Nov 23, 2016
But all the wealth will still be in, and I don't like using crude group terms, but old white men's hands, will it not? The middle class will be poorer and smaller but I doubt the 1% will be worse off, they have become richer in the last 30 years and helped in this regard through globalisation, markets opened up for cheap labour and investment.

Maybe the idea is to take some of the wealth which would previously have gone to the middle class and redistribute it to the less well off people below, many from ethnic groups, in the form of better benefits/healthcare etc...rather than the richest 1% being expected to contribute more, instead their wealth carries on going up?

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Just heard it today, 63% of new home owner ship is Hispanic.

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Only one. Human. That was the point.

Confused again slotplayer?

You're confused again cuz you immediately went to the race card, like you're programmed to do.
You're confused again cuz you immediately went to the race card, like you're programmed to do.

I'm still not confused. And not programmed to do anything. I can't say the same about you though. But maybe I'm wrong and don't know it. Must be that indoctrination of mine. Glad you're here to set me straight :thumbsup:
That's good news, I hope it will happen. White people have always been a minority in the world. Why should US be any different.

Only one. Human. That was the point.

Confused again slotplayer?

I'm certainly confused, is the sentiment of the first post consistent with the second ? :confused:

And in any case what is morally wrong with a majority, for cultural and reasons of tradition, wanting to keep that status?
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I'm still not confused. And not programmed to do anything. I can't say the same about you though. But maybe I'm wrong and don't know it. Must be that indoctrination of mine. Glad you're here to set me straight :thumbsup:

Perhaps go back over your thought process and your first reaction when you read my statement and why you immediately went to that conclusion and why it was triggered.

Mack and I were referencing the majority of the GOP voting block.
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Perhaps go back over your thought process and your first reaction when you read my statement and why you immediately went to that conclusion and why it was triggered.

Mack and I were referencing the majority of the GOP voting block.

I might have made a wrong conclusion. If so I stand corrected. But overall I stand by my statement.
I'm certainly confused, is the sentiment of the first post consistent with the second ? :confused:

And in any case what is morally wrong with a majority, for cultural and reasons of tradition, wanting to keep that status?

Do you think black people have much different traditions, cultural things in US/UK than white ones?
I'm certainly confused, is the sentiment of the first post consistent with the second ? :confused:

What is morally wrong with a majority, for cultural and reasons of tradition, wanting to keep that status?

I'd like to think it was consistent.

Those who support the principle of ethnocentrism for example might not see anything wrong with it. I'm not saying that's you mack.

I was not thinking about morality to be honest. At least not in the descriptive sense. Perhaps my thoughts were more inline with, let's say an application (in some level) of categorical imperative by Kant. I was doing some light reading earlier :)
Do you think black people have much different traditions, cultural things in US/UK than white ones?

Not entirely no, there is integration as the income levels go up, but you could've just as easily asked 'do you think latinos or native americans have different traditions to white people.' then it sounds a bit more silly. Many of the blacks were violently uprooted from africa and enslaved, so to some degree lost touch more with their african traditions than say a mexican would have.

In the lower echelons there's lots of mixing of culture, rap and rock, sport, tv programs etc.. but in the higher echelons, your harvards and new hampshires, they'll encourage students to learn to play classical music, academia etc... that's what european culture was based on, the arts and sciences, law etc...I think it should available for everyone regardless of background, but there are cultural/social factors blocking people. Crime is a big aspect to the problem and keeping people downtrodden and dispirited.

So going back to my post which you replied to, I would rather the classical european higher culture was the dominant culture rather than rap music, silly soap operas and endless sport, [ things both white people and people of colour seem to like] it's something to aspire to, for example I like gaming but I wouldn't want people to give up reading great books just to play video games, it won't be good for society.

[ This answer was based on my thinking of the US situation, I think the uk is more complicated as you've got a very entrenched class system too, away from the mass cultural, shared things like football, there are cultural differences/traditions between groups and within groups. It's the lack of any traditions/hobbies to occupy themselves that seems to cause the most problems for people, as they can get sucked into a life of crime or trouble]
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I'd like to think it was consistent.

Those who support the principle of ethnocentrism for example might not see anything wrong with it. I'm not saying that's you mack.

I was not thinking about morality to be honest. At least not in the descriptive sense. Perhaps my thoughts were more inline with, let's say an application (in some level) of categorical imperative by Kant. I was doing some light reading earlier :)

You always do this to me, as soon as I see that name 'kant', I knew I'm kippered :laugh: wish I understood all that philosophical logic, I guess that's why you took up law, it's logic/argument/evidence based, requiring a much deeper understanding of words than I can ever grasp...

I was going to say in another draft, that you have previously kind of stated you favour the democrats, so on that political basis, the change in demographics could/would be a good thing in your eyes.

My wonder with the democrats is how or when will they ever be able to successfully complete their objectives, aren't they rather setting themselves up these days as the party of continuous welfare, that seems to be their goal now, getting better and more widespread welfare assistance given out, it's not very inspirational, kind of 'this is the best we can hope for'? [that may not be their fault but a harsh reality of modern society with high unemloyment levels and wealth inequality]
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This just popped up on my news feed.

When you see this you will know how "dirty" his reelection campaign will be because he cannot win on his merits or as Mr T says it on his “achomlishments”. :rolleyes: He has to rely instead on lies and unfounded accusations (without ever showing any evidence).

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BTW, the commander-in-chief spells Al-Qaeda as ALCAIDA and "people" as "peopel". That should tell everyone that this guy has no clue about anything. He claims though to be a really "good speller". :rolleyes:


And Mr T supporters have now a new chant. Instead of "Lock her up" it is now "Send her back". That is the state where this president has brought the country to.
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Not entirely no, there is integration as the income levels go up, but you could've just as easily asked 'do you think latinos or native americans have different traditions to white people.' then it sounds a bit more silly. Many of the blacks were violently uprooted from africa and enslaved, so to some degree lost touch more with their african traditions than say a mexican would have.

In the lower echelons there's lots of mixing of culture, rap and rock, sport, tv programs etc.. but in the higher echelons, your harvards and new hampshires, they'll encourage students to learn to play classical music, academia etc... that's what european culture was based on, the arts and sciences, law etc...I think it should available for everyone regardless of background, but there are cultural/social factors blocking people. Crime is a big aspect to the problem and keeping people downtrodden and dispirited.

So going back to my post which you replied to, I would rather the classical european higher culture was the dominant culture rather than rap music, silly soap operas and endless sport, [ things both white people and people of colour seem to like] it's something to aspire to, for example I like gaming but I wouldn't want people to give up reading great books just to play video games, it won't be good for society.

Hmm I got kinda mixed messages in your post. You say there's integration as the income levels go up...but then you say in the lower echelons there's a lot of mixing of culture.
I live in one of the whitest countries in the world with pretty good income. And hey...I love classical music! But I don't see it being a dominant culture here at all :p We (well finnish people) love sports, saunas, sausages, nature etc. Kind of things that everyone has access to. Very few people like classical music here and these other "higher" class stuff. IMO integration comes from these other things that the majority like....rap, rock, pop, sports, tv etc.
Your european higher culture isn't the dominant culture in any country. Well maybe in Austria...don't know.
Hmm I got kinda mixed messages in your post. You say there's integration as the income levels go up...but then you say in the lower echelons there's a lot of mixing of culture.
I live in one of the whitest countries in the world with pretty good income. And hey...I love classical music! But I don't see it being a dominant culture here at all :p We (well finnish people) love sports, saunas, sausages, nature etc. Kind of things that everyone has access to. Very few people like classical music here and these other "higher" class stuff. IMO integration comes from these other things that the majority like....rap, rock, pop, sports, tv etc.
Your european higher culture isn't the dominant culture in any country. Well maybe in Austria...don't know.

What I was meaning is, those european cultural things are considered the peak and something to aspire to, I don't partake in them that much but I appreciate it's there. I would like it to remain that way, if the demographics change, say in the US, could be more mexicans or blacks etc... will the european classical culture [to give it a shortand] be on that pedestal still or will the dumbed down mass culture take over everything?

I think for social, maybe ethnic reasons, it will..rap music, violent films, sport, will dominate even more and I'm not sure that will make for a better country to live in [there's also the spectre of p.o.r.n. and the corrosive effect that has on decent society]

edit: just re-reading your post, and you mention nature, to me that fits in better with classical music than say rap, rap is urban music...saunas and sausages :laugh: that could be quite a potent air pollution risk, the heat and sweating out with the kind of sausages [bangers] we have here.
And that was a good point you made in the bold, I think I wasn't including mass culture as a tradition, say I moved to the USA started watching the nfl and episodes of the simpsons, wore my trousers hanging off my arse and talked in rap slang, I'd find it odd if that meant I'd integrated well into US society but in a way I would be I guess.
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well, to be fair, you don't have to be white skinned to celebrate a cultural identity; being a proud Canadian has nothing to do with skin colour

But if the people who settled in canada hadn't settled there, [the scots, the french etc..] but say the usa pushed all their native americans and released slaves to colonise it instead, would canada be the same place culturally?

Obviously skin colour doesn't prevent someone today from integrating as long as they can talk the lingo well enough. If I turned up in canada, white and pasty, speaking brit english, how long would it take for canadians to accept me as a proud canadian, surely there must be some hurdles?
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