Secret Societies, The New World Order, and you.

Thanks for the information Roy :)

Unfortunately, I don't really have a strong enough concern that we are all imperiled by a group of unknowns who attempt to control (very poorly I may add) the course of world affairs to reply to all of your arguments. It's a bit like someone else we know who makes their arguments so long that nobody has the time or inclination to point out all the errors, making those arguments in turn appear valid and fully accepted as true.......although I know you better, and I know that, for you, it is a real passion.

Just a couple of things however. In regards to the KAL disaster, the explanation in the wiki article I linked to is perfectly logical, and contradicts most of what you say. If you haven't read it, I would be grateful if you did and share your thoughts on the content.

In reference to the Iranian airline disaster, it was a clear case of the ship's captain being where he should not have been, combined with a design fault in the radar system that identified the airline as an Iranian fighter taking off right behind the airliner and continuing to relay data from the fighter even though the screen cursor was on the airliner, and the fact that the ship was engaged in a surface battle. Another complication was that the ship was using Bahrain time, whilst the flight schedule provided by Iran was in Iranian time (these schedules are provided to warships in the gulf to prevent such accidents), hence the warship was unable to match the airliner with any scheduled flight (plus the flight was late).

Lastly, one of the biggest problems with the CT community is that when a lone scholar comes up with an article/report supporting their theories, or some poster comes up with a new "fact" or "angle", the CTs immediately hold it up as watertight and use it to add credibility to their CT.......however, when a scholar comes forward with a contrary explanation, they are automatically "part of the conspiracy" or "part of an engineered plan of misinformation", and those posters who present alternate theories and solid facts are labelled "misinformationalists", "shills", and "character assassins" fact you do it too Roy, although perhaps not as badly as many I've read. Here is where the CT community is making a grave error in communication.......once you make it about people and not facts, you lose most logical open-minded readers, as they are interested in facts and not whether someone might be one thing or another.

A fact is a fact, regardless of who presents it, and in the 9/11 CT I see a LOT of conjecture, supposition, and "what if/why didn't". These are not facts.

It's also important to note that the fact that so many explanations and theories exist about the WTC collapses shows that NOBODY REALLY KNOWS what ACTUALLY happened inside the buildings structure.....otherwise everyone would agree, as it would be a FACT. The scientific community has no prior event of this magnitude to compare with, and until the same tower construction collapses under the same conditions then we won't know for sure.

I know you kinda answered my question about how many people would need to be involved in such a HUGE conspiracy......but you kinda didn't. Let's assume there were "only a few" who were involved in the placing of about the rest of the conspiracy? You're asking me to believe that NOBODY among the hundreds if not thousands of people who would have to be involved in such a conspiracy (in my estimate) had ANY scruples about killing thousands of their countrymen? I would love to see the results of a secret ballot among the military about whether they would participate in such a plan....and the military would have to have been involved at some point. It would only take ONE person to go public about it and the whole event could NEVER take place it would be immediately obvious the person was right and it would bring down a government, if not the country.

As for the BBC 26 mins thing.....there are so many logical explanations for this it isn't funny. The madness and fluidity of that day caused MANY misreports and incorrect information to be broadcast as fact. The idea that "someone wasn't listening at the briefing" is just ridiculous, as it implies that OTHER countries were involved in the conspiracies, and even MORE ridiculous, foreign MEDIA. Anyone who knows a media person/journalist personally would know that something like this would never fly for a second. It has been proven time and time again that a message relayed from one person to another will transform along the doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that "WTC07 is about to collapse" could very easily become "WTC07 has collapsed" after being relayed through a few people on the ground during intense confusion. The argument that "the anchor was reporting the collapse with the building clearly visible in the background" is a real straw-clutcher. Firstly, the anchor wasn't looking backwards, and even if they HAD done so seconds before the report, how would they know which building was WTC07? I reckon most people would have struggled to tell you which building was WTC07 before 9/11, and probably even more so on the day.

Very lastly.....the "steel shouldn't have melted" argument. Who took the actual temperature of the steel and the surroundings at the time of collapse?

Bottom line. The CT community relies almost exclusively on process of elimination. I haven't seen any 9/11 events that don't have a logical, scientific explanation. Just because the CT don't like or agree with those explanations, doesn't make them less plausible I.e. for process of elimination to work, you must show ALL other explanations to be completely false.....and AFAIK, such elimination is not possible in regards to the events surrounding 9/11.

It's nothing personal Roy.....I hope you know that :)

Hey, I know it`s nothing personal, as far as the towers collapsing there is to this day no theory that holds up to the laws of physics as to how they collapsed bar a controlled demolition, the first responders 12,000 pages of testimonies of which a high percent mention explosions through the day upto and including the collapses....

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Of the various truth groups covering every aspect of 9/11 each and every one of them explain in great detail with relevant data to match, of why it was impossible to happen that way, firstly, airline pilots with 1000`s of hours flying experience between them, here you will find out amongst other things and using respective flight data`s as recorded by air traffic control, huge discrepancies and basically impossible manoeuvres to make..........

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Second on the list, architects and structural engineers, experts in the field of building design and the importance of load bearing and the ability to share it if/when needed......

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Third, no better people to explain the world of espionage and counter terrorist agencies than those whom have vast 1st hand experience in these fields, this list is very impressive, read what they have to say........

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Fourth - Who knows better about the judicial systems and crimes committed than lawyers and judges?, once again a highly impressive list............

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5th - To tackle scientific and other related anomalies of 9/11......

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Sixth - It`s getting to something when even the medical professions smell a rat......

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Seventh - Who better to voice their concerns than the people whom lost family members and survivors........

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Eight - Not all Journalists are bad........

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There are several more active truth groups out there i`ve just named what I believe are the main ones, okay, going back to scientific analysis's etcetera, there is upto now no relating hypothesis/theory as to how the towers collapsed that day, NISTS`s explanation is put down to a model of the towers they recreated but will never disclose it as, and I quote "It would jeopardise public safety", however, you will find in the links I provided from every single field covering 9/11 irrefutable proof as to why it was impossible to have happened the way it was depicted by the official story, pilots for 9/11 truth and AE for 9/11 truth are the main providers for this.

Talking of how many had to be involved is a straw man argument, let`s look at Operation Northwoods to which there was compartmentalisation, a high percent of people involved did not know what their counterparts were upto in other areas......

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There have been a few whistle blowers regarding 9/11 Sybil Edmonds an F.B.I. asset being the best known.......

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Summary, I completely respect your views and opinions on this matter ;), but for me, when you have the likes of pilots, constructional experts, military personnel, and so much more stating comprehensively it was an inside job, then I believe them, they are putting their reputations, jobs, safety, on the line in expressing their concerns, versus an official story that yields no supporting evidence that would stand up in court whatsoever to strengthen their account, it`s an easy decision to make ;).

Footnote:- Bin Laden wasn`t even indicted for 9/11, on the F.B.I.`s most wanted website he isn`t named for 9/11 as there was no direct evidence whatsoever linking him to it........

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No mention of 9/11.

Ooops nearly forgot, in relation to KAL-007, did you pick up on the part where they stated the flight become seriously off course around 10 minutes after take off?, and this aspect was not relayed to the pilots even though it was picked up via the central Radar control unit.

Also, regarding the B.B.C`s reporting of WTC7 collapsing 26 minutes prematurely, how a bulletin is processed, firstly - The source has to be verified and authenticated by the news editor, this aspect is mainly due to broadcasting falsities that can/will bring about lawsuits involving slander/libel, secondly - The bulletin is then fed into the autocue for the news anchor to read, this broadcast was not aired due to the news anchor being under the hypnosis of the hectic events happening that day, it was down to her reading from the autocue word for word what her news editor had fed into it, so, where did this information come from and why was the source marked as reliable and more importantly why was it authenticated.

The B.B.C. is the largest gatherer of world news in the world with archives dating back to the 50`s, all that is needed is the original video which will contain the relative data regarding whom authenticated it, problem here is - In all the time the archive has been in operation only one news footage reel, video, DVD has been lost, guess which one?......

4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I'd love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don't help clear up the issue one way or another.

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Process of elimination regarding ways a building can collapse at nigh on free-fall speeds.......

1). Subsidence due to being built on none load bearing strata - A slow drawn out process as to which the actual collapse would not be symmetrical.

2). Collapse due to shoddy workmanship - Parts of the building would start to show cracks and the weakest parts would fall off until they reached the stronger parts and become stabilised.

3). Fire - As of yet no tower blocks in history have collapsed due to fire except the 3 that day on 9/11, once again building collapses due to fire do not collapse in on themselves, parts of the building crumble and fall off, for a whole building to collapse it would take far longer than free fall speed and remembering that fire spreads upwards, so the bottom sections of the building would remain upright (unless fire was started at ground level).

4). Acts of nature - Earthquakes, a high chance of the building falling at free fall speed but in large sections and not reduced to dust as it implodes.

5). Acts of nature - Hurricane, Once again if a hurricane was strong enough to initiate a building collapse the building would either topple over in one section or snap and leave some of the tower still standing.

6). Acts of nature - Tornado, If a tornado was strong enough to rip apart a tower block it would do just that, scattering the debris a fair distance from the tower`s foundation.

7). Controlled demolition - The only way a building can be brought down symmetrically, and in it`s own footprint whilst being reduced to dust as it collapses at free-fall speeds with no resistance whatsoever from the lower storeys, and ejecting sections of the building weighing over 40,000 lbs over a hundred metres and embedding them in neighbouring buildings, is a top down demolition (WTC1 WTC2), and a conventional controlled demolition (WTC7).

Regarding how hot it was inside - Amongst other aspects here you will find a message via a radio from firemen telling of small isolated pockets of fire around the 79th floor, just prior to collapse, no signs of a raging inferno nor the building initiating a collapse........

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You mentioned scientific answers etc, could you give me links to the source of these please?;).
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@ Nifty, firstly my apologies for not replying in detail to your request for me to read the wiki assessment of KAL-007, I am awaiting a change of ISP atm and just cannot get to grips with using my mobile lol, but now I have discovered mobile tethering and tbh it is nearly as good as my previous ISP`s 100 mb fibre optic connection :rolleyes:, hardly surprising i`m changing it.

With reference to wiki`s report on this incident, I noticed that they have only labelled two reasons as to possible cause........

1). Basically the pilots were severely incompetent.

2). The plane was on a spying mission.

Addressing 1). Do we really have to debate this answer?, imho it beggars belief, but not as much as 2). Using commercial jet liners as spy planes has so many probabilities of going wrong and opening up a huge can of worms that it isn`t even funny, I will put this down to the red herring that is normally tossed into the fray by TPTB when suspicious incidents arise, imagine if flight 007 was shot down over land and spying equipment was discovered, the resulting public outrage would be more than enough to bring down an elected government.

I think we can both agree there is at least one more possible cause, and that is faulty navigational equipment, if you research this more you will find out it wasn`t just a possible cause, it was the cause...........

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(There are many sites out there depicting this).

So, a breakdown....

1). Even though there are basically 4 directions a plane can travel, one is correct the other 3 are wrong, to travel in a wrong direction that could be dangerous is extremely bad luck.

2). The directional radar beacons that monitor flight paths do this for a reason, the reason being if a flight is off path the alarm signals will be responded to and the pilots of said flight will be warned, this didn`t happen in flight KAL-007 though as the beacons relative to this flight were off line due to maintenance.

3). Not only was the plane off course it was off course enough to fly over exactly the location of a Russian super secret base.

4). No radio contact was made to flight KAL-007.

5). There are certain protocols in place for commercial passenger planes when violating another country`s air space, Radio them, send interceptors to escort them back on course, fire warning shots if needed, if the plane ignores all of these, then, and only then, shoot it down.

6). There is no evidence of any of this happening courtesy of the flight recorder boxes.

So, here we have it, a plane that not only drifts off course, but drifts off course to such an extent it is probably flying over one of the most sensitive air spaces out there at the time, the beacons that could have saved them were off line, they were shot down mercilessly and without a single normal protocol being followed.

I`m just like you Nifty regarding scammers/fraudsters, when that inner alarm bell rings, it rings for a reason, this incident stinks of a set up and is at least, highly suspicious.



The Illuminati was founded in the mid-1700s by Adam Weishaupt and backed by international bankers. Weishaupt produced the objectives and outlines of the Illuminati Order in 1776. He envisioned a secret society modelled after the Jesuits in which humans could coexist universally with nature. It was his response to the increased power of the clergy in Bavaria. The Illuminati tried to take credit for the Revolutionary War and French Revolution, to usher in the beginning of Weishaupt's ideal society.

The Order

One of the few sources of information resides in a voluminous book by the Jesuit polemicist Abbe Barruel, who described the Illuminati as more sinister than the clubs of Voltaire and D'Alambert. Designed as a pyramid, new members, after producing an autobiography for entry, started at the bottom and worked their way up through extensive research and literary acquisition. New members were known as minervals. Only when reaching the upper levels of the order would members learn the true goals of the Illuminati Order. The group attracted approximately 6,000 members before being pushed underground by the Bavarian government in the 1780s.

13 Bloodlines.

People`s biggest argument against the Illuminati is how many it would take and thus the chances of it`s long term objectives being exposed. Thorough researching of this secret society reveals an all to familiar outcome - Ancestral ties, which filter down to just 13 bloodlines, the heart of the Illuminati is America and it`s control over the United Nations, the tool to which the elite`s main objective - The New World Order, is very near it`s completion, taking over 200 years of orchestrating wars, and reaping the benefits these conflicts produce, to further their cause, all they had to do was ensure their well prepared bloodline members replaced those in places of power, when the next general elections took place.

There are of course sometimes when candidates of the next election are real, genuine contenders, these can be eliminated courtesy of various methods, from basic character assassination to being assassinated, an aspect to research regarding this is Korean flight 007 and a very strong contender to Bush Sr in the upcoming elections - Larry P McDonald, a commercial jet liner with faulty navigation equipment, which started veering off course just 10 minutes after take off, an aspect normally monitored by directional beacons, which plot a planes course as they fly within their radar range, record the data and relay a warning message to pilots and ATC personnel if the plane is of course, but, alas for poor Larry whom amongst other aspects had publicly voiced his concerns of a conspiracy and I quote "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.".

So, back to bloodlines, an uncanny coincidence, or, signs of the selected few being ensured they get the job they have been being prepared for, since the day they were born?.......


Presidential Blood ties: This is Disturbing

Ruling the World is a family affair, check out the bloodlines:
All 44 men who were Presidents of the U.S.A. are related

This should be setting off major alarms in your mind. This is no coincidence. The odds of all 43 Presidents being related, and this just randomly happening, are billions to one. Democratic and Republican candidates are “chosen” by the “Elitist” super rich organization called the Illuminati. Every president must be part of the bloodline. This information has been brought out on CNN, The NY Times, The Washington Post and other top media outlets. They bring out this information knowing that most people would find it more amusing than to protest it.

Obama is related to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. McCain is related to six former presidents.

The Illuminati bloodlines are established via a matriarchal lineage. (On the Mother’s Side)

In an interview on MSNBC, Mrs. Cheney said that in the course of researching her husband’s genealogy for her new book, “Blue Skies, No Fences,” she discovered that the two public figures share an ancestor eight generations ago.

Obama is related to Cheney through Mareen Duvall, a 17th century immigrant from France. Mareen and Susannah Duvall were Obama’s great grandparents times 9 and Cheney’s great grandparents times 8.

That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed.

But Obama’s family ties to the Bush administration don’t stop with Cheney. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times last September, Obama is also an 11th cousin of the president himself. The two share a 17th century Massachusetts relative.

President Barack Obama, who has made his opposition to the Iraq war a linchpin of his campaign, is distantly related not only to President George W. Bush but also to another wartime leader — former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Because of his shared ancestry with President Bush, Obama is also indirectly related to his rival on the Republican side, Sen. John McCain.

McCain, it turns out, is a sixth cousin of First Lady Laura Bush.

Meanwhile, Sen. Hillary Clinton, is related to beatnik author
Jack Kerouac, Canadian Prime Minster Pierre Trudeau and Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles of England.
The New England Historic Genealogical Society, founded in 1845, says it is the oldest such organization in the country. Members spent three years tracing the lineage of the candidates.
Among its other findings:

McCain, the Vietnam War veteran who spent five years as a prisoner of war, descends from a long line of kings: Scottish King William the Lion, English King Edward I and French King Louis VII.
He is cousins with six U.S presidents, including Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and Gerald Ford. He is also linked to American artist Georgia O’Keefe, the Duchess of Windsor and two men who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Most surprisingly, Obama — the man who could become America’s first African-American president — is linked by ancestry to Robert E. Lee, who commanded the armies of the Southern slave-holding states during the American civil war.

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That makes Obama and Cheney ninth cousins once removed.

But Obama’s family ties to the Bush administration don’t stop with Cheney. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times last September, Obama is also an 11th cousin of the president himself. The two share a 17th century Massachusetts relative.

President Barack Obama, who has made his opposition to the Iraq war a linchpin of his campaign, is distantly related not only to President George W. Bush but also to another wartime leader — former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
Because of his shared ancestry with President Bush, Obama is also indirectly related to his rival on the Republican side, Sen. John McCain.

You decide, it`s not just American presidents, but, several other people of world power, past and present. Think of a secret society intent to rule the world - Very easy not to believe, a secret society of immense wealth due to it`s high ranking family members being Royalty and owners of central banking/media based corporations - A whole lot easier to believe.

Google - All 44 men who were Presidents of the U.S.A. are related
Once again, a plethora of information Roy, and for that I applaud you.

The whole relation thing is not really a great big deal. Going back 10-12+ generations, especially in a relatively young nation, is sure to yield many interesting genealogical connections for many, many citizens......not just the "chosen". I'm sure doing such a family tree on 100 random citizens would find a connection to someone famous.

It's also not uncommon for politically involved families to produce several politicians in each generation, in much the same way as doctors, dentists, teachers etc.

The whole KAL disaster....well you know my views on that. If the official explanation made little sense, then maybe I could think something sinister, but it makes perfect sense and has since been confirmed via Russian documents. As I said before, if the "illuminati" wanted McDonald dead there are dozens of methods besides killing hundreds of innocent people. IMO its one of those theories that actually does the CT movement more harm than good.

One last thing that turns me off many CTs is the constant hypocrisy when it comes to information and its sources. A prime example is stating a particular CT must be true because it was reported by CNN, The Washington Post, Fox etc.....when on every other occasion where the reports/opinions of such mainstream media REFUTE a particular CT, then these media are all "disinformationalists" who are "controlled by TPTB". Are we supposed to believe they all "dropped the ball" on this one? Maybe the illuminati "shadow editor" was taking a sickie that day (at all these media simultaneously).

See what I'm getting at? When any source supports the theory, they are solid and reliable. When they don't, they are part of the conspiracy and we can't believe a word they say.

I like ya Roy, but more arguments and theories you present, the more obvious it becomes that you only accept selected sources that support them and dismiss the rest as lies and misinformation (unless its one of the times they support your POV,in which case they are beyond reproach). Also, almost all the links are from CT websites, and very few if any from non-affiliated or independent scientific and/or investigational sites, which also does the CT movement more harm than good. CT websites know there is money in the CT business, and often the people behind them do very well from book sales and adverts and circuit could almost develop a CT that says these websites are setup purely as a commercial venture and print what their hungry readers want, rather than discussing the issues in their entirety from a neutral standpoint I.e. maybe the CT movement is one big conspiracy theory setup by the illuminati to divert attention to the unimportant stuff whilst diverting attention away from what is really going on.....
Once again, a plethora of information Roy, and for that I applaud you.

The whole relation thing is not really a great big deal. Going back 10-12+ generations, especially in a relatively young nation, is sure to yield many interesting genealogical connections for many, many citizens......not just the "chosen". I'm sure doing such a family tree on 100 random citizens would find a connection to someone famous.

It's also not uncommon for politically involved families to produce several politicians in each generation, in much the same way as doctors, dentists, teachers etc.

The whole KAL disaster....well you know my views on that. If the official explanation made little sense, then maybe I could think something sinister, but it makes perfect sense and has since been confirmed via Russian documents. As I said before, if the "illuminati" wanted McDonald dead there are dozens of methods besides killing hundreds of innocent people. IMO its one of those theories that actually does the CT movement more harm than good.

One last thing that turns me off many CTs is the constant hypocrisy when it comes to information and its sources. A prime example is stating a particular CT must be true because it was reported by CNN, The Washington Post, Fox etc.....when on every other occasion where the reports/opinions of such mainstream media REFUTE a particular CT, then these media are all "disinformationalists" who are "controlled by TPTB". Are we supposed to believe they all "dropped the ball" on this one? Maybe the illuminati "shadow editor" was taking a sickie that day (at all these media simultaneously).

See what I'm getting at? When any source supports the theory, they are solid and reliable. When they don't, they are part of the conspiracy and we can't believe a word they say.

I like ya Roy, but more arguments and theories you present, the more obvious it becomes that you only accept selected sources that support them and dismiss the rest as lies and misinformation (unless its one of the times they support your POV,in which case they are beyond reproach). Also, almost all the links are from CT websites, and very few if any from non-affiliated or independent scientific and/or investigational sites, which also does the CT movement more harm than good. CT websites know there is money in the CT business, and often the people behind them do very well from book sales and adverts and circuit could almost develop a CT that says these websites are setup purely as a commercial venture and print what their hungry readers want, rather than discussing the issues in their entirety from a neutral standpoint I.e. maybe the CT movement is one big conspiracy theory setup by the illuminati to divert attention to the unimportant stuff whilst diverting attention away from what is really going on.....

I hear what you`re saying, I choose my sources from various sites after I google my initial question, as far as the Illuminati goes you either believe they exist or they don`t, their symbolism is everywhere - Buildings, bank notes, films, books. No matter what aspect arises to such status that it gets worldwide attention there will always be those that believe in it or not.

As far as sources go regarding 9/11 which include peer reviewed scientifically proved tests and experts covering all fields, whom are on record as stating it was an inside job from their respective websites, and you were putting a case forward, would you use these sites as sources?, an example of why I use them, for instance - Some guy on some site states it was impossible for planes/buildings to do what they done on 9/11, hardly a case for, and tbh no reason to believe him whatsoever, however, when pilots with 1000`s of hours flight experience and 1000`s of structural engineers and architects not only state it was impossible but give a clear analysis with relative data and information, as to why, then my interest in this subject has just increased a 1000%, I then go on to try and locate sites which back the official story (of which there isn`t one), and lo and behold they just do not exist, one such site I give a link to that is none profit making and analysis using state released data, photos, and videos...

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I do not trawl around the web, notice something someone has said, believe it to be true then scream it`s a conspiracy, my latest post in this thread has given a very good answer to those who ask "But how would they keep it a secret?, so many must know", your point about America being a young country and therefore increasing the chances of being related many fold is a damn good reply, but, you have to agree, it`s still an aspect with outrageous odds of happening.

If I were your typical CT that believes in everything I read at sites that make a profit from their findings and beliefs, then you would see a lot of my links to sources opening up sites like Alex Jones, David Icke etc.

Like I have stated hundreds of times there are 100`s of reasons 9/11 did not happen that way, and none proving it did, once you establish this, then, it is time to try and work out who and why?, this led me to the New World Order, google it and add politicians, all on video, 100% undebunkable, take it from there.

Your country is young also and with a population of around 1 tenth of that of America`s, you have had around 27 Prime Minister`s, fancy a bet? ;).




Every single war over the past few hundred years including WWII (The burning down of the Reichstag and Gleiwitz Incident) has been triggered by a false flag event, the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable, if there really was an enemy, why would a false flag event be necessary to incite a war, don`t you find this aspect highly suspicious?.

Historical False-Flag, Facilitated or Fabricated Attacks

The following false-flag, facilitated, or fabricated attacks are now historical facts, documented and admitted, beyond dispute.

The Burning of Rome, AD64, Emperor Nero's power was being threatened by the growth of Christianity. He wanted some way to eliminate his enemy, so he ordered that Rome be set on fire, so that he could blame it on the Christians. Seeing the Christians as a threat, the Roman citizens persecuted the Christians, and Nero's power was safe.

The USS Maine Incident, 1898, The United States government sought to invade the Philippines and end Spanish colonial rule of the islands. But they knew the American public would not accept a war unless they were convinced that the Spanish attacked the U.S. So the USS Maine was blown up and the attack blamed on the Spanish.

The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, 1914, the event that started World War I, was an event orchestrated by British and French intelligence services.

The Sinking of RMS Lusitania, 1917, United States President Woodrow Wilson wanted to get his country involved in World War One. But he knew the American public would not accept a war unless they were convinced they were under attack. So the passenger ship RMS Lusitania was packed with explosives and sent into German controlled waters without protection. It was sunk and a million Americans signed up to fight World War One.

The Manchurian Incident, 1931, The Japanese government sought to invade the whole Manchuria region of China, but not wanting to be seen as the aggressors, they dynamited a section of their own railroad at Mukden, in southern Manchuria. The Japanese army invaded Manchuria, and began a conflict with China that escalated into full-scale war in 1937.

The Reichstag Fire, 1933, Just a month after being elected Chancellor of Germany, Hitler wanted to begin turning Germany into a police state and establish himself as dictator. The Nazis set fire to the Reichstag, the German parliament, and blamed it on a mentally ill Dutch communist terrorist. This event provided the justification Hitler needed to begin the Nazis 12 year reign of terror in Germany.
"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." - Adolf Hitler

The Gleiwitz Incident, 1939, After seizing Austria and Czechoslovakia, the Nazis set their sights on Poland. But the German people would not support an invasion of Poland, because they did not consider them a threat. In Operation Himmler, a prisoner was dressed in Polish army uniforms, taken to the Polish border and shot. The staged event was presented as a Polish sneak attack on Germany. After this incident, the German people supported an invasion of Poland.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941, The US Administration of FDR sought to involve America in World War II. But the American people wanted to stay out of it. So the Administration provoked Japan, in the hope that they would attack the U.S. The plan worked, and FDR made sure that the attacks took place successfully and had the maximum effect and impact. Believing that it was a surprise and unprovoked attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, Americans now supported U.S. entry into the war.

Operation Ajax, 1953, Democratically elected President Mossadeq of Iran was unsympathetic to Western oil interests. So the CIA and MI6 orchestrated a revolt against among the Iranian people. False-flag attacks - including the bombing of a religious leader, attacks on a mosque, and machine-gunning of civilians - were carried out by the CIA and blamed on Mossadeq to turn his people against him. He was successfully overthrown and replaced by a U.S.-backed Shah who began a reign of terror in the country which lasted 25 years. The U.S. then repeated this technique of overthrowing a foreign leader over and over in countries throughout the world.

Operation Gladio, 1956-1990, A decades-long covert campaign of terrorism and deceit, in Italy and other nations, directed by the intelligence services of the West, against their own populations. Hundreds of innocent people were killed or maimed in terrorist attacks - on train stations, supermarkets, cafes, offices schools, school buses, etc - which were then blamed on "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The purpose was to demonize designated enemies and frighten the public into supporting ever-increasing powers for government leaders and their elitist cronies. It was known as the "strategy of tension".

Operation Northwoods, 1962, A secret plan drawn up by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by the Secretary of Defense, for carrying out a variety of false-flag terrorist attacks which could be blamed on Cuba to provide a pretext for invading that country. The plan - which included blowing up U.S. ships and army bases, starting fires, staging riots, carrying out terror campaigns, and hijacking and shooting down airliners - were rejected by President Kennedy. The plan was declassified in 1998.

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 1964, President Johnson needed a pretext in order to commit the American people to an expanding covert war in South-East Asia. On August 2nd Western news media reported that a U.S. destroyer, the Maddox, in the Gulf of Tonkin, had been attacked by three Vietnamese PT boats. Two days later the Maddox was said to have been attacked again. Documents declassified in 2005 reveal that in fact on August 2nd the Maddox had fired the first shots, and that he alleged events of August 4th never even took place.

The Attack on USS Liberty, 1967, During the Six Day War between Israel and Arab countries, the U.S. destroyer USS Liberty was sent into the eastern Mediterranean, off the coast of Israel. The plan was to use Israeli forces to attack and sink the ship, killing all it's crew, and then blame the attack on Egypt, to justify the involvement of the U.S. in the war. The Liberty was attacked by three unmarked Israeli fighter bombers, as well as three Israeli torpedo boats. The attack lasted for over 3 hours; help was sent by nearby U.S. aircraft carriers, but incredibly the help was personally recalled by President Johnson, who declared "I want that ship going to the bottom". The attack would have succeeded, but it was spotted by a Russian spy plane, and the Israeli attack was called off. The crew survivors were sworn to secrecy.
The Kuwaiti Baby Killings, 1990,

The following events are supported by indisputable evidence, but continue to be denied by mainstream politicians and the media.

The World Trade Center bombing, 1993,

The Oklahoma City bombing, 1995,

The Moscow Apartment bombings, 1999,

The September 11 Attacks, 2001, 3 World Trade Center buildings were destroyed in covert controlled demolitions as part of a coordinated attack orchestrated by agencies of the U.S. government. The attacks - which also involved hijacking four planes, two of which were flown into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon and one into a field in Pennsylvania, while NORAD was rendered ineffective - were blamed on Islamic extremists. The subsequent "War on Terror" provided the justification for the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and increased police state measures in countries throughout the world.
"My administration has focused the nation's resources on our highest priority - protecting our citizens and our homeland."
- George Bush

The Madrid Bombings, 2004, The bombing of four trains was blamed on al Qaeda terrorists, but the government now admits that the bombers had no ties to al Qaeda. Every one of the bombers had intimate links to the Spanish security services. The lead bomber was connected to the Madrid Bomb Squad.

The London Bombings, 2005, A coordinated attack on three London tube trains and one bus, orchestrated by agencies of the UK government. The attacks were blamed on Islamic extremists and used to further justify, and intensify, the "War on Terror".

The Attack on South Ossetia, 2008, On August 8th, Western mainstream news reported that Russia had sneak attacked South Ossetia, a region of Georgia. Evidence quickly emerged however that Georgia had attacked it's own region, in an attempt to put down the growing independence movement. The South Ossetians wanted to re-united with North Ossetia as part of the Russian Federation. Russian forces only entered the region after the South Ossetians and Russian peacekeepers in the region had been attacked by Georgia, who had support from the U.S. and Israel.
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As far as the `Two sides to every story" concept goes, there is no better way of defeating your opponent, than, disproving his account, courtesy of proving yours. Every aspect of life that has opposing factions, based on incorrect beliefs that are fuelled by misinformation, can very easily be rectified by proving to your opponents, with irrefutable evidence as to why their beliefs are way of the mark, and solely based on nothing more than manipulated conjecture.

No matter what side of the fence we sit on, there is one aspect I think we can all agree on 100%, and that is - If an event has happened a certain way, then there will always be evidence of it, evidence that is so strong it not only proves how it was done, but, who was responsible also, if for arguments sake there was a CT about me being born a woman :eek2:, I would not question the minds of those spreading it, I would do what any normal thinking person would do, supply undeniable evidence that would not only nip it in the bud, but, completely disprove the CT.

Now, from another angle, if I knew this CT would almost certainly begin after an event I have planned and I was actually a woman when I was born :o, and if the general public found out about this, it would mean the end of an intricately planned, spanning many generations, long term global domination by the `Two Parents In One Movement`, and I was in control of more power than you could possibly imagine, and I knew the CT could never be disproved, due to it being true, then the only option left available is to bring about new legislation, an amendment to the bill of rights, which would outlaw anyone who spoke of Transgenderism and label them terrorists whom would be instantly arrested for being a trannyphobic, and thrown into Guantanamo Bay, without ever being charged for anything, a completely legitimate response due to the new legislation and laws I hurried through congress just prior to the event, and aptly named - The Ma&Pa-triot Act.

What a complete load of bollocks you may state, and rightly so, branding people as terrorists for the sole reason that they seek the truth, and setting up new laws and legislation that do nothing more than censure every person`s God given right that live`s on this planet - Freedom of Speech, as to ensure the truth is never revealed, would be the actions of those that cannot possibly disprove the CT`s, due to the impossibility of providing evidence for an event that did not happen, or in this case, an event that did happen, but did not ;).

But, anyhow, this would never happen in the real world, because, our governments do not behave in this way, do they?..........................

Think again............................

Think mainstream or you are a terrorist!

Now this is a thing that has escalated and starting quickly to get out of hand! In this stunning video, we learn that those who seek the truth have been classified in a leaked US Army document as terrorists. When did seeking the truth about government lies become a terrorist activity? So if we all don`t think alike, we are terrorists?.

A leaked U.S. Army document obtained by Wired Magazine characterizes people “frustrated with mainstream ideologies” as potential terrorists, while also framing those who “believe in government conspiracies” as violent radicals.

They say: These are some warning signs that you have turned into a terrorist who will soon kill your co-workers, according to the U.S. military. You’ve recently changed your “choices in entertainment.” You have “peculiar discussions.” You “complain about bias,” you’re “socially withdrawn” and you’re frustrated with “mainstream ideologies.” Your “Risk Factors for Radicalization” include “Social Networks” and “Youth.”

These are some other signs that one of your co-workers has become a terrorist, according to the U.S. military. He “shows a sudden shift from radical to ‘normal’ behaviour to conceal radical behaviour.” He “inquires about weapons of mass effects.” He “stores or collects mass weapons or hazardous materials.”

Do you remember what Koeppl wrote?

In 1983, Koeppl warned, through Op-Ed pieces published in NEWSWEEK and elsewhere, that Brzezinski and the CFR were part of an effort to impose a global dictatorship. His fall from grace was swift. “It was a criminal society that I was dealing with. It was not possible to publish any-more in the so-called respected publications.

“The people of the western world have been trained to be good consumers; to focus on money, sports cars, beauty, consumer goods. They have not been trained to look for character in people. Therefore what we need is education for politicians, a form of training that instils in them a higher sense of ethics than service to money.

There is no training now for world leaders. This is a shame because of the responsibility that leaders hold to benefit all mankind rather than to blindly pursue destructive paths.

“We also need education for citizens to be more efficient in their democracies, in addition to education for politicians that will create a new network of elites based upon character and social intelligence.”

Koeppl, who wrote his 1989 doctoral thesis on NATO management, also authored a 1989 book – largely ignored because of its controversial revelations – entitled “The Most Important Secrets in the World.” He maintains a German language web site at

Draw your own conclusions, a government that has done nothing wrong, would never have to worry about people disbelieving them, let`s put this into a context I think we can all agree on - How many of you would question the work ethics of those who run the Virtual group of casinos?, now the same question but replace the Virtual group with the 32Red group, if the Virtual group tried to set up a legislation banning all gambling related websites that branded them rogues as CT`s and a form of internet terrorism, it would be an expected response from a guilty party.

Ofc, the thought of the 32Red group doing this, would not even enter our minds, as, apart from many things, there has never been, in all their years as an online gambling establishment, a reason, for a conspiracy theory, to begin with.

I rest my case.


I think the Army could be spending it`s time way more beneficially, by bringing to justice those that sanctioned the use of Depleted Uranium, Paedophile Rape, Murder of innocent woman and children, and bring them to justice for committing war crimes, in accordance with the Geneva Convention, and all it stands for.


I would not normally link to any site regarding Alex Jones, but this is hot off the press and the only video available I could find.
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As Nifty pointed out earlier, TPTB could themselves be the instigators of several CT`s as to throw people off the scent of what is really happening, it`s a well talked about topic amongst those researching the Illuminati, and The New World Order`s main objective of the global depopulation of around 80-90% of the Earth`s current population, that the cause of this will be a nuclear war triggered by a nuclear device false flag event, blaming Iran, and so it begins, this event was believed by many to have happened during the London Olympics, amongst the many "Pointers" enforcing this, was a highly detailed document and it`s origin, The Rockefeller Foundation, (a pdf detailing it exactly as it was found on page 34)........

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I`m a strong believer in HAARP and operation Bluebeam, if however, and as we are led to believe, that the difference in time related technology available to the government and us is estimated to be around 50-70 years, then you can bet your bottom dollar that if HAARP does exist (and it does
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), it will be a damn sight more powerful and have far more capabilities than we imagine it to have, could this be the weapon to bring about the demise of the planet?, this video, amongst many other aspects has all the tell tall signs associated with HAARP - Spiralling blue light, light flashes in the sky, a weird trumpet like sound, devastating acts of nature that surpass any similar acts on record, harmful radio waves affecting birds that fly through it, or fish that swim through it, and so much more.

What on Earth is going on?...........................................

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The lights associated with HAARP can be seen in this video.......................

i see your video including the Erthquake in Japan last year.. well guess what? i was in japan during the earthquke...

we planned to be 1 month in Japan and the earthquake came one week after we came..

it was some of the worst i have experienced in my life yet everything seemed so hollywood like movie "doomsday movie"
the gound just pushed everything and front of me there was a light pole wich got broken and fell off on a women, we helped her to ambulance, as today i hope she made it.
I have never been involved in anything so chaotic state, where i really felt, ok now i die...
the worst was actually the family home, since all mobile and phones was not working all my family and friend tought i was gone.. luckily i had internet access and could give a sign of life later.. I can not describe how happy my mom was when she heard my voice on skype..

next big thing was that they said the nuclear plant has exploded and everything will be radioactive, and even drinking water and rain...

forward in time (i can tell more if you find this intresting) (few days later) we got emergency ticket from our insurance company to get home and the sight of the airport in Tokyo was one of the sickest I've experienced, crowded with people, screaming and crying, can obtain free seat to fly out of the country, people stood with STACK of CASH at the diffrent airline vendor to pay whatever they want of sum of money to getem out of country.

all in all I am incredibly grateful that i live today :o
Hmmm......I just wonder how Dr.Nick Begich and all his research on Operation H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) fits into all these discussions.
i see your video including the Erthquake in Japan last year.. well guess what? i was in japan during the earthquke...

we planned to be 1 month in Japan and the earthquake came one week after we came..

it was some of the worst i have experienced in my life yet everything seemed so hollywood like movie "doomsday movie"
the gound just pushed everything and front of me there was a light pole wich got broken and fell off on a women, we helped her to ambulance, as today i hope she made it.
I have never been involved in anything so chaotic state, where i really felt, ok now i die...
the worst was actually the family home, since all mobile and phones was not working all my family and friend tought i was gone.. luckily i had internet access and could give a sign of life later.. I can not describe how happy my mom was when she heard my voice on skype..

next big thing was that they said the nuclear plant has exploded and everything will be radioactive, and even drinking water and rain...

forward in time (i can tell more if you find this intresting) (few days later) we got emergency ticket from our insurance company to get home and the sight of the airport in Tokyo was one of the sickest I've experienced, crowded with people, screaming and crying, can obtain free seat to fly out of the country, people stood with STACK of CASH at the diffrent airline vendor to pay whatever they want of sum of money to getem out of country.

all in all I am incredibly grateful that i live today :o

Tell more, I find all this stuff very interesting indeed, also the dates and times of these incidents have some bizarre coincidences also, remember the 1st Tsunami`s that hit Thailand?, the 1st was 25th December a day after Xmas, the 2nd was a day after Easter, think of the relevance between these dates Ie Christ`s birthday and his resurrection, it`s a well known fact that the Illuminati are devil worshippers, Christianity is still by far the biggest religion in the world and Asia holds the most.

By all accounts you had a very lucky escape ;).
Hmmm......I just wonder how Dr.Nick Begich and all his research on Operation H.A.A.R.P. (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) fits into all these discussions.

Well firstly, if you can give me a reasonable explanation as to the lights in the sky, the noise associated with them, the adverse weather conditions, world wide earthquakes, all aspects of what HAARP is capable of, then i`m all ears ;).

You may want to begin your research with operation Bluebeam and take it from there.
Tell more, I find all this stuff very interesting indeed, also the dates and times of these incidents have some bizarre coincidences also, remember the 1st Tsunami`s that hit Thailand?, the 1st was 25th December a day after Xmas, the 2nd was a day after Easter, think of the relevance between these dates Ie Christ`s birthday and his resurrection, it`s a well known fact that the Illuminati are devil worshippers, Christianity is still by far the biggest religion in the world and Asia holds the most.

By all accounts you had a very lucky escape ;).

Hi,Seventh777. Here's a couple links you may find interesting. The 1st link leads to a blog called Fukushima Dairy. Fukushima Dairy was started by a Japanese citizen who goes by the name of Mochizuki and he's been doing the blog from day-1.

There's been a massive cover-up by the owners of Tepco (the agency that runs all Japan's nuclear industry). If you were to start from day-1 of the blog, it would scare the hell out of anyone.

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The 2nd link leads to E-News and are a trusted source of all current info about Fukushima as well.

Outdated URL (Invalid)

To date: 3 nuclears reactors have had total meltdowns and now a 4th may happen.
Hi,Seventh777. Here's a couple links you may find interesting. The 1st link leads to a blog called Fukushima Dairy. Fukushima Dairy was started by a Japanese citizen who goes by the name of Mochizuki and he's been doing the blog from day-1.

There's been a massive cover-up by the owners of Tepco (the agency that runs all Japan's nuclear industry). If you were to start from day-1 of the blog, it would scare the hell out of anyone.

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The 2nd link leads to E-News and are a trusted source of all current info about Fukushima as well.

Outdated URL (Invalid)

To date: 3 nuclears reactors have had total meltdowns and now a 4th may happen.

Thank you very much, I will take a good look at these later, before looking I will hazard a guess that the owner of Tepco is a Zionist Jew, or is governmentally controlled.
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Clicked on the 1st link and found a huge tell tale sign...........


The Media, also, the introduction of 10,000 children from 41 different Countries, apart from the obvious radiation sickness, what else will they be taking back with them?.
Jesus Christ, thank you so much for bringing this aspect to my attention Asianeyes, the deeper you go, the nearer to only one conclusion you get, this event and it`s post event dangers and the ongoing neglect to fix them, is life threatening, why the hell did U.S. officials make TEPCO do this?........................

Late last year, for example, it was reported that U.S. officials ordered the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to release three million gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean. Now, according to The Intel Hub, this waste will soon arrive on the shores of the U.S. West Coast, unbeknownst to the millions of Americans living in that region that will be exposed to it.

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What sort of hold does the U.S. have over Japan that it can make a government owned company (according to Reuters they own 70+%) commit an act of this magnitude?.

Awaiting to hear from the disbelievers as to why U.S. officials would order such a globally contaminating act of destruction like this, how many people eat fish that is caught in the Pacific Ocean?.


I would strongly suggest to anyone using the link I provided to read the whole page, and once again if googled - U.S. officials ordered the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to release three million gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean. Returns a plethora of sites containing this act.
Jesus Christ, thank you so much for bringing this aspect to my attention Asianeyes, the deeper you go, the nearer to only one conclusion you get, this event and it`s post event dangers and the ongoing neglect to fix them, is life threatening, why the hell did U.S. officials make TEPCO do this?........................

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What sort of hold does the U.S. have over Japan that it can make a government owned company (according to Reuters they own 70+%) commit an act of this magnitude?.

Awaiting to hear from the disbelievers as to why U.S. officials would order such a globally contaminating act of destruction like this, how many people eat fish that is caught in the Pacific Ocean?.


I would strongly suggest to anyone using the link I provided to read the whole page, and once again if googled - U.S. officials ordered the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to release three million gallons of radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean. Returns a plethora of sites containing this act.

Hi, Seventh777. I know what you mean. However if you read all the diary's older entries, it get much, much worse. There's a great deal of animal/plant mutations that have been happening for some time now. As said, go to the bottom of the diary's page on each page and follow the 'older entries' link and it will take you back each day. Beware to all though that you will learn that the initial radioactive explosions and meltdowns were over and into the usa within days and has been traveling in the Earth's jet streams for some time as well.

Seven, the 3-million gallons is only a mere drop in the bucket of all the radioactive waste that's been released into the sea/air. Also google ENews articles as well and explore their site cos there's so much info there that everyone needs to know.

Mochizuki's web site has been under a regular ddos attack/s for over a year now and he thinks its because he's been trying to inform the world about the massive cover up that's been put in place.

By the way, Tepco stands for Tokoyo Electric Power co. It's owned by the Japanese Gov't.

P.S. The olders entries link is on each bottom left of page highlighted in red and it date back to 3/11/11 or therabouts.
Hi, Seventh777. I know what you mean. However if you read all the diary's older entries, it get much, much worse. There's a great deal of animal/plant mutations that have been happening for some time now. As said, go to the bottom of the diary's page on each page and follow the 'older entries' link and it will take you back each day. Beware to all though that you will learn that the initial radioactive explosions and meltdowns were over and into the usa within days and has been traveling in the Earth's jet streams for some time as well.

Seven, the 3-million gallons is only a mere drop in the bucket of all the radioactive waste that's been released into the sea/air. Also google ENews articles as well and explore their site cos there's so much info there that everyone needs to know.

Mochizuki's web site has been under a regular ddos attack/s for over a year now and he thinks its because he's been trying to inform the world about the massive cover up that's been put in place.

By the way, Tepco stands for Tokoyo Electric Power co. It's owned by the Japanese Gov't.

P.S. The olders entries link is on each bottom left of page highlighted in red and it date back to 3/11/11 or therabouts.

HI. I just backtracked enenews site for Fukushima and have all their entries dating back to 3/11/11 Outdated URL (Invalid)

it's 145 pages but you can quick reference to all articles in reverse from there.

Here's another about the Kara sea. Not Fuku releated but bad all the same:
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Once again tyvm Asianeyes for your input :), we know that the TPTB have used several methods in their generations old main objective of depopulation, these range from creating new diseases (that they have a cure for), chemicals etc in main water supplies, chem trails, wars triggered by a false flag event (if there is one aspect of all this that has more than enough evidence to prove it, it`s these).

I will look at the diary journals a lot more thoroughly, it appears to me that the Tsunami didn`t quite finish the job it was intended to do, hence all this cover up and media censure-ship, government reports stating it is stable when it is far from this, U.S. officials ordering the contamination of the pacific, a reminder of depopulation, and a list i`m sure will one day include the deaths resulting from the Fukushima incident, and the apparent lack from any world wise organisation to stabilise it..........

Genocide & depopulation quotes
Genocide The depopulation conspiracy

"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

AIDS and other diseases will be the COVER STORY for the decimation. The real causes will be starvation, contaminated water (which has existed for a long time), toxic vaccines given to people who are already immune-suppressed, wars, and of course, stolen farmland. [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport

Investigations by EIR have uncovered a planning apparatus operating outside the control of the White House whose sole purpose is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. [1981] The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy by Lonnie Wolfe

Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite.Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Micro-chipped Population
"A million Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were killed in this country (Turkey) and I am the only one who dares to talk about it."--Orhan Pamuk (Observer 23 Oct, 2005)

Apparently it was a decision reached by the secret government. The final decision was made in the White House in 1972 on the basis of a meeting of world leaders under Nixon. A friend of mine got the notes from that. He's now in prison, and he talked about it publicly in 1974. He said that they had the meeting and agreed that the planet was overpopulated and that it had to be reduced. The decision was to reduce the population from 5 billion, which it was at that time, to 1 billion by the year 2000. They were to use any and all means to do this. They believed that the earth could only handle 1 billion inhabitants. Their problem was how to exterminate 80% of the world population in 30 years. They modified the figure to be 2 billion by 2000, but the AIDS thing is going to take care of a good part of that for them. The latest figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead. ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS Al Bielek and Preston Nichols

Through World Health Organization inoculations that were contaminated with the virus. The first program was in black Africa in 1974 with the smallpox inoculations. They then went to Brazil and other Hispanic countries and did it there. In 1978, they laced the gamma globulin for the Hepatitis B vaccine because the homosexual population was the greatest consumer. That's why it showed up first in the United States in the homosexual population and why it was claimed to be a homosexual disease. Nothing could be further from the truth, but it was something the Evangelists took up quickly, saying that AIDS was "Gods curse on the homosexual". People didn't worry about it who weren't gay. The people who planned this didn't figure on the ability of the virus to mutate. ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS Al Bielek and Preston Nichols

My investigation proves that biological agents were not only developed and used in the Persian Gulf war, but that they are in fact part of the Global 2000 population downsizing program..........the information that I want to get out to the American people is that the Gulf War illnesses are actually communicable diseases. The microbes will live almost indefinitely, but for a minimum of seven years. It's on the gas masks, the clothing, the weapons -- any of the materials brought back from the Gulf War. I have reports from several different states where civilians that bought some of the clothing went home and wore them, and now the entire family is in wheel chairs; there have been some deaths as a result of this. The Resnick Interview with Peter Kawaja and Ex-NSA Agent Joe Jordan

Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60 million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers that killed thousands over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis. ......The film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society.[August 19, 2004 Israel ] Ringworm and Radiation

To cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050. Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman

To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia. Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman.

The March 1999 "Vaccines" feature in Parenting magazine provided all propaganda one would expect from a subsidiary of Time, Inc. Time-Warner, Inc., the parent company, is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Time's president, Richard D. Parsons, and the Editor-in-Chief of TIME, Norman Pearlstine, are longstanding CFR members. One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company--the world's leading vaccine manufacturer. Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda --Dr. Len Horowitz

Society is being weeded out right now, as minority species are being eliminated very specifically by biological germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the elimination of those less genetically favourable...Our food is being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and substances like aspartame. ....They view this as a massive genetic clean-up."--Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control slave by Brice Taylor p281

It was not a large leap for a J.D. Rockefeller to go from owning the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry etc. to wanting to own the whole world. This is the reason that Rockefeller and his foundation have been in the forefront of the population "control" and eugenics movement. Ultimately the goal is to reduce the earth's population for the simple warped reason that the less there is for you and me, the more there will be for J.D. and his cronies. The elite just loves birth control. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner are among the ultra rich that have donated billions to spreading the gospel of contraception, abortion, and feminism using the United Nations and "US Aid." Rockefeller funded the invention of the pill, the IUD and owns the rights to the abortion drug RU-486. In the last 50 years, billions of public dollars have been spent on "family planning" designed to limit population by deceit and coercion, including compulsory abortion and infanticide. In "The War Against Population (1988)," Dr. Jacqueline Kasun writes that in 1981, a directory of population control agencies in Washington DC listed 92 private (but mostly publicly funded) agencies, 12 United Nations and 57 agencies of the US government (p. 198). "The real problem of government family planning is not one of families out of control but of planners out of control," she wrote (p.211). The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda By Henry Makow Ph.D

It was the residential "schools" that constituted the death camps of the Canadian Holocaust, and within their walls nearly one-half of all aboriginal children sent there by law died, or disappeared, according to the government's own statistics.
These 50,000 victims have vanished, as have their corpses - "like they never existed", according to one survivor. But they did exist. They were innocent children, and they were killed by beatings and torture and after being deliberately exposed to tuberculosis and other diseases by paid employees of the churches and government, according to a "Final Solution" master plan devised by the Department of Indian Affairs and the Catholic and Protestant churches.
With such official consent for manslaughter emanating from Ottawa, the churches responsible for annihilating natives on the ground felt emboldened and protected enough to declare full-scale war on non-Christian native peoples through the 20th century.
The casualties of that war were not only the 50,000 dead children of the residential schools, but the survivors, whose social condition today has been described by United Nations human rights groups as that of "a colonized people barely on the edge of survival, with all the trappings of a third-world society". (November 12, 1999)HIDDEN FROM HISTORY The Canadian Holocaust by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv

Denis Halliday, who the previous year had resigned as assistant secretary general of the United Nations. He said: "We are waging a war through the United Nations on the people of Iraq. We're targeting civilians. Worse, we're targeting children. . . . What is this all about?".... he wrote, "because the policy of economic sanctions is . . . destroying an entire society. Five thousand children are dying every month. I don't want to administer a program that satisfies the definition of genocide."
Halliday's successor, Hans von Sponeck, another assistant secretary general with more than 30 years' service, also resigned in protest. ......Von Sponeck's disclosure that the sanctions restricted Iraqis to living on little more than $100 a year was not reported. "Deliberate strangulation," he called it. Neither was the fact that, up to July 2002, more than $5 billion worth of humanitarian supplies, which had been approved by the UN sanctions committee and paid for by Iraq, were blocked by George W. Bush, with Tony Blair's backing. They included food products, medicines and medical equipment, as well as items vital for water and sanitation, agriculture and education.
The cost in lives was staggering. Between 1991 and 1998, reported UNICEF, 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died. "If you include adults," said Halliday, "the figure is now almost certainly well over a million." The Media Culpability for Iraq By John Pilger

This video contains evidence of causes unknown behavioural anomalies from animals, including frenzied feeding activity, being in places they are not normally found, and mass deaths including birds falling from the sky on the exact same date (new years eve) as they did the previous year, now, people can think that all this as some huge bizarre coincidental incidents, or, it is a consequence of events that has been triggered by man made destructive instruments and hazardous by-products.......

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Once again tyvm Asianeyes for your input :), we know that the TPTB have used several methods in their generations old main objective of depopulation, these range from creating new diseases (that they have a cure for), chemicals etc in main water supplies, chem trails, wars triggered by a false flag event (if there is one aspect of all this that has more than enough evidence to prove it, it`s these).

I will look at the diary journals a lot more thoroughly, it appears to me that the Tsunami didn`t quite finish the job it was intended to do, hence all this cover up and media censure-ship, government reports stating it is stable when it is far from this, U.S. officials ordering the contamination of the pacific, a reminder of depopulation, and a list i`m sure will one day include the deaths resulting from the Fukushima incident, and the apparent lack from any world wise organisation to stabilise it..........

Genocide & depopulation quotes
Genocide The depopulation conspiracy

"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

AIDS and other diseases will be the COVER STORY for the decimation. The real causes will be starvation, contaminated water (which has existed for a long time), toxic vaccines given to people who are already immune-suppressed, wars, and of course, stolen farmland. [2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport

Investigations by EIR have uncovered a planning apparatus operating outside the control of the White House whose sole purpose is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. [1981] The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy by Lonnie Wolfe

Rockefeller also told Russo that his family's foundation had created and bankrolled the women's liberation movement in order to destroy the family and that population reduction was a fundamental aim of the global elite.Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Micro-chipped Population
"A million Armenians and 30,000 Kurds were killed in this country (Turkey) and I am the only one who dares to talk about it."--Orhan Pamuk (Observer 23 Oct, 2005)

Apparently it was a decision reached by the secret government. The final decision was made in the White House in 1972 on the basis of a meeting of world leaders under Nixon. A friend of mine got the notes from that. He's now in prison, and he talked about it publicly in 1974. He said that they had the meeting and agreed that the planet was overpopulated and that it had to be reduced. The decision was to reduce the population from 5 billion, which it was at that time, to 1 billion by the year 2000. They were to use any and all means to do this. They believed that the earth could only handle 1 billion inhabitants. Their problem was how to exterminate 80% of the world population in 30 years. They modified the figure to be 2 billion by 2000, but the AIDS thing is going to take care of a good part of that for them. The latest figures coming out of Washington indicate that Africa is now as good as doomed. In another ten years, 75% of Africa will be dead. ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS Al Bielek and Preston Nichols

Through World Health Organization inoculations that were contaminated with the virus. The first program was in black Africa in 1974 with the smallpox inoculations. They then went to Brazil and other Hispanic countries and did it there. In 1978, they laced the gamma globulin for the Hepatitis B vaccine because the homosexual population was the greatest consumer. That's why it showed up first in the United States in the homosexual population and why it was claimed to be a homosexual disease. Nothing could be further from the truth, but it was something the Evangelists took up quickly, saying that AIDS was "Gods curse on the homosexual". People didn't worry about it who weren't gay. The people who planned this didn't figure on the ability of the virus to mutate. ORION TECHNOLOGY AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS Al Bielek and Preston Nichols

My investigation proves that biological agents were not only developed and used in the Persian Gulf war, but that they are in fact part of the Global 2000 population downsizing program..........the information that I want to get out to the American people is that the Gulf War illnesses are actually communicable diseases. The microbes will live almost indefinitely, but for a minimum of seven years. It's on the gas masks, the clothing, the weapons -- any of the materials brought back from the Gulf War. I have reports from several different states where civilians that bought some of the clothing went home and wore them, and now the entire family is in wheel chairs; there have been some deaths as a result of this. The Resnick Interview with Peter Kawaja and Ex-NSA Agent Joe Jordan

Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300 million Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60 million liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, while many of the rest developed cancers that killed thousands over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis. ......The film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society.[August 19, 2004 Israel ] Ringworm and Radiation

To cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 (Illuminati) commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by former President James Earl Carter, and Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of States, for and on behalf of the US Government. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million by the year of 2050. Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman

To bring about depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations, and overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. It is also interesting that the committee is currently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia. Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman.

The March 1999 "Vaccines" feature in Parenting magazine provided all propaganda one would expect from a subsidiary of Time, Inc. Time-Warner, Inc., the parent company, is a corporate member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Time's president, Richard D. Parsons, and the Editor-in-Chief of TIME, Norman Pearlstine, are longstanding CFR members. One CFR published policy objective is substantial worldwide depopulation including half of the current U.S. population being targeted. This population reduction program is largely funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Merck Fund, both financially and administratively linked to the Merck pharmaceutical company--the world's leading vaccine manufacturer. Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda --Dr. Len Horowitz

Society is being weeded out right now, as minority species are being eliminated very specifically by biological germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the elimination of those less genetically favourable...Our food is being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and substances like aspartame. ....They view this as a massive genetic clean-up."--Thanks for the Memories: The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control slave by Brice Taylor p281

It was not a large leap for a J.D. Rockefeller to go from owning the oil industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the banking industry etc. to wanting to own the whole world. This is the reason that Rockefeller and his foundation have been in the forefront of the population "control" and eugenics movement. Ultimately the goal is to reduce the earth's population for the simple warped reason that the less there is for you and me, the more there will be for J.D. and his cronies. The elite just loves birth control. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner are among the ultra rich that have donated billions to spreading the gospel of contraception, abortion, and feminism using the United Nations and "US Aid." Rockefeller funded the invention of the pill, the IUD and owns the rights to the abortion drug RU-486. In the last 50 years, billions of public dollars have been spent on "family planning" designed to limit population by deceit and coercion, including compulsory abortion and infanticide. In "The War Against Population (1988)," Dr. Jacqueline Kasun writes that in 1981, a directory of population control agencies in Washington DC listed 92 private (but mostly publicly funded) agencies, 12 United Nations and 57 agencies of the US government (p. 198). "The real problem of government family planning is not one of families out of control but of planners out of control," she wrote (p.211). The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda By Henry Makow Ph.D

It was the residential "schools" that constituted the death camps of the Canadian Holocaust, and within their walls nearly one-half of all aboriginal children sent there by law died, or disappeared, according to the government's own statistics.
These 50,000 victims have vanished, as have their corpses - "like they never existed", according to one survivor. But they did exist. They were innocent children, and they were killed by beatings and torture and after being deliberately exposed to tuberculosis and other diseases by paid employees of the churches and government, according to a "Final Solution" master plan devised by the Department of Indian Affairs and the Catholic and Protestant churches.
With such official consent for manslaughter emanating from Ottawa, the churches responsible for annihilating natives on the ground felt emboldened and protected enough to declare full-scale war on non-Christian native peoples through the 20th century.
The casualties of that war were not only the 50,000 dead children of the residential schools, but the survivors, whose social condition today has been described by United Nations human rights groups as that of "a colonized people barely on the edge of survival, with all the trappings of a third-world society". (November 12, 1999)HIDDEN FROM HISTORY The Canadian Holocaust by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv

Denis Halliday, who the previous year had resigned as assistant secretary general of the United Nations. He said: "We are waging a war through the United Nations on the people of Iraq. We're targeting civilians. Worse, we're targeting children. . . . What is this all about?".... he wrote, "because the policy of economic sanctions is . . . destroying an entire society. Five thousand children are dying every month. I don't want to administer a program that satisfies the definition of genocide."
Halliday's successor, Hans von Sponeck, another assistant secretary general with more than 30 years' service, also resigned in protest. ......Von Sponeck's disclosure that the sanctions restricted Iraqis to living on little more than $100 a year was not reported. "Deliberate strangulation," he called it. Neither was the fact that, up to July 2002, more than $5 billion worth of humanitarian supplies, which had been approved by the UN sanctions committee and paid for by Iraq, were blocked by George W. Bush, with Tony Blair's backing. They included food products, medicines and medical equipment, as well as items vital for water and sanitation, agriculture and education.
The cost in lives was staggering. Between 1991 and 1998, reported UNICEF, 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five died. "If you include adults," said Halliday, "the figure is now almost certainly well over a million." The Media Culpability for Iraq By John Pilger

This video contains evidence of causes unknown behavioural anomalies from animals, including frenzied feeding activity, being in places they are not normally found, and mass deaths including birds falling from the sky on the exact same date (new years eve) as they did the previous year, now, people can think that all this as some huge bizarre coincidental incidents, or, it is a consequence of events that has been triggered by man made destructive instruments and hazardous by-products.......

This is as near to 3/11/11 when Mochi's diary was started.
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For some reason it only starts at page 209?
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So now the Japanese tsunami was generated by the illuminati/TPTB? Really??

Sorry Roy......I like ya, but I'm afraid this is the end for me on this topic. I've been open minded, but it appears you believe that more or less every worldly event has been orchestrated by TPTB to fulfill their own goal of depopulation......which it would appear is not going very well at all in reality.

Conspiracy theorists always lose the logical and open minded listener by making EVERYTHING a CT. If one or two events were held up as conspiracies or cover ups, it might hold some water, but when the theorists are reduced to claiming tsunamis, AIDs etc as CTs, it just becomes silly.

The trouble with us humans is that we have an inbuilt need to share information, particularly when it is controversial and involves a high level of secrecy. It is ridiculous to say that each and every person involved in all of these grand CT schemes has never ever had an attack of conscience and admitted their role to others, or shared stuff with their spouses where are all these people? In this day and age, the individual who wants to get information out to the world cannot be silenced. In my estimation, at least 500 people would have had to be involved in the 911 conspiracy. Add to that the fact that many may have only realized their involvement after the event, are we expected to believe that all of those involved were happy to be part of over 3000 of their fellow citizens dying? Not ONE participant decided it wasn't OK and spoke out? IMO you owe our american members here an apology.

The most significant reason that I am now, more than ever, dismissive of 99.9% of CTs, and 100% of those expressed in this thread, is the almost fanatical acceptance of anything and everything a CT-supporting "expert" states and every scrap of evidence that supports their theories, combined with the equally fanatical rejection and denial of anything and everything that contradicts them and their theories I.e. when some quack on a CT website states something as fact then its a fact.....if some professors from Harvard etc prove its all crap,they are government hacks who are part of the conspiracy.

Given that neither you nor I were privy to anything personally, we BOTH have to rely on the MEDIA for our information. The difference between you and I is that I'll give all information equal weight, whereas you are totally selective about what you see as the "truth". It's why CTs are pretty much always seen as tin foil hatters. Logic and reason goes out the window, as it has a habit of bringing CTs crashing down.
This is as near to 3/11/11 when Mochi's diary was started.
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For some reason it only starts at page 209?

Here's some other links for you, Seventh.
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As stated scary and scary peps: Shell Oil Co at work and play...
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3-time award winning journal for CNN exposes CNN Link Removed (invalid URL)

Oh wait! I almost forgot this one about another Saudi...Straight from America's ABC News:
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Business Insider Law And Order:
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And what's this guys need with so many suitcases full of USA $100's (taxpayers money no doubt).
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Bullocks! You mean even Gov't peps involved with this stuff too?
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Here's one and this Guy is very seriously messed up & he's the PM of Kosovo and he'll even sale your internal organs for you but there's a catch... his peps will have to kill ya first(no joke).
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No kidding though, these buggers work hard doing their craft and there are some very newsworthy articles that mainstream media are too AFRAID to touch cos these boys play hardball for keeps:
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This leader of Bulgaria likes Meth(the one on the right).
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Vasil Bozhkov, aka "The Skull" - Billionaire and gambling mogul: This one is bonkers as hell:
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This one ought to make you laugh:
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For GMO haters/lovers the U. S. Embassy hard at work and they do even more...much, much more if you only knew...
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Seriously through this one is heartbreaking:
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U.S. Coal giant, Drummond:
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Least we forget what our banks have been up to:
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Mossad being the evil they are:
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And the lists goes on and on. With Amber Lyon from(formerly) CNN exposing how they have been manipulating their media for years, it's easy to see how the other media outlets have been doing the same as well.

1-Example is the Bonnier family. This one family owns 175 media outlets in 17 different countries. Plus many other holdings in connection to some transnational conpanies(they have $ and power). Check them out if you want:
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Basically we as a trusting population have been well and truely played by our learders and corporations. They do in fact control, for most part, the media.

They even control alot of peoples home computers! What! You say you don't believe me? Would you believe they have the ability to turn your cell on and even take a picture of you whilst you are using it? And i might add your computer cam as well.
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You better believe they do and what's more it's been around for some time now.

Have you ever heard of Trapwire? Well smile at the cameras in the streets, casinos and it's even being used at Disneyland. Wait! Still don't believe...
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Goggle Trapwire. If ever you are at Twitter, i would recommend trapwire, indect(european version of trapwire) wikileaks, cablegate, cabledrum. ows. oathkeepers and last, but not least, NDAA. How many of you even know about the NDAA bill that was signed by the usa president on new years eve? It stands for the National Defence Authorization Act. It was done quietly and with little to no reporting on MSM. The Ndaa bill is done yearly in America to finance the entire gov'ts budget but in this particular NDAA they added 2 additional clauses which gives the president the right to detain. imprision indefinitely without trial, any american citizen.

But wait! I know. Cos you haven't seen it on Faux(i mean Fox, Murdochs group) it must not be true right? Here's again is former CNN 3-time award winning journalist Amber Lyon bringing it to you live on the new media we as humans can now share in an instant:
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By the way do you even know that search engines such as Goggle can be censored?

Take care all, especially you americans cos i think there are some dark days ahead coming your way...
I've bigger things to worry about, oh, like rent, my relationship, walking the dogs, to worry if somehow, someone, somewhere is secretly utilizing my computer cam to snap photos of me.
Really, if they're that interested in seeing me pull it to porn, go to town, surely there's hotter men online
I've bigger things to worry about, oh, like rent, my relationship, walking the dogs, to worry if somehow, someone, somewhere is secretly utilizing my computer cam to snap photos of me.
Really, if they're that interested in seeing me pull it to porn, go to town, surely there's hotter men online

Fair enough dionsus, and to a certain degree i agree with you but this is not about wanking, at least not for me. There's much happening around the world and there are some very nasty and evil people that may end up drawing us all in to this crap. It's quite serious. Here's a vid from John F. Kennedy. He was trying to warn us.

Who's to say, maybe my problem is that i care about my family, friends, neighbors and for all the good people of earth.

We are the ones we have been waiting for!
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