No, I know you wasn't, it's all water under the bridge. Apart from Daz, do you watch any other slot videos on youtube etc..? I only really watch the bandit and daz, I might once in a blue moon just peek at rocknrolla's channel to see what he's been up to, hypalinx doesn't seem to do online slots now, more arcade/fruities and jimbo and craig seem to have gone off to twitch, which I detest, just looking at the site layout brings on the screaming abdabs for some reason
I feel a bit more chilled towards the streamers now, the casino grounds etc.. they seem to have reached peak popularity a while back and their clickbait doesn't annoy me so much, and if somebody wanted to use their affiliate earnings/income to play slots all day at £2+ and film themselves doing it, that never really bothered me so much as the casinos bailing them out with multiple reload bonuses etc... to my mind these bonuses were so regularly provided that it effectively acted as untaxed/undeclared income for them to gamble with.
Edit: And importantly then plastering social media with clickbait videos, which are in a way unrealistic and misleading to the uninitiated first time viewers, people new to slots etc...
[not really sure what the tax situation is, but think I read the argument that once affiliate income is lost gambling it still has to be declared and taxable, whereas these bonuses are possibly equivalent to an employee perk, I wonder do they have to pay income/ company tax on the money won during the stream where they've relied on the casino bonus that isn't given to normal players?, so if a business provides you with money on a regular basis to gamble with and you win, should it be exempt from tax the same way as normal winnings are?]