My Heart Attack Scare Today!!


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
Jun 16, 2006
In the Beautiful South !!
im much, much better now but about 1:00 p.m i started having chest pains while playing over at 3 dice, didnt want to get jim upset as he is still under the weather so i had my son in law drive me to the hospital, they did the e.k.g and took alot of blood, thank god it wasnt a heart attack but i am suffering from extreme stress, i havent been eating right and i have anemia. also they said i had a bad pannic attack, which can mimic a heart attack, we ended getting back home around 6:00 p.m, not to bad for being in the emergency room. i thought i had those pannic attacks under control, it really frightened me alot and i want everyone , and i mean everyone if you have the slightest chest pains, please go get it checked out A.S.A.P, i was very lucky indeed, someone else may not be so fortunate...............please take care of your health..................always, laurie:)
Laurie............bed rest, movies (esp. funny ones) and beng waited on hand and foot........these are the drs. orders.........

Had one of those heart attacks 6 years ago...............nothing to mess with

Glad to hear you are ok sweetheart...:thumbsup:

Try not to worry so much...everything is what it is and everything works out for the reason it was meant to work out...that's just the way life is...;)

I know why you are getting so stressed out, but things will get always does...every ting be arie mon !! :cool:
Glad to hear your Ok - The panic attacks can be scary things. You take care of yourself and try not to worry so much - ;)
My Laurie,My Laurie
Iam so glad your ok my sweet darling.I would of done a road trip down to take care of you.The panic attacks always feel like your going that's for sure.You just need to relax more.A glass of wine each day & I mean one glass:lolup: More Love making :lolup:That helps the stress.& walk atleast one mile a day at a slow pace.
You are always in my heart.
Take Care of yourself your still young.

I wish you called me later last night. Call me when you get up girl!!And slow down on those starbucks PLEASE!!! I want you around for awhile

You scared the heck out of me when I saw heartattack. Things will get better LJ. Just a few more weeks/months and everything will be in place
The strangest thing is that I too, today (well, now yesterday) after lunch around 1:00 p.m. just like you, Lauriejim, started to have some heart palpitations that got me scared.:eek2:

I was at work so I took my herbal heart formula quite heavily. That calmed my heart down. I ran out of Scotch whiskey so I bought some more after work. Scotch is good for stopping heart attacks and strokes immediately for it opens up the arteries instantly. Old-timers in the past used to have relatives with heart problems take a little sip each day. I'm not saying they are the substitute for seeing a doctor but I believe modern heart medications make the problem worse in the long run.
Look after yourself

Take a day off and go to the beach. Pack some bread and liver pate (for your anemia), hard boiled eggs (ditto), one of those one serving sizes of wine and some nice ripe peaches (you are in the south). Don't forget to pack lots of water. Wear your SPF 30, bring a trashy novel & a blanket to sit on, and leave the rest of the world behind you.

If you soul needs restoration, I suggest you go alone.

Damn Panics

Good ole panics, your post reminded me of the first time I had one 20 some years ago...I too thought for sure I was having a heart attack and they didn't do EKG or anything on me so I continued for a couple years (on and off)still having chest pains or papilations (being scared) until one doctor finally told me that it is extremely rare that a woman has a heart attack before she goes through menapouse, which at my age that was a ways away for me and still is, i hope :), anyways after I was told that, I didn't have those pains or papilations anymore...our great minds can play some great tricks during a panic or before the panic :eek2:. I'm glad you went to the ER and got it check out and thats all it was, now take time for you and relax and do fun stuff for yourself :thumbsup:
thanks everyone for the kind words, i sure was afraid yesterday, i had forgotten how fast those pannic attacks can come on, i guess our bodies have a way of telling us we need rest and to take life abit more easier. i have had my rest for the day, dont know what they put in that i.v but it has a foil like after taste, yuck!! im sorry babs i didnt call and i will lay off the starbucks, started drinking organic soy milk, its really pretty good, the doctor that took care of me said that women have a higher chance of dying from a heart attack than men as they will dismiss it as something else and when they do get to the hospital its either just in the nick of time or too late, thanks again ya'll for letting me ramble on...................laurie:)..p.s yes win , i smoke:oops:
Hey Laurie, your panic attack didn't have anything to do with your play at 3Dice, I hope! Or if it did it was because of a HUGE win...???? ;)

Seriously though, I have a heart condition (bad valve) and I've had it all my life - sometimes I get palpitations really badly and the one thing that I swear by is aspirin. I always keep baby aspirin or regular aspirin around - when I feel like my heart is overworking I take one and chew it up and lie down with my feet up until it subsides. I'm not sure if it would help with a panic attack but it might...?

I'm not recommending that anyone do this until you get an ok from your doctor - you can't take aspirin if you're on blood thinners or anything like that. I'm just saying that it works for me, and studies have shown that chewing an aspirin even once a heart attack starts can stop it or lessen the damage.
Just wanted to say just reminded me of how important it is to have my yearly checkups, to take those daily walks and really take time to smell the flowers:)
Im glad your ok hun. My oldest one was rushed into the er here in toronto with same symptoms severe chest pain and couldnt breath. We got lucky they put him in a room right away and gave him what they called a pink lady. a drink for heartburn later we found out it was due to panic attacks that create the heartburn.
nobody knows better than me what panic attacks means.....nobody.
I have em 5 to 10 times a day.....every time I see my wife.:eek:
Laurie follow all the suggestion our friends are giving you....relax and dont worry tomorrow is a new day.
.....if your glasses do have the same size I use (1/4 gallon) forget about 'the glass of wine':D
Lauram what the name of the hospital where they give you a 'pink lady'?
Let me know and Ill be on my way with a tremendous heart attack.:rolleyes:
Now this is going to sound silly but it really does work. Always carry paper bags with you buy the 50 pack of the lunch bags. Keep them in the car by your bed stand and a few at the computer. When you start to feel a attack coming on breath in and out into the bag slowly.
That paper bag thing isnt silly at all Lauram. Its a good idea. People have been doing that for ages. It really does help slow your breathing down. I had to do that one time.

Hopefully Laurie is laying down like she's suppose to:D I talked to her a couple of hours ago and she sounds pretty good but tired at the same time.
I think the meds were still in her system because she was pretty funny lol
Glad you are ok as I just read........IIRC, you are familiar with Dr. Fredi.....I doubt you came to Nashville as you probably went to the closest ER.......I think I told you the story about my very active mother and the quack who pulled her off the treadmill......It took a few months but my father finally talked her into to getting a second opinion from one of my father's Doc's. I think she saw Churchwell but both Churchwell and Fredi are outstanding Cards. as I think you know....And since Frist went into politics, you do not have to worry about running into him at VUMC:D (Frist btw was considered one of the best heart and lung transplant surgeons)...... Anyway Churchwell said the quack had misdiagnosed her and for her to go back to her normal active life which she did....Maybe you will go visit Dr.Fredi.....Enough preaching but at least you expect it from moi,lol.....Hope you feel better soon.... Be well,Garry!!:)
Oh boy Laurie! Sure glad you're alright!

I know so many people that have panic attacks...I have had some myself but not as severe as some I've heard about.

The paper bag thing is something my Mom always had me do...I got nervous in the morning before going to school! I was never a morning person!

Take care of yourself. Sometimes you have to put yourself first or you will be no good to anyone.
For those that's never experienced panic attacks, here's a reference:

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Along with the other symptoms, my BP shot up to ~ 200/120 during one. Which is quite a change from my normal 130/85.

Knock on wood, I haven't had any in quite awhile, and hope you don't either!
Tips for getting through a panic attack

I was going to send this via PM, but I felt that other people may benefit from these tips as well :) Enjoy.

Hey :)

Having experienced these since 1997 due to work-related stress, here's some tips:

Talk to someone, anyone. If nobody's around, call a friend or family member. Talk about anything and everything except your panic attack. Trying to carry on a conversation will take your mind off the "here and now" and definitely help calm you down.

Take a long walk. If it's nippy outside, don't wear a sweater or jacket. The cold air will actually help matters. If you have a cell, take it with you, and combine the above tip with your walk. :D

By all means, DO NOT TRY TO DRIVE. This is the worst thing you can do, and will only make it worse! If you've tried everything else, call 911 or an ambulance, or have someone drive you to the ER. I tried driving myself to the ER one time during a major attack, and almost made it. I was about a mile away before it got to be so bad I had to pull over and have someone call 911. I was shaking so bad and every part of my body was either tingling or almost numb. I thought I was going to pass out (or worse) behind the wheel.

Don't bother trying to "lay down and relax." It doesn't work. At least in my case, my brain kicked it up a notch when I was sitting/laying still. You're better off taking a walk.

Drink plenty of fluids. Not only because you're usually sweating so much and may get dehydrated, but it (subconsciously?) helps get through the bouts of finding it hard to swallow. Having cotton mouth only worsens the situation.

As a last resort, medications.

Some ones that help:

Xanax - While this helps for Acute panic attacks, it is VERY addictive and should be used sparingly. For instance, if you only took 1mg Xanax a day for 2 weeks, you're going to be physically addicted to it, and it's going to be hell trying to get off of it.

Ativan - Same as Xanax.

Klonopin - This is good for both short-term and long-term use. Although it IS addictive, if managed right, you can take it for long periods of time without a problem. Just remember that you can still get physically addicted to it.

I was taking 5mg/day of Klonopin for 5 months, and I was. The only reason I found out is because my doctor took me off of it cold turkey. I ended up in the hospital because of it where they were able to ween me off. I talked with them about it, and they said that coming off Klonopin cold turkey is no different than coming off of any Barbituate. So the moral of the story is: Never go off Klonopin (or any med like that) cold turkey. Have them ween you off.

It really sucks because I wanted to sue the doctor for putting me through 3 weeks of mega withdrawals (gross negligence - I later found out that any doctor with half a brain knows you're not supposed to take someone off that medicine cold turkey), but the lawyer I spoke to told me that unless permanent damage was caused, I have no case. :rolleyes:

If anyone else has some more tips that I might have missed, please post them :)

Also, how long do your attacks last? Mine used to "run into" each other, and would last for hours. The longest one I had was 5 hours.

It was pretty sad actually, I went to the ER after about the 3rd hour, told them EXACTLY what was going on, and they still made me sit (pacing around the ER, actually) for 2 hours before even calling me back. They gave me 1mg Xanax and I ended up falling asleep (more like passing out from exhaustion) in 15 minutes. :rolleyes:

It seems that if you present yourself with a physical problem, you get treated faster, but if you present yourself with a mental health issue, then you're looked at as an outcast....sad.

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