My Story


Paleo Meister (means really, really old)
Apr 2, 2011
So here is what I am going through currently, Even if you're not in Canada please share and maybe it will give hope or help to people to not be afraid to speak up or if you want to show your disgust to these companies. I, of course, did not give all the fine details but why should I suffer like this for doing nothing wrong and trying to be a decent human being and follow the law's and my right's.

My story of what it is really like to work in a unionized workplace.

My name is Geoff and I work for Coca-Cola and (suppose to be) under a Union UFCW 175. I would like to share the real story and to show and help other's going through the same thing that yes you have a right to speak up even though nobody will help you.

I have gone through years of stress, Harassment and discrimination and violations of the Employment Standards act and finally to chose to speak up only to get no help and more harassment and discrimination from the employer, the union and the Ministry of Labour.

Let me tell you what I have had to deal with, Firstly after being told I was going to get a full-time position the manager at the time backtracked and there were 2 other people who I am friends with to this day so instead of going through a process properly they drew names for this full-time position, Yes drew names out of a hat. So I had to wait 9 month's at 50% less pay for a full-time position. Before this I was being a good employee and killing myself and almost died as I worked in a very hot environment and got heat stroke and fell ill at work, The employer would not let me go get medical attention as in they would not let co-worker's who offered to take me to the hospital, I had to take a 2 hour bus trip home while trying to not throw up and stay from passing out. I was 3 day's straight throwing up and sick and missed work with no pay and I found out I could have died.

During this time I had a family member pass away, I got nothing but pressure to tell them when I needed off for the funeral as they had nobody else to cover (really the employer did not want to force another employee to cover) and it was a regular workday for which I did not get paid which under Employment Standards act I am supposed to, So lost a day's wages.

Fast forward to when I am Full time, Constantly being harassed for years a position came up to do certain duties, I was the only one applied and got the position, It was taken away from me within 1 day due to discrimination. I was like well no this is not right but of course, I can't do anything cause the employer will do nothing and the person that complained I was getting the position was a union rep so can't file anything with the union even though it was their mistake for posting the position in the first place.

I did my best to work with the situation and being I have a right to do what I was hired for I tried to do that and got harassed by the employer and other's for doing so, I went through immense stress to try and avoid conflict and do my duties and still be a good employee.

During this time I suffered an injury and could not do certain duties, I got multiple Dr's notes and filled out employer's forms, Yet I was refused light duty and forced to keep doing my regular duties which prolonged my injury and caused me to lose money in wages and for treatment's. I now can not use my injured area fully to this day 100 percent.

During this time in between this and what I am telling next, I asked for stress leave only to be given the runaround and getting no answer, The 2nd time I went to my dr also to assist in getting time off but still could not get an answer.

Forward to about a year ago, another position came up, I applied for another position and got it, I thought o.k. no more fighting and stress in regards to trying to do my last position, With 3 day's left till I start my new position I got still more harassment and discrimination and I finally had enough and spoke up and said I was going to Human Resources and going to take actions that I was planning to do.

So finally standing up and speaking up I got wages taken from me as the employer and union are angry at me for speaking up and the employer made false accusations and ganged up on me to make an example out of me instead of investigating what the problem is and my complaints. This is really theft and fraud I would not even be at work when this event happened had they given me the stress leave, So I had to come in on my holiday's to deal with this when it was a chance for me to get away and relax.

The union basically gave up during this and told me the wrong things as A)They don't want to deal with the paperwork and B) They are angry at me cause I complained I am paying for a service and I am not getting that service in regards to the representation.

I tried to get help with the Ministry of Labour right away, Of course the Ministry doesn't want to help, I have had fraud and theft but of course the Police won't do anything, The law's in this Country are that everything has to be done with the union and you can't get any help from Lawyer's.

So even though I have been physically attacked multiple times, Nothing happened to those people, The employer will let an employee get high on drugs and drive a forklift and nothing happens, The employer will let an employee miss month's of work and nothing happens. You want to speak up finally and follow the law and your right's well we are going to get you and try and fire you, A coworker had a terminally ill child and missed lot's of time and take time off, He came back and the employer wanted to fire him! His kid was terminally ill and just died and the employer wanted to get rid of him!

So now I am trying to get the union to do their duty cause again I am fighting for my rights and to correct the wrongs that were done against me and I was told "you're a grown man" and basically told me to grow up and the union is now doing what the employer did, harassment and discrimination! and representing the employer than me! I was mocked and they think it's a joke that I have lost over $100,000 due to this and even more from other employers as I have gone through this before, I lost everything once already and coming up to losing what I have now, This kind of stuff has caused seperation between me and family, I am having panic attacks, Anxiety and depression due to all of this and they think it's a joke and they don't care about mental health and that's what Coca-cola and ufcw is all about.

So this is for everyone who is going through the same thing and to show it's no rainbow's working in a unionized environment. This shows what kind of employer this is and what this Union is all about, The unions (or this one at least) say we fight for Employee's rights and to be treated fairly and that is not the case at all.

This is what "a grown man" does, This is 100 percent real and I am 100 percent real, If you don't follow the law's and don't want to do your job's and duties and want to be scumbags this is what happens and hope I this helps people to speak up and out in regards to this stuff if you're going through the same thing.
I'm sorry to hear you're been having such terrible problems.

My advice - Life is too short for shit like this. Regardless of who is in the right/wrong you're health and well being is too important. You should leave this job, move on and get a new job. Perhaps when you have a different perspective and have your life and health back you can decide whether to carry on fighting or just get on and enjoy your life. Sometimes the hardest decision is knowing when to leave something alone, however much you feel you're in the right. A year of happiness will have a dramatic effect on your life and those around you.
Sad story indeed mate and thanks for sharing.

I'd advise "Don't let the bastards grind ya down" but I feel going thru what you have would make even the strongest among us suffer, surprised also at the behavior of a multi billion pound organisation.

Can you seek 3rd party help/advice?

Stay strong and best of luck moving forward Geoff!
I'm sorry to hear you're been having such terrible problems.

My advice - Life is too short for shit like this. Regardless of who is in the right/wrong you're health and well being is too important. You should leave this job, move on and get a new job. Perhaps when you have a different perspective and have your life and health back you can decide whether to carry on fighting or just get on and enjoy your life. Sometimes the hardest decision is knowing when to leave something alone, however much you feel you're in the right. A year of happiness will have a dramatic effect on your life and those around you.

Thanks, I have been trying to get out of there but it's not that easy to find something that pay's the same or even find anything at all. I know but this crap happens in everything I do and has been for the last 20 years but yes I am still trying to fight for a happier life and a normal life, That's why I was so interested in trancemonkey's post about a position open even though I know nothing about the backend stuff, I just know about slots and the ones that are crap,lol. :P. I have tried to get on with life all through this and forget some of the things but when do you say enough is enough to get screwed?

But ya I am trying harder to get out and keep a eye out for a new job, and or my own business as I know I will be so much happier not being there.
Sad story indeed mate and thanks for sharing.

I'd advise "Don't let the bastards grind ya down" but I feel going thru what you have would make even the strongest among us suffer, surprised also at the behavior of a multi billion pound organisation.

Can you seek 3rd party help/advice?

Stay strong and best of luck moving forward Geoff!

I am trying right now on that and that's what is suppose to of happened, A 3rd party mediator should be brought in to resolve this. It's very simple to fix this issue and I am not asking for much, just for the right thing to be done and people don't want to do that, it's baffling and mind-boggling.
Crikey! In the UK you'd be at an Industrial Tribunal and subject to an unlimited payout if discrimination was proved. I worked in a Unionized environment once and things would never have got anything near that bad. I was always paid in full when ill or injured and we had good rights and benefits earned by the union over the years. This situation you described is like something Dickensian, out of the Dark Ages. It's decades since people in the UK could experience such stress without recourse or protection. Sorry to hear of this, it's terrible.
Crikey! In the UK you'd be at an Industrial Tribunal and subject to an unlimited payout if discrimination was proved. I worked in a Unionized environment once and things would never have got anything near that bad. I was always paid in full when ill or injured and we had good rights and benefits earned by the union over the years. This situation you described is like something Dickensian, out of the Dark Ages. It's decades since people in the UK could experience such stress without recourse or protection. Sorry to hear of this, it's terrible.

Thanks, I know and I said this last year when the latest incident occurred, I said "no way this stuff should be happening in a union workplace" and of course the union reps got mad at me,lol. If I was not under a union I could get a big payout most likely for damages I found out but here everything is under the union, You can't sue, file a complaint or anything as the union is your representation. I am thinking of taking individuals to court for money owed though. I did tell them last year and just in my latest email, If everyone hates me so much and I really did something wrong than pay me and get rid of me so I am offering to end my employment and this relationship but they have to pay me the correct amount, is the rest of the contract (2 and a half years) and what I am supposed to get under the laws here and I will gladly leave.
Have you tried going above head office of the union...not your local chapter but the national chapter.

You’re paying union dues. You should be listened to.
Exactly and that's what I keep saying, I have emailed the president before and every time I did get a quicker response but no response directly from him, I just emailed him and a director yesterday so waiting to see if anything from that and I did thank both of them for helping in getting quicker response times but still issues need to be resolved and what happened last week with the local rep.
There is a union manager for each part of the province. Not your union steward, but his big boss. They each have a territory that covers how unions are run. Have you been in contact with him or her? Sadly unions are a double edged sword. Provincial wont touch unions for some reason, so you need to also contact your Federal rep in your riding. Document everything! The devil is in the details. Take a deep breath, and write everything out that you can with dates etc. I know it's really hard finding a job here right now. Be pro-active, not reactive. I can find out who the head honcho rep for that union is if you want?
There is a union manager for each part of the province. Not your union steward, but his big boss. They each have a territory that covers how unions are run. Have you been in contact with him or her? Sadly unions are a double edged sword. Provincial wont touch unions for some reason, so you need to also contact your Federal rep in your riding. Document everything! The devil is in the details. Take a deep breath, and write everything out that you can with dates etc. I know it's really hard finding a job here right now. Be pro-active, not reactive. I can find out who the head honcho rep for that union is if you want?

Never thought about Federal rep, As posted above I am in contact with the big boss. I will be honest and I have been like reactive in some cases or like a bebo and angry but I got a right to be angry. I am being proactive as well, I got my withdrawal forms ready to be filled out from the place I have savings accounts through the employer as I get all the money that's in there, I just have to work on the pension as it's a locked-in account and I will have open an account with a bank or whatever for that.
Never thought about Federal rep, As posted above I am in contact with the big boss. I will be honest and I have been like reactive in some cases or like a bebo and angry but I got a right to be angry. I am being proactive as well, I got my withdrawal forms ready to be filled out from the place I have savings accounts through the employer as I get all the money that's in there, I just have to work on the pension as it's a locked-in account and I will have open an account with a bank or whatever for that.
Lol@ being a Bebo! I had problems with my union rep in my old work place. I use to work for the Salvation Army Hostel as Dietary. When they closed most of the Federal Prisons down like Kingston, they shipped the inmates to various places. Sally Ann being one. We had serious offenders living with the homeless. And only a panic button for us workers. The homeless were housed together with nothing. They were overseen by the ROPE Team, who were some tough cops, who kept their faces covered! Anyways, I was finding used and blood filled syringes. No one wanted to do anything about it. I went everywhere because it was unsafe working conditions and they were not being monitored. No one in the city even knew that they were there! And yes I pulled a BEBO! By the time I was done. I was fired but they had proper blood handling procedures put in place, the city knew they existed ( meaning the citizens as there is a University a block away) And they had to separate the homeless from the inmates. That is how I found out how unions work and that only Federal will look into it.
It seems like you work for a very messed up management team.

My work has a union and they are very helpful. There are a few jobs you can take here that arent unionized and they have a hard time filling those jobs because people fear not being in a union because at any time for basically little to no reason you can be walked out of your job.

I have also found the ministry of labor to be very helpful here. I had an instance where I was working over time but was getting paid for regular pay only. I took all my proof to the labor board. 6 weeks later I got a check for all the wages I was ripped off for and an apology from the company. There is basically zero chance they wouldnt step in if you showed them this and made these accusations.

You pay union dues so its very strange that they do not help you. I mean, the union is usually the ones at odds with the company you work for so it is quite strange they are causing you issues too.

Its also a legal binding contract.

I assume you want ahead with the union grievance process?

have you read your collective agreement?

All unions have a clause that they have a duty of fair representation.

There are also many lawyers who would be willing to help if all else fails. It would be quite easy for them to see if anything of important has taken place because everything is documented.
It seems like you work for a very messed up management team.

My work has a union and they are very helpful. There are a few jobs you can take here that arent unionized and they have a hard time filling those jobs because people fear not being in a union because at any time for basically little to no reason you can be walked out of your job.

I have also found the ministry of labor to be very helpful here. I had an instance where I was working over time but was getting paid for regular pay only. I took all my proof to the labor board. 6 weeks later I got a check for all the wages I was ripped off for and an apology from the company. There is basically zero chance they wouldnt step in if you showed them this and made these accusations.

You pay union dues so its very strange that they do not help you. I mean, the union is usually the ones at odds with the company you work for so it is quite strange they are causing you issues too.

Its also a legal binding contract.

I assume you want ahead with the union grievance process?

have you read your collective agreement?

All unions have a clause that they have a duty of fair representation..
There are also many lawyers who would be willing to help if all else fails. It would be quite easy for them to see if anything of important has taken place because everything is documented.
A local union is only as good as the steward running it. And surprising as it may sound, most are friends with management. If they don't like someone, they will find a way to get rid of them without getting caught. If I was Geoff, i'd call it a day. No job is worth your mental well being
It seems like you work for a very messed up management team.

My work has a union and they are very helpful. There are a few jobs you can take here that arent unionized and they have a hard time filling those jobs because people fear not being in a union because at any time for basically little to no reason you can be walked out of your job.

I have also found the ministry of labor to be very helpful here. I had an instance where I was working over time but was getting paid for regular pay only. I took all my proof to the labor board. 6 weeks later I got a check for all the wages I was ripped off for and an apology from the company. There is basically zero chance they wouldnt step in if you showed them this and made these accusations.
No the ministry will not help at all even though I have tried to show all of this.
You pay union dues so its very strange that they do not help you. I mean, the union is usually the ones at odds with the company you work for so it is quite strange they are causing you issues too.

Its also a legal binding contract.
This is what I am saying to them.
I assume you want ahead with the union grievance process?
Yes somewhat last year, But they said oh well as the employer was not cooperating and than they told me nothing else we can do which I found out and they have admitted this was wrong.
have you read your collective agreement?
I tried to say the part's of it but nobody will follow it.
All unions have a clause that they have a duty of fair representation.
Yes and that's what I am trying to do for the last year but the ministry keeps telling me I can't file for that.
There are also many lawyers who would be willing to help if all else fails. It would be quite easy for them to see if anything of important has taken place because everything is documented.
Some answers in quoted post.
Where is these lawyers? I have contacted coming up to a dozen of them and I either get no answer or they say sorry we can't do anything, As your union needs to deal with it.
A local union is only as good as the steward running it. And surprising as it may sound, most are friends with management. If they don't like someone, they will find a way to get rid of them without getting caught. If I was Geoff, i'd call it a day. No job is worth your mental well being

Yup am calling it a day, That's why I am going public and asking to be paid out and end the relationship. If I get the proper amount it will solve many problems and I can take some time and enjoy myself the best I can and find something else to do.
How old are you?
About to turn 41 in a week and a bit. I started working almost 30 years ago as I did not want to be working for other's at this age, Sadly here we are and did not think this is the way I might "retire". With all the stress I don't think I have much longer, to be honest.
Some answers in quoted post.
Where is these lawyers? I have contacted coming up to a dozen of them and I either get no answer or they say sorry we can't do anything, As your union needs to deal with it.

For your work, union and ministry of labor to not get involved seems really wild. Especially when you state physical harm, drugs, discrimination and drinking on the job. This is the ministry of the labors dream situation to go after. And lawyers too.

I havent really heard of many cases where lawyers who specialize in these disputes turn people down and tell them to deal with it through your union. They are basically there when the union does not help.

One of the websites we suggest to our clients is
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You can go to the main part of the site and it will have lawyers dedicated to your issue and closest town that specialize in this. I just have it directed to Toronto because thats where most of our clients request.
About to turn 41 in a week and a bit. I started working almost 30 years ago as I did not want to be working for other's at this age, Sadly here we are and did not think this is the way I might "retire". With all the stress I don't think I have much longer, to be honest.
NO! Don't think negative. Trust me when I say this. I have seen EVERYTHING and have been through so much in life. Stuff that most people would not survive mentally. I have learned that life has so many many! It has to. Without these chapters what would life be like? You would not meet new people, learn new things, including life lessons. Life would just " exist" as it has the last so many years for you. This is a new chapter for you. It will be scary because it's new, but that is life and you will embrace it! Look ahead, not behind! Your life is so promising now.

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