My Story

What life? Keep getting screwed and can't get anywhere and keep getting treated like crap. I can't find a girlfriend even though I am like the last decent guy left and that's been mega stress trying to get someone to give me a chance, I am on the verge of being homeless as I am single and can't pay the high rents and can't get a house cause of the stupid rules here and really have nothing.

Honestly, the only thing or people I have is you guy's and your post's here that back me up in what I am saying is helping so thank you.

It's all a matter of perspective. Some people would think you're in the perfect position. No ties, no relationship, no shackles - the world is your oyster. You can create a new path for yourself. It takes guts, but if you were adventurous, you could drop everything and go volunteering somewhere else in the world. Have new experiences, meet new people. You'll be given somewhere to live and fed for work. Material things aren't important. happiness and health are. You need to nurture both of those things for yourself, otherwise what else is there?.

Look forward not back, your current issue is constraining you. I can't tell you what to do, only you know that, but I think you need someone to help to work out what that is. A Coach could help you get your thinking straight and onto a more positive path.
Wow what an abysmal situation to be in! We forget a majority of our time is spent at work so when something like this happens it can have a massive impact on our lives and not only at work but it can carry over into our personal lives too as stress and worry has a huge impact on how our bodies/mind reacts.

It's a lowly human being who finds this acceptable and can sit back and do nothing whilst you obviously have a massive fight on your hands but the main priority has to be your health - you are still youngish, have no ties so I would be looking to start afresh, new place to live, new job and new friends. I know it's easier to say and do but options can be limitless if you have the time and inclination to do so.

I really hope life improves for you, one step at a time :)
Have not played gemix in quite awhile as I play reactoonz now.

I have sent a resume out if I have not said that already, Saw another supervisor position today but I know nothing about the stuff they sell. At least it's making me happy that I am trying to find something new. Still looking at own like side business as looking on shopify at stores for sale but should read up on the facebook advertising and such.
More bad news, The kind of places I was looking at are a no go for my own place unless it's not on leased land. So my options are very limited for a place to live. Not all bad as I can use what I was going to use for down payment for first/last and furniture and stuff.

The only thing I can hope for is I do get like my own business that is doing good and making the profit every month, Success is the greatest revenge so I can go hey look at all the people who wanted to screw me, I am making money and doing well, right? So if that happens and say I am still working at a different job than that will turn my life around right there.
I wish I was in a stronger position to advise you further Geoff, however my knowledge on these matters are very limited :o

All I can say is try and relax and find somethings to take your mind off it from time to time to prevent it consuming you. I also wish you the very best in sorting things out and soon :D
Trying for the 3rd time to get like stress leave, Got doctor's appt June 5th and waiting to get an answer from the insurance company about the form. Also emailed another lawyer and waiting for an answer back but not holding my breath I will even get one.

Most likely if I do take a leave it will be unpaid and think you can only get a month max.
So the thought of an idea for an online store, Have been working on it all afternoon and still nothing fancy. My horoscope said turn something negative into positive so hope this is it. Going to try and tie in this community and the you tube community I am part of.
Are you stressed from slots? Stressed from playing Bonanza? Just stressed period?

Here is my new store, Work in progress as want to get a couple things and more products on there before I get into the marketing side but some stuff bebo could use,lol.

Outdated URL (Invalid)
Are you stressed from slots? Stressed from playing Bonanza? Just stressed period?

Here is my new store, Work in progress as want to get a couple things and more products on there before I get into the marketing side but some stuff bebo could use,lol.

Outdated URL (Invalid)
Pretty nice, only thing stopping me purchasing is a distinct lack on the beach front. And no, Margate doesn't count :D
More women in bikini's, got it. :p

Offensive! Sexist! Do you know how hard our PM has worked to take this sort of thinking and targeting out of Canada? Its like...pretty much all he's ever done
It's all a matter of perspective. Some people would think you're in the perfect position. No ties, no relationship, no shackles - the world is your oyster. You can create a new path for yourself. It takes guts, but if you were adventurous, you could drop everything and go volunteering somewhere else in the world. Have new experiences, meet new people. You'll be given somewhere to live and fed for work. Material things aren't important. happiness and health are. You need to nurture both of those things for yourself, otherwise what else is there?.

Look forward not back, your current issue is constraining you. I can't tell you what to do, only you know that, but I think you need someone to help to work out what that is. A Coach could help you get your thinking straight and onto a more positive path.

Funny how the financially stable tend to come out with that one. (not speculation about you Neil BTW, just generally!)

Old Chinese proverb: "When poverty walks in, love walks out."

It's hard to find love with no funds to support or begin a relationship, with no stable home etc. Then, as SM says, your confidence in that area is affected by your everyday circumstances. Sometimes it all looks black and overwhelming and whichever way you try and be optimistic the cards are sometimes stacked against you.

It's basically a case from what I read of sorting first employment issues, then accommodation and with the easing of stress those should bring the third objective of a special person which would inevitably become easier with the new more relaxed and confident persona.

It won't be easy, but it will happen.
Funny how the financially stable tend to come out with that one. (not speculation about you Neil BTW, just generally!)

Maybe that's true Dunover, but not in my case. I've been through dark times, lost loved ones and seen lives destroyed through illness. It's taught me some valuable lessons. As you get older it's easier to see what's important, but very difficult to pass on those lessons to people who have not yet had those experiences. Did you ever listen to your parents?, I know I didn't. lol.

When you're in dark times it's difficult to find a way out on your own, you do need help. The best help I've found is a coach, someone who doesn't tell you what to do or how to do it, but helps you identify what the real issues are and what you can do about it. The first bit about identifying the real issues is the most difficult bit to do. It takes someone trained to ask the right questions at the right time to unearth them. What presents as the initial problem could actually be caused by something completely different and if that was resolved the first issue might just disappear.

My advice is go to the doctors and ask for a referral to see a coach / counselor to help him through this.
Just added the destressed coffee line.

For any coffee drinkers. :)
Pretty nice, only thing stopping me purchasing is a distinct lack on the beach front. And no, Margate doesn't count :D

More of a beach theme for you, Well like a beach hut background it's called. :). On opening topic just about to go to the dr's and see about a little time off, I am having continuous like chest pain now. Doubt insurance/disability will cover income if I do take time off and it's only like 3-4weeks I think I read but will see.

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