Question How satisfied are you with mobile/tablet games?

How satisfied are you with mobile/tablet games?

  • Extremely satisfied - they are mobilicious.

    Votes: 23 10.4%
  • They are good - but there is room for improvement (please comment on why)

    Votes: 46 20.8%
  • Seldom play because they suck (please comment)

    Votes: 30 13.6%
  • I don't play because they don't offer the games I like.

    Votes: 69 31.2%
  • I don't play because I don't have a mobile device.

    Votes: 53 24.0%

  • Total voters
mobile play

Hiya there, in ref to mobile play i was playing a good bit til Slotland changed there preferences and looks of their site. Now i get so frustrated with all the pre questions on how you want to play when logging on til it became a nuisance. I was in hopes to find another site but to no avail ive not. Hope this offers a lil insight for your poll. Thxs WP
I don't have an iPhone, iPad, iTablet or anything like that, but I have played an MG casino a few times on my "normal" mobile phone.
It was OK actually, my only complaints have already been mentioned - not enough games and not having the usual bet options or autoplay.

I have slightly mixed feeling about it as a concept though; it is more convenient, but could potentially lead to more problem gamblers. I can imagine people travelling to work by public transport, playing because they are bored and losing their day's (or even week's) pay before they even get to the office! :(

I don't have an iPhone, iPad, iTablet or anything like that, but I have played an MG casino a few times on my "normal" mobile phone.
It was OK actually, my only complaints have already been mentioned - not enough games and not having the usual bet options or autoplay.

I have slightly mixed feeling about it as a concept though; it is more convenient, but could potentially lead to more problem gamblers. I can imagine people travelling to work by public transport, playing because they are bored and losing their day's (or even week's) pay before they even get to the office! :(


lol, or losing their balance if they leave it on the seat and dont log out
Between my work and my hobbies, I spend a lot of (too much) time in front of the computer already - when I'm out and about the last thing I want is to do more of it. I have a cell but only turn it on when I want to call someone - if someone wants to get hold of me, they can bloody well call my house and talk to the machine and wait patiently til I call them back.

My issues would be what a lot of people have already posted, not a big enough screen, not good enough sound, not a good enough selection or quality and most importantly I wouldn't feel like it was secure enough.
Thanks all who are participating in this thread. Some really great comments. I'm at a conference at the moment where mobiles/tablets are a topic. :D
From personal experience I find netent the best.

MG is rubbish, I d/l the 32red hd casino, and the games i like (deck the halls/IR & TSII) I cant seem to change the stake when playing in real mode, so either a £3 spin or nothing.
Oh and another point,

Butlers Bingo was great, I could access and play ALL games on my galaxy s3, but since they launched the mobile casino it's utter rubbish.
could be better but glad they're there none-the-less

I really only have two factors that am not doing the happy dance for. The bigger being the lack of instant play casinos available to US. Second is just a gripe about the limited slot choices on flash/no download play. As a result of my nemesis aka technoligy(sp), I'm currently limited to my tablet for online gambling. But ah well, such is life. ; ~)

There's lots of disadvantages for sure, quality, easier to hit the wrong buttons, no chat.
But the convenience of being able to play on my iphone without people knowing what I'm doing is a bonus, unless of course you have a problem, I can even play at work or anytime I'm sitting around bored.
The bonuses seem pretty good on them too and a lot of them do count their mobile blackjack towards the wagering requirements. Yesterday I deposited $120 got a bonus (through 32 Red (which I believe to be the only really worthwhile casino to play at) and cashed out after about an hour. If only I could keep repeating that.
Thanks all who have participated in this thread. There are some really interesting responses.

Amazing fact that about 25% of our members don't have smart phones or mobile devices - I'm wondering if this is an age thing :p

One thing for sure, when you talk to anyone in the industry, they will tell you that mobile devices are the future for gaming. But I'm not so sure about that. For sportsbetting - it is. And it's massive in that realm - but for casino games, I'm really not convinced that it's all quite there.

For one thing, a typical slots player enjoys the bells and whistles of bonus rounds, etc. and to present this on a tiny screen is just a waste of time. It's like watching Lord of the Rings on your iPod or mobile - why bother? It's a lot better at home on a big flat screen TV with the surround-sound cranked up. The same with games.

And many slots players, or even video poker players enjoy a long bout playing a certain game (waiting for that bonus round :p). When connecting via mobile, it may only be for a brief spell. So that may be a factor with some players eschewing mobile play.
NetEnt mobile/tablet slots are great. One of the only developers who have made an effort to make the games work well on the devices aimed at rather than just porting over the desktop game.
Used to play Inetbet on my blackberry,

but the selection of games was pitiful, moving around in the games was laborious, and visually everything was just too small. I don't know, but for these small screens to be so popular, a lot of people's eyesight must get better with age, mine certainly hasn't.

Maybe glasses would help me.
a what?

im a caveman dont even have a cell phone...But i wana evolve, would be cool to play 3dice on the bus, what thingies and do-hickies to i need to buy?
But i wana evolve, would be cool to play 3dice on the bus, what thingies and do-hickies to i need to buy?

A mobile phone such as an i-phone or an android phone (galaxy, nexus etc.) would be handy, also a Tablet (crossover between a laptop and a phone i would call it, but don't pin me on that one) would suffice: atm 3Dice does not really offer mobile as far as i know, however, you could just use a small laptop such as the Asus eee-pc, the HP mini, and the likes, and take a mobile internet subscription, then you could play 3Dice on the bus:)
From personal experience I find netent the best.

MG is rubbish, I d/l the 32red hd casino, and the games i like (deck the halls/IR & TSII) I cant seem to change the stake when playing in real mode, so either a £3 spin or nothing.
If it's the same as on my non-iPhone, you need to go into the "Settings" menu - there you can change the coin & bet size.

tried my 1st mobile play at a few minutes ago

its not bad, but i think that should have more games

tried in red bet

thanks andy
If it's the same as on my non-iPhone, you need to go into the "Settings" menu - there you can change the coin & bet size.


Well MG broke this recently (intentionally!) When you hit on your iPad - up to a few weeks ago you got the choice of the traditional mobile casino or the new 'HD' version. Now you don't get a choice.

The HD version IS way better from a games perspective, but there is no way to change the number of lines - only the coin size.
Seldom play because they suck
The times I have played on my mobile it's MGS and I tend to only play Thunderstruck. The major peeves are the bet/line buttons and the auto spin selector. I don't have BIG chunky fingers yet unless I hit the sweet spot, about the surface area of a pin head, I spend more time fixing up miss hits than actually playing. Then there's the time outs. A simple process on a laptop or PC but on a mobile it gets very frustrating repeating logins 2 or more times a session.

To fix the button issue, I thought of a single larger button in game. When tapped it opens a full screen allowing the player to pick bet amount, bet size, lines and auto play. Not assing around with little buttons, means less frustration and more enjoyment actually playing the game.
Well, I don't have a tablet because I find them too proprietary and crippled, despite Mrs Matt loving her Ipad, I'm simply NOT interested in anything Apple serves up. I do, however, have a Blackberry and in the last couple of weeks I've tried to download the software to play my favourite game, Roulette, from two of my fav sites - William Hill and Ladbrokes. Both were a disaster, with Ladbrokes going round in circles with the links clearly mislabelled and as for William Hill, the server encountered an "error" every damn time I, I've given up! Not that I was ever that enthusiastic about mobile gambling anyway because in my opinion, it is something that should be experienced in the comfort of one's "Private space", at home, on a 17" or above screen!
I have not been swayed by either the marketing or the experience of others.

My impression is of a crippled platform compared to the desktop experience. I recently bought a top of the range laptop out of "that win" from last year, and have loaded MGS on it. It is not really a mobile device as such, but it does give me the option of playing away from home on a device I own, which is going to be more secure.

I also won a Samsung Galaxy SIII, which should be able to access the Android versions of the casinos I play at (if there is one). One thing that has put me off using mobile devices is the cost of data compared to the home broadband package. I believe that downloading the browser versions of each game each time they are launched could lead to a big bill at the end of the month for doing what would be inclusive in the base price of my home broadband package.

One thing that DOES make me consider mobile gaming is the ability to keep up to date with the various promotions on offer. I could at least deposit and claim on the correct date, even if I want to save playing till I get home. Currently, I miss a few promos when away, and often return to find I have missed something REALLY good.

I would probably use the laptop in some cases, but this is not something I can stick in my pocket, even though it offers the full desktop range of games, not the cut down mobile version.

What could make mobile work is an end to prohibitive data charges coupled with fast connectivity equal to a decent home broadband service. More storage on mobile devices should allow more caching of fixed data like the game graphics, which would make them quicker to load and play.

Bigger and better screens are already coming out, particularly for tablet devices.

In the longer term, they could be right, many more people will have a mobile device than a desktop PC, and more "dull moments" could potentially become available, such as an annoyingly long queue, or tedious journey, where some entertainment would be attractive.

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