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We had a data base burp and had to restore it from an earlier version
Sorry about that 

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the gist of my post was
1. was the complainant informed of the reason why his deposits and winnings were confiscated, i.e not the method of detection, but category, eg. identity fraud
2. have the deposits been returned to the bank/rightful owner of the card as they would have to be in a case of fraud?
You'll have to ask the casino, it's not part of the PAB mandate to police the casino's management of player accounts.
the gist of my post was
1. was the complainant informed of the reason why his deposits and winnings were confiscated, i.e not the method of detection, but category, eg. identity fraud
2. have the deposits been returned to the bank/rightful owner of the card as they would have to be in a case of fraud?
... Providers should note that unless prevented from doing so by legislation (such as criminal, or linked to data protection), they must be prepared to share the evidence on which they base their decision with both parties to the dispute, as required by the ADR Regulations, Schedule 3, part 7 (Fairness)....
And that is precisely why we withdrew our application to be an ADR. Such a policy is wrong-headed and an aid to fraudsters, not what we're about.
If the OP -- or anyone else for that matter -- has issues with how his deposits were handled he's welcome to take it to court.
For the case at hand our job was to determine the veracity of the OP's complaint and the fairness of the casino's judgement against him. That job has been done and my involvement with that issue ends there.
CIA Superior: What do we learn, Palmer?
Chad Feldheimer: I dont know sir.
CIA Superior: I don't f****ng know either.
Chad Feldheimer: I guess we learned, not to do it again.
Chad Feldheimer: Yes sir.
CIA Superior: I'm f***ed if I know what we did.
But you've missed the first point now ...
I'd say that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. However, I've said all I care to on this including, I believe, answering your questions. I'm done here, full stop.
@mack341 Why do you care so much about this? Just wondering.
well it just seems logical, I think some other members not just me are also curious as to what happened to the deposited funds, also as there is an active CM warning against this group I can't help but be sceptical of radio silence re this issue.
Hey guys!
@mack341 I should not and do not want to confirm what happened with the funds. It is fraud case, PAB confirmed my words on first page, and I really do not want to discuss it further. And indeed it is strange that you keep asking this question.
I bet 99% users of this forum are not fraudsters, then their deposits will never be confiscated.
Mwah, we all have seen the Banana Jones PAB which was highly remarkable, so I def get his questions.Hey guys!
@mack341 I should not and do not want to confirm what happened with the funds. It is fraud case, PAB confirmed my words on first page, and I really do not want to discuss it further. And indeed it is strange that you keep asking this question.
I bet 99% users of this forum are not fraudsters, then their deposits will never be confiscated.