Casino Complaint chewmanshoe VS Red Flush


Dormant account
Jun 15, 2009
Proof - Red Flush is a bunch of Liars!

Please wait while we connect you to a site operator.

You are now chatting with 'Marcus'

Marcus: Welcome to the Casino. How may I assist you?

kelly carter: Hi Marcus, I rec'd email for 30 free spins on Loaded but when I open

game they're not there??!

Marcus: Hi Kelly, please give me a moment to check on this for you.

kelly carter: From: "Alex Roberts - Red Flush" To:

<> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:02 AM Subject: 30 free spins loaded

onto your account, Kelly 30 Free Spins!If you are unable to see the message below,

click here to view. You are receiving this mail because you signed up at Redflush

- Unsubscribe if you don't want to be notified of your midweek offer Hi there Kelly

Account Number: rfver00114443 Come back to Red Flush today and remember why you joined

us in the first place. Promotions like this might have had something to do with it.

Get Loaded with Red Flush Casino! 30 FREE SPINS ON LOADED No strings attached! Upon

next log-in, your 30 free spins will be available on the game “Loaded” Plus, as an

added bonus, on your next deposit you get: 40% match up to 250 credits on all deposits

Don’t delay! Load up on this offer now… This promotion is valid for 31 August 2010 -

06 September 2010 a.. Forgotten your password? Let Support help you out. b.. Have you

uninstalled the software? Click here to be directed to the download… c.. Standard

Terms and Conditions Apply Best Regards Alex Roberts Promotions Manager To ensure you

always receive our weekend offers, please save to your

address book. If you encounter any problems, please contact us at

Our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions are available on

our website. Red Flush supports Responsible Gaming. If you or someone you know has a

gambling problem, please visit for more information.

It is a criminal offence for persons under the age of 18 to gamble. © 2008 Red Flush


kelly carter: Thanks!

Marcus: Kelly, this is a deposit match bonus though. You will receive the 30 free

spins along with the 40% match bonus up to 250 free as an added bonus to your next

deposit. You will need to deposit first, then close the casino for at least 15 minutes

and then log back in. The 40% bonus and the free spins will be loaded on your account.

kelly carter: That's not what I read. I copied email above and it says: FREE SPINS ON

LOADED No strings attached! Upon next log-in, your 30 free spins will be available on

the game “Loaded” Plus, as an added bonus, on your next deposit you get: 40% match up

to 250 credits on all deposits Don’t delay! Load up on this offer

Marcus: This is part of the same promotion though, Kelly. In order to claim the free

spins, a deposit must be made. What you get extra with this deposit is the 40% match


kelly carter: So promotions are related what does that have to do with the emial I

received CLEARLY stating "free spins no strings attached"?

kelly carter: Times are tough and I don't have money to blow in casinos as I once did,

however when I do I almost always play at Red Flush. I realize my deposits aren't much

but they are deposits.

Marcus: I understand what you are saying, Kelly. But unfortunately we are not able to

provide you with the free spins as it can only be activated via a deposit.

kelly carter: In addition, Last time I deposited and played, 8/5 I believe there was

problem with loyalty points accrueing. I requested an audit at least 2 weeks ago and

have heard nothing.

Marcus: Can you remember who you spoke with Kelly? I can find out if the audit report

had come through to this person's direct e-mail address or if it had come through


kelly carter: I choose to play at Red Flush because you've been straight-up but now

you're telling me that the offer emailed to me for free spins will not be honored. In

short you lied?

Marcus: On the e-mail it does state that the terms and conditions apply. If you open

the terms and conditions link, you will see that the free spins will be made available

on the first deposit after the promotion has gone live.

kelly carter: I don't have a clue who I spoke with. There are not chat records

associated with customer accts?

kelly carter: Could you provide link to " c.. Standard Terms and Conditions Apply " as

per email so I can review?

Marcus: Please check on the e-mail that you received. Option C states "Standard Terms

and Conditions Apply". You will be able to click on it and go through to the terms and

conditions page.

kelly carter: I just reviewed T & C's and saw following "Red Flush reserves the right

to refuse a promotional bonus for any reason whatsoever, including, but not restricted

to player abuse.". As is typical of any T&C's originators always state refusal option.

Am I a bonus abuser at Red Flush? Have I ever done anything unscrupulus?

Marcus: Kelly, I am going to put you through to the Pitboss of the casino. One moment


kelly carter: If there's any unscrupulus behavior, regretably, it's Red Flush not I.

And should Red Flush not honor offer AS IT IS STATED IN EMAIL it will be my mission to

broadcast info (this chat session) through out the Internet.

Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Andy'.

You are now chatting with 'Andy'

Andy: Good day Kelly

Andy: You are speaking with Andy, the pitboss on shift.

Andy: Could you please give me a moment while I have this matter resolved.

kelly carter: Frankly I'm flabbergasted the casino would put so much effort into

denying a lousy $7.50 worth of free spins. It's already cost you 10x that in employee

wages typing denials!

Andy: I have confirmed the following on your account.

kelly carter: Is there more you are inprocess of typing? I'm unclear what you mean.

Andy: Please note that the promotion will only go live on the 31 of August 2010. Do

note that in order to qualify for this offer you would need to make a min deposit

within the promotiional period.

kelly carter: How the hell am I supposed to infer tat from this text copied from email

"Get Loaded with Red Flush Casino! 30 FREE SPINS ON LOADED No strings attached! Upon

next log-in, your 30 free spins will be available on the game “Loaded” Plus, as an

added bonus, on your next deposit you get: 40% match up to 250 credits on all deposits

Don’t delay! Load up on this offer now… This promotion is valid for 31 August 2010 -

06 September 2010"???

Andy: On your next deposit as the promotion says however you have not made a deposit

Andy: Please note that we will not credit this bonus untill a deposit is made as this

is automatically activated by the system.

kelly carter: Email reads "30 FREE SPINS ON LOADED No strings attached! Upon next

log-in, your 30 free spins will be available on the game “Loaded”". Then states "Plus,

as an added bonus, on your next deposit you get: 40% match up to 250 credits on all

deposits Don’t delay!" I fail to see where I have to deposit prior to getting free

spins. We are both speaking English here??

Andy: You are copying and pasting the promotion on the chat

Andy: Could you please forward this offer to support redflush .com

kelly carter: So what you're telling me is Red Flush's promotional email is for most

part lies. My email says nothing about "Please note that we will not credit this bonus

untill a deposit is made as this is automatically activated by the system." I'd be

happy to forward email you'll recieve it shortly.

kelly carter: You should have recieved email by now.

Andy: Let me check

Andy: Nothing has come through, could you please forward this mailer to

support redflush .eu instead ?

kelly carter: Again, I'm flabbergasted your casino is wasting $100's of dollars

disputing a $7.50 promotion. Typically not good business practice, but goes to show

Red Flush make enough money to justify waste. Frankly I'm sick of typing and should

your decision remain the same, deposit b4 free spins, I'd rather spend my time

broadcasting this chat session to the world. FYI-email sent.

Andy: I am trying to help you understand what is happending however I want to read the

actual e-mail and them make a decision from then.

kelly carter: Okay. You should have email and I'm sure you can read it under a minute.

Andy: Nothing has come through unfortunately.

Andy: I have re-checked my inbox.

kelly carter: Sorry, my mistake accidentally sent to .com again instead of .eu-you

should receive shortly.

Andy: Great

kelly carter: Did you get email?

Andy: Nothing has come through as of yet, the best that I can do at the moment is to

wait for the e-mail to arrive as I need to ensure that that the wording on the

promotion is correct.

Andy: Untill I see the original e-mail, there is very little that I can do for now.

kelly carter: It was sent to <support redflush .eu> at 9:19.

kelly carter: FYI-I copied email and posted complete text at beginning of this chat


Andy: OK

Andy: Please allow for me to review this and I will respond appropiately.

kelly carter: okay.

Andy: Unfortunately, the e-mail has not arrived however I will be sending you a

confirmation e-mail regarding this.

kelly carter: Is there another email address to trey?

Andy: This is the correct address support redflush .eu

kelly carter: I sent an email to Red Flush at 8:59, 9:08 and 9:19 none were received?

And I just sent again at 9:40. I sold Internet connectivty and websites for 4 year and

have never had a problem delivering email when addresses are correct. FYI- I copied

and pasted, twice the email adddress you typed in the "to" field.

Andy: It could be internet connectivity,please note that I will be sending you an

e-mail confirmation on top of the e-mail address when it comes through.

kelly carter: My email is working fine. Are you experiencing issues?

Andy: Not the the way that this offer actually works is that you would need to make a

deposit. I would unfortunately not be changing the decision to credit the accont with

the bonus and free spins as the requirments is to make a deposit first.

kelly carter: Did you read email I sent you?

Andy: Nothing has come through.

kelly carter: Did you read text from email pasted at beginning of this chat?

Andy: I have not recieved the e-mail.

kelly carter: Did you read text from email pasted at beginning of this chat?

Andy: I have not recieved the e-mail.

kelly carter: For your benefit here's email text again. ----- Original Message -----

From: "Kelly Carter" <> To: "RedFlush Support"

Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:19 AM Subject: Fw: 30 free spins loaded onto your

account, Kelly > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Kelly Carter" <>

> To: "RedFlush Support" > Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:08

AM > Subject: Fw: 30 free spins loaded onto your account, Kelly > > >> >> -----

Original Message ----- >> From: "Kelly Carter" <> >> To:

>> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:59 AM >> Subject: Fw: 30

free spins loaded onto your account, Kelly >> >> >>> >>> ----- Original Message -----

>>> kelly carter: From: "Alex Roberts - Red Flush" To:

<> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 7:02 AM Subject: 30 free spins loaded

onto your account, Kelly 30 Free Spins!If you are unable to see the message below,

click here to view. You are receiving this mail because you signed up at Redflush

- Unsubscribe if you don't want to be notified of your midweek offer Hi there Kelly

Account Number: rfver00114443 Come back to Red Flush today and remember why you joined

us in the first place. Promotions like this might have had something to do with it.

Get Loaded with Red Flush Casino! 30 FREE SPINS ON LOADED No strings attached! Upon

next log-in, your 30 free spins will be available on the game “Loaded” Plus, as an

added bonus, on your next deposit you get: 40% match up to 250 credits on all deposits

Don’t delay! Load up on this offer now… This promotion is valid for 31 August 2010 -

06 September 2010 a.. Forgotten your password? Let Support help you out. b.. Have you

uninstalled the software? Click here to be directed to the download… c.. Standard

Terms and Conditions Apply Best Regards Alex Roberts Promotions Manager To ensure you

always receive our weekend offers, please save to your

address book. If you encounter any problems, please contact us at

Our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions are available on

our website. Red Flush supports Responsible Gaming. If you or someone you know has a

gambling problem, please visit for more information.

It is a criminal offence for persons under the age of 18 to gamble. © 2008 Red Flush


Andy: Please go on your casino software, click the contact us link and forward an

e-mail from there.

Andy: Untill I get this, there is unfortunatley very little that can be done regarding

that bonus.

kelly carter: I saw no "contact us" link, I went to "need help?" page and clicked on

email address under email support section and sent info once again.

kelly carter: Any luck yet?

Andy: No

Andy: I tried calling you but your number is disconnecte

Andy: Please confirm your telephone number?

kelly carter: I've done all I can and then some. I emailed promo offer received to you

5 times. I've coped and pasted complete text from email into this chat session twice.

Seems your strategy is to string people along nad wear them out. You must be a Bass


kelly carter: xxx-xxx-xxxx

kelly carter: sorry typo xxx-xxx-xxxx

Spoke with Andy on telephone at 10:10AM where he reiterated my account does not

qualify for offer they emailed me, claimed third party affiliates also send Red Flush

offers. I confirmed his refusal to give $7.50 promo Red Flush emailed me and informed

him I intended to broadcast email on Internet. Andy said that was my decision to

broadcast, where upon I clarified it's not my decision it's my response/defense to

their lies. Two hours later I have no free spins only this chat novel for our

enjoyment and enlightenment. This post will hopefully help others avoid my mistake of

depositing and playing at Red Flush casino because they're liars!
Hi there, I received the same email from them but it is obvious that you have to make a deposit before claiming these spins it is just very apparent. I don't think they are liers if you read the terms and conditions.
Thread title was "Red Flush is a bunch of Liars!", changed to "chewmanshoe VS Red Flush".
Skiny are you out there?

I remember laughing my ass off because I believe it was Skiny who got a similar email and posted his chat. Not sure if it was Red Flush or not.
I've posted lots of conversations I don't remember who they're with.

Send me the promotion, I'll have a look. :)
Remember it was a similar promotion but they wouldn't give "you" (not sure if it was you Skiny) the free spins....then "you" posted the chat and talked about getting a coupon for a free steak, you would expect a free steak, not to have to buy (deposit) something first.

Damn, I can't remember who posted that chat, but it was funny as hell!!!
Skiny are you out there?

I remember laughing my ass off because I believe it was Skiny who got a similar email and posted his chat. Not sure if it was Red Flush or not.

Maybe you were referring to this thread:


Edit: Now that you mention the 'Free Steak' ... it also rings a bell :) lol ... Im sure that the above is in relation to something similar, though not the correct thread.
Hi chewmanshoe,

All the players that received this email, were credited with the 30 Free spins on Loaded without having to make a purchase. As your account was not in the group of players that received the 30 free spins, no purchase required, the customer service agent offered you the bonus that was available for your account. Please note that these emails are for specific players. Only the player that received the original email will qualify.

What we need to establish is how you received the email and I would appreciate it if you can send me the original email with the header intact. We will then be able to trace its origin.

Once I have the original email I will resolved the issue.

Best regards,

Are you insinuating that Chewmanshoe did not get this e-mail? Whether he did or received another offer that he assumed meant free spins and then, if decided, to go with the bonus deposit, is a poorly thought out promotion, in my opinion.

I mean, come on, why in the world would not all your players get this little free spin offer? Makes your casino look pretty cheap, and your promotion department quite unskilled in doing their jobs, which could definitely cause you to lose players.

I am continually amazed at these on line casinos that continue to shoot themselves in the foot with their lack of professionalism.
free spins

It is amazing how the casinos use the word free or no strings attached and similar wording.
The e-mail reads "50 free spins on loaded no strings attached " . End of statement, this is one statement there is nothing else that goes with this statement
You then have another statement that reads she gets an added bonus if a deposit is made these are two seperate offers or one is an added bonus if a deposit is made
The first offer the way it is written is not dependent upon the second offer
however the second offer is dependent upon the first offer
She would actually have to play the free spins before being able top play the deposit and bonus
What is being lost is in the wording and the way it is written
In any country she has a case
Hi Guys,

I cannot be more clear. The players that were sent this promotion had the free spins available in there accounts before they logged in. They did not have to make a purchase. I am not insinuating that the OP did not receive the email. I want to ensure that it does not happen again. I need to know how the player received the promotion and was lot in the group of players that were eligible to receive the promotion.

I mean, come on, why in the world would not all your players get this little free spin offer? Makes your casino look pretty cheap, and your promotion department quite unskilled in doing their jobs, which could definitely cause you to lose players.

This is not a sign up promotion, it is a promotion for existing customers. We run specific promotions for players, based on their recent activity or their loyalty status at the casino. This is standard practice in the industry.

I want to resolve the issue and to do so, I simply need the original email. With this information I can establish were the error lies and what compensation the player deserves.

Best regards,
free spins

What would be interesting to know is all the hupla about this ,how many people won more than maybe 10.00 off of the spins.
Most of these free spins are most likely preset for a max win amount
Guess it is more principal than anything
Wayne you mention wonder how she got this,come on surely you are not going to play The I am so shocked I can't belive this happened on us ?
Thsi happens all the time even the customer rep at the casino argued with her and then after he could not get the problem to go away then here comes it was a mistake
This happens all the time and now it is as if everyone at the casino is shocked
My Husband also got the email or ok wait in fact he got 2. The first one said 30 free spins no string and a 40% bonus and the second said 30 spins and a 40% bonus when he funded. So he bit the mistake on the casino promo dept part and deposited. But then he was told he only was getting a 20% bonus because that is what is noted ( a text note written by a support person) in the account.
and since he doesnt play often he isn't real familiar with the rules but this chat seems just wrong even in my always playing know most the rules opinion!

(Due to the posting rules at another site he removed the chat support and his names)

support: Welcome to the Casino. How may I assist you?

me: Boy you work a lot

support: indeed i do :)

me: what is the wager requirement for the casino

support: 30 times

me: the deposit and bonus?

support: just note that any bonus in your account, you must wager 30 times

support: the deposit match for now is 20% match up to 150

me: ok i did get an $8.10 bonus so had to wager that total of $243.00 right?

support: yes

me: actually it gave me a 30%

support: any bonus amount in the account just multiply by 30

me: ok i met that wager but my bonus still has 1 penny and it never zerod out

me: my deposit was gone and the bonus remained

support: when your cash account depletes, then it will only start taking from the bonus account

me: so does the wagers on the deposit count towards the requirement

support: wager is on the bonus balance not cash

me: so the $ wager requirement doesnt start accumulating till i start playing on the bonus?

me: ss the $243

support: yes

me: so first i have to lose my deposit then am expected to wager the bonus 30 times and anything that is left is mine?

support: correct :)

me: well that just doesnt sound right. I thought the requirement started accumulating from the first bet

support: from the bonus

me: well then i wont be doing any more bonuses because with that way there is no way to ever meet the requirements

support: ok one moment

me: ok

support: the unfortunate thing is that you played it out already so there is nothing that i can do to remove it...
so i have placed a restriction on the next deposit, and you will not have a bonus requirement to satisfy..
However, the 204.50 remains as is whcih needs to be satisfied

me: what?

me: there is still $204 left to wager on this bonus?

support: as you have already played the 8.10 bonus yes you still have to satisfy that out standing wager.
i have informed you already that i have placed a restriction for future deposits

me: so i wagered almost or more than $100 but the wager was not even close to being met?

me: sorry $1000

me: from the time i began playing

me: so technically i still owe the casino $204 in wagers

support: yes

me: wow i think i might go back to land casinos with that kind of deal

me: thank you have a good nite

support: alright good night


Since when do wager requirements forward to the next deposit??
chewmanshoe -You Are over reacted1 over free spinsPromo

You are far over reacted with the free spins promotions ,
i get those emails too .
It is usually attached to a deposit not only in red flush but also

in other casinos . Or is it arguing about the phrase "no string attached'
and you claim that it is no rightful to use this phrase when a deposit id required . have a nice one
free spins

It"s not over reacting when the casino says "no strings attached" Thta usually means you getto play and do not have to do anything in return such as deposit or stand on your head or spin around in circles
It is given to you for nothing in return
As for the bonus,with most casinos it starts when you start playing not after you play out the deposit . Most say deposit and bonus muxt be wagered
not play deposit and then wager the bonus for the wager requirement
The last part is even though he did not meet the wager requirements thay wantto carry that over into the next deposits . A lot of casinos use to be like that but I thought all of them had stopped doing this ,the only way it stayed in affect is by depositing while you still had your fisrt deposit and or bonus money in the account
I f you think any of this is ok or justified by any casino then they will love to have you as a player
What this casino is doing and has done is wrong and it does not matter what the rep says all it does is make it look worse
He cant explain anyof this in a way that makes it ok
Remember it was a similar promotion but they wouldn't give "you" (not sure if it was you Skiny) the free spins....then "you" posted the chat and talked about getting a coupon for a free steak, you would expect a free steak, not to have to buy (deposit) something first.

Damn, I can't remember who posted that chat, but it was funny as hell!!!

Sorry. I remember now. I think you were talking about this.
Can somebody tell me how to make a formal complaint here on this site as I sent this to RF support subject ATTENTION MANAGEMENT:

see previous posted chat

After that chat I went to the website and found these rules -- Bonus Account Terms and Conditions also include:

4. As the required play through requirements is met, funds are automatically transferred from the Player's
bonus account to their cash account.
5. Play through is achieved when any real money wager is made. The Player can use either their bonus or
their cash account.
6. For any wagers made, the wager is deducted from the Player's cash account. If there is no cash available, then the wager is deducted from the bonus account. This effectively means that funds in the Player's bonus account are only played if there is no cash balance.

So I went to chat again to ask for the link to the rule showing the statement by support in previous post!

This is the chat

Andy: Good day

Me: Hi Andy

Me: Could you please give me the link to the rule that verifies this statement made by your support?

Andy: What statement are you referring to?

Me: 1 min

Andy: ok
Me: support: the unfortunate thing is that you played it out already so there is nothing that i can
do to remove i have placed a restriction on the next deposit, and you will not have a bonus
requirement to satisfy..
However, the 204.50 remains as is whcih needs to be satisfied
me: what?
me: there is still $204 left to wager on this bonus?
support: as you have already played the 8.10 bonus yes you still have to satisfy that out standing wager.
i have informed you already that i have placed a restriction for future deposits
me: so i wagered almost or more than $100 but the wager was not even close to being met?
me: sorry $1000
me: from the time i began playing
me: so technically i still owe the casino $204 in wagers
support: yes

Me: this says that a wager requirement carries over to the next deposit! I would like to see that rule

Andy: May I have your casino account number?

Me: sure but why do you need my account number to tell me where a rule is?

Me: rfver00======

Andy: I need to document this conversation on your account

Andy: Thank you

Me: ok

Andy: One moment for me please

Me: sure

Me: and if you are looking for that chat it was with Jeremy

Andy: I am reading your conversation

Andy: I will not be much longer.

Me: no problem

Andy: All bonuses that are credited by the casino have a x30 wagering requirment. Remember that wagering is placing bets on the casino.

Me: so every bet from the first spin counts towards the wager requirement right?

Me: 5. Play through is achieved when any real money wager is made. The Player can use either their bonus or their cash account.

Me: thats the rule on your site

Andy: Correct however you would also need to consider the games that you play

Andy: Different games count differently toward the wagering contribution

Me: i only played slots and Jeremy did not say that in fact he said just the opposit if you read the chat
he said wager req does not start till the deposit is gone and play on the bonus starts

Me: and i met my wager req and then some so why did my bonus never zero out to my cash?

Me: yet he says i still owe 204$ in wagers??

Me: that wouild mean i only wagered 30 bucks

Andy: Slots count 100% towards meeting the wagering however on your account you also had 'Free game wins' which do not count towards the wagering requirment.

Me: ok

Me: i still met it w/o the spins

Me: i met the wagerreq b4 i ever lost the deposit amount

Me: but my bonus was not crediting to my account thats why i went to support in the first place

Me: 4. As the required play through requirements is met, funds are automatically transferred from the Player's bonus account to their cash account.

Me: thats rule 4 on your site

Andy: Your average bet on your account is 0.27 whereby a majority of the games that you where playing are made up of bets below $1

Andy: This would take you longer in meeting your wagering requirement.

Me: if the bets are counted 100% towards the wager req and i accumulated 70 loyalty points which take 10$ to get one point then i wagered $700

Andy: So technically, you where playing 100% towards the wagering contripution so looking at your bet size this would be 0.27 per bet. If you where playing at a $1 average bet size then this would be $1 less from your wagering requirement. Even if you where player for example on a different game such as Casino war which counts 50% towards your wagering on a $1 bet size this would only count 0.50c toward the wagering requirements.

Me: ummm you better look again as i played summer holiday quite a bit and it is a min $1 bet

Andy: Majority of the games that you played where on a 0.20c coin size

Me: ok lets make this simple if the games i played were 100% and i gained 70 loyalty points then i admittedly played $700 in wagers no matter what size the bet right?

Andy: The most amounts of bets where placed on 'break the bank and loaded'

Andy: Please do not confuse wagering contribution with loyalty points.

Me: why can you not just tell me if that calculation is accurate does 70 loyalty points mean $700 was wagered

Andy: No

Me: because the accumulation of points is how we players keep track of our wagers

Andy: Loyalty points are per every $100 you get 10 points

Me: so $700 is 70 points?

Me: all you did was say the same thing just turned around

Andy: I dont understand where you are going with this. Loyalty points can also be accumilated though a win on the casino and a win does not count towards wagering

Me: i know what a wager is it is when i click that spin button

Andy: Correct and loyalty is the cash movement on our account

Me: what?

Andy: Loyalty points are accumilated per every $100

Me: so if i got 70 points then i wagered $700

Me: and you site says for every $10 there is 1 point

Andy: No if you have 70 points then it means that you have deposited or there has been financial movement on your account

Me: OMG you know what this conversation is over because hard as you are trying to confuse the matter I and all the other players are very clear on what is the meaning of wagers and points

Me: you have a nice nite . and just for an FYI I will be adding this chat to the forums where this issue is

Andy: You may do as you please.Is there anything else that I can help you with?
so I went back to the website and found this

You do not have permission to view link Log in or register now.

For every 10 credits wagered on the online casino games, players will earn 1 point for their Red Rewards account.
So essentially the more wagers placed, the more points will be accumulated.

(this is my transactions and total bet during them)
4556 - 4557 x $0.09 = $ 0.18 WAGERED

4558 - 4934 x $0.45 = $169.20 WAGERED

4935 - 4957 x $0.90 = $ 19.80 WAGERED

4958 - 5200 x $0.45 = $108.90 WAGERED

5201 - 5478 x $0.90 = $249.30 WAGERED

5479 - 5751 x $1.00 = $272.00 WAGERED

5752 - 5781 x $0.25 <<< FREE SPINS SO DON'T COUNT

5782 - 6212 x $0.25 = $107.50 WAGERED

6213 - 6494 X $0.20 = $ 50.20 WAGERED

6495 - 6822 X $0.05 = $ 16.35 WAGERED


yet my bonus account never zero'd out!
It shows that my average bet was far above the 27 cents as stated by Andy and my overall wagers were $993.43 and that does not count the free spins. So my bonus account should have zeroed out but yet it never did!

This matter needs checked as I originally got an email for 30 free spins no strings with a 40% bonus on deposit then got another email stating 30 spins with deposit and 40% bonus and neither of those deals were honored (this is not the first time I have gotten wrong emails or emails not honored as you will find attached "error" where i was told i won something then told i didn't ) yet I funded anyways just to have this current problem!

Thank you,

this is what Andy wrote back
have reviewed your account and can confirm the following.

On the first point listed, your sentiments that you have quoted are indeed correct however upon further investigation, I have confirmed the following. According to my records you where playing a majority of slot games on your account whereby your game play would contribute 100% towards your wagering requirement however upon further investigation I can confirm that your bet size was far too low whereby your average coin size was $0.35

With the above mentioned, please note that this would mean that you where playing games that contributed 100% towards your wagering requirement however, as your average coins size was standing at $0.35 this would mean you where contributing at an average of $0.35 toward your wagering requirement.

If you had been placing bets from a $1.00 average, then you would have needed to wager the requirement 243 times however as your coin size was well below the dollar mark, you where then required to play through the wagering requirement at least 3 times ($0.35 x3) in order to meet the required wagering.

Now in my thinking it doesnt matter if I was betting 1 penny or 1 dollar per spin it all counted towards wager.??? So wager was met and THEN SOME!!
Sorry replied to you message but didn't think to check here! I do apologize for that Wayne. As I am normally very quick to post that a resolve is close at hand or that the matter is satisfied completely so that others see that there is progress.
Original email copy request

Hi Guys,

I cannot be more clear. The players that were sent this promotion had the free spins available in there accounts before they logged in. They did not have to make a purchase. I am not insinuating that the OP did not receive the email. I want to ensure that it does not happen again. I need to know how the player received the promotion and was lot in the group of players that were eligible to receive the promotion.

This is not a sign up promotion, it is a promotion for existing customers. We run specific promotions for players, based on their recent activity or their loyalty status at the casino. This is standard practice in the industry.

I want to resolve the issue and to do so, I simply need the original email. With this information I can establish were the error lies and what compensation the player deserves.

Best regards,

Dear Wayne, As I'm sure you read in my original post I emailed the promo I received to Red Flush like 5 times even trying different email addresses. I'm 100% certain my email is/was working and have no clue why it was never received on your end. I've made every effort to supply info requested via email and copied text of promo email into chat transcript TWICE!
You state "I want to resolve the issue and to do so, I simply need the original email. With this information I can establish were the error lies and what compensation the player deserves.". Fact 1-original email cannot get received on your end. Fact 2-I think the text transcript speaks for itself in regards to "were the error lies". Bottom line- "what compensation the player deserves", ahhhhhhh the email promo offer as written "free spins no strings attached" would be just compensation. Giving the free spins surely won't put Red Flush in the poor house, matter of fact I'd stake my right arm (right handed) that your casino won't feel a damn thing-not even a runny nose!

Next matter re-pending with Red Flush as of 9/12/2010 (mentioned in above transcript), correct loyalty point statement(s). Spoke with Isha because my loyalty detailed statement shows on 8/5/2010 I played for 1-1/4 hr accruing 26 points, but Playcheck records show I played from 11:57PM on 8/4/2010 until 7:40AM 8/5/2010 depositing 3 times for total of $81.56. When I started playing on 8/4/2010 I chose to deposit at Red Flush because of a 100% bonus offer and in addition I had 408 loyalty points so I had a shot of another $10. I realize I'm cheap, hey times are tough but how in the hell can I wager so low that over an almost 8 hour period I only earn 26 loyalty points?? That's gotta be a new record! Anywise Isha said Microgaming will email me audit within 48 hour and I requested audit show beginning point balance too.

Are you starting to smell what I'm stepping in here Wayne? All I really want is one truthful casino that appreciates my cheap ass deposits, possibly even show appreciation by kicking a freebie here and there. Almost forgot, also would appreciate casino/person do what they say they're going to do when they say they're going to do it and honest accounting methods. Go Wild was/is a casino that appreciates and takes care of their players and if it weren't for greedy U.S.A. politicians living high on the hog I'd still be happy playing where I'm appreciated.

Eagerly await your reply.
Kelly C.
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Posting chat sessions are your prerogative, but if you choose to post them, please edit them for succinctness or brevity. Many members do not have the time to read several pages of chat sessions, and they will simply skip the entire thread when they stumble upon these posts.

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