Brexit - whats the difference.....

Here is a prime example of a disgraceful antidemocrtic remainer, from the disgusting Labour party of course....

I am very surprised this hasn't got more news coverage basically Emily Thornberry stated she would go to the EU negotiate a better deal with the EU then campaign to remain. :confused:
Here is a prime example of a disgraceful antidemocrtic remainer, from the disgusting Labour party of course....

She was the one on QT about 8 weeks ago who suggested a referendum on deal or no deal to solve the issue, not about remaining. Changed her tune pretty fast.
Wetherspoons have dared to cut the costs of a pint, citing that leaving the Customs Union might have some flipside benefits, such as cutting out EU tariffs for example :eek:

The crone 'interviewing' Tim Martin was giving him so much shit you could almost - almost - sense Sky News' agenda to try and discredit him and signal their Remain intent. It was very subtle
The issue is, the hardcore remainers are not seeing the bigger picture here. By stifling Brexit, dragging their heels etc they're storing up a lot of resentment amongst 75% ish of the electorate I.e the moderates and the Brexiteers.

They may be back slapping each other at the moment but I feel reality may bring them crashing down to earth when Labour et al are trounced at the inevitable election.
The rebels are now preparing to take Boris to court to force him to go back to the EU for an extension date, if Boris refuses he could be found in contempt of court and jailed.

What a ridiculous circus we find ourselves in, I hope one of the EU 27 refuses the extension and then see where the idiot rebels find themselves.
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The times articles are normally behind a paywall but this 'comment' piece isn't, farage is basically a conservative, and the brexit party voters conservatives, so there should be no real obstacles to working together with a boris led conservative party.

The remainer bill just passed is a joke, it even stipulates the wording for the letter boris must write to the EU. [the whole thing resembles a south american junta taking power, which would sit right at home with corbum and his marxist chancellor]

The honorable thing to do here would be to agree a general election and let the public decide, but it seems honour and integrity are qualities severely lacking amongst many mp's.
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The times articles are normally behind a paywall but this 'comment' piece isn't, farage is basically a conservative, and the brexit party voters conservatives, so there should be no real obstacles to working together with a boris led conservative party.

The remainer bill just passed is a joke, it even stipulates the wording for the letter boris must write to the EU. [the whole thing resembles a south american junta taking power, which would sit right at home with corbum and his marxist chancellor]

The honorable thing to do here would be to agree a general election and let the public decide, but it seems honour and integrity are qualities severely lacking amongst many mp's.
Farage is a Conservative who is liked by Labour voters which is a strange position to be in, it also an advantage, if Labour/Libs/SNP etc can do a deal together why can't Boris & Nigel.

Farage has already suggested he could fight the Northern seats where the Tories have no hope and leave the Tories to fight their own safe seats.

Seems an ideal plan but I don't think Cummings really wants to use Farage he wants to do this by himself and Tories/Brexit will end up splitting the vote.
Farage is a Conservative who is liked by Labour voters which is a strange position to be in, it also an advantage, if Labour/Libs/SNP etc can do a deal together why can't Boris & Nigel.

Farage has already suggested he could fight the Northern seats where the Tories have no hope and leave the Tories to fight their own safe seats.

Seems an ideal plan but I don't think Cummings really wants to use Farage he wants to do this by himself and Tories/Brexit will end up splitting the vote.

Yes it seems he is not fond of farage, watched a vid of cummings the other day, discussing his role and strategies in the vote leave campaign, and I got the distinct sense he feels farage is like marmite whereas in reality farage is probably more down to earth and likeable than he is. But cummings has boris's ear now and I just wonder whether it was his longstanding antipathy towards farage that meant the establishment didn't oppose boris appointing him... :cool:

Maybe Nige's vision of the uk running itself outside of the EU's influence and control is too hardcore for the way the real world works, the forces against us having a clean break from the EU too great. So some sort of compromise, half in and half out, will be made.

And then when the demographics of the country change even further down the line, a new referendum will be called and the uk will vote to rejoin the EU dictatorship, that's a pessimistic view but I fear likely. The govt and media are putting in place measures to control the internet, so the brainwashing effect of their propaganda, with nothing to oppose it, will only become stronger.
What's Remainers' & t'Labour's next strategy if Boris and The Farage team up. Dox Farage? Put him under house arrest?

Make up a brand-new Bill in Parliament, the 'anti- BoFa Bill'? :eek:

Maybe they could show the country some more of how unpatriotic they are, and how they're willing to set the country back by sabotaging its wishes and riling up its electorate. Perhaps they can cup their ears and just shout "lalalalala" until they get THEIR way :thumbsup:

I really hope Boris calls a vote of NC in himself/ resigns, just to trigger a GE. Imagine how happy voters will be having had t'Labour & Co thwart Brexit at every turn! No wonder bwaak bwaak chicken-foot Corbyn's been trying to dodge one :D
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Farage has never won a Westminster seat in his life. The Tories have nothing to gain from an allegiance with him. His party is falling in the polls anyway. He’s a toxic fascist who has radicalised a couple of million.

Right now, a clear parliamentary majority is in control of parliamentary business, and because the Prime Minister has shown himself to be a liar and untrustworthy.

Whatever you think of his motives, you have to question why he and his team would not sign sworn witness statements for the recent court cases.

And if he’s happy to lie to court, he’s happy to lie to his opposition. And he’s happy to lie to you.

This government is the first to ever be found in contempt of parliament.

Their austerity policies have been found to be in breach of UN Human Rights.

This government has refused to use millions provided to the UK by the EU over several years. Cash which was provided to help child poverty. They have chosen not to spend it.

There is no majority for No Deal. Never has been. There was a small majority to leave the EU, but again - if the vote had been binding, it would have been voided due to the wide scale electoral fraud and foreign interference found.

The referendum has always been a handy reference for “will of the people” types, but invoking A50 was a choice made by parliament. Which is, and always has been sovereign.

The referendum could have been entirely ignored without any legal impact, as it was an opinion poll. Noting more. Yet this small majority apparently means that the 48% who said we should remain are not entitled to an opinion on how we should leave.

More sensible people would have ignored it as well. Or chosen to leave over a period of years and by treaties, rather than forcing a two year deadline that is and was impossible to achieve without putting trade, food and medicine supplies at risk.

To put it another way - her majesty’s opposition just passed a law to stop the government choosing to put people’s lives at risk. And for some reason, that annoys people.

How many deaths are acceptable to make leaving the EU worth it?
Farage has never won a Westminster seat in his life. The Tories have nothing to gain from an allegiance with him. His party is falling in the polls anyway. He’s a toxic fascist who has radicalised a couple of million.

Right now, a clear parliamentary majority is in control of parliamentary business, and because the Prime Minister has shown himself to be a liar and untrustworthy.

Whatever you think of his motives, you have to question why he and his team would not sign sworn witness statements for the recent court cases.

And if he’s happy to lie to court, he’s happy to lie to his opposition. And he’s happy to lie to you.

This government is the first to ever be found in contempt of parliament.

Their austerity policies have been found to be in breach of UN Human Rights.

This government has refused to use millions provided to the UK by the EU over several years. Cash which was provided to help child poverty. They have chosen not to spend it.

There is no majority for No Deal. Never has been. There was a small majority to leave the EU, but again - if the vote had been binding, it would have been voided due to the wide scale electoral fraud and foreign interference found.

The referendum has always been a handy reference for “will of the people” types, but invoking A50 was a choice made by parliament. Which is, and always has been sovereign.

The referendum could have been entirely ignored without any legal impact, as it was an opinion poll. Noting more. Yet this small majority apparently means that the 48% who said we should remain are not entitled to an opinion on how we should leave.

More sensible people would have ignored it as well. Or chosen to leave over a period of years and by treaties, rather than forcing a two year deadline that is and was impossible to achieve without putting trade, food and medicine supplies at risk.

To put it another way - her majesty’s opposition just passed a law to stop the government choosing to put people’s lives at risk. And for some reason, that annoys people.

How many deaths are acceptable to make leaving the EU worth it?
Never read such a bunch of crap in my life, there are really people who think like the above that is very scary.
Dan, what a load of garbage, yes i'm sure the unelected millionaires of the EU have our best interests at heart.

While our pm now has threats of prison for trying to uphold the biggest democratic vote in UK history...

Remainers - mental help required.

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