Brexit - whats the difference.....

I wonder if there is any other country where the electoral system allows a sitting government to in effect be the opposition and sat in the prime ministeral/presidental home and not be running the country, I am sure other countries must have a system in place, the fixed term act has now shown that if the government loses a majority there is no way to stop an opposition party from taking over unofficially and not having to call an election for a number of years there should be a claus in the act where if a government loses it's majority and cannot function an election should be automatic.

We are now in effect living under prime minister Corbyn and there is nothing anyone of us can do to change this until 2022.
@dunover will love this.

The impartial BBC are reporting that Lego will have no problems with supplies this year at Christmas due to Brexit as the company imports it's bricks from mainland Europe.

Thank goodness that Lego will still be available for all those kids who will be excitedly waiting for a lego brick on Christmas Day.

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Scottish Judge rules Suspending parliament is lawful, it might be a bit more egg in the face of Boris if it is all for nothing.
@dunover will love this.

The impartial BBC are reporting that Lego will have no problems with supplies this year at Christmas due to Brexit as the company imports it's bricks from mainland Europe.

Thank goodness that Lego will still be available for all those kids who will be excitedly waiting for a lego brick on Christmas Day.

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Lego is actually a British invention, although people associate it with Denmark. The daft moo who invented those bricks only patented them in the UK and not worldwide, hence Lego taking it up. And that happened before the bloody Common Market/E-USSR.
Doc Martens are German, although people think they're a UK invention. For once, it was actually the British who got a good idea from a European whose manufacturers never bought into it.

We need to import another 2,000 migrants to be trained as counsellors on behalf of the NHS, ready for the thousands of catatonically depressed kids after Christmas.
I see the UK is on its way in joining Mr T's US as the laughing stock of the world. :D :D

One of you guys said: "Johnson got the attention of the EU" ...... what attention can that be when he can't even get his own house into order? And still no new proposal from Boris, you would have thought he has that prepared, after all, he had three years time. :rolleyes:

All the best for your departure.....*cough* extension at the end of October. Either way, it will be utter chaos at the direction of Boris. His gamble to be celebrated as the saviour of the UK won't pay off, well, at least not so easy as he had planned a few years ago. :rolleyes:
It's stoooopid!

We now have a minority govt. Our PM has had his aces removed from any negotiations via the 'Surrender Bill'.
Logically, a general election should ensue. But the snakes of the LD's, Liebore will be punished by the electorate for their treachery and they are terrified he'll win with a big enough majority to make their treason irrelevant, therefore won't approve one.

So to get a GE Boris would have to do something totally bizarre and call for a no-confidence vote in HIMSELF! Which would then ironically be voted down by the snakes for reasons cited above.

So we are in the state of a continuum-limbo.

The only way I can see out of this is if he proposes a second legally-binding referendum to leave with or without the present deal.. Of course, the snakes would vote that down as they don't believe in democracy when it comes down to it (despite them frequently mouthing the word) but would rather reverse the original democratic referendum in many cases. And this is what it all comes down to - opposition MP's refusing to accept the Leave decision, however they try and hide the fact.

We should have a 'people's march' on Westminster and incarcerate them in the Tower while the pragmatists sort it out.
Can anyone answer the question why did Boris not Porogue parliament this week instead of next before all this happened?
Is there a time limit on calling a poraogue why did he choose week of the 9 September?
Also could Boris go to The Queen and ask her to dissolve the government as he has no mandate surely it is her government and she has overall say to end it?
It's stoooopid!

We now have a minority govt. Our PM has had his aces removed from any negotiations via the 'Surrender Bill'.
Logically, a general election should ensue. But the snakes of the LD's, Liebore will be punished by the electorate for their treachery and they are terrified he'll win with a big enough majority to make their treason irrelevant, therefore won't approve one.

So to get a GE Boris would have to do something totally bizarre and call for a no-confidence vote in HIMSELF! Which would then ironically be voted down by the snakes for reasons cited above.

So we are in the state of a continuum-limbo.

The only way I can see out of this is if he proposes a second legally-binding referendum to leave with or without the present deal.. Of course, the snakes would vote that down as they don't believe in democracy when it comes down to it (despite them frequently mouthing the word) but would rather reverse the original democratic referendum in many cases. And this is what it all comes down to - opposition MP's refusing to accept the Leave decision, however they try and hide the fact.

We should have a 'people's march' on Westminster and incarcerate them in the Tower while the pragmatists sort it out.

But dazza this was all totally predictable, I am not in the slightest surprised that it has come to this utter chaos.

Boris bragged that he has "creative alternatives" to the backstop up his sleeve, yet to date he has not presented a single shred. You would think he would take up the post as PM with something readily prepared but as it looks now there is nothing at all other than the bickering and political games in parliament.

I dare a prediction to say the UK will not leave on the 31st October 19. :rolleyes:
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Can anyone answer the question why did Boris not Porogue parliament this week instead of next before all this happened?
Is there a time limit on calling a poraogue why did he choose week of the 9 September?
Also could Boris go to The Queen and ask her to dissolve the government as he has no mandate surely it is her government and she has overall say to end it?
Just read up on this and under the fixed term parliaments act 2011 the right to dissolve parliament was removed from The Queen when the bill became law so that opportunity has also been removed.

The fixed terms parliaments Act has really put this country into a ridiculous situation, it should be the first thing that is amended or removed after this mess is sorted.
We're still waiting in the shires for brexit, there's no way we can ever go back to how things were, bojo needs to pull his finger out and start thinking outside the box. He should have offered an olive branch to sir nigel by now, his voters are signing up to the brexit party and donating money, so wake up and stop mucking about. Corbum had him on the ropes yesterday in pm's questions, it was embarrasing to watch.

A general election won't benefit the tories until they set out their plans and agree a way forward with nigel. As things stand they are going to split their electorate, and labour and lib dems could then slip in and forge a coalition. Conservatives need to start being conservative and upholding traditional values, not serve up more of this BS we've had for the last 30 years.
We're still waiting in the shires for brexit, there's no way we can ever go back to how things were, bojo needs to pull his finger out and start thinking outside the box. He should have offered an olive branch to sir nigel by now, his voters are signing up to the brexit party and donating money, so wake up and stop mucking about. Corbum had him on the ropes yesterday in pm's questions, it was embarrasing to watch.

A general election won't benefit the tories until they set out their plans and agree a way forward with nigel. As things stand they are going to split their electorate, and labour and lib dems could then slip in and forge a coalition. Conservatives need to start being conservative and upholding traditional values, not serve up more of this BS we've had for the last 30 years.

Surely the Lib Dem’s wouldn’t go into a coalition for power, just for power sake?

Pretty sure if the Devil was in power they’d offer to carry his tuning fork around.

Really need to think about changing their name as they’re neither liberal, nor democratic.
Surely the Lib Dem’s wouldn’t go into a coalition for power, just for power sake?

Pretty sure if the Devil was in power they’d offer to carry his tuning fork around.

Really need to think about changing their name as they’re neither liberal, nor democratic.
The Libs are a strange lot they can never win power under our electoral system but as was proved in 2011 they can share it even with just a few seats which is incentive for any political party and they also showed that sharing power loses you friends and supporters, ironically Brexit has saved the Lib Dems from obscurity.

We live in a weird democracy where the party with the highest seats is in effect not running the show, but a party with 16 seats, the Lib Dems, can bring a law into place that stops a no deal brexit while the party that had 311 seats could not legislate and a party with 10 mp's the DUP could dictate and prop up the Conservatives.

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