Last time I checked all EU member states had national elections to their own parliaments, and also sent elected MEPs to the European parliament.
Kind of sounds like democracy to me.
A customs union basically keeps our trade arrangements and market access the same as if we were still in the EU.
We can be in it and not be under EU Court jurisdiction, not have to operate free movement, not have to allow access to our fishing stocks and not be in the CAP. It is what I believe we'll end up with, and will split both the Tory and LieBore parties if approved. As a leaver, it is the 'softest' Brexit I could take without vomiting. It does mean, as said, there are restrictions still on our trade arrangements with non-EU countries.
The 'Norway' or 'EU 2.0' will be a total disaster, one so bad we may as well stay in, as the one of the primary reasons for leaving (removal of uncontrolled migration) would not occur. I cannot see this passing, even LieBore have spoken out last night against it. That is more a SNP measure as Sturgeon thinks Scotland is underpopulated and wants to cram as many foreigners in there as possible.
Chopely has swallowed the 'we must be in it to change it' nonsense which was spouted by the remainers prior to the referendum. A European Parliament where we provide 1/10 of the MEP's is as useful as a chocolate bog roll and we have absolutely no power in it, even if every one of our MEPs voted together. Our own parliament has 100% decision-making power which is another primary reason people voted to get our sovereignty back, that previous traitorous governments have handed piece by piece to foreigners.
Ultimate proof that T. May has underplayed our hand is demonstrated by the fact that it's now becoming apparent the EU are dreading us going out on a 'no deal' basis and pretty much granting extension after extension, along with enjoying the discomfort the UK is experiencing, especially the French.
I wish now the EU would just get that horrid little weasel-faced **** to say to the UK 'Deal by April 12 or f*ck-off on WTO terms'. Then the board is wiped clean for the govts. of now and the future to decide upon our future relationship based on mandates from the voters. But they won't for the reasons above.
I can see serious civil disorder here IF we don't leave. Parliament being stormed and the MPs marched ceremonially by a pitchfork mob to the Tower. Refusal to pay taxes by the more peaceful protesters, starving the govt. of funds. No taxation without representation, innit?