One thing I have always noticed mate with these streamers.
They had always had their fair share of devoted sycophantic followers/fanboys/fangirls/whatever who think their "idol(s)" is/are incapable of doing any wrong.
As we all know, the evidence suggests they are more than capable of doing wrong.
You only need a pair of functioning eyes and a brain cell or two to see very clearly what is going on.
And worse still, when these streamers get called out on their various shenanigans (Craigslots springs to mind), they then have the cheek to play the victim card ("ooh I have been copping a lot of heat lately which I think is really unfair")*, all because some folks have rat-smelling radar that is in perfect working condition.
* no it is fair Craig, because you are a scamming c*nt who promotes dodgy casinos for an easy buck.
The whole streaming sector is just a morally bankrupt cesspit. Bandit was the only one I followed for any length of time, but even he has gone to the dark side. As a result, I no longer watch his videos and unsubscribed. Simply because he looks like someone who is merely going through the box ticking motions in order to get paid by the two dodgy crypto casinos he promotes.