WARNING Ninewin owes players A LOT of money and most aren't getting paid


Forum & Complaints Team Leader
Staff member
Jan 20, 2004
Over the past several months we've seen a half dozen or so cases where players at Ninewin.com -- or a variety of highly dodgy pseudo URLs like 192-ninewin.com -- are owed money by the casino and either aren't getting paid or are being given a lot of excuses for very s-l-o-w payment. The thing is, if you're being paid slow enough that you never see the money then you aren't being paid, are you?

Often when a casino slips into this "money maybe" mode it's modest stuff that tends to be more an annoyance to players than anything else, $/£/€ 50 type of thing. But in the current rash of slo-pay/no-pay stuff from Ninewin we're talking about some fairly high-value cases. $120,000 in one case, $73,000 in another, and so on. All together it's close to half a million that we've seen players are expecting when in fact they are getting little or nothing from the casino. And to make matters worse Ninewin claims they can't discuss player complaints: "we do not disclose details of correspondence with players to 3rd parties" regardless of whether those players request it or not.

Ninewin seems well aware of the situation because every once in a while they will pay the occasional player a healthy sum -- $100,000+ in one case recently -- but other than that nothing else is happening, the other cases are left to rot without comment or action from the casino. One can't help but wonder if the occasional payment isn't just a ploy to quell the inevitable dissatisfaction that the players who are perpetually unpaid are feeling.

Players Beware: Ninewin.com has been stringing good players along for months on promises of payment with little or nothing ever being received. If you choose Ninewin you are gambling not only on the games, but on your account balance as well, and the odds on those bets seem pretty poor indeed. (see below for Updates)

Ninewin.com is licensed in Curaçao under the 1668/JAZ Master License, long-time "Worst of the Worst" title holder when it comes to Curaçao licenses.
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Update: Ninewin has since stopped payments on the one case that we had seen them take action on, so now we're in full Warning mode here:

WARNING: Ninewin is not paying players, full stop. They owe many hundreds of thousands to players that we know of and are doing nothing to change that. Players are STRONGLY advised to avoid Ninewin and all its flaky alternate URL versions.

FTR we've extended an olive branch to Ninewin offering to review this Warning if they resume payments to their players and agree to discuss the cases we have on the books against them. Are they willing to step up? We'll see.
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a friend of mine played their won 20k they kept fobbing him off whilst he was trying to get verified in the mean time of course he played it all back on bonus buys irrespective of residing in the uk,i did warn him the place was rogue sadly hes learnt the hard way

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