So I've been playing at red32 for a couple of months, with lots of deposits and lots of winnings. However, when I won £10,500 I got a generic message saying the account had been closed and all balances and winnings were retained due to a duplicate account.
I'm going through a complaints process but it's interesting to read, that their terms and conditions state they close duplicating accounts that they believe have been opened dishonestly or fraudulently. I didn't know I had another account or I would have used that account.
Shame it took a few months and a large winning for them to find a duplicate account.
They have just been fined four million pounds by the Gambling Commission for a similar issue.
I'm going through a complaints process but it's interesting to read, that their terms and conditions state they close duplicating accounts that they believe have been opened dishonestly or fraudulently. I didn't know I had another account or I would have used that account.
Shame it took a few months and a large winning for them to find a duplicate account.
They have just been fined four million pounds by the Gambling Commission for a similar issue.