What if this were you ?

Valid or not, if they're too stupid to see who they're sending an email to before clicking "send", then they have no business working with anything that has to do with a computer.
At the moment I do not work with the public, but I have before and probably will again. I, like my colleagues, was the epitome of politeness whilst dealing with the customer. However in internal communication, we were able to be honest about exactly what we thought about them. The CSR in question has accidentally sent an internal message to I BEEN THERE, but people make mistakes and it doesn't change the fact that, based on her posts so far, I am pretty sure the internal communication was valid.

You know the OP personally then? You can't make a comment like that otherwise.

We all make comments like this no doubt. But while there is always a fear of 'being found out' clearly sending emails is NOT the way to conduct such matters. The UK is a great example of constant lapses by the government, among others, in sending emails which are subsequently released into the public domain.

If I was giving anyone business and found out they were talking about me in a derogatory manner, I'd be out of there in a shot. Perhaps in most instances, our choices are limited. But in terms of casinos, there are plenty offering the same services who would welcome you with open arms.
I guess it could be worse....:eek:

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When Devon schoolgirl Claire McDonald logged on to check her e-mails she was taken aback to find an urgent missive from the Pentagon among the chatty greetings from her friends. It contained confidential information not intended for civilian eyes.

Claire replied to point out the error, but the e-mails kept coming, from the Pentagon, the Ministry of Defence and elsewhere. One detailed communications problems on British warships; another New Zealand's defence strategy.

On average 11 such e-mails arrived a day for six months - so many that Claire's computer crashed, unable to cope with the huge files sizes.

It turned out a Royal Navy officer based at the Pentagon had inadvertently included Claire on a mailing list because of a typing error.
I forgot I had this happen to me too a couple years ago, I mistakingly got some inter-department email sent to me from some MG casino (I forget who, some casinorewards or grand prive one) in which they were complaining about me asking for some bonus.
the email was obviously sent in error but and the damage has been done,
now its up to the casino to limit the damage by offering some sort of remuneration, maybe they think the OP is more trouble than is worth in which case they should politely tell her that they would prefer her to go elsewhere,
either way there are other casino's to play at, why play where your not wanted, its the casino's loss in the end by not making any more money from her.
At the moment I do not work with the public, but I have before and probably will again. I, like my colleagues, was the epitome of politeness whilst dealing with the customer. However in internal communication, we were able to be honest about exactly what we thought about them. The CSR in question has accidentally sent an internal message to I BEEN THERE, but people make mistakes and it doesn't change the fact that, based on her posts so far, I am pretty sure the internal communication was valid.

What about my posts makes them valid ?

You know nothing about me at all. Yes, outsoken I am. Good thing too, wish more were just like me and I think online gaming would be more beneficial to us all. I look out for ALL players, not just myself. When I see something fishy or perhaps feel unappreciated and disrespected I am not going to just sit on my ass and keep feeding. I am going to voice my feelings and HOPE they see what I am stating is FACT ! The problem however inlies when someone does NOT read an email thoroughly ( which happens more times than not ) and then gets upset because it is too complicated to answer since it wasn't thoroughly read or investigated ( that would be too much trouble & time ). All the whilst still asking and taking money as if nothing has happened.

The Shame ( so to speak ) has obviously read these post and sent me an email just moments ago & I replied in detail as to what & why this post exists.
I am looking forward to their reply and sincerely hope they can for a first time see exactly how hurtful & unnessary that email was and has become. No paying player should ever have to remove a dagger from their back for ANY reason and there should never be a trickle down effect from her peers because she screwed up. If they don't want me there because I have a voice, so be it. Tell me to my face, don't keep asking for my money or complain when I have a question or concern.

Again I thank ALL of you for your replies and I truly do appreciate ALL of them ! I will let you know what their repsonse is.

At the moment I do not work with the public, but I have before and probably will again. I, like my colleagues, was the epitome of politeness whilst dealing with the customer. However in internal communication, we were able to be honest about exactly what we thought about them. The CSR in question has accidentally sent an internal message to I BEEN THERE, but people make mistakes and it doesn't change the fact that, based on her posts so far, I am pretty sure the internal communication was valid.

an how do you know it was sent by mistake?

Bryan presented another view and a viable one for the subject at hand, so why was it taken so personally? He got many rude remarks in return...just for speaking his mind...

Common courtesy and civil behavior is the heart of any productive business communication-whether you are the buyer or the seller. Abusive behavior leads to abusive behavior. Mutual respect in any exchange of ideas will engage the vision of all parties involved.

Personally, I think the CSR should be fired. The email being sent to you alone indicates a serious lack of elementary skills for an online communicator. Asking someone for assistance with a problem that the CSR was not able to handle was the correct procedure. The right or wrong of the CSR referring to you as irritating would depend upon the rationality of your communications.

Before I made any definitive decisions, I would be compelled to examine my own behavior and determine if I provoked the comment. On the casino's end, they owe you a sincere apology and the recognition of an incompetent employee.

There is no more powerful tool than grace...in the giving and in the taking.
My decision is made. Their email was very professional and kind and they did again apologize for the way I feel. However; Speaking from my heart and quite sadly, it is how I know I will always feel now when dealing with them. I will always feel as though someone or perhaps all of them truly feel my honest feelings and opinions are irritating. Well, as a paying player and someone who has been very supportive, I believe I have every right to question behavior or ethics when I feel it deemed necessary just as every single paying player should.
I don't believe it will happen again there anytime soon, but the fact is it did. Had there not been a huge meeting discussing what happened with me personally perhaps the entire support staff would be clueless and therefore no trickle down effect to make me feel the way I do now. It's kinda like you hurt my friend so,,,, and I am not comfortable any longer. I am sure they have some great people working there and I have no doubt there are some genuine apologies. The question is, who is genuinely honest and who still talking behind my back ? That is truly why my decision is to leave. I am not comfortable supporting a place I no longer trust for more reasons than one.

Again, I thank you all for your honest opinions on this matter and truly hope you are never in my position.
I know many of you want to know what Casino this is and perhaps one day I will say. However, why should I hurt them the way I have been hurt ? Their games play fine, hell better than any MG site I have been at in a long long time but they definitely lack in appreciation and respect like some of the other big names. Maybe my voice has been heard with them and any of you playing there will benefit from it ! I sincerely hope so !

I would like HONEST opinions please to this important question.

What if you were a very strong supporter ( By that I mean frequent depositor & player ) and you emailed to ask for a bonus & BY MISTAKE the site sent you an email that was meant for someone else's eyes that said " Could you please help me with this irritating woman ? " & it was in reference to you ?

The reason they think I am irritating is because as some of you know from my post, I speak my OWN mind & told them what I thought about a few things.

My own feelings on this matter is: I don't care how irritating or nice ANY player is, they should ALL be treated with respect since they do support you with their deposits. NONE would not stay in business if not FOR ALL PEOPLE.
To call someone irritating that is paying your check is not smart business !


Now before you decide. Please take note: This is probably one of the very few MG site(s) that still pays off halfway decent & some of the support staff are fine but...................................... the email and knowing now how they truly feel...

Do you stay or do you go ?



Well anyone who knows me in person knows I like to play devil's advocate so here goes.If you sent a SINGLE email to the casino asking for a bonus and included some feedback *DARN MACHINES sucked all my money ,must be fixed * etc I would say that the CSR has a short fuse and probably his/her career will be short in this business.Although he didnt mean to send it to you ,if it was in reply to one email I say he should never have even referred to you as irritating even to a coworker.In that scenio ,I probably would find a new place to play.
Now if he gave you a bonus and you were not happy and you were engaged in some back and forth banter with him ,you probably did irritate him and I would understand his telling another manager to deal with you.(note to his boss , don't fire him for this one lol)
Bottom line is It probably depends on how long you have played ,if you win there ,is there a person at the casino you do enjoy dealing with that could take over your account.I do not know if you are a VIP player or not but in these days any player who is depositing faithfully is a valueable player.

I only play at two casinos online and god knows I have been a 'difficult player' but my casino vip managers always treat me like i am right even when i am wrong .That is the kind of place you deserve to play at :I want my xmas gift,my birthday gift , American and Canadian Thanksgiving Gift basket plus bring on the easter Bunny LOL.There ARE casinos out there who go above and beyond player expectations so don't feel discouraged :)
Players are the ones who drive the online casino industry. This said, I believe Customer Service employees need to give the best service possible to the players who have chosen to play at their casino establishment.

In this situation, I would of been EXTREMELY offended, yet I would try to handle the manner in a responsible way, and request to speak to the manager, for a HUGE comp for the UNACCEPTABLE behavior.

The one support staff's behavior, does not necessarily speak for the Casino. In my opinion, the casinos do appreciate your business (maybe not Rogue Casino's, but thank God for CM in terms of player safety) and will do their best to keep you as a player.

I hope this helps, I really felt indignant, when I heard about your really unnecessary treatment by your casino.

Have a good day.

Bruce :)
Doesn't this really come down to CS training, motivation and supervision?

It has been noted many times before that CSR's are too frequently undertrained, undersupervised and underinformed, and that's a direct fault of line management that ultimately reflects badly on the owner and the brand.

I personally believe the industry is getting better at customer support, but there are still operators who do not seem to understand the absolutely critical importance of the customer-casino interface.

That is manifested in inadequate investment in training, CSR selection, equipment and attention to CSR activities.

We all know that individual members of the public can at times be difficult and even devious (I am not suggesting that that is the case here) but as a representative of the business that employs them the CSR and supervisors have to keep their cool and remain helpful and polite.

That professional discipline must be held until the issue reaches such a point that only management can be left to sort it out....and if that stage is reached it needs immediate attention by preferably senior management who know what they're doing.

Even when baited and provoked, CSR's have a duty to their employer to stay polite and disciplined - it's the customer that ultimately provides the means for the company to succeed, and it is important that that message is reinforced with CSRs frequently.
Thank you all for your continued responses. I do really appreciate them.
I would also like to make it clear, I was aplogized to via a phone call. I was never offered anything but an apology.
Regardless, I have stuck to my gut and not deposited there since my post which stated I quit due to lack of trust & respect at this point. I don't truly feel comfortable playing when I am almost certain after she was chewed out for her behavior it trickled down to her fellow staff members. Had this been a closed meeting with her and management her fellow staff members would not have started behaving differently.
As I said, It is a great loss to both them and myself. That site being fairly new played far better than the old MG ones, You could actually play a good while on your money and actually make a profit more times if you hit cashout ( which I did a few times ).;) However, given the fact that this happened and their promo is less than trustworthy to say the least, I have decided to remain a non-player there and will continue that status.

Thanks again for your time & responses.

Doesn't this really come down to CS training, motivation and supervision?

It has been noted many times before that CSR's are too frequently undertrained, undersupervised and underinformed, and that's a direct fault of line management that ultimately reflects badly on the owner and the brand.

I personally believe the industry is getting better at customer support, but there are still operators who do not seem to understand the absolutely critical importance of the customer-casino interface.

That is manifested in inadequate investment in training, CSR selection, equipment and attention to CSR activities.We all know that individual members of the public can at times be difficult and even devious (I am not suggesting that that is the case here) but as a representative of the business that employs them the CSR and supervisors have to keep their cool and remain helpful and polite.

That professional discipline must be held until the issue reaches such a point that only management can be left to sort it out....and if that stage is reached it needs immediate attention by preferably senior management who know what they're doing.

Even when baited and provoked, CSR's have a duty to their employer to stay polite and disciplined - it's the customer that ultimately provides the means for the company to succeed, and it is important that that message is reinforced with CSRs frequently.

Very well said. The bolded emphasis is mine.

As well, it often comes down to CSR's not being given the authority to resolve simple player issues, or offer appropriate compensation within management guidelines. The player only becomes "irritating" when CS cannot give her (or him) appropriate help. Sometimes players have every right to be upset.

... I don't truly feel comfortable playing when I am almost certain after she was chewed out for her behavior it trickled down to her fellow staff members. Had this been a closed meeting with her and management her fellow staff members would not have started behaving differently.

To chastise an employee, rightfully so IMO for a breach of email handling protocol, but allow her to grumble to her co-workers because the OP caught flack because of the incident and have the "fallout" further impact the customer's relationship with the casino is a disgrace.

CSR's are the face of any online business. If you want to present your casino as a professional and above board business, you must conduct yourself professionally, and expect your CSR's to reflect your casino as such.

If the casino did in fact chastise the employee in front of her co-workers, it shows a fundamental lack of respect to all employees. And if they are "siding" with the co-worker as opposed to management and their employer, management has managed to alienate staff, or managed to make the customer seem an "adversary" rather than a valued asset.

I'm not sure if it is a breach of forum etiquette to quote myself, but:

I think you should start by telling us here which casino has treated you this way. That it has now spread to other staff indicates a managerial problem beyond an individual employee.

Name and Shame.
The manner in which the CSR responsible was allegedly publicly chastised is imv yet another indication of poor or disgracefully inexperienced management.
I remember back in late 2007 I had a small issue which I wrote to support about. The reply was basically "sorry you cant get any free chips" + other nonsense and the original question was left unanswered. The overall tone in the reply was quite negative. If you hate your job dont let the customer suffer, resign and look for something else.

In no way had I indicated that I wanted anything free. Maybe because I was down over 3k that week he tought so. So having quite a short fuse I wrote back and called him an idiot etc.

I never wrote to the manager about it but I never saw his name anymore in emails or in live chat. And that was the first time I came in contact with him. So one can assume that he wasnt there for a long time.

I still play at the casino but had a 2 month brake after the incident. And that was caused by one reply from one CS rep.

So be careful who you hire, so much damage can be caused by a single employee.
Ok, Now that the Survivor Slot tourney is over and yet them lying to me AGAIN ~! It is definitely time to NAME THE SHAME ! I owe more to you people ( fellow players ) than I ever will them.
First let me post the email that started this thread in the first place :

Hi Jody

Please can you assist me with a reply to this irritating womans e-mail.



In the beginning I truly thought this was going to be a new fresh place with promise and getting away from the tightness of the JPF these days. Instead, the treatment was far worse than I could imagine. They claim I was a bonus hunter now and that is why I was angry. LMAO I gave them plenty and they damn well know it. Sure, I cashed out a few times but in the mist of the Survivor I played alot back thru for points, which I might add stopped escalating the moment I stopped my play there & in the end cost me a far better prize & they know it ~! It was their fault for the ENTIRE MESS that made me quit playing. They could have handled it properly and things would have definetly been different.
I sincerely hope this NEVER happens to any of you and I damn sure hope they learned a lesson from what happened with me. They lost a damn good customer and most certainly my respect !

TBH if I got an email like that I would just laugh. Why take it so seriously?

Don't wish to be rude but these people are not your friends.

OK so it was Red Flush but this sort of thing happens every second every day. I realise it was unfortunate you got to hear about it but they did apologise.
TBH if I got an email like that I would just laugh. Why take it so seriously?

Don't wish to be rude but these people are not your friends.

OK so it was Red Flush but this sort of thing happens every second every day. I realise it was unfortunate you got to hear about it but they did apologise.

That's perfectly fine how you handle things. However; So long as they were taking my money ( AND FREQUENTLY I MIGHT ADD ) then there is simply no excuse for this. Furthermore, they had absolutely NO REASON to have a staff wide meeting regarding this matter which in turn made the other CSR's(her peers) treat me differently because she was scolded for her behavior.
Sadly, I am sure you are correct that it does happen everyday. Even more sad they are glad to take your money while sitting back and talking about you BEHIND YOUR BACK ! Terrible business and to say the least extermely unprofessional and childish !
As for their apology, it was followed up by an email that proved to be a just another lie. I no more believe that apology was sincere than I do apples come from the stork.

At first I had empathy for your plight.. I agree what happened to you should not ever happen to anyone..but reality is unjustices happen to everyone from time to time. But, now am really sorry but it just seems you are doing to them what you declared you didnt like being done to you. You didn't appreciate your name being spoken about, and worried it was/is being spoken about still with others to treat you differently. You said childish, and I really don't mean to flame I do understand the passion of your anger and hurt, but honestly don't you think you were right from the begining and just don't play where you don't feel comfortable anymore? I honestly don't know what more they could do than appologize to you other than throw you a free chip, but then what would that do to stop others from talking about you and you feeling unwelcomed there?
Maybe it's a good thing you found out - at least you know now. Imagine putting a lot more money in there and have them behave like this?

Here in the UK many bookmakers refer to their customers as punters or mug punters. If you lose frequently they will have zero respect for you. And if you win regularly you get barred. We're used to this sort of treatment and half expect it really :)

Anyway it's their loss and there are plenty of good MG's out there. Well done for sticking to your principles :thumbsup:.
I have to agree with previous posters but on a different note, after reading your last post i am getting an impression that you were taking time to "name and shame" because of the tourney even though a few weeks ago you posted that you made a decision not to play there. I really hope i am wrong.... :confused:


Ok, Now that the Survivor Slot tourney is over and yet them lying to me AGAIN ~! It is definitely time to NAME THE SHAME ! I owe more to you people ( fellow players ) than I ever will them.
I have to agree with previous posters but on a different note, after reading your last post i am getting an impression that you were taking time to "name and shame" because of the tourney even though a few weeks ago you posted that you made a decision not to play there. I really hope i am wrong....

I would have NEVER named the SHAME had they not yet again lied to me via email. As for after the tourney, that is when the lie from them came. Trust me, I did NOT expect them to lie to me AGAIN! Hence the SHAME. But I now atleast was able to claim my winnings rather than have them close me out before having the chance to get what I earned. I have not deposited one dime since before I made that statement.( that is how I dropped from top 10 to mid 20's ) I have been nothing but completely honest in everything posted here or anywhere on this site.
If people choose to play there great, they payout atleast ( or did when I played ). As for their CSR staff and management, that's another story completely. I no longer trust any of them at all and with good reason.

Red Flush customer support

Thank you for sharing this with us Ibeenthere. I am hoping the RedFlush rep will make a response here too.

For casinos, that CSR is your player's first point of contact with your casino beyond your website. Stories like this influence my decision to try out certain casinos, or not.

Sometimes a bad mistake comes to light and improvements are made. The management felt it important enough to bring up in a staff meeting. Hopefully, more attention will be paid in future to the handling of internal emails in a more professional matter.

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