Resolved Tropica Casino not paying £7k

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Just an update to say that one of the new owners of Tropica has been in touch via pm. He is apparently looking into my issue with Duwayne, Rival & the old owners before making a decision. So maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

He replied to the pm I sent when this all started so I have a copy of the missing pm I sent. (If you have read the thread from the start you will know what I mean) I have posted this below.

towersoft said:

I have an account with you and was lucky enough to win a decent ammount. I started the slow Rival withdrawal process and have recived £3000 from you. I recived an email stating the following:


We have been informed by Rival Central Risk that you have a history of
abuse and multiple accounts at Rival casinos.

We also have an IP mismatch for your country of registration and IP

Can you please explain to us what the reasons are for all of the

Tropica Security

I responded to this immediately but have heard nothing in return so I am trying this point of contact as your live chat and Phone support do not work. As I explained in my email I don't understand the accusation of abuse, this need explaining.

In regards to the multiple account, I always close my accounts and contact support before opening new ones. I would not have 2 accounts at one casino,

I have no IP mismatch, my ISP is Gurnsey based and has a pool of IP's for the Isle of man, I am assigned an IP accordingly. Not much I can do about it to be honest, as a dynamic IP customer.

I would really like to know whats going on, the only reason I chose to play at you site was because I saw you where active on this site and hoped that I would be safe.

Please advise.

Thanks for everyone's help! :thumbsup:
Just an update to say that one of the new owners of Tropica has been in touch via pm. He is apparently looking into my issue with Duwayne, Rival & the old owners before making a decision. So maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

He replied to the pm I sent when this all started so I have a copy of the missing pm I sent. (If you have read the thread from the start you will know what I mean) I have posted this below.

Thanks for everyone's help! :thumbsup:

or some more bullshit.

Didn't these issues start cropping up AFTER Duwayne got "promoted sideways". Far from Duwayne and the "old owners" being the source of issues, it seems the post Duwayne era under new owners has brought about the rapid descent into roguedom.

Maybe this is a ruse to shift the blame back to the old owners so that if the original decision stands, the new owners are not tainted by it.

Relying on the information from a third party geolocation service to accuse, convict, and sentence someone for player fraud is bullshit of the highest order. Even outside of online gambling, inaccurate geolocation returns are causing all sorts of problems, including the UK state lottery and BBC websites falling over because of inaccurate returns. The responsibility lies with the website using a particular geolocation service, not the customers ISP who have no control over whether geolocation providers can be arsed to keep their databases fully up to date.

The staff making this up seem to equate the physical separation between the IOM and Guernsey as reflective of how separate the two are in cyberspace, judging that the physical distance rules out minor discrepancies in geolocation returns. In cyberspace though, the IOM and Guernsey are right next to each other, as there is not a large subscriber base in the Atlantic requiring both to run from entirely unconnected address pools. If they can make such a fundamental technical error, they could easily have screwed up over the supposed detection of multiple accounts too.
OK well... Tropica has been in touch again but they are still waiting for "legacy data" from Rival as they can only see my balance and anything that has been paid already, not my pending withdrawals. However they have stated this:

Tropica Casino said:
From what I know, I believe there was some merit in the decision not to pay you. These reasons were communicated to you and you have not taken any responsibility for your actions on the forums. While I understand why you did not tell the truth, I feel you have given the casino a really bad name and have Tropica added to the rogue pit when in fact, you brought it upon yourself for refusing to comply with the request made by previous management. That said, I will make a decision on the £5000 once we all the facts.

To which I have responded:

Towersoft said:
Thanks for getting back to me. I understand that you need to get all of the data together before you can draw any conclusions. I do however request that you inform me of the lies that I have told on the forum, As with you, I need all the data before I can act correctly. If I have done something wrong then I need to know what it is so I can make a amends.

I have left parts out for now as I think I will pm Bryan before posting the entire conversation. Tropica assures me Bryan is getting all the pm's too.
OK well... Tropica has been in touch again but they are still waiting for "legacy data" from Rival as they can only see my balance and anything that has been paid already, not my pending withdrawals. However they have stated this:

To which I have responded:

I have left parts out for now as I think I will pm Bryan before posting the entire conversation. Tropica assures me Bryan is getting all the pm's too.

Odd how they "know" the reasoning behind the decision not to pay, can tell your lies from the truth, yet they do not yet have access to ANY of the "legacy data" covering this period.

Was this really the case that got them rogued? (CS passing around the crack pipe again).
I feel you have given the casino a really bad name and have Tropica added to the rogue pit when in fact, you brought it upon yourself for refusing to comply with the request made by previous management.

Request made by previous management? What is he referring to now?

Also, you aren't responsible for bringing them in the rogue pit, previous Rep was responsible for keeping them out of the rogue pit.
Request made by previous management? What is he referring to now?

Also, you aren't responsible for bringing them in the rogue pit, previous Rep was responsible for keeping them out of the rogue pit.

Right at the start.

On January 18th, the OP was asked to explain why a third party geolocation database had his IP down as Guernsey instead of the IOM, and why he was playing from another country. Explanation should not be needed as this should be bleedin' obvious to anyone who knows a bit about the ISP industry, as anyone using geolocation on their service should do. The OP explained this, but was then told they were awaiting Notarised documents, yet they had never asked for them in the first place.

They then gave the OP a mater of days to produce them, even though this can be an involved and lengthy process, and timescales are up to the lawyers involved, not the player. It's a different matter where the player merely has to take a few minutes preparing and sending documents he already has. They also seemed not to accept the explanation that his IP address shows as Guernsey because that's where the local IP pool his provider uses is registered.

They then brought up further "evidence", and accused the OP of withdrawing after winning - so what!!!

All this evidence was preceeded by "Rival told us........". So bloody what, this is YOUR casino Mr Rep, what "other Rivals", your competitors have to say is mere hearsay evidence.

They then pulled out a shocker, that they wouldn't pay because they didn't think they would stand a fair chance of winning it back. I believe this was the straw that broke the camel's back, and into the pit they tumbled.

Now the rep claims this was "under previous management" and they "can't access that data". This seems unlikely given that this complaint only started on Jan 18th, and came to the forum a month later on Feb 24th, a period during which the rep claims the old owners sold the business on to the current ones and archived such recent data out of immediate reach of the new owners.

So, these new owners take over, yet have no data before about end Jan - Early Feb 2013 on any of the players they inherited with the deal. This sounds very much like BS as it seems barely credible that the new owners could tailor promotions to players they know so little about. Getting promotions right is hardly Rival's strong point in any case, and is what brings many of them down.

I think we need to see notarised documents from the rep proving that on Jan 18th it was the old owners in charge that confiscated the OP's win, and that it is now new owners who are dealing with it. You have 3 days to comply from now because I have already been waiting for proof of change of ownership since this fact first came to light in one of the rep's replies:rolleyes:

Did the crack pipe used by the old CS form part of the assets passed to the new owners:p
Without going into details about my case again, i really feel a flashback here. Back then with my case, there was still Duwayne involved. Duwayne tried to help me really hard, but every discussion we had about it was always like "I see, but RIVAL thinks and RIVAL told me"... I always had the feeling that RIVAL is so powerful in the background and what they say "can't be questioned".
OK well... Tropica has been in touch again but they are still waiting for "legacy data" from Rival as they can only see my balance and anything that has been paid already, not my pending withdrawals. However they have stated this:

To which I have responded:

I have left parts out for now as I think I will pm Bryan before posting the entire conversation. Tropica assures me Bryan is getting all the pm's too.

Well done. These rogues had the cheek to blame their being rogued due to you. Do they really think Bryan didn't consider all the facts before coming to a decision. Long may they remain there.
Well done. These rogues had the cheek to blame their being rogued due to you. Do they really think Bryan didn't consider all the facts before coming to a decision. Long may they remain there.

They are only in the Not Recommended category at the moment - I foresee them ending in the Rogue pit very soon ! Nasty nasty !
What do you mean with old and new management ? Since when are there a new management ? I was also in touch with one of the owners and some for me sounds similiar what i got as answers.

They are upset because it is published in the forums and damaged their reputation and therefore they are stubborn. The answer from Tropica i got was clear enough: Casinomeister is an unfair community.

The problem of our german player will remain an unresolved issue, i believe. They offered me to credit the player with 500 Euro if i keep my mouth.

I answered that it has nothing to do what i say or write. It goes only around their terms and conditions on their website and how they interprete it. Their own strange interpretation regarding terms and conditions is a shame.

This is what they understand regarding fair play. I ask myself what kind of people or companys are lead a casino ?

The player don't made a mistake, he only made higher bets, which casino don't like. If they don't like those customers then they should pay them in full and close their accounts after paying.

And always the same statement that one couldn't know whether the player lose his balance or not and there was no cashout. (player has also a shady history at rival)

I gave them the chance to decide and resolve but the owner only referred regarding the bad communication between customer service and me and of course posting in forum which would not the correct way.

I hate this to post all these details but they let me no choice.

And what a surprise, they have changed their general bonus terms and conditions!

3 passages are suddenly removed how the balance from the players account.


• Under review, a withdrawal may be voided if a customer is found to be using a betting pattern or system such as the Martingale System for example.

• When playing with a bonus, you cannot wager more than 30% of the required wagering on a single game. You will also need to place bets on at least 10 games if the promotion allows it.

• If necessary, management reserves the right to apply the Max Cashout of your last promotion. For example: you win 1000 on a promotion where 1000 was the Max Cashout. You now withdraw 5 x 200 and then those increments of 200 to take up additional bonuses. If management deems it necessary, they will apply the Max 1000 Cashout of the winning promotion. Kindly note that loyal customers are not affected by this term.

Exactly this was their own interpretation and the reason for confiscating players balance. They were referring to something that does not exist, because the customer played without a bonus. They refer it also on playing without bonus.

They have simply no guts to say that they have made mistakes. Would be so then there would be also a chance that they are not under "not recommanded casinos"

They mean they handled it correct but they are not right.

The Owner can further mean that i'm nasty and no gentleman in this matter.

What are doing all these players if no one would be to mediate or to help them ?

The only way they have is to post it on communities or request someone for help.

I don't like to know how many players are affected and can do nothing, because some casinos decide how they want.

Very strange all or not ?
WOW. That is a weird one:

• When playing with a bonus, you cannot wager more than 30% of the required wagering on a single game. You will also need to place bets on at least 10 games if the promotion allows it.

Never saw something like this.... If i want to play only 4 or 5 slots i can't withdraw, i need to play at least 10 slots... Thats so weird!!!

What do you mean with old and new management ? Since when are there a new management ? I was also in touch with one of the owners and some for me sounds similiar what i got as answers.

They are upset because it is published in the forums and damaged their reputation and therefore they are stubborn. The answer from Tropica i got was clear enough: Casinomeister is an unfair community.

The problem of our german player will remain an unresolved issue, i believe. They offered me to credit the player with 500 Euro if i keep my mouth.

I answered that it has nothing to do what i say or write. It goes only around their terms and conditions on their website and how they interprete it. Their own strange interpretation regarding terms and conditions is a shame.

This is what they understand regarding fair play. I ask myself what kind of people or companys are lead a casino ?

The player don't made a mistake, he only made higher bets, which casino don't like. If they don't like those customers then they should pay them in full and close their accounts after paying.

And always the same statement that one couldn't know whether the player lose his balance or not and there was no cashout. (player has also a shady history at rival)

I gave them the chance to decide and resolve but the owner only referred regarding the bad communication between customer service and me and of course posting in forum which would not the correct way.

I hate this to post all these details but they let me no choice.

And what a surprise, they have changed their general bonus terms and conditions!

3 passages are suddenly removed how the balance from the players account.


• Under review, a withdrawal may be voided if a customer is found to be using a betting pattern or system such as the Martingale System for example.

• When playing with a bonus, you cannot wager more than 30% of the required wagering on a single game. You will also need to place bets on at least 10 games if the promotion allows it.

• If necessary, management reserves the right to apply the Max Cashout of your last promotion. For example: you win 1000 on a promotion where 1000 was the Max Cashout. You now withdraw 5 x 200 and then those increments of 200 to take up additional bonuses. If management deems it necessary, they will apply the Max 1000 Cashout of the winning promotion. Kindly note that loyal customers are not affected by this term.

Exactly this was their own interpretation and the reason for confiscating players balance. They were referring to something that does not exist, because the customer played without a bonus. They refer it also on playing without bonus.

They have simply no guts to say that they have made mistakes. Would be so then there would be also a chance that they are not under "not recommanded casinos"

They mean they handled it correct but they are not right.

The Owner can further mean that i'm nasty and no gentleman in this matter.

What are doing all these players if no one would be to mediate or to help them ?

The only way they have is to post it on communities or request someone for help.

I don't like to know how many players are affected and can do nothing, because some casinos decide how they want.

Very strange all or not ?
As most of you know, I was out pretty much the entire time this thread was going on. One thing I can say for sure is that this underscores the reason why there is only one Rival casino listed at Casinomeister.

It's true that I emailed Duwayne some weeks ago at the same time I sent him a PM concerning this thread. It was/is an alarming thread - not just of the payout involved, but by the way support reacted. That was my main concern - support. I know there are always two sides of every coin - I'm not privy on the veracity of the player's complaint, but the reaction of Rival's support pretty much was a solid hit out of the ball park.

As Nifty mentioned earlier, he received via email, a response from Duwayne, which he forwarded to me, but Duwayne had forwarded me the same email as well. It stated that we didn't have the full picture on what the player was saying - only half (obviously, that's why a casino rep needs to address complaints). But he went on with another issue of sour grapes.

He felt that I was biased towards a number of casinos that receive a fair share of complaints in the forum, yet his casino was tossed to the curb when it came to problems at Rival. He also doesn't like the fact that Tropica was associated with some other casinos - and that I never made any correction to this. I cannot police every thread as most people should know. He feels that I am not a real proponent to fair play. Well, that's his opinion, but I just didn't have the time to get into some email debate. I have enough on my plate as it is.

The bottom line is that Tropica casino is a white label. White labels are disqualified from the Accredited list - this thread exemplifies why. He told me that I had plenty of players coming from this site to Tropica, and that I could be earning a fair amount of cash. But sorry, no deal, that's not a reason to give them the opportunity to become accredited.

White labels have a history of poor management and failure. I've been told over and over how unfair I am when I lump white labels together - but players who have a decent memory can remember some RTP problems, and massive problems with their customer service. Over time this snowballed, but I always gave Tropica the benefit of the doubt. Remember when all white label Rival casinos were listed in the NR section? Tropica was exempt from that since they had a good rep in the forum. In fact, just prior to the BS lawyer letters I was getting, last year I was contemplating making an exception on white labels and bringing Tropica on. Glad I got those letters - they forced me to get off the fence and into the right side of the playing field.

I am in contact with the new operator who has taken over Duwayne's account. He's wondering why they are in the Not Recommended section - it's because of the OP's "support on crack" episode - and now the new one with the Martingale system being applied to a game other than Roulette (wtf?).

Out of the 26 Rival casinos, there is only one listed at Casinomeister (Slots Capital) which is run by Slotocash. Slotocash is a trusted operator who I've known for a number of years, and runs their own support (obviously). The rest of the Rival casinos are either in the "Reservation" or Rogue Pit. Nevertheless, all Rival Casinos but Slots Capital are in the No Can Do list - and for a very good reason. This thread just goes to show that quite a few people couldn't give a care where they throw their money. :rolleyes:
Perfect Post. I have experience with some Rival casinos, and i can say Slots Capital is awesome. I had a lot of cashouts (and cash-in's of course) and never a big problem. And when i had small issues the rep here (Ms Sloto) could always help very fast. I think RIVAL is a fantastic software with fantastic features (a.e Free Spins Multiplier carried over to bonus round) and i think the software is extremely underrated. I wouldn't know what to do if Slots Capital would not run a RIVAL casino... I just don't get it why no other operator tries an "independent" Rival casino, just don't get it.

As most of you know, I was out pretty much the entire time this thread was going on. One thing I can say for sure is that this underscores the reason why there is only one Rival casino listed at Casinomeister.

It's true that I emailed Duwayne some weeks ago at the same time I sent him a PM concerning this thread. It was/is an alarming thread - not just of the payout involved, but by the way support reacted. That was my main concern - support. I know there are always two sides of every coin - I'm not privy on the veracity of the player's complaint, but the reaction of Rival's support pretty much was a solid hit out of the ball park.

As Nifty mentioned earlier, he received via email, a response from Duwayne, which he forwarded to me, but Duwayne had forwarded me the same email as well. It stated that we didn't have the full picture on what the player was saying - only half (obviously, that's why a casino rep needs to address complaints). But he went on with another issue of sour grapes.

He felt that I was biased towards a number of casinos that receive a fair share of complaints in the forum, yet his casino was tossed to the curb when it came to problems at Rival. He also doesn't like the fact that Tropica was associated with some other casinos - and that I never made any correction to this. I cannot police every thread as most people should know. He feels that I am not a real proponent to fair play. Well, that's his opinion, but I just didn't have the time to get into some email debate. I have enough on my plate as it is.

The bottom line is that Tropica casino is a white label. White labels are disqualified from the Accredited list - this thread exemplifies why. He told me that I had plenty of players coming from this site to Tropica, and that I could be earning a fair amount of cash. But sorry, no deal, that's not a reason to give them the opportunity to become accredited.

White labels have a history of poor management and failure. I've been told over and over how unfair I am when I lump white labels together - but players who have a decent memory can remember some RTP problems, and massive problems with their customer service. Over time this snowballed, but I always gave Tropica the benefit of the doubt. Remember when all white label Rival casinos were listed in the NR section? Tropica was exempt from that since they had a good rep in the forum. In fact, just prior to the BS lawyer letters I was getting, last year I was contemplating making an exception on white labels and bringing Tropica on. Glad I got those letters - they forced me to get off the fence and into the right side of the playing field.

I am in contact with the new operator who has taken over Duwayne's account. He's wondering why they are in the Not Recommended section - it's because of the OP's "support on crack" episode - and now the new one with the Martingale system being applied to a game other than Roulette (wtf?).

Out of the 26 Rival casinos, there is only one listed at Casinomeister (Slots Capital) which is run by Slotocash. Slotocash is a trusted operator who I've known for a number of years, and runs their own support (obviously). The rest of the Rival casinos are either in the "Reservation" or Rogue Pit. Nevertheless, all Rival Casinos but Slots Capital are in the No Can Do list - and for a very good reason. This thread just goes to show that quite a few people couldn't give a care where they throw their money. :rolleyes:
They are only in the Not Recommended category at the moment - I foresee them ending in the Rogue pit very soon ! Nasty nasty !

Eh? I thought I saw in the Reservation section that they are rogued. Whatever, in my mind they are rogues and forever will be. Leopard casino.
As most of you know, I was out pretty much the entire time this thread was going on. One thing I can say for sure is that this underscores the reason why there is only one Rival casino listed at Casinomeister.

It's true that I emailed Duwayne some weeks ago at the same time I sent him a PM concerning this thread. It was/is an alarming thread - not just of the payout involved, but by the way support reacted. That was my main concern - support. I know there are always two sides of every coin - I'm not privy on the veracity of the player's complaint, but the reaction of Rival's support pretty much was a solid hit out of the ball park.

As Nifty mentioned earlier, he received via email, a response from Duwayne, which he forwarded to me, but Duwayne had forwarded me the same email as well. It stated that we didn't have the full picture on what the player was saying - only half (obviously, that's why a casino rep needs to address complaints). But he went on with another issue of sour grapes.

He felt that I was biased towards a number of casinos that receive a fair share of complaints in the forum, yet his casino was tossed to the curb when it came to problems at Rival. He also doesn't like the fact that Tropica was associated with some other casinos - and that I never made any correction to this. I cannot police every thread as most people should know. He feels that I am not a real proponent to fair play. Well, that's his opinion, but I just didn't have the time to get into some email debate. I have enough on my plate as it is.

The bottom line is that Tropica casino is a white label. White labels are disqualified from the Accredited list - this thread exemplifies why. He told me that I had plenty of players coming from this site to Tropica, and that I could be earning a fair amount of cash. But sorry, no deal, that's not a reason to give them the opportunity to become accredited.

White labels have a history of poor management and failure. I've been told over and over how unfair I am when I lump white labels together - but players who have a decent memory can remember some RTP problems, and massive problems with their customer service. Over time this snowballed, but I always gave Tropica the benefit of the doubt. Remember when all white label Rival casinos were listed in the NR section? Tropica was exempt from that since they had a good rep in the forum. In fact, just prior to the BS lawyer letters I was getting, last year I was contemplating making an exception on white labels and bringing Tropica on. Glad I got those letters - they forced me to get off the fence and into the right side of the playing field.

I am in contact with the new operator who has taken over Duwayne's account. He's wondering why they are in the Not Recommended section - it's because of the OP's "support on crack" episode - and now the new one with the Martingale system being applied to a game other than Roulette (wtf?).

Out of the 26 Rival casinos, there is only one listed at Casinomeister (Slots Capital) which is run by Slotocash. Slotocash is a trusted operator who I've known for a number of years, and runs their own support (obviously). The rest of the Rival casinos are either in the "Reservation" or Rogue Pit. Nevertheless, all Rival Casinos but Slots Capital are in the No Can Do list - and for a very good reason. This thread just goes to show that quite a few people couldn't give a care where they throw their money. :rolleyes:

Well, who REALLY calls the shots. It seems it's "what Rival says goes", and even the OWNER has no power to make up their own mind. It seems even Duwayne was having this problem, so a change of owner is not relevant, as it seems owners have no actual power to make decisions.

From the start, it looks like them using one reason after another for voiding payment. First it's geolocation, when that gets kicked into touch, it's notarised documents, and then a "system". Last of all, the new owners can't access any data prior to them taking over, and it seems Rival are in no hurry to help.

On the one hand, individual Rival white labels are asking for exceptions over the rule if they can prove that they are individual enough to stand out from the crowd in a good way, yet at the same time it's a case of "Rival says" on almost every important decision, making it clear ALL white labels are much the same when it comes to how players get treated.

They got traffic from this site because of how Duwayne was performing, and how the experience in general flew in the face of the stereotypical view of Rival white labels. For certain, nothing about Tropica was broken, yet at the end of January Rival saw fit to "fix it", and well and truly smashed the whole thing to pieces. It is as though they WANTED to drag down this exceptional player friendly white label to the level of the rest.

I am sure that in the past I have seen comment indicating that there is some kind of policing by Rival designed to prevent one white label from getting so good that it starts to poach from the others. If so, this looks like a case of Rival central applying the handbrake on Tropica, and getting rid of Duwayne to install their own crack pipe smoking generic team who have come up with the wonders that put Tropica back with the others, not recommended and no-can-do.

They should not need accreditation in order to behave, it should be the other way around, behave and then earn accreditation.

There is now the additional factor of them trying to bribe someone with $500 to "keep their mouth" and allow this PR tragedy to die away.

How about a £7K "bribe" to the OP to announce in public that everything is resolved, he is happy, and the casino did the right thing in the end. They can always blacklist him for life from ANY Rival, but of course they could never win the money back, something that REALLY bothers them.

Given that the show is run by Rival anyway, what does it matter if the OP gives that £7K back to Rival through another white label skin, it all ends up in the same four pockets.
I'm not impressed at all by Tropica. They act oblivious to the FACT that two (possibly more players) have gone unpaid. They should have thought about the possible consequences before putting themselves under a bad light. IMPO they should also be grateful that they haven't been fully rogued.
Eh? I thought I saw in the Reservation section that they are rogued. Whatever, in my mind they are rogues and forever will be. Leopard casino.
It says in the Rogue Pit.
The Rogue Pit consists of several sections, including "Rogue Casinos" and "Not Recommended casinos".
Two different sections, two different reasons for casinos being in them.

Out of the 26 Rival casinos, there is only one listed at Casinomeister (Slots Capital) which is run by Slotocash. Slotocash is a trusted operator who I've known for a number of years, and runs their own support (obviously). The rest of the Rival casinos are either in the "Reservation" or Rogue Pit. Nevertheless, all Rival Casinos but Slots Capital are in the No Can Do list - and for a very good reason.
[nit-pick mode]
There are a lot more than 26 Rival casinos; Over 50 in fact (Even I don't know the exact number!)
DNC (Desert Nights Rival Powered casino) is also run by Sloto'Cash - why is that not on the Accredited list too?
[/nit-pick mode]

It says in the Rogue Pit.
The Rogue Pit consists of several sections, including "Rogue Casinos" and "Not Recommended casinos".
Two different sections, two different reasons for casinos being in them.

[nit-pick mode]
There are a lot more than 26 Rival casinos; Over 50 in fact (Even I don't know the exact number!)
DNC (Desert Nights Rival Powered casino) is also run by Sloto'Cash - why is that not on the Accredited list too?
[/nit-pick mode]


Oh the website it says "accredited" :) So i'm guessing they just handle it in a way "SLOTS CAPITAL = DESERT NIGHTS" Are there any differences then just the name? But you're right, Desert Nights should be in the accredited List too. 32red and Dash are also both there even if it's basically the same casino (Correct me if i'm wrong :)
I wish i could explain it better to you all what i think and try to say. Can be that not all of you understand what i mean. I'm not nasty and it takes a long time if i set a casino in a "not recommended" list.

This will happen if i have the feeling that it makes no sence to discuss furthermore. Most of the companys are saying that they don't discuss player issues with 3rd parties although one have the players datas and details.

Tropica was one of an exception and VIP management tried to give me answers. I appreciated but all their answers wasn't really satisfied.

This new issue was the hit otherwise i can't explain why an owner tried to get in contact with me.

If he mailed and offered me that he will re-open the account with the full amount the player had before, then i believe kept silent and reported that they are doing the right thing. But he wrote that he offered €500 in lieu of the fact that the term on the website was not clear enough for me to understand and i had declined.

My intention is to try and help players where having problems and get in contact with responsible managers. Sometimes i have luck and the manager has experience enough to solve it. But sometimes you run against a wall.

I agree with the weatherman, saying "that it seems owners have no actual power to make decisions". This is 100% correct. The software providers in the background have definitely too much influences. This is a matter of the licensee and casino operators. But i don't know whether makes it better.

Bryan said:
He told me that I had plenty of players coming from this site to Tropica, and that I could be earning a fair amount of cash. But sorry, no deal, that's not a reason to give them the opportunity to become accredited.

that suits as well: You need to understand that this is not a good player. Affiliates or operators will never make money off players like this and we did you a favour in the long run.

If this is an opinion or statement from all the casinos, then good night.

Normally i want not to handle player issues, because it means a lot of work and time. I have no interest to make a casino bad but what should you do ?

The users know me as a person where can help sometimes.

I like to work with my projects, that's what i normally like to do.
We have been here before, with Tradition.

We didn't just get "a rep", we got the OWNER personally taking care of any issues. They shone like Tropica did with Duwayne around. Then they pulled a clumsy stunt and blamed it on a trainee.

It seems even the exceptional Rival white label may merely be a deception designed to manipulate affiliates into accepting that Rival overall are reliable.

There are other white label operations on other softwares, and although there are problems, they don't seem anywhere as bad as those experienced with Rival white labels. They are doing something different, and it produces far worse results, yet rather than change, it seems Rival tries to sneak past the checks and balances through deception in order to get at least some of their casinos recommended as "top picks" by affiliates.

Just imagine the fall out for CM if Tropica had managed to keep the charade going for longer, and made it to accredited as an exception to the rule, and then slaughtered the "lambs" the status brought their way by suddenly showing their true colours.
We have been here before, with Tradition.

We didn't just get "a rep", we got the OWNER personally taking care of any issues. They shone like Tropica did with Duwayne around.

I don't agree at all here. Tradition did not have the reputation here as Tropica had with Duwayne around. Not even close. The only not accredited White Label Rival who had a good reputation here was at one point Vegas Regal with Nicholas as a rep. Tropica fooled many experienced members here that they were a special White Label, above the others. So did Vegas Regal, claimed that they hade their own support (maybe correct, don't know).
Hey everybody,

Hope you are all well.

Apologies for not replying sooner. I have been on a short break while Tropica undergoes a change of ownership.

Myself and Dieter are working on this matter. Please be patient while we gather all the information needed for a resolution.

There have been quite a few incorrect facts posted in this thread which we really need to clarify for the record. We could address each and every post in this thread and present a sound argument, truth or acknowledgement where necessary, but fear you could be reading all weekend long, so we have addressed some of the important / relevant ones below.

Thank you for your time,

  • It will be greatly appreciated if every one posting online could stick to the truth when posting something as a fact. I know you are players and you see things differently from operators, affiliates and other stakeholders in this industry, but posting the first thing that pops into your head as a fact (without been 100% certain) is simply not conducive to finding a viable resolution. Other members here read these posts and believe everything stated as fact. It will certainly help other operators, players, reps, affiliates etc. in the future.
  • No "bribes" were offered to anyone and Zodiac should post the mail Dieter sent to him last week along with all the mails he sent to Tracy and Dieter so that you have all the information you need.
  • No player info was, or is ever shared via PM with anyone (unless permission is granted). Nifty was mailed to say that the OP was not been completely honest and that he (Nifty) posted an incorrect fact about my association with Loco Panda. I wanted Nifty to retract the statement and he did.
  • Rival do not own any casinos - this message seems to be a common post for 1 or 2 members here. Rival is a software company, like MGS, NETENT etc.
  • Rival do not get involved with operators. If an operator fails, then the business is closed or sold off to an operator who can look after it. All software companies adopt this policy if it makes good business sense.
  • We have been added to the rogue pit here because of this complaint. This is regrettable considering we never had the opportunity to look into this, as should be the custom when a dispute is filed on a public forum.
  • Tropica has been in operation for 3.5 years and I have been here since inception. Several posters in this thread play/ed at Tropica and it is surprising that no one has mentioned the good service and fast payouts they have received (except Chopley). I personally would not work for a casino that does not pay players or treats people poorly. I take pride in my work and in helping build this brand. A Google search should establish that we are most certainly not a rogue operation. There are affiliates here that can attest to our service, payments and generosity. We have a rock solid team with ample knowledge, as well as good capital backing.
  • It is true that we decided months ago to stop been present on this forum as we were not allowed to become accredited. Bryan was steadfast in his rule that no white label could ever become accredited. As we did our own processing and support (office hours and central support after hours), we felt we were not a white label, however we could not get a Baptism by Fire. That is why I have not been present as no matter how much work we did, we would never get off the "Not Recommended List". This particular matter however warrants our involvement and if we can leave the forum knowing we did the best we could, then we will be satisfied with that.
  • I have to end on this point: One regular poster here (you will know who you are) - You were operating 2 accounts and we proved that to you. You had linked accounts at several Rival casinos and were taking up multiple bonuses at each. We did not punish you or embarrass you with the proof here on the forum; we simply bonus banned the 2nd account and allowed you to continuing playing with bonuses, yet you have made multiple posts against Tropica since then in an effort to tarnish our reputation. It will be appreciated if you file a PAB or a PM, if you feel you were hard done by in any way. I will gladly try to understand your reasoning.
Well it's nice to see some official input from the casino in this, but there are still questions that are unanswered.

Can I ask, is this comment attributed to Tropica Support an accurate quotation?

Added to this, we have confirmation from Rival that you are not a
genuine player. You simply play big till you win and then you cash out
and move on. While we understand winning is what all players go for, it
is cause for concern when we know we will not get a chance to win some
of our winnings back.

Personally I'd really like to see Rival and (some of) their casinos in a more 'accepted' sort of place, because I've said before and I'll say again that I think they have some great games on their books with 'industry standard' payouts and a lot that they do right - but you really can't have CS sending messages like that to a player, whatever else may be going on.

Also Duwayne, I think you'd be best served by remaining active on the CM forums and maintaining a presence, whatever your personal grumbles with the processes are.

Even without accredited status, a casino can achieve a good reputation simply by word of mouth - (Redbet for example, were basically 'accredited by the members' long before they were actually accredited, simply because it became obvious they were a quality operation) - as it stands at the moment it just looks like you've thrown your toys out of the pram because you couldn't get what you wanted out of Bryan.
@ Duwayne, that's all nice and dandy, but when will the player get paid his € 7K? THAT's the answer I am looking for! You know the player has done nothing wrong whatsoever, so why does it take so long?
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