The removal of Autospin in uk.

I've just read that survey and the tone of it kind of forces you down the path they want. It's like they've made their minds up what they're going to do, and they just want people to qualify it.

The hard part is reducing player harm but not at the expense of regular players. If they go too far then revenue is going to drop from normal punters walking away, and then the industry shrinks and people lose their jobs.

The ideal scenario would be a government portal that every player has to log on to in order to access gambling sites. They'd have all their details stored and some fancy algorithm would work out their own personal monthly limit based on their income and so on. Then the player can set play limits, including spin times, autoplay, slam-stop and so on. It would be like creating your own personal jurisdictional settings so you can gamble how you want to.

Once this is verified they move onto a list of accredited, certified gambling sites that they can sign up to, and from there they're free to spend their money how they want to, within those limits and settings. The sites don't need to know any personal details, SOW and so on. It's all taken care of at the portal stage.

This is what I'd like to see. A bit fanciful perhaps, but there you go... There needs to be a way of tailoring things to each player rather than throwing a blanket over everyone.
Click here for our review on the UKGC
The Commission has focused on online slots because of its features which increase the intensity of play and the corresponding risks to players. Slot games have by far the highest average losses per player of online gambling products *1. The new rules include the outright ban of four key features of online slots games:

  • Features that speed up play or give the illusion of control over the outcome
  • Slot spin speeds faster than 2.5 seconds
  • Autoplay - which can lead to players losing track of their play, and;
  • Sounds or imagery which give the illusion of a win when the return is in fact equal to, or below, a stake
Other changes include:

  • The permanent ban on reverse withdrawals – a function which allows consumers to re-gamble money they had previously requested to withdraw
  • Operators must clearly display to the player their total losses or wins and time played during any online slots session.
The enhanced protections that have been announced today will need to be fully implemented by online operators by 31 October 2021.

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"Following a consultation with the public and players," Well i call bull shit, I know a lot of players and not 1 said they wanted auto play banned and they all said its actually the best way to keep track of plays, so who are all these players losing control with auto play? Im sorry but the UKGC are idiots. Show us your evidence of auto play is harmful. If you lose control with auto play then you should not be gambling in the first place.

Yes they have done some small bits of good but this is going too far and its going to end in tears for everyone.

To be honest its about time the industry started fighting back on some of the crazy changes ( auto play ban for example ) and stood their ground, instead of taking it up the A....... other leisure businesses are not subject to such ridiculous restrictions. One year I spent well over £10,000 hot air ballooning and not once did i have to fill out a SOW, or have to prove I could afford it.

I really can't help thinking that all this has stemmed from an increase in online casino activity since the pandemic, which of course has nothing to do with that every land based casino and AGC is closed and is the only place people can gamble, have you taken that into account UKGC? No? didn't think so...........

Rant over...... well its not but my blood is starting to boil......
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Some of the effects can be ludicrous though. I've seen games with big flashy graphics and effects for a 5x stake "BIG WIN".

I like BTG's style - a win does get a sound effect, but if it's around the same level as the stake (or less), it's just a bleep to make you notice, rather than a "win".
Yes you get this noise after most of their games bonus rounds.
There goes a hell of a lot of playthrough on doa/-doa2 and other games with boring base play.
Gonna be thrilling for those "potential" chasers on bonanza, 5000 clicks for a shite bonus. Though now BTG do have an excuse in 50 years time when still nobody has come even remotely close to it.

Am approaching 2000 features on doa1 without a WL (best hit 900x iirc). Maybe I can buy a convincing looking rat type mouse, tape it to the table so she doesn't try to access my furry porn folder and have my cat play around with it for the next 2000.
Just completely ignore it altogether, until she gets addicted and one day I see her doing this:


Bloody idiots.
There goes a hell of a lot of playthrough on doa/-doa2 and other games with boring base play.
Gonna be thrilling for those "potential" chasers on bonanza, 5000 clicks for a shite bonus. Though now BTG do have an excuse in 50 years time when still nobody has come even remotely close to it.

Bloody idiots.
I play a lot of single line Book slots, usually 3 or 4 at once. I wont be if autoplay is banned. Considering my play style this will likely be the final nail in the coffin of online slotting. It will be more fun playing the FOTB's
Either that or will use the script that was posted a few weeks back :)
Is Tropical05 or whatever his name is still doing that program that circumvents the UK restrictions? Might have to resort to that I think. If the site I use it on bans me then fuck em - if they don't want my money someone else can have it.
Is Tropical05 or whatever his name is still doing that program that circumvents the UK restrictions? Might have to resort to that I think. If the site I use it on bans me then fuck em - if they don't want my money someone else can have it.

'Wow'ed' you comment tonight but can see me following suit if some of the proposed changes actually come into force as well if I get bitten by some of the existing ones

Played some 17+ years online and NEVER once overspent or fell behind with bills etc for slots, so I don't need telling I've spun DoA once too much and over spent by 9 fucking pence.

No way am I sending sensitive documents to a server which could be located anywhere, accessed by literally anyone, hacked etc etc

Work my bollox off for my dosh so ain't proving its not from ill gotten gains and I'll do with it as I please and when

Rarely use auto spin anyway but I WANT TO DECIDE if I want to let a game run and go do something else, not end up purchasing a new mouse monthly cos the left button is knackered.

I could post a bloody encyclopedia here but I will leave it here for now... :rolleyes:
The really interesting point is that in the ” notes to editors “ at the very end of the report they themselves admit the average monthly spend on slots is £67 so that begs the question “ is there really a nationwide problem ? “. Obviously there are some problem players as there are problem eaters, problem drinkers , problem idle TV watchers etc etc. If all these measures were truly needed why were they not implemented years ago all together.? What is quite clear is the UKGC are taking a hammer to crack a nut and thus in the process creating more work for themselves ensuring they remain in paid employment. Problem players should singled out for their own protection and dealt with on a one to one basis by the gambling organisation they are betting with . Everybody else , providing they clear money laundering checks and satisfactory Source of Wealth and affordability checks ( if required) should be left free to enjoy their pastime. Gambling can be an expensive hobby but it’s meant to be an enjoyable experience. Once you lose the enjoyment you will eventually lose the player.
The problem is, that even here in Malta now some gaming providers have removed turbo spin and autoplay already just like in the UK. Videoslots have removed high stakes from Danger and White Rabbit in recent days.
The writing is on the wall - no auto play sure to come into force and then at some point £2 max cap per spin on slots for the UK. They will drag it into line withthe FOBTS. Most casnos will quit the UK market - leaving only the major bookies to choose from. In effect destroying the online casino industry in the UK.

Depressing but my own play is now much more limited than what it was 10 years or more ago. I can not be bothered with all the requests for SOW - and only do KYC as I have to. AllBritishcasino who are good - requested a load of documents last week wanting full financial information. I didnt respond and just closed my account off. Not going to bother. What I earn and how is no ones business but mine and the tax man. Time to get a new hobby )
Manually clicking on machines like bonanza is a nightmare it can take hundreds and hundreds of spins to et a feature so with auto spin gone games. Redundant lll
Suppose one good thing is we can sue the gaming board for arthritis in the fingers and and painful finger joints for Constant pressing lol
Manually clicking on machines like bonanza is a nightmare it can take hundreds and hundreds of spins to et a feature so with auto spin gone games. Redundant lll
Suppose one good thing is we can sue the gaming board for arthritis in the fingers and and painful finger joints for Constant pressing lol

LOL I was thinking the exact thing are we going to be able to sue them in years to come when we all start getting RSI in our hands / fingers.
It will create a nation of slot players that are zombies zoned out of life around them while they are playing due to their dedication to hitting that win hit/s.

It is as a kill switch on those that have family life,a social life,online interaction as well as a probable a liberty.
Welcome to how our world is progressing folks
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It will create a nation of slot players that are zombies zoned out of life around them while they are playing due to their dedication to hitting that win hit/s.

It is as a kill switch on those that have family life,a social life,online interaction as well as a probable a liberty.
Welcome to how our world is progressing folks

Imagine if you will........just settling down to your weekly allocated 30 minutes online slot play allowance. the phone rings and you quickly log out to keep your play time but not quick enough to answer your log back in to play your 20p capped bet (predetermined by automated assessment of your finances), load up Lil Devil because you only need another heart for the heartstopper free spins and you've not played it for 3 months because there were a few new releases you wanted to try, damn it, now you need the toilet and is that the bloody doorbell? Quick! log out again as your now down to 28 minutes. Toilet done, doorbell ignored, log back in, load up Lil Devil, is that Lil Timmy waking up? That bloody doorbell, piss off! Log out, check on Timmy, log back in to find a block on your allocated slot time and a message to contact support, contact support - 'Valued customer, we have noticed you are showing signs of gambling harm. Repeated logging in so quickly after logging out has been recognised as a potential sign of problem gambling, we have placed a 24 hour restriction on your account for your protection'............Good job it wont ever come to that eh?!
There is nothing much happening that encourages social interaction right now. Does anyone know if the price of a friendly social visit from a local masseur has increased much?
Obvs just asking for a friend :)
No auto play?! Seriously, that will be the death of most of my playtime, I can't be arsed clicking on games like bonanza and doa/doa2, what on earth are they thinking. I like to know I've been rimmed by btg for the past 800+ spins with no bonus, Bollocks to manually counting.

So from October, we're likely needing to divulge where our money comes from? That was a homer Mr casino operator man, I got that few hindered quid working my ass off and I was paid handsomely for it, "prove it". Geez.

That's going to send a lot of casinos flying out the UK market. Cheers ukgc
They already force you to set a loss limit every time you start autoplay and limit it to 100 spins... so the whole losing track because autoplay thing is nonsense.

Having to hit spin manually each time just increases the risk of accidentally clicking on max bet:laugh:
There is nothing much happening that encourages social interaction right now. Does anyone know if the price of a friendly social visit from a local masseur has increased much?
Obvs just asking for a friend :)
I’ll do it for free pal, my social interaction has been terrible for months
I'm going to try and action a solution as this is quite a blow for players:

I've started a new thread and a poll here:

Your Input Please - Removal of Auto Spins with UKGC

If there is positive feedback to keep Auto on the grounds of responsibility which is a fair argument then we will move to a more focused petition.
Like many others, I think there are more important things for the UKGC to focus on - like making it illegal for casinos to run slots at less than 96% TRTP. This will protect problem gamblers AND non-problem gamblers alike.

As I pointed out when filling in the survey: "Lowering the TRTPs massively reduces the amount of play-time players get for their money, and so is likely to lead to players depositing more £, or more frequently, or both."

And: " I feel casinos should be forced to supply players with more information. In particular, the TRTP of each game should be clearly displayed either before you enter the game, or on the first screen that appears when the game window opens."

I nearly always use auto-play. If it is removed, I'm not sure I could be bothered to play regulated casinos any more...


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