Hello Fellow Forum Members!
Since we're finishing-off the year, I thought it would be interesting to create a new thread for each remaining day. In this 1st thread, I thought it would be interesting to tackle who's been the most prominent posters (icons/figureheads) over the past year or so. While drawing up the skeleton for this list, I thought it would be best if I could enhance the meaning of it by sticking within the parameters of the following factors/guidelines:
a) Weight of reputation that the member carries.
b) Amount of valuable posts/threads created in '05.
c) Ability to entertain.
d) Controversial (while not being stupid).
e) Those who post valid and valuable information.
f) Those who consistently put forth balanced observations.
g) Those who you instantly indentify as integral parts of Casinomeister.com.
h) The "CHARACTERS". Egotistical, helpful, righteous, understated, ect...
While I'm certain many forum members can/will argue with my list, there's always fun to be had in debating these things. I'd also like to look at which new(er) members have made great strides over the last 12 months. While I couldn't squeeze everyone into these (3) lists, my apologies, because it's not my intention to ruffle any feathers.
And they're off... BANG!!... and running...
- Who else was I going to take? It's like having a gun-to-your-head. What? You think I want to get banned for life? All jokes aside, this is Mr. Bailey's site, and I'd have to think that he may very well be THE most prominent figure in the online gaming industry, nevermind his very own site. Funny, smart, and despite being thrust into no-win situations many times, he's maintained his sanity while STILL being very impartial and upright in his decision making. You don't think he's fair, then I'd have to think that you're not being fair.
Sidenote: I love his webcasts, and with all the work the Meister has to do, I think it's time to hire an assistant. Easier said than done, but it would be great if he could devote more time to that side of things (not to mention seeing more VP in the Winner Screenshots thread).
- Forever offering balanced insight into the workings of the industry, while having the astute gift of being constructive when delivering his views. I always mistook his avatar as being the silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock's head. My mistake.
I would guess that if someone wanted to write the book on how the online industry works, he's your man. You can't beat knowledge AND experience rolled-up in one.
- "Interweb Wanderer and Moderator". OGGS Online Casino Reviews (nicely done by the way). Father (or mother) of the slotjunkie.info site. Fun, upbeat, also offers lots of information, does a helluva lot to contribute to this forum.
Sidenote: Simmo's! avatar has and will forever remind me of "Chairry" from Pee-wee's Playhouse ('86-91). When running a little investigation of my own, with the help of Google and IMDb, I'm starting to understand more about the Casinomeister/Simmo! connection. You see, it goes like this.
- Casinomeister likes Frank Zappa (look no further than Vortran and his Christmas/Wish list).
- Dweezil Zappa, son of Frank did some recording work for "Pee-wee's Playhouse".
- Simmo! looks like Chairry from "Pee-wee's Playhouse".
Sidenote II: Rob Zombie of all people was once a production assistant for that very show... weird stuff.
- Had this list been drawn-up over my first few months of joining, I'd have him sitting at #2. As has been stated by the Casinomeister himself, the man is quite busy these days, thus you're not likely to have seen much of him over the past few months as compared to the beginning of the '05 season. Another main member who makes the effort to give concrete and worthwhile advice.
- The in-house lawyer (despite being a mathematician). The most intimidating handle, IMHO. His posts are only about information that pertains to the thread, rarely showing any glimpses of the man-behind-the-handle. The most emotion you'll get from him, is when forum members don't abide by the proper Winner Screenshots settings. Aside from his being a mathematician, we know that he only adhere's to absolute precision with his responses (IOW, he's not talking out-of-his-ass). With an abundance of information at his fingertips, he likely knows more about us than we'll ever know about him.
- The most famous low-roller, the monthly winning streaks, a man who learned the Art of Patience to a "T", the most advertised "WINNER" at this site (as in consistent profit), the man of quick-wit, and likely the largest draw here for his postings. 'Tis why he is The King. Now, bow down to the King. :notworthy
Sidenote: KK was probably the 1st forum member to make me feel welcome. Merci beaucoup, mon roi!
Sidenote II: While I DID say that GrandMaster (to me) carries the most intimidating handle, the fat man in the tux was just as menacing or browbeating... if not more.
- The leader of controversy. But while he's stirring the pot, he's got a point. While few love to swallow his brutal honesty (correct or not), many admire his efforts at getting his points across. And I think by that, he believes in what he's saying, therefore it's begrudginly accepted. You will likely never see him post a "Way-to-go" to other members in the Winner Screenshots section, nor will you see him start threads on his positive experience at a casino. That's not what he's about.
Sidenote: The #1 poster in terms of popular forum member WITHOUT an avatar.
- ???????!!!!!!! That's right. ???????!!!!!!! She's got a language of her own.
Quick, who's one of the 1st people that pops into your head when you think of Casinomeister? She's most definitely right up there. We know that she's from New York, she owns a football team, she's a part of the O.P.U., she's part owner of PumpPoker, and while she can be a handful, I think in her own way she doesn't mean to be. If anything, she makes the forum more exciting.
- It took me a long time to decipher between which Bart Simpson was whose. There's gfkostas, winbig72, and Eurgo#&%... well, the guy from Tampere, Finland. And certainly many others. It took me up until the point where Tim would thank 32Red for them helping him out, when he probably needed it most. He took some heat for that thread, but he rebounded nicely. I'd have to think that tim5ny comes off as one of the most honest of forum members here. He says what he says, and I believe that his heart is in it (not to say that others aren't... ).
- The cuter devil (along when back-in-the-day Spearmaster used that other avatar). The "webmistress" (did she pen/coin that term?) from the Boonies (well, that can be anywhere!) reminds of a combination of Simmo! and GrandMaster (come to think of it... wouldn't that be Spearmaster?). I think most of her posts are in good spirit, while providing beneficial information when needed.
Those who JUST missed the list were:
- I had him as high as 7th if you could believe that. Very informative, with some wonderful ideas. I'd have to think that he'll be moving up quickly this coming year. That is, IF he isn't in perpetual "Lock-Down" mode at the MG casinos.
(revised edition)
- I'm givin' m'man the North Carolina blue in this thread, and also in part because he's been part of the "color" movement. And let me tell you, this guy can keep a secret (shhhh!!!!).
Sidenote: When is he going to finally cut-a-class and add an avatar with Richard Dean Anderson already? If he's not cute enough, remember that he did date Katarina Witt for some time... that couldn't hurt.
If this were a list that was solely built off of the Winner Screenshots thread, he's most likely the #1 candidate. We would also have to consider RobWin, W2album, slotchik, Simmo!, Spearmaster, Casinomeister, realwtfsup, Bing, venetian, and a host of others... (I wish I was a part of that list
) Whenever there's a drought of Winner Screenshots being posted, you know that it's only because Slotster is in hibernation (or on an extended SpringBreak). As it appears for the month of December (at slotjunkies.info), it appears that perhaps Slotster is indeed hibernating.
- Sirius has been coming to Casinomeister.com for a long-time. Aside from that 32Red thread not-too-long-ago, and despite his present fall-from-grace, I'd have to think that he's been a great contributor here. His posts have been generally been well-received.
- Geez, I was glad that thread FINALLY died-off a few weeks back.
The other contenders were...
-winbig72 -Petunia -Webcas
-chuchu59 -Slotmachine -BingoT
-Pinababy69 -Bruce Hamilton -gfkostas
-suzecat -paul02085 -nafanny29
I thought it would be fun to make a seperate list of newer members that are quickly and stably becoming more striking and distinguished by the month/year.
The "Blue Chip" Class of '04
- Upbeat, quickly ascending the scales of Casinomeister lore. We might not have always been on the same page with the RNG, but he has his facts (I don't).
- The eye. Meow! Not that it has anything to do with her, but everytime I see her handle, I start playing "Eye In The Sky" in my head (love that song).
- All aboard!!! Final destination... Casinomeister.com FAME or bust.
- Trying to figure this one out for some time, how did he know how to pick that name prior to seeing the selection of Casinomeister.com avatars?
Sidenote: "nafanny29" and "Vesuvio" just made the cut. "nafanny29" is probably my greatest omission, but upon my research, I've noticed a decline in her posts as compared to '04 (although I could be wrong).
The "Blue Chip" Class of '05
- The handle says it all. You need not look further than the complaints section of the forum.
- Still waiting for that cookies recipe that was promised. Ahem... Postings-a-plentiful. The torch has been picked-up from an AWOL Bruce Hamilton.
- Webmaster for the casino portal "Online Casino Reviewer", and I'd think just maybe the top of this class by leaps and bounds by the time 2010 rolls around (heck, maybe by '07). One of the few members that shows an actual photo of himself. Although, PhilipFromParis is the only one who's done so with any decent lighting.
- I would guess that he's the Bart that's posted the most over the course of this year.
#5 (TIE)
- Hey, The Pistons won the first game of the Christmas doubleheader on ABC... X-Mas couldn't have been all that bad.
- With winbig72, someone I'd expect to post more Winner Screenshots in the coming year. Why the change in the avatar? You had it all right there, the name, everything...
"Casinomeister HOF" - When and if there ever is one (and it likely won't be in Cooperstown but in Hefe Weizen Wonderland... giggle), I would have to think that "mary "(the handle with the cheese AND 3,538 posts!!!) would have to get some serious consideration. Her work in the "Vegas Frontier and FortuneLounge Spam" thread alone should be enough to earn her (I assume he/she is a her) that honour. While I hated reading that thread, she did a lot of grunt work on that one. Kudos.
Closing thoughts: I'm sure I missed some special forum members on this list. But just a reminder, this list was based on how this year in particular, unfolded. For example, a Bruce Hamilton would have been #1 for new forum members of this years class ('05), but... he hasn't posted here for quite some time.
Thank you for your time, and I'm eager to get some rest now (because THIS thread took FOREVER). It was lots of fun to do though.
Again, thanks to those that make Casinomeister.com what it is.
John Steed
Hello Fellow Forum Members!

Since we're finishing-off the year, I thought it would be interesting to create a new thread for each remaining day. In this 1st thread, I thought it would be interesting to tackle who's been the most prominent posters (icons/figureheads) over the past year or so. While drawing up the skeleton for this list, I thought it would be best if I could enhance the meaning of it by sticking within the parameters of the following factors/guidelines:
a) Weight of reputation that the member carries.
b) Amount of valuable posts/threads created in '05.
c) Ability to entertain.
d) Controversial (while not being stupid).
e) Those who post valid and valuable information.
f) Those who consistently put forth balanced observations.
g) Those who you instantly indentify as integral parts of Casinomeister.com.
h) The "CHARACTERS". Egotistical, helpful, righteous, understated, ect...
While I'm certain many forum members can/will argue with my list, there's always fun to be had in debating these things. I'd also like to look at which new(er) members have made great strides over the last 12 months. While I couldn't squeeze everyone into these (3) lists, my apologies, because it's not my intention to ruffle any feathers.

TOP "10"!!!
- Who else was I going to take? It's like having a gun-to-your-head. What? You think I want to get banned for life? All jokes aside, this is Mr. Bailey's site, and I'd have to think that he may very well be THE most prominent figure in the online gaming industry, nevermind his very own site. Funny, smart, and despite being thrust into no-win situations many times, he's maintained his sanity while STILL being very impartial and upright in his decision making. You don't think he's fair, then I'd have to think that you're not being fair.
Sidenote: I love his webcasts, and with all the work the Meister has to do, I think it's time to hire an assistant. Easier said than done, but it would be great if he could devote more time to that side of things (not to mention seeing more VP in the Winner Screenshots thread).
- Forever offering balanced insight into the workings of the industry, while having the astute gift of being constructive when delivering his views. I always mistook his avatar as being the silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock's head. My mistake.

- "Interweb Wanderer and Moderator". OGGS Online Casino Reviews (nicely done by the way). Father (or mother) of the slotjunkie.info site. Fun, upbeat, also offers lots of information, does a helluva lot to contribute to this forum.
Sidenote: Simmo's! avatar has and will forever remind me of "Chairry" from Pee-wee's Playhouse ('86-91). When running a little investigation of my own, with the help of Google and IMDb, I'm starting to understand more about the Casinomeister/Simmo! connection. You see, it goes like this.
- Casinomeister likes Frank Zappa (look no further than Vortran and his Christmas/Wish list).
- Dweezil Zappa, son of Frank did some recording work for "Pee-wee's Playhouse".
- Simmo! looks like Chairry from "Pee-wee's Playhouse".
Sidenote II: Rob Zombie of all people was once a production assistant for that very show... weird stuff.
- Had this list been drawn-up over my first few months of joining, I'd have him sitting at #2. As has been stated by the Casinomeister himself, the man is quite busy these days, thus you're not likely to have seen much of him over the past few months as compared to the beginning of the '05 season. Another main member who makes the effort to give concrete and worthwhile advice.
- The in-house lawyer (despite being a mathematician). The most intimidating handle, IMHO. His posts are only about information that pertains to the thread, rarely showing any glimpses of the man-behind-the-handle. The most emotion you'll get from him, is when forum members don't abide by the proper Winner Screenshots settings. Aside from his being a mathematician, we know that he only adhere's to absolute precision with his responses (IOW, he's not talking out-of-his-ass). With an abundance of information at his fingertips, he likely knows more about us than we'll ever know about him.
- The most famous low-roller, the monthly winning streaks, a man who learned the Art of Patience to a "T", the most advertised "WINNER" at this site (as in consistent profit), the man of quick-wit, and likely the largest draw here for his postings. 'Tis why he is The King. Now, bow down to the King. :notworthy
Sidenote: KK was probably the 1st forum member to make me feel welcome. Merci beaucoup, mon roi!
Sidenote II: While I DID say that GrandMaster (to me) carries the most intimidating handle, the fat man in the tux was just as menacing or browbeating... if not more.
- The leader of controversy. But while he's stirring the pot, he's got a point. While few love to swallow his brutal honesty (correct or not), many admire his efforts at getting his points across. And I think by that, he believes in what he's saying, therefore it's begrudginly accepted. You will likely never see him post a "Way-to-go" to other members in the Winner Screenshots section, nor will you see him start threads on his positive experience at a casino. That's not what he's about.
Sidenote: The #1 poster in terms of popular forum member WITHOUT an avatar.
- ???????!!!!!!! That's right. ???????!!!!!!! She's got a language of her own.

- It took me a long time to decipher between which Bart Simpson was whose. There's gfkostas, winbig72, and Eurgo#&%... well, the guy from Tampere, Finland. And certainly many others. It took me up until the point where Tim would thank 32Red for them helping him out, when he probably needed it most. He took some heat for that thread, but he rebounded nicely. I'd have to think that tim5ny comes off as one of the most honest of forum members here. He says what he says, and I believe that his heart is in it (not to say that others aren't... ).
- The cuter devil (along when back-in-the-day Spearmaster used that other avatar). The "webmistress" (did she pen/coin that term?) from the Boonies (well, that can be anywhere!) reminds of a combination of Simmo! and GrandMaster (come to think of it... wouldn't that be Spearmaster?). I think most of her posts are in good spirit, while providing beneficial information when needed.
Those who JUST missed the list were:
- I had him as high as 7th if you could believe that. Very informative, with some wonderful ideas. I'd have to think that he'll be moving up quickly this coming year. That is, IF he isn't in perpetual "Lock-Down" mode at the MG casinos.

(edited) (revised edition)
- I'm givin' m'man the North Carolina blue in this thread, and also in part because he's been part of the "color" movement. And let me tell you, this guy can keep a secret (shhhh!!!!).

Sidenote: When is he going to finally cut-a-class and add an avatar with Richard Dean Anderson already? If he's not cute enough, remember that he did date Katarina Witt for some time... that couldn't hurt.

If this were a list that was solely built off of the Winner Screenshots thread, he's most likely the #1 candidate. We would also have to consider RobWin, W2album, slotchik, Simmo!, Spearmaster, Casinomeister, realwtfsup, Bing, venetian, and a host of others... (I wish I was a part of that list

- Sirius has been coming to Casinomeister.com for a long-time. Aside from that 32Red thread not-too-long-ago, and despite his present fall-from-grace, I'd have to think that he's been a great contributor here. His posts have been generally been well-received.
"fortunelounge' - "casino representative"
- Geez, I was glad that thread FINALLY died-off a few weeks back.
The other contenders were...
-winbig72 -Petunia -Webcas
-chuchu59 -Slotmachine -BingoT
-Pinababy69 -Bruce Hamilton -gfkostas
-suzecat -paul02085 -nafanny29
I thought it would be fun to make a seperate list of newer members that are quickly and stably becoming more striking and distinguished by the month/year.
The "Blue Chip" Class of '04
- Upbeat, quickly ascending the scales of Casinomeister lore. We might not have always been on the same page with the RNG, but he has his facts (I don't).
- The eye. Meow! Not that it has anything to do with her, but everytime I see her handle, I start playing "Eye In The Sky" in my head (love that song).
- All aboard!!! Final destination... Casinomeister.com FAME or bust.
- pushing the envelope on what we things we can do with the avatar. Have a problem, got the PC-blues, don't know what to do, he's your man.#5
- Trying to figure this one out for some time, how did he know how to pick that name prior to seeing the selection of Casinomeister.com avatars?
Sidenote: "nafanny29" and "Vesuvio" just made the cut. "nafanny29" is probably my greatest omission, but upon my research, I've noticed a decline in her posts as compared to '04 (although I could be wrong).
The "Blue Chip" Class of '05
- The handle says it all. You need not look further than the complaints section of the forum.
- Still waiting for that cookies recipe that was promised. Ahem... Postings-a-plentiful. The torch has been picked-up from an AWOL Bruce Hamilton.
- Webmaster for the casino portal "Online Casino Reviewer", and I'd think just maybe the top of this class by leaps and bounds by the time 2010 rolls around (heck, maybe by '07). One of the few members that shows an actual photo of himself. Although, PhilipFromParis is the only one who's done so with any decent lighting.
- I would guess that he's the Bart that's posted the most over the course of this year.
#5 (TIE)
- Hey, The Pistons won the first game of the Christmas doubleheader on ABC... X-Mas couldn't have been all that bad.

- With winbig72, someone I'd expect to post more Winner Screenshots in the coming year. Why the change in the avatar? You had it all right there, the name, everything...
"Casinomeister HOF" - When and if there ever is one (and it likely won't be in Cooperstown but in Hefe Weizen Wonderland... giggle), I would have to think that "mary "(the handle with the cheese AND 3,538 posts!!!) would have to get some serious consideration. Her work in the "Vegas Frontier and FortuneLounge Spam" thread alone should be enough to earn her (I assume he/she is a her) that honour. While I hated reading that thread, she did a lot of grunt work on that one. Kudos.
Closing thoughts: I'm sure I missed some special forum members on this list. But just a reminder, this list was based on how this year in particular, unfolded. For example, a Bruce Hamilton would have been #1 for new forum members of this years class ('05), but... he hasn't posted here for quite some time.
Thank you for your time, and I'm eager to get some rest now (because THIS thread took FOREVER). It was lots of fun to do though.
Again, thanks to those that make Casinomeister.com what it is.
John Steed
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