Sure, and so was the casino. The redeemals you are referring to was their "We don't want you once, we want you for life" original LOCKNLOAD bonus. As far as I remember, there was no cap on the number of times it could be redeemed. In fact, I actually lost quite a bit while taking them as well. I got the bonuses I wanted - the casino got a losing player.Think what you like: when someone redeems a given coupon 48 times they know very well what they are doing.
The previous issue was related to that. I'm not sure how much I can/should divulge about this issue as it was sorted out "in private" with their forum rep.
However:This topic is about their BOND bonus(es).
I never ignored anything coming from the casino, in fact I have replied to every email and PM I have gotten, responding to everything they presented me. They are the one ignoring me, not the opposite.When that someone repeatedly ignores the casino's attempts to set them right and then threatens to go to the forums when the casino finally decides they've had enough they also know what they are doing. None of this was even hinted at in your description of events here.
Also: I have never threatened to "go to the forums". That is a blatant lie! The only time I even mentioned the forums was when I informed their rep about this thread.
Well, I still belive they are separate issues. The bonus code differs, the reason for confiscation differs and one of them has been resolved! Also, I must have made at least 10 deposits without any trouble in between the two. Their email support are treating them as different issues as well, in fact you are the only one telling me they are related.If I understand correctly you are further claiming that there are "different issues" here. I say these events are directly connected so we're not talking about a "different issue" at all, it's one issue prolonged over a series of events. I don't see any separation and neither does the casino. You can call it what you like but I call what you've done here manipulation and distortion, hence I believe my 'accusations' are quite appropriate and yes, said with great care.
Once again, I have been in contact with the casino several times but never got an answer to why they confiscated my deposit in addition to my winnings, except from the slightly modified T&C from their email support. They have stopped answering my emails abourt it and the rep didn't respond when I pointed out the thread. I waited 3 days for any sort of acknowledgement before by requests in the thread posting the casino name. It's all in the thread, nothing is left out.(1) I seriously doubt that and (2) you've heard from the casino repeatedly and in detail. I believe you used the "reputable casino" ruse as a means to get this out on the boards and encourage debate on it before you dropped the casino name for maximum effect: this is more manipulation. And you are completely misrepresenting the fact that the casino had been in frequent and repeated contact with you regarding this issue: more distortions.
I'll accept you apology later.I've got a bunch of material to go through in deeper detail before making a final decision but the consequences of your actions here are forthcoming.
Not really, CW and its like offer unlimited bonuses all the time. It is fairly easy for an RTG casino to set the number of times a coupon can be redeemed, as well as if they want a series of coupons to be redeemed in sequence etc. The original LOCKNLOAD coupon didn't have those limits.Wow. Must be a record for a RTG casino considering most void out after 1 use...