I don't remember it going down exactly like you state here !! And in your second statement in the direct quote above it sounds like you would be willing to put Max out of a job...you say "Maybe that would be the best solution after all" just to "close the whole PAB section down"
Well again I'm not the one that suggested closing PAB's but Casinomeister in his first post. So please talk to CM if you're worried about Max. My reply was just a sad reference, as I don't think handling complains by threating to close PAB down is the best way to go. Regarding Lucky Ace I do remember how it went, but eventally the problem got solved after more and more players responded. But why wait till problem escalates when it can be sorted here & now. Unbanning heffernan is the first step forward. I still don't understand why you're accusing me of things I have not said. I have already told you this is not the case, and I know what I think. I you think you know me better you're welcome to continue on explaining to me what I have meant in my own posts

In this case we can continue our conversation via PM's
To all the other people/lurkers reading this thread :
Take this post for example or do the search yourselfs:
Up Till, now there was no point in entering a discussion, since as soon as casino handed over the "Bot" argument, everything was over. Those who say that PAB's regarding bot use have not been discarded at CM have not been paying attention. I'm speaking here for myself, but I decided to step up as I have always felt the same way as most people did on this forum.
That bot users got what they deserved... but upon seeing these logs for the first time I can see that casinos don't have any software detection systems and make arbitrary decisions based on hours of play and how much a person has won. In the thread above player has found it ammusing that she was accused of bot play, that is until she got banned & pab got discarded. ( According to posts available : Proof : 7 hours of play in Betfair casino). Now I don't know what to think, but I'm sure of one thing : that not all players accused of but usage have indeed used them...
I'm not joking, There are many more & I bet 90% of banned users (reason: Fraudlent bot) have never even seen one in their lifes.
To CM: Yes I don't know what's going on behind the scenes, but I do see the outcomes of PAB's available to public.
I know Bots do exist, and I know people use them. But do we have to follow argument : "If there is at least one sinner in the village, it's good that we have burned it all!" ? As this topic shows it's actually possible to check if someone is a bot user or not. Checking if this person played with or without bonuses is one thing. Not everything is black & white.
But if the case is "closed" to speak and you won't change your mind, than I guess I will also remain silent for now.