No Cardpay?(US PLayer's Dumped Again)

PAID!!!! Finally a light at the end of this very long tunnel.

It happened the Circle acct. that the code was NOT Bitcoin? Turned out to be a Bitcoin code? :confused: It never fail's to confuse the heck out of me? When they actually try to tell me something everyone else say's "CAN'T BE".
If your lucky enough to use a casino that has this option Bitcoin then it may well take the place of out little lost lamb the cardpay?
Unfortunately this will not include the site's from Clubworld. But who know's perhaps the CS that told me it would be the end of the week will be correct and cardpay will be back up and all will be good with the world? Except those of us that have decided NOT to use the casino's that have made this entire problem worse.

Anyway it was a long wait and it does payoff to not use up your winning's and play it all back.Try Bitcoin if you can and don't give up the casino's will let me know and I will let you know as soon as I do? This is promise from 1 US player to all that listen. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


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PAID!!!! Finally a light at the end of this very long tunnel.

It happened the Circle acct. that the code was NOT Bitcoin? Turned out to be a Bitcoin code? :confused: It never fail's to confuse the heck out of me? When they actually try to tell me something everyone else say's "CAN'T BE".
If your lucky enough to use a casino that has this option Bitcoin then it may well take the place of out little lost lamb the cardpay?
Unfortunately this will not include the site's from Clubworld. But who know's perhaps the CS that told me it would be the end of the week will be correct and cardpay will be back up and all will be good with the world? Except those of us that have decided NOT to use the casino's that have made this entire problem worse.

Anyway it was a long wait and it does payoff to not use up your winning's and play it all back.Try Bitcoin if you can and don't give up the casino's will let me know and I will let you know as soon as I do? This is promise from 1 US player to all that listen. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

It's all confusing to me. I joined Circle, converted US$ to Bitcoin, made a deposit using "bitcoin" - Circle says the transaction was completed successfully and the money is out of my Circle account. The casino says on their end the transaction shows as "declined". Mind you this is 3 hours later because they kept telling me it could take that long to clear. Now what? Arg. I cut and pasted the bitcoin amount and the code that the cashier said to use. Oh Cardforce, come back to me....

I know what you mean. The fact that some of the casino's are new to Bitcoin may have a influence on the denial's? I have yet to make a deposit thru my Circle acct. because as I said I opened it to get my withdrawal's clear.

Circle has a very security oriented system and the fact that everytime you login it issue;s a new code to clear the login is substantial. I don't own a cell phone so this is a real pain in the a&&. But as near as I can see it, you must click on the send button in your acct. page and if you cut or copy the code that they give you when you use the drop down. This code will always be associated with your acct.So the denial on the casino's end may very well lie in the platform they use?

Contact the CS for Circle and call them at the number provided in the HELP page.They are only open from 10am to 4pm and not open on the week-end's. I know it's frustrating to go thru the loop hole's? Trust me I feel for you. But stick with it and just try to get your withdrawal's thru Circle there is no need to use them for deposit's if you don't have too.

After all depositing is not the issue here is it? It's getting paid the monies that we can't get while cardpay is down? Yes it's free but I lost $11.00 and some change in the conversion from bitcoin to US dollar's today? Just getting paid my $700.00? But to get the money after almost 2 week's it is worth the loss.

If you have any other question's about Circle PM me and I will try to help? OK There may be thing's we don't want to show or say here in this public forum. Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

PS Don't copy the amount just the code is what they have just told me?


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Live Chat with Lucky Red

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Daniel'

Daniel: Hello, how are you today?

Daniel: Hi Barbara :)

Barbara Duffy: I'm good thank you. Have you heard anything about when card/pay would be back up?

Daniel: As far as we have been advised the Pay My Card option is still in surgery and is expected to make a full recovery by the end of this week, as it is our provider doing the update rather than us we are going off the updates we are getting!

Barbara Duffy: Thats great to hear

Daniel: As soon as the upgrade is complete the cashier will then review and process withdrawals as normal Barbara ! :)

Barbara Duffy: I'm looking forward to playing again as soon as this mess is cleared up.

Daniel: We are looking forward to the upgrade being complete too Barbara :)

Barbara Duffy: Thanks that's it for now you've been a great help

Daniel: Anytime Barbara :)
Live Chat with Lucky Red

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Daniel'

Daniel: Hello, how are you today?

Daniel: Hi Barbara :)

Barbara Duffy: I'm good thank you. Have you heard anything about when card/pay would be back up?

Daniel: As far as we have been advised the Pay My Card option is still in surgery and is expected to make a full recovery by the end of this week, as it is our provider doing the update rather than us we are going off the updates we are getting!

Barbara Duffy: Thats great to hear

Daniel: As soon as the upgrade is complete the cashier will then review and process withdrawals as normal Barbara ! :)

Barbara Duffy: I'm looking forward to playing again as soon as this mess is cleared up.

Daniel: We are looking forward to the upgrade being complete too Barbara :)

Barbara Duffy: Thanks that's it for now you've been a great help

Daniel: Anytime Barbara :)

I love the "in surgery" response.

Shewoff, I actually decided to deposit via this method because I wanted to try to understand what was going on and how it worked. I also thought moving money to the Circle account might be better on my CC than all the weird "China" etc. transactions from directly depositing with my CC. I thought what the heck, I'll do a $25 deposit via bitcoin and at least it might help it all make sense to me. And it does...sort of. Except for the fact that my deposit is "not successful" to the casino yet gone from my Circle account and according to them "successfully completed". I wish now that I had taken a screenshot in the cashier window. I just sent a screenshot of the completed transaction per a CS chat this morning. I guess I'll wait and see. Here was the chat and the only reason I'm going into all this on here is because I know there has to be other people like me that aren't exactly sure how all this works so any information is more information than what they had...

CS: It seems to be that the payment was not successful
Me: and yet it was on their end. can you tell if it's the same address that the cashier requested? the same amount of bitcoin? because otherwise it doesn't make sense
Me: I mean that money is gone, according to them successfully transferred.
Me: so transferred to where?
CS: Let me check
ME: again, here are the specifics...can't they see if it matches up?
ME: "transaction specifics which I removed for the post"
CS: This is the transaction that I am looking at
ME: the one I just showed you?
CS: Yes
ME: So what do I do? They say it was successful. That money is gone. You say it's declined. Any thoughts on how I should proceed? If I contact them they will say the same thing, as will you. So do I just call it a loss and somewhere out there is floating my $25?
ME: you have the exact same transaction number and bitcoin amount as they do. so that is all correct yet...
ME: Can you send a statement where it shows that the transaction was successful?
ME: yes, well...I have to look at the account and see what it lets me print but at the very least I can log in and send you a screenshot of it, can you give me an email to send it to and a promise that someone will look at it right away? :)
ME: Ok, I will send it in a minute and go from there. Thank you for your help!

What's kind of funny is I'm jumping through all these hoops for money that will probably be lost in less than 15 minutes HA! Lesson learned. I know more about bitcoin today than I did yesterday though and my decision is probably going to be I DON'T MUCH LIKE IT SO FAR!
What's kind of funny is I'm jumping through all these hoops for money that will probably be lost in less than 15 minutes HA! Lesson learned. I know more about bitcoin today than I did yesterday though and my decision is probably going to be I DON'T MUCH LIKE IT SO FAR![/QUOTE]

Thank you for your post. It helped me decide to put off messing with bitcoin until it becomes a bit more mainstream.

I think, once everybody gets savvy with it, casinos and players alike, it's going to prove to be the best method for U.S. players - which would almost make all this hassle worthwhile...almost:p...maybe:confused:...possibly:D
Deanna I'am the very same as you? What I know about Circle you can put into a mouse's tail.

But you and I both have been around this i-gaming long enough to know that playing in the US we must adapt to the numerous roadblock's placed in our path's when we try to collect our winning's.So this is my way of getting past these roadblock's? Use what ever it take's to get it done.

This will not aid your feeling's about Circle but I must post it as I see it as another roadblock to my winning's?

Oddly enough I have just this am gotten a e-mail from a sister site of the casino that denied my Circle code as not being Bitcoin? Even the same person it's very strange that they seem to deny the first attempt to withdraw via Bitcoin? I can only view this as a stalling action to try to get me to play back my wining's and make me $2400.00 poorer?

WHY! I need my wining's as soon as possible? Momma Q did not raise such a fool? So why make me go thru another 48hour pending period and it will be next week before I can get my money?The money was authorized? So why do I have to go thru the same process again?

I can play at another site and if I'am a bad player then slap me down But don't mess with my money?

It has to be because I'am a US player and they think impotent in my ability to respond?Wrong!

Deanna we both have to learn to use these new method's successfully to survive these sling's and arrow's I wish you the best in the recovery of your fund's? But at the casino's when you use Bitcoin they state that when it's gone from them IT's GONE? Maybe the same applies to deposit's that don't get sent back to the sender? When declined? Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


  • avatar115_1.webp
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Deanna I'am the very same as you? What I know about Circle you can put into a mouse's tail.

But you and I both have been around this i-gaming long enough to know that playing in the US we must adapt to the numerous roadblock's placed in our path's when we try to collect our winning's.So this is my way of getting past these roadblock's? Use what ever it take's to get it done.

This will not aid your feeling's about Circle but I must post it as I see it as another roadblock to my winning's?

Oddly enough I have just this am gotten a e-mail from a sister site of the casino that denied my Circle code as not being Bitcoin? Even the same person it's very strange that they seem to deny the first attempt to withdraw via Bitcoin? I can only view this as a stalling action to try to get me to play back my wining's and make me $2400.00 poorer?

WHY! I need my wining's as soon as possible? Momma Q did not raise such a fool? So why make me go thru another 48hour pending period and it will be next week before I can get my money?The money was authorized? So why do I have to go thru the same process again?

I can play at another site and if I'am a bad player then slap me down But don't mess with my money?

It has to be because I'am a US player and they think impotent in my ability to respond?Wrong!

Deanna we both have to learn to use these new method's successfully to survive these sling's and arrow's I wish you the best in the recovery of your fund's? But at the casino's when you use Bitcoin they state that when it's gone from them IT's GONE? Maybe the same applies to deposit's that don't get sent back to the sender? When declined? Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff

I wondered about that, what if what happened to me depositing happens in the reverse...then your cashout is just "floating" around somewhere with neither side laying claim to it....yikes. But I agree, people are using this method and some people like it so I am trying to have faith that it can work. I hope you get it sorted out!

Ok, I just went into chat to see if they got my email:

CS: The in formation was received
ME: oh that's good to know
CS: Please allow about 30 mins to 1 hr, for your account to be updated.
CS: If it has not been please return to chats for further assistance.

So, we shall see!
I wondered about that, what if what happened to me depositing happens in the reverse...then your cashout is just "floating" around somewhere with neither side laying claim to it....yikes. But I agree, people are using this method and some people like it so I am trying to have faith that it can work. I hope you get it sorted out!

Ok, I just went into chat to see if they got my email:

CS: The in formation was received
ME: oh that's good to know
CS: Please allow about 30 mins to 1 hr, for your account to be updated.
CS: If it has not been please return to chats for further assistance.

So, we shall see!

so Deanna your first deposited with bit coin has completed and credited to your playing account ? another note beshure there is enough to cover any fees from the bitcoin deposit I'm not Shure exactly who are getting any fees
so Deanna your first deposited with bit coin has completed and credited to your playing account ? another note beshure there is enough to cover any fees from the bitcoin deposit I'm not Shure exactly who are getting any fees

I just received an email that it was "manually" credited at the casino.
This is the kicker here? It's almost like we have to push them to do their job? And the reverse is also a fact that must be looked at. But if I have even a small amount of control over it I stand a much better chance that if I allow complete control to be with them i:e the casino's.

I'am much more put out by the utter lack of ability that some of the people at some casino's seem to have? These people control 10's of thousand's and even 100's of thousand's of dollar's and they don't seem to know the job? This is a mystery to me. :eek2:

And to be honest I worry every time I try to get my cash from a win. I have been burned so many time's by casino's that are taking money 1 day and the next GONE! And with them went $10,000.00 of my winning's and the ones that just have not bothered to pay.It is a real nightmare but I love to play slot's so I take the good with the bad.

But trust me if they burn this old vet I will try my very best to burn them right down to the ground.Ya gotta give what ya get.Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


  • avatar115_1.webp
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Has there been any resolution to this problem yet?

Waiting to play!

I can tell you one resolution on my part. Not to put money into the account used for bitcoin deposits. I did a test deposit of $4 when I opened the whole thing, just to add the card etc. and to see what pending charge was listed on my CC (the name/place). Then when I decided to actually try using it to deposit I deposited $27 into it. I'm the stupidest person ever. I just got charged by my credit card two $10 "cash advance fees" for those two deposits. I paid $10 to deposit $4. I really am the stupidest person EVER.

Somebody punch me.
I can tell you one resolution on my part. Not to put money into the account used for bitcoin deposits. I did a test deposit of $4 when I opened the whole thing, just to add the card etc. and to see what pending charge was listed on my CC (the name/place). Then when I decided to actually try using it to deposit I deposited $27 into it. I'm the stupidest person ever. I just got charged by my credit card two $10 "cash advance fees" for those two deposits. I paid $10 to deposit $4. I really am the stupidest person EVER.

Somebody punch me.

I'm sorry to hear that but a CC is going to charge you cash advance were a checking account is no fee {from my experience ] also a debit card should be free ,,, the credit card views it as a short term cash loan
I'm sorry to hear that but a CC is going to charge you cash advance were a checking account is no fee {from my experience ] also a debit card should be free ,,, the credit card views it as a short term cash loan

Such a nice way to say "Yep, you're stupid". :lolup:
but to make it clear for peeps that might be considering bit coin would you say that the mechanics of it are solid [ deposit wa transmitted with in the time expected ]

Not yet. The casino said my deposit was declined, they had to manually credit it and that was only after multiple chat sessions over the course of two days that I got the credit. And I am pretty sure had I not kept driving them crazy that money would have disappeared. I'll stick to depositing the usual way and hope that if I cash out via that method it goes smoothly. Although I believe Shewoff is experience difficulties in that area as well.
Well, since all the casinos that I play at have removed the cardpay choice from withdrawals and I don't like any of the other methods I guess I'll hang up my gambling hat for a while. I haven't seen any indication, despite the little bits of encouragement from the customer service reps, that paymycard or cardpay or whatever they call it will ever be back. I don't understand how bitcoin actually works and reading on here that people have to chase down their money after they deposit leaves a bad taste in my mouth. My last win enabled me to get completely out of debt with a little left over, so maybe this is a good time to stop. No, I didn't have much debt and it wasn't a huge win but no debt is a good thing any time. If I just want to play slots for fun I can and still probably be ahead of wherever I would be if I could deposit/withdraw easily. The casinos will be removed from my computer and I'll spend my money on books to read instead. If they ever get it together and make it a little easier for us to withdraw maybe I'll try again. I do enjoy the playing but all this other crap is just too much. The casinos won't even lower the fees for the other methods. I'm also getting tired of the hassle I get for using coupons when the casinos send them to me every 5 minutes. One minute I'm a VIP and the next I'm not important at all. I keep asking myself why I continue to do this and I don't have a good answer.

I have used bitcoin at a couple sites and not had any problem to speak of.

Yes, there is a fee on the receivers end, which is removed from my deposit amount.

Say a 47.91 or 0.09 bitcoin went into the casino as 46.64, if I remember correctly.

But as far as my debit card,there were no additional charges at all.

I haven't had the pleasure of a withdrawal with this method so I have no input on that.

I want to know if CWC group has rectified the cardpay option yet.

Hoping for news soon so I can once again play there.

I have used bitcoin at a couple sites and not had any problem to speak of.

Yes, there is a fee on the receivers end, which is removed from my deposit amount.

Say a 47.91 or 0.09 bitcoin went into the casino as 46.64, if I remember correctly.

But as far as my debit card,there were no additional charges at all.

I haven't had the pleasure of a withdrawal with this method so I have no input on that.

I want to know if CWC group has rectified the cardpay option yet.

Hoping for news soon so I can once again play there.

Hi weesie,

We had a bank holiday over here yesterday so I'm catching up right now. Going to contact processor asap and check if there is any news. Hopefully the card option will be back this week.

Kind Regards,
Love Bitcoin

I've been using the Bitcoin option at another site for a few weeks now and wow, super easy, at low to no cost. I did a withdrawal yesterday and it was approved and back to my bitcoin account within six hours, (what? I didn't have to wait 48 hours) should hit my bank tonight. Wish they'd all go to bitcoin or at least offer it as an option. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thank's Karolina for the industry's input. It is always nice to see your post with as much info as possible in them. You have been the only i-gaming rep to raise your head in this thread? Thank You!

Hopefully the cardpay option will return in our life time? It has been 2 week's and it appear's that it may be more "Wait And SEE!"

I have been waiting all week-end to see if my big WD will be declined again? I got an e-mail early this am and it was authorized. But this is my 3rd attempt at getting paid thru bitcoin? I have been paid thru them but not this casino? I'm frustrated:mad:

Any old way Thank's Again, Karolina Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


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Well they finally saw the code that I sent? I tell you that waiting thru 3 attempt's at getting paid thru my Circle acct. and bitcoin was a long 2 week's? But I did not touch it and stood my ground and got paid!

Weird I did not get the processed e-mail until I went into the casino to see if my WD had been done?And I logged out and went to Circle acct. and there it was MORE than the $2400.00 is being sent to me? It has to be the conversion from bitcoin to dollar's? I will take it thou?

We will call it cost of waiting?Peace Out! Out Of The Mist! shewoff


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