MG casinos selectively disabling Neteller?

Annorax said:
InstaCash is 8.9%. That could be what the quoted poster paid.

That's right... Because my bank account was unverified, that was the only deposit option I was given. Had I known bank funding was free, I would've waited.

Hi Gang,

For all who are interested, the latest update is...Silence.

Here's what I have just fired off:

Hi Chanelle,

Kevin xxxxxxxxxx here, account number xxxxxxxxx. Below please find previous correspondence.

In order to refresh your memory, we spoke Saturday regarding some questions/concerns that I had and that was also posted by others at the Casinomeister forum.

I understood and still understand that the managers who handle the financial and the technical departments were not available over the weekend but would be on Monday. It is now Monday, a little before 9pm, central and I have yet to hear from either party.

I was encouraged by your incredibly quick and thorough response, but am baffled by the silence that I have been met with today. I am in no means a player advocate, but I have inadvertently thrust myself into a somewhat public role and would now like an explanation for the lack of response.

I do not want to fuel the fires of those who smell malfeasance, but at this point I have no means to defend you.

Would you mind terribly asking those responsible for some type of response?

Here's the thread in question:

Thanks Much,

Kevin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for the email.

This is just to confirm that I have forwarded all your details through to the
relevant departments as discussed.

Should you wish, you may contact me at directly.

Take care,

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 06 August 2005 05:45 PM
To: CGB Support
Subject: support query [ME-050806-434144]


I've tried to deposit several times to my account number xxxxxxxxx over the last month or more and have found Netteller to not be available to me. I emailed two or three times asking you about this and the response each time was that this is some sort of technical problem that you are working on.

I recently came across a thread on a message board that I occasionally visit here:
which several posters have advanced a theory that Netteller has been selectively disabled from customers with whom your casinos would no longer be interested in doing business with, for whatever reason.

I'm writing because I don't like to run on half-truths and rumors, but rather would like to go directly to the source, in this case you, for the truth.

Are you selectively disabling the Netteller deposit/withdrawal option and is this what happened to my account?

Thank you for your time and response!

I too have emailed the operators; anticipating a reply. This is very interesting.
More Silence...

I still haven't recieved a reply...Since Bryan is now on the case I'll defer to his inquiry. Were he not involved, I'd send another query.

I am anxiously waiting the truth.


In the spirit of complete transparancy and disclosure, I did recieve a reply yesterday from the support lady with whom I have been in contact, but I didn't post it as it really didn't offer anything new:

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for your mail.

I have forwarded your mail to the relevant parties concerned, however trying to get them
in same place at the same time has proved to be a challenge.

They all had meetings today and I've stressed to them the urgency of this query and are
doing their best to clear their schedules to meet.

I know that this is proving difficult in light of the fact that you would like to play and I would like
to get this resolved ASAP.

I do apologize for the inconvenience caused herein.....

Kind regards,

guys and girls try using - its a great alternative to Neteller. But be prepared to send EntroPay copies of your card and id as well for verification purposes...
THe latest...


It seems as though Bryan Bailey (Casinomeister) has also taken up the cause.

I have to say that the silence from your folks is getting rather loud!

I do appreciate your personal commitment to getting an answer to me as well as those 885+ views that this particular thread has gathered.

I deferred to Bryan and his contact a couple of days ago but have since learned that he (Bryan) has gone on vacation for a couple of weeks....This knowledge has led me to inquire yet again as to whether the relevant parties have had an opportunity over the last four days to discuss this seemingly insignificant but very public matter. It occurs to me that this really doesn't require much dialogue, organization, or time for any of them so I am at a bit of a loss as to how a simple explanation takes so very much time. I own an organization of five locations and over 250 employees... I can get any answer to any decision that I wish at any time that I wish.

I fully realize that you are caught in the middle and hope that you can facilitate either a direct connection or a speedy resolution to this issue.

Thanks much for your time and trouble!


Kevin Martin
----- Original Message -----
Cheers for keeping the thread on track and persevering with getting a response from them over this, Kevin :thumbsup: The longer they take to respond to a very simple question the more suspicious it looks. I agree it hardly needs a whole group of senior management to get together and discuss things if they're disabling deposit methods for some customers. Pretty much anyone there should be able to answer yes or no.
Some of the silence may be my fault - had the wrong friggin' email address.
Thanks for keeping the pressure on, Kevin! And now with the Meister also really on the case :lolup: maybe we'll hear something from this casino group by Monday evening.

Support has been saying all along that the missing NETeller option is due a 'technical difficulty'. Perhaps they feel confirming what they have already repeatedly told affected players is redundant. As this continues to drag out, and I still have no NETeller deposit option in 2 of their casinos, I'm finding it even more difficult to believe it's merely a glitch. :(

P.S. --- This casino group (I just now learned) has finally given themselves a name.
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Haven't experienced this myself... but another sleazy trick this group is pulling with people is changing passwords. When they can't access their accounts the response of CS is "oh dear, you must have forgotten your password - please send us some ID".

Taken together with their deliberately obscure & misleading promo terms & disabling deposit options then lying about it this is a casino group players should be very wary of:

Casino Grand Bay
Bella Vegas Online
Lake Palace Casino
Jupiter Club Casino
Fortune Junction Casino
Jackpot Wheel Casino
Over a week...

I'm really suprised that there has not been a response in over a week. The customer service rep with whom I was in initial contact didn't even respond to my last email that I posted here early last week.

I understand the problem that Bryan had in communicating, but this kind of reminds me of a recent trip to the vet:

A gentleman walked in behind me and asked to speak with the veternarian. The attendant replied, <rather rudely> "who are you?" to which the gentleman said, "I'm the mayor!....What difference does it make?...I just want to ask her a simple question."

Point being that one shouldn't have to be named Bryan Bailey or have any clout whatsoever to expect an answer.

I'm disappointed to say the least because I've been playing online for a very long time...My first account was with (if memory serves) something like CCC or C3...It was Carribean Something Casino, before they went bad. In fact, I got a royal flush on my first ever trip online. Were it not for that, I probably never would have kept going. In any case, I've never personally experienced the run arounds that I've read about others having to deal with.

I'm just fortunate that it's just the principal at this point and none of us are out any money.

Neteller Gone

Have you tried logging into the Flash interface and depositing through that?
Also, try downloading another browser, such as Netscape or Firefox, making it default, and seeing if Neteller reappears in the casino software.
I have come across other instances where a Microgaming casino functions differently in different browsers. The most common being Playcheck not working (invalid parameter error), loyalty points accounts unavailable. When I tried these functions through Netscape they worked.
The solution I employed to get them working again in explorer was to discover the underlying server reference, which Netscape will display even with the toolbar disabled, and adding it into the Explorer trusted sites.

When Neteller is not there in the software do you see a blank space or an "x" where it should be?
It is quite possible that the MG update has caused a selective fault, and the operators cannot solve it. I have had experience with "selective" MG problems, and solutions and investigations seem very slow at MG HQ. Perhaps they are trying to play down the issues rather than announce the existance of a problem they cannot solve.
The other possibility is that Neteller itself is blocking the appearance of the option based on IP. In this case Neteller should be able to advise whether your country is one they have blocked for casinos. (I believe such places as Maryland USA and Hungary are blocked from previous forum posts).
I'm impressed...

...With vinylweatherman's idea. I would have never thought of it.

I just logged in via the Flash mode and lo' and behold, the Netteller option appeared for me!

Conspiricy theory is now gone, and a bunch of credence given to his idea of:

"It is quite possible that the MG update has caused a selective fault, and the operators cannot solve it. I have had experience with "selective" MG problems, and solutions and investigations seem very slow at MG HQ. Perhaps they are trying to play down the issues rather than announce the existance of a problem they cannot solve."

I now am of the opinion that You are exactly right and that this is not an attempt to selectively exclude some of us, but likely is a technical glitch.

Strangely enough, I have my NETeller option back at Bella and Jupiter. Just as if it were never gone. Perhaps they found a fix and it downloaded when I logged on? Whatever... It's back!

Me Too...

I didn't bother to recheck the download version once again until after reading your post. Netteller has reappeared for me too on the download version as well.

I just wish that there had been some sort of response from the group of casinos.

Their silence in this matter equals disrespect in my book. Perhaps I'm asking for too much in requesting a legitimate answer from someone who is familiar with the problem rather than a cold stone wall of silence. I'm not a highroller in their casino group by any means, but I don't think that its too much to ask for a simple answer. They are quite obviously far too busy to bother with my silly question.

It is possible that an answer is in the works, but it has been almost two weeks since I started asking questions.

I hate this kind of crap.

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kmartinusa said:
I just wish that there had been some sort of response from the group of casinos.

Their silence in this matter equals disrespect in my book. Perhaps I'm asking for too much in requesting a legitimate answer from someone who is familiar with the problem rather than a cold stone wall of silence. I'm not a highroller in their casino group by any means, but I don't think that its too much to ask for a simple answer. They are quite obviously far too busy to bother with my silly question.

It is possible that an answer is in the works, but it has been almost two weeks since I started asking questions.

I hate this kind of crap.


This sort of non-response is typical of this casino group when it comes to serious problems -- especially regarding answers which might reveal even the slightest hint of the inner workings of their casinos. They can be very tight lipped. In the past, I've always found their customer service good and fairly cooperative on common questions I might have, however.

I was unable to deposit at 2 casinos for over 2 weeks. I'm still not sure if I am going to resume my usual frequency of play at any of these casinos.
Mousey said:
This sort of non-response is typical of this casino group when it comes to serious problems -- especially regarding answers which might reveal even the slightest hint of the inner workings of their casinos. They can be very tight lipped. In the past, I've always found their customer service good and fairly cooperative on common questions I might have, however.

I was unable to deposit at 2 casinos for over 2 weeks. I'm still not sure if I am going to resume my usual frequency of play at any of these casinos.

You made some very good points and I guess that I can understand why the decision to remain quiet might be made...and I'm just beating a dead horse now.

I was impressed with the manner in which the customer service level of the casino handled this and other questions in the past as well. And I suppose that were I to own the casino that a case could be made that it's none of the client's businsess as to what I do or how I handle things behind the scenes.

In any case, problem solved and I'll now move on.


I actually had this problem with grandbay that neteller option was not there anymore. I have had some talk with the casino about this problem and they say they are not selectively disabling neteller to some people, but its an actual problem.

I didnt get any help to the situation, but found out this helps. Uninstall the software from your computer, then install it again, and voila neteller is there again. I suggest anyone thats having these problems at belllavegas,jupiterclub,casinograndbay does the same to see if it works for them.

Jupiter & Bella -- again

**sigh** This is getting pretty tiresome...

My apologies for resurrecting an old thread but I saw no need to clutter the forum by starting a new one. Realized today that I have no NETeller option in my Banking section of Jupiter Club or Bella Vegas again. :confused: Grand Bay remains ok. I had deposited at both Bella and Jupiter last week after the new games came out, so the option was there until sometime within the last few days.

I have uninstalled, downloaded, reinstalled the 2 problem casinos and "voila!" ;) -- still no NETeller option at either casino. :axeman:

I haven't emailed support about it yet. Not sure I'm going to bother with it.

Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up... if you've experienced this NETeller disappearing act before, it may happen again.

Have a good day.
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Mousey said:
**sigh** This is getting pretty tiresome...


Me too...No NETeller again.

I wouldn't have even bothered to check as I'm now disappointed in them for other reasons that I won't make public. I just don't like how they are handling things in general now and am now waiting on two answers. I gave up on getting an answer on either topic weeks ago.

I was and still am curious...Bryan, did they ever give you a good answer? As I said earlier, I assume that whoever is able to answer my silly questions is far too busy with more important matters to take the time to do so. Perhaps you have some influence.

Such a shame that we as customers need some kind of clout or influence to illicit a response from someone who is positioned above the first layer of customer service.

I'll not play there any longer. I can take a hint and other operations want my business.

My industry learned long ago the price of gaining and keeping good customers. I am particularly dissappointed as I have been playing online for several years and have never experienced even the slightest hint of being "blackballed" and have never been treated as though my business was not wanted.

There's a first for everything, I guess.
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I'm hoping to meet up with them next week. Perhaps I can get some answers then.
Mousey said:
**sigh** This is getting pretty tiresome...

My apologies for resurrecting an old thread but I saw no need to clutter the forum by starting a new one. Realized today that I have no NETeller option in my Banking section of Jupiter Club or Bella Vegas again. :confused: Grand Bay remains ok. I had deposited at both Bella and Jupiter last week after the new games came out, so the option was there until sometime within the last few days.

I have uninstalled, downloaded, reinstalled the 2 problem casinos and "voila!" ;) -- still no NETeller option at either casino. :axeman:

I haven't emailed support about it yet. Not sure I'm going to bother with it.

Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up... if you've experienced this NETeller disappearing act before, it may happen again.

Have a good day.

ive just checked my accounts and they are all ok, however your post does comfirm to me something that i heard about yesterday, that is anyone who partcipated in their reloads last week have had this done to them. i dont know if this applies to people who cashed out from the reload or people who have previously had neteller banned and then particpated in this reload.

from what i have heard, apparently a selective update was sent to those with this problem when they have opened the casino in the past few days.

this does thread does highlight something that i complianed about last week and that MG casinos do have the power to send selective updates to certain players. this is a level of manipulation of the software that a casino should not have.

my problem can be found here

Old / Expired Link

mine case had nothing to do with neteller being disabled, but guess who the culprit was ? answer, jupiter club.

from what i gather this neteller disabling is this groups way of banning or bonus banning certain players.

if this group wants to ban certain players why dont they just tell them "your custom is not wanted anymore" ? there is no great shame in doing this, its not bad business practice to do this, but it is the standard way of doing it and the casino wont get any bad publicity for doing this, if thats what they are worried about.

for christs sake in my time i have had to tell some of the most unsavoury characters in this world, often many times the size of myself, in person that their wagers are no longer wanted. so how hard is it to tell someone this in an email?
NETeller MIA

Jupiter Live Chat support told me that they are aware they have a problem with their banking software and their technical staff is working diligently to correct the problem.

Yeah, yeah... whatever.

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