Flaming/Abusive Behavior

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Oh honey me brain is foggy every night ;). Lets just agree to disagree, yes? I mean we could carry on forever and we just won't see eye to eye on this subject and you know what? That's ok!

I don't know you personally, and I don't care to go toe to toe with you in a thread about flaming. You stated your opinion and I respect it. I stated mine and I hope you do the same. Hope you have a fantastical evening Mr. Lots0!

Irony Shmirony.
Oh honey me brain is foggy every night ;). Lets just agree to disagree, yes? I mean we could carry on forever and we just won't see eye to eye on this subject and you know what? That's ok!

I don't know you personally, and I don't care to go toe to toe with you in a thread about flaming. You stated your opinion and I respect it. I stated mine and I hope you do the same. Hope you have a fantastical evening Mr. Lots0!

Irony Shmirony.
First of all... Exactly what are we disagreeing about?

I don't think there is disagreement here.
I see the Irony and you don't... that is not a disagreement.

Or is it that you disagree with me pointing out the Irony?

I will respect your opinion as soon as I understand what it is... ;)
LOL. I have no words really...oh wait, yes I do. There is a disagreement. I don't believe Funeral979 intentionally started a thread to flame anyone, you obviously do. I don't understand what is so hard to understand. No reason to go back and forth. Irony Shmirony. What you believe to be ironic, I don't. Simple as that.
Just exactly what did I repeat?

Methinks your brain is foggey tonight... ;)
Would you like me to explain the Irony thing again?

cant you put it a bit nicer eg your eyes are misty tonight. it would be a better world if we could say nicer things to people right?
LOL. I have no words really...oh wait, yes I do. There is a disagreement. I don't believe Funeral979 intentionally started a thread to flame anyone, you obviously do. I don't understand what is so hard to understand. No reason to go back and forth. Irony Shmirony. What you believe to be ironic, I don't. Simple as that.

really you and I must not be reading the same first post.
The op 'funeral' NAMES a person then goes on to describe that person as viscous, hateful and sickening... and you don't think that is flaming... just what the fuck do you think flaming is?
...just what the fuck do you think flaming is?

And that's a good example of how small issues escalate. Picture someone saying that to you in real life: it would get your back up immediately.

There is an easy way to avoid flaming other people - that's if you want to avoid flaming other people and unfortunately, every forum has it's members that get their kicks in life by stirring things up.

All you need to do, when involved in a "debate" that could become an "argument" is to read your post back to yourself as if someone else had posted it to you. 9 times out of 10 you will immediately see if it is likely to rile someone. Too many posters post a reply to quickly while emotions are high. A 30 minute wait can do the world of good.

Everyone has a different threshold of tolerance and there is no 100% surefire way to avoid upsetting people but starting avoiding swearing and acknowledging the poster's opinion and showing some humilty can all help ensure a debate stays just that.

It's been said before but it's also worth remembering: someone who flames someone else is doing more harm to their own reputation than to the person they are flaming. Think about it: the person who is subjected to the flame might be immediately upset but most ppl uninvolved who is reading it will just think the person who posted the flame is a bit of a loose cannon.

Mostly there is little reason to reply to a flame post as the poster has done the work for you ;)
Am I the only one that was offended by jods post?

To answer your question, I would have to guess "yes". No one reported the post - and a hell of a lot of people had read it (I hadn't)

I'm guessing most people who read the post made a mental note whether they agreed or not and went on to the next - if it were truly offensive, some one would have "reported" the post and it would have been brought to my and the mods' immediate attention.

This is what happens when you "report a post": each mod to include myself is notified via email that a post has been reported, to include a direct link to the post - the content of the reported post, and the comments from the person reporting it. Simultaneously, a thread is created by Vortran in the moderators forum and the mods can comment or do something about it. I check these out daily excluding weekends (unless it's something serious). In most cases, the mods have taken care of the situation before I have to.

A majority of the reported posts are spam complaints; and we're on it. Or heads up on possible shills; these we observe and investigate. Then there is the occasional flame; these we look at and may take the appropriate action.

There is some subjectivity when it comes to flaming - especially when it's a situation of "tit for tat" - both parties are given warnings in most cases.

...Is this what Casinomeister is all about? Ganging up on others?? Mods don't say a peep about her FLAMING?

In this situation - no one had reported jod's post. The thread had around 500 views when she made the post - since then, the thread has had around 2880 views. Yesterday, there were 375 signed in members (Sunday's are always slow), 1600 visitors...no one reported a post or emailed me their disdain.

There were two reported posts yesterday - one from Gaydave reporting Nifty's post; one from Nifty reporting GayDave's. I saw them in my in-box yesterday, but I was busy with my family - I don't work Sundays.

I appreciate your concern about what seem to be flame wars, but I'm hoping you can put this into perspective. It's not as serious as you think.

But saying that, I take each one these incidents seriously. I don't like flaming - and believe me, I have been the recipient of "flaming" here on Casinomeister - and especially elsewhere more than anyone here - ever. And I would include Max in this statement.

@ everyone

Max deals with complaints. We have had many situations when he's told a person or people what they don't want to hear. So obviously, he will come under fire from those who don't agree with him. I can safely say that 99% of the persons who have PABd, and 99% of the casino reps that he deals with daily, feel that he is 100% fair and objective - giving the player the benefit of the doubt always. I can attest to that since I am privy to every single PAB that is processed here.

In the open forum, sometimes he's blunt with a people - normally when they try to twist the truth concerning their complaints, or when he's badgered about not seeing things a certain way. I can be blunt with people too - if you are making troll posts, I'll let you know as with oren1976. He was being a troll and was given a 14 day suspension - not by Max but by me. If this is a problem for anyone, please let me know.

By the way, we have a policy on membership banning:

Suspensions: Sometimes all it takes is an apology to be let back in before your suspended time is up. If it's a situation of flaming, and you have made a sincere apology to the ones flamed (and they accept the apology), then we'll take this into consideration. Again, it all depends on the situation and moderators have the last word in this.

Oren has not contacted me claiming his suspension was unfair - or asking to be admitted back, or apologizing, or stating he was misunderstood. I would have entertained any correspondence and taken it into consideration, so I am assuming that we're good.

The defintion of flaming can be interpreted in different ways by different people. To a degree I think if you take part in confrontational discussions then you have to be prepared to take flak...
Ditto on that.
I vote this thread be closed down... this thread will lead to nothing but more hard feelings between forum members and is that what we really want here?
From my first post in this thread.

Simmo, you didn't say anything to the OP... about using the same word in about the same way... Lets be fair here, shall we?

My vote is still the same... imo, this thread should have been closed and shit canned after the first post. This thread was started to cause trouble and so far it is accomplishing just that.
Simmo, you didn't say anything to the OP... about using the same word in about the same way... Lets be fair here, shall we?.

Neither did I have a go at you lots0 - I simply said "this is an example". One of many examples as you rightly point out but I wasn't trying to be biased - just happened your post was the one I saw :)
...My vote is still the same... imo, this thread should have been closed and shit canned after the first post. This thread was started to cause trouble and so far it is accomplishing just that.
Ahh, but it was started on a Sunday when it had a full 24 hours to grow :p

Anybody want to second the vote?
Bryan, there were more than just one offensive post made in that thread as it got derailed hard.

I'm no fan of Nifty so take this with a grain of salt but this post:

Damn, Gaydave,you are a persistent little pissant, aren't you? How you keep coming up with an attitude and totally redundant statements that the rules do not say what the rules say?

Then you turn around and diss other members and treat Max with shear stupidity in your quest to make a point that is not valid? WTF is your problem? Get a life, man.

Followed up with a "thank you" by Nifty, after Nifty was belittling and arrogant towards other posters with, among many other things "uranus" statements..... He argues, which is fine, but he does it with such contempt for others.... I don't know. It's your forum so I am sure you will handle it the way that you think is best. I can't speak for anyone else but I have been rarely stopping by at all anymore and this is a big reason. No, I don't report posts. To be truthful I didn't even know what that was nor do I want to be the class snitch and out fellow forum members. It isn't my forum and I don't think I should do such things. I do however scratch my head over some never getting banned or chastised openly while others are. That was one of the OP's big points IMO. So instead of reading most posts and getting irritated with Nifty as he flames post after post with abandon, I just frequent the forum rarely now.
I believe it is a problem and people ARE offended. Turning the other way isn't going to fix it. You have a great forum. A few ruin the experience though.
Bryan, there were more than just one offensive post made in that thread as it got derailed hard.

I'm no fan of Nifty so take this with a grain of salt but this post:

Followed up with a "thank you" by Nifty, after Nifty was belittling and arrogant towards other posters with, among many other things "uranus" statements..... He argues, which is fine, but he does it with such contempt for others.... I don't know. It's your forum so I am sure you will handle it the way that you think is best. I can't speak for anyone else but I have been rarely stopping by at all anymore and this is a big reason. No, I don't report posts. To be truthful I didn't even know what that was nor do I want to be the class snitch and out fellow forum members. It isn't my forum and I don't think I should do such things. I do however scratch my head over some never getting banned or chastised openly while others are. That was one of the OP's big points IMO. So instead of reading most posts and getting irritated with Nifty as he flames post after post with abandon, I just frequent the forum rarely now.
I believe it is a problem and people ARE offended. Turning the other way isn't going to fix it. You have a great forum. A few ruin the experience though.

Look, this is not the place for someone to yet again take a personal swipe at a particular member.....and this is exactly the reason why the thread should be closed.

If Greasemonkey has an issue with how I post etc they should contact Max or Bryan privately and air their concerns. If you are going to post them publicly, you have to expect that I (or whoever they are focused on that day) will defend myself and then others will chime in and then people will get abusive and swear etc etc etc....just like what is going to happen is this thread continues. The thread began with a post full of personal attacks and it will not be the last.

There are a number of things I would like to say about people personally, but they will not help matters at all and I am adult enough to keep them to myself and realise when they are not appropriate.

FWIW, the comments I made about "Uranus" were a follow-on from Max's earlier comment in that thread inviting gaydave to "join us back here on earth". It was a double-meaning comment, along with "comments coming from Uranus", to convey the opinion that he was talking garbage (i.e. through his posterior) and was off the planet (i.e. way off the truth). I still believe that, although someone pointed out it could have been taken in a homophobic way which is most certainly was not.

If I think someone is wrong, I argue against them. If they continue to insist they're right in the face of all facts to the contrary, I take them to task. Do I get under people's skin? Yes. Why? I don't accept bullshit and believe strongly that we as gamblers need to accept our role in winning and losing and not blame everyone and everything else...which is a problem for some because they DO believe it is everyone else's fault. Do I get snarky? Sure, sometimes too much....but I very rarely make personal comments about another members' family or mental capacity or anything like that, and if I am wrong or I believe I've overstepped the mark I apologise....which is more than i can say for a lot of other members.

OH and BTW - if you bothered reading past that post where I thanked jod you will have seen where I clarified that I only agreed with parts of that post and not the personal aspect....but don't let your personal attitude against me cloud the facts.
The bottom line is the mods and I don't take action when we don't know something exists. There seems to be a prevalent assumption that the mods and I are monitoring each and every post - we don't - and we have made this perfectly clear time and time again.

"Reporting" a post isn't tattling, it's a tool to make the mods and I aware of anything you want us to be aware of.
Based on past experience, if the thread is closed and people still feel they have something to say, it will rear its ugly head in other threads so maybe you should give it a day or so and let everyone who feels like they have something to say get it out of their system.
I have to agree with chayton on this one. To close the thread, IMO, will just push the "angry" posts to move into other threads which will possibly derail future topics/issues.

It's like a heated debate on who is considered to be flaming and who isn't. Then the issue of who thanks who for which posts will be brought into the equation. Obviously, we can't all agree on everything. And there will always be posters who for some unknown reason will just irritate the crap out of you for no apparent reason.

If we go by the "spirit" of the thread title, then I would have to say that funeral (the OP) would have to be charge with a like "crime" as he has issued forth against jod. Over the short time span I have been an active member here, there has always been "sides".

Go back and see who thanks who. We don't want to lose this priviledge, with what Bryan has termed before as "high-fiving". Personally, when I thank a post, I may not agree 100%, but there may be enough in a post with which I can relate to, hence the "thanks". Perhaps, we should just start making posts about why we are thanking a post then there won't be any broken/disjointed noses over who gets the thanks and who doesn't.

As for the neg rep thing. I've only done this I think twice. And I don't think I would endeavor to encourage people to do this. But it's a personal choice on who you neg rep and who you don't. It's almost like a kids game of tag..."tag you're it, I've neg repped you, now it's your turn".

Just because it's the internet doesn't mean we have to be "nasty" towards each other. Who knows, someday in the future you may encounter a person from here in real life and get along great only to find out you were "bitter" enemies on an internet forum. Crazier things have been known to happen.
Close it down.

Monitor those most vocal about the topic that were flaming, name calling etc. so that it doesn't pop up again in another thread....


Close the sucker. Either that, or make it a rule that only those who are pure of heart and clean of keyboard may comment. A couple of you need to stop being thin-skinned hypocrites.

I may be a snarky, sarcastic, and insulting person, but at least I'm self-aware. There are some here who are certain of their absolute superiority on every front, and so treat anyone who disagrees with condescension and insults to their intelligence, background, etc. (And I am guilty of that to a certain extent.) They then have the nerve to start screaming when someone insults them.

Let he/she who is without posting sin post the next post. As that's certainly not me, I'm out.
Close the sucker. Either that, or make it a rule that only those who are pure of heart and clean of keyboard may comment. A couple of you need to stop being thin-skinned hypocrites.

I may be a snarky, sarcastic, and insulting person, but at least I'm self-aware. There are some here who are certain of their absolute superiority on every front, and so treat anyone who disagrees with condescension and insults to their intelligence, background, etc. (And I am guilty of that to a certain extent.) They then have the nerve to start screaming when someone insults them.

Let he/she who is without posting sin post the next post. As that's certainly not me, I'm out.

Certainly not me either.....

It's been very rare I've neg repped anyone here, and I've usually sent a pm to explain exactly why I felt that way.

But jod, I must say your call to neg rep another member was uncalled for. I'm a big girl, and I know I can use the neg rep if I want to. My knee jerk reaction was to neg rep you for asking others to!

You should have neg repped me if that was how you felt.

I really have no problem with your neg repping, just the call to arms.

I wanted to make people see that they could, in fact, give a wrong minded member a neg rep to help him see the light. And surely a member being hateful to Max should be addressed, no?

I enjoy my membership here, but I do think it is possible for people to disagree without resorting to flaming.

Some people only "get it" when they are blinded by the truth about what they are doing.

Just so everyone knows, I got slapped by Bryan with two neg rep points for being out of line with other members. I take that seriously, so will think of them every time I post.
I would like to add that I commend Funeral979 for being bold enough to publicly speak his feelings and that giving him a thank you is in no way a high five, it is a thanks for still being the real human we all wish we were or could be.
Speaking out to someone is a very difficult thing to do and if something bothers someone and nothing is ever said then things can build into something much bigger than the original problem.
So knowing there are still some people that will be bold enough to stand on a principle, a feeling, a thought or idea, makes me a bit happier about this world we all exist in together.
Giving thanks can be construed in many ways, especially if it offends someone else, but keep in mind, giving thanks is a right and our privilege, to simply appreciate the person we give thanks to.

So thank you Funeral for being real, in the open, publicly, I appreciate knowing I share this world with people like you. Have a great week and many big wins!
I would like to add that I commend Funeral979 for being bold enough to publicly speak his feelings and that giving him a thank you is in no way a high five, it is a thanks for still being the real human we all wish we were or could be.
Speaking out to someone is a very difficult thing to do and if something bothers someone and nothing is ever said then things can build into something much bigger than the original problem.
So knowing there are still some people that will be bold enough to stand on a principle, a feeling, a thought or idea, makes me a bit happier about this world we all exist in together.
Giving thanks can be construed in many ways, especially if it offends someone else, but keep in mind, giving thanks is a right and our privilege, to simply appreciate the person we give thanks to.

So thank you Funeral for being real, in the open, publicly, I appreciate knowing I share this world with people like you. Have a great week and many big wins!

You know what ? If he is so bold, then he should have sent a PM to the right person instead of posting it in a public forum. There is nothing bold about starting a thread like this.

It is much easier to give criticism openly in the forum than in a PM.
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This is what I am not understanding at the moment. Why does he need to do it in a PM? Isn't a forum a public place to post your thoughts, ideas and issues? I mean, if I had a problem with something, someone or some place I should be able to air my concerns without worrying about the backlash of other posters and their feelings about whether I should have posted something, or not. What some may feel was a personal attack, others view as justified. It is what it is, and I think it's time for everyone to relax and smoke a beer. :D
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