CM Announcement Everybody meet Larissa & Thanks for everything!


Ueber Meister
Mar 18, 2012
Hello dear Casinomeisters ❣️

I truly enjoyed being around and part of this amazing community as a staff member for almost 6 years ?

But, time has come to pass on the Lady crown ? to my lovely and awesome successor @LadyLarissa, who's very excited to join this forum and keep the ball rollin'!
Please welcome and treat her well - like a lady! ? :cheerleader:

Thank you everybody once again for making this place the best community on internet, for all the memories, knowledge and advices you generously share, friendship, support, suggestions, jokes and laughs, family vibes and of course for having me ❣️

Hope you won't miss me too much :laugh:?

I'll certainly stay around and come back very soon ?

Lots of love for each and all of you! ?
It was a pleasure to meet you in London, and will iss your presence here on the forums for sure, but i assume you have a n exciting new benture ahead? Whatever the case, indeed, don't be stranger, and good luck in whatever it is you are pursuing right now :)
All the best dear!
Thanks so much @incrediblestuff and same goes to you! ?
Yea, but let's keep it surprise a little bit more :D
Hello dear Casinomeisters ❣️

I truly enjoyed being around and part of this amazing community as a staff member for almost 6 years ?

But, time has come to pass on the Lady crown ? to my lovely and awesome successor @LadyLarissa, who's very excited to join this forum and keep the ball rollin'!
Please welcome and treat her well - like a lady! ? :cheerleader:

Thank you everybody once again for making this place the best community on internet, for all the memories, knowledge and advices you generously share, friendship, support, suggestions, jokes and laughs, family vibes and of course for having me ❣️

Hope you won't miss me too much :laugh:?

I'll certainly stay around and come back very soon ?

Lots of love for each and all of you! ?
Yeah, it's with great sadness that we wave farewell to LadyJelena who has had a pivotal role at Casinomeister. She is going to be truly missed as part of our small but effective team, and all of us wish her the best in her new endeavours. :thumbsup: ?

She has been amazing here, and I am sure that @LadyLarissa will be just as amzing as our accounts manager. Some of you may have met her at the last Meister meeting. :cheers:
Happy trails to you Jelena, it's been a genuine pleasure to have had you as a colleague on the CM team. Whenever we were at one of those industry social events together I always knew there was at least one person I could and would enjoy talking to. And many many thanks for your support on the forums. Not many people get where I'm coming from sometimes but you never had that problem, not from day #1. Cheers for that: ?. Needless to say, the very best wishes to you in your new thing.

- Max
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Sorry to see you go. Please don't become a stranger, and be sure to visit your 'currently listening' thread' often.

Hey, at least you can be on the other side of the fence now; moan at CM staff, bitch about regulators, and complain about how online slots are rigged and how quality in the industry is in decline. You can also join comps now!

I must also say that I have been looking for an excuse to bring this up, and I can't be alone in my thinking, but are you moving into modelling for game developers?

The only good thing Pragmatic Play did when creating this slot was put your CM profile pic in it...

Screenshot (5562).webp

Best of luck in all you do!
WOW! That's sad news! Met the Lady many a time in London and Amsterdam and always a smile and chat for us (after the intense Serbian stare had gone! :) ) Hope our community can bump into you at future events.

P.S. hope the new career wrestling with Lady Hammer goes well. (Oooops! :oops: )
Dobro Jutro @LadyJelena thanks for the past years but im sure we will remain in touch!

Welcome welcome @LadyLarissa - good luck with me :)
Best of Wishes @LadyJelena , it's been a pleasure to work with you the last 6 years, I'm sure you'll be around so its just a CM farewell. Thanks for the support to this CM-Family. "Te aprecio Mucho Jelena!!"

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