Destination Poker is trying to steal $10k+ in winnings from me...

You should capitalize the word NOT in that title Bryan, it would make more of an impression when it comes up at the top of the google search.
jpm said:
You should capitalize the word NOT in that title Bryan, it would make more of an impression when it comes up at the top of the google search.
I've changed it to something much more clearer...
I am happy to see this but would be more amazed to have the winnings in my Neteller account.
The process is apparently taking its while though so I will have to be patient.
schankwart said:
I am happy to see this but would be more amazed to have the winnings in my Neteller account.
The process is apparently taking its while though so I will have to be patient.

Schankie - does this mean Wallace has backed off and is going to pay you the $10 200? or return your deposit?
Uh, no Jetset...

I might have expressed myself unclearly because I meant that the process of getting them to pay will probably take its while.

I have not heard a word from the crooks ever since they told me about their plans of theft.
And lest we forget that it was a holiday weekend in the states. Some of the pertinent individuals may be returning to work only now.
Last night Destination Poker returned my deposits of $2400 after getting under pressure, making the roguesters owe me $7800 still.

To be continued......
schankwart said:
Last night Destination Poker returned my deposits of $2400 after getting under pressure, making the roguesters owe me $7800 still.

To be continued......

Well its something at least, but they definitely owe you the rest.
schankwart said:
Last night Destination Poker returned my deposits of $2400 after getting under pressure, making the roguesters owe me $7800 still.

To be continued......


Very good business...
Just to let you know I've done my part (as small as it is) by replying to an email they sent me saying I'll never play their again because I've heard about them not paying big winners. :thumbsup:

Doubt it will help much - but if everyone did this, who knows?
This site is a real ripoff.

I would stay far far away from them. They really seem like scumballs, trying to avoid paying people.
It is time to update this thread as the crooks from Destination Poker have not been able to resist the pressure anymore and were forced to pay me eventually.
The Casino had no choice but to contact me and suggested a payment plan as they are unable to send me the outstanding funds to Neteller at once. I am supposed to get the $7800 in three installments and one banking cheque now. The first installment came in last night via Neteller.

Destination Poker has proven thermselves to be not only ROGUE but also incompetent and totally naive. These people do not have ANY morals and are now to be graded down low on the list of (RTG) black sheeps.
I am glad Montana disputes has done the right thing though but this is only what I could expect from them here.

I also would like to thank all those who supported me with this issue!

I hope I have been able to warn as many players as possible of their actions with my thread and it is only in your interest if I recommend everyone to never deposit a single cent at this place nor even consider to sign-up with them....!
I would advise you to zip your mouth till you get the whole ammount
I'm just implying that you never know what might happen with those crooks at destination poker so better becareful till you get your $$.Then you may :machinegu them up.
schankwart said:
Well, I hope that they have learned how to get me upset and wont repeat it...

Schankie, The only way that you'll ever be upset by these clowns again is if you go back for more. If you do go back to that site, you'll deserve anything and everything that happens to you.
Paying by instalments? If the information that Destination is part of Connect To Casino is correct (and I personally believe that to be the case) then this ties quite interestingly with other complaints surfacing recently that players are being offered payment plans by CtoC. That's not usually a good sign in this business.
I think we as players should start up a fund. We all put money in it. And once we get enough complaints from a certain casino group. We send a few of our best men to "PAY" them alittle visit. And "Return" with our "WINNINGS" in hand. I am sick and tired of this crap. We place hard earn money into their systems. And they have the nerves to tell us how to play and when they expect to pay us.

I used to run a Bulletin Board System. Before the Internet...Back in the 300 to 2400 baud Modem days. And One of my Co-SYSOP had a saying that went like this, "I DON'T WANT IT NOW...I WANT IT RIGHT NOW!!!"
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Silence My only Weapon

I have been silence about my outstanding withdrawal with destination poker, because i wanted to get paid, and i did.
I also filed a complaint with montanaoverseas, (which by the way says that you cant speak about your issue in discussion forums if you want to get paid), so i remained silent.
Montana really seems to do the trick, atleast that is what i think did the trick for me to get paid.
The casino completely ignored me for about 4 weeks, and all of a sudden they wanted to pay me as soon as possible, so i think montana had something to do with it....
I have now fully recieved what i was owed.


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