So sorry to those who made the effort to read my essay and who might have had some confidence reinstated but....It was all a fluke! I was allowed to redeem in that casino only and possibly because it hadn't yet 'joined' my account properly. I cant prove this as I gave up trying to redeem points ages ago so it could be I could have cashed in or it was a random glitch. None of the other casinos will let me redeem points and thus my disappointment and account suspension remain.
It's about time I introduced myself as it's been a few months since I joined and although cruised the forums, I havent made any noise to make anyone aware of my existance. Haha I'm here!!

I came across Casinomeister earlier in the year while trying to find out the true credibility of a group of casinos I've been using for about 12mths prior, all belonging to Casino Rewards.com. I was attracted to this group because of the really good NDBs' they offered, and as I am skint for the most time, freeplay is always an enjoyable passtime. The first time I downloaded one of their casinos in Nov '12 I was an absolute beginner and had no experience in gaming, slots or how anything worked really, it was just to be a bit of pleasure timewasting. My opinion at that time was that all these types of places were rip-offs, that spins were monitored and manipulated in some way and that to become too involved would surely lead to a life of desperation and empty pocketness! However, if it's a free spin or two........I'm gonna have a go. I had an hour or freeplay and I won 1000's. Having no clue, I assumed it was all 'micky' money, which most of it was, but when the time was up I was notified that if I deposited a tenna, I would get a bonus of £50 AND they would give me some kind of points bonus to match the deposit I made. Thinking ahhh well it's only a tenna and I'm bored, I deposited.
So, I had £70. I tried loads of the slot games with some wins of £30 £40 £50 and being aware of bonus playthrough requirements, I pretty much ignored the winnings and apreciated the extended gameplay they gave me. Then I hit a jackpot! I cant remember the exact amount because I was very flustered and completely panicked at the time. I'm guessing it would have been about the £3500 though. I was still convinced that it wasnt really my money that I had won. I still went to the withdrawal window and sure enough, it said I still had bonus on my account and no withdrawal was possible. I went back in and carried on playing....and loosing

I had to send through I.D verification but all this was done online and without complication. It did cross my mind that at any time I would get some kind of notice that there was some kind of mistake, I am indeed a very sceptical person. Within a week, a HUGE balance appeared in my Paypal account. My first reaction was that it was all a fluke, I was extremely lucky and so I should definately quit while I'm ahead. I uninstalled the casino and had a great Christmas with my daughter.

It wasnt until almost about a year later that the notion to have another go entered my head. Sure I'd had tons of spam mail offering me this and that, but I'd ignored it all. I couldnt even remember which casino it was, let alone being aware that there were 28 others connected to it!! The next mail I had I opened and then downloaded the casino. I played the freeplay, again not fully understanding the equasions of the terms...this time I didnt qualify for the bonus. They did still offer me a 100% deposit match though and again this would be awarded as points which could be redeemed. I had a lovely conversation through the live chat and was given an extra cash amount ontop of my deposit and given a bunch of tickets for Rewards Riches which I hadnt yet investigated or was even aware of. I accepted and off I went. I probed deeper. I found the tab which took me to the website. I played the tickets I was given. Then I saw the full list of partner casinos and their bonus offerings. However, I'm still extremely sceptical at this stage. I go back to the casino and over the next few hours my balance peaked at a maximum of about £300, but never enough to playthrough and withdraw. When it was all gone, again, I uninstalled the casino. I wasnt mad or agitated, I'd just enjoyed my time and felt it well worth the minimal deposit I'd made.
The list never really left my head and the potential to have another win and therefore a much need cash injection was huge. One by one over the next few months I downloaded each casino and played their bonuses. Some I won and was able to make significant withdrawals but most I lost leaving with nothing but was still well in profit by at least 600%! I was so scatty I even used varying E-Mail addresses on my registrations because I never remember what one is used for what! But they still sent me E-Mails inviting me to extra bonuses and I did get attached to certain games so more often than not, I'd accept them.
Until one day. One day in August just passed. I clicked on the tab to redeem bonus points for cash and it wouldnt let me. The message said that my account was temporarily suspended and this was as a precaution in preventing misuse of the casinos and fraud.
I was horrified! I really thought I'd done something terribly wrong and then the wave of guilt for not actually reading any terms and conditions on anything Im supposed to, hit me like a kipper slap right across the chops. I needed an explanation and an opportunity to plead forgiveness and that I had no deceptive or fraudulent intent, in fact, I'd only taken what they'd offered me in the first instance. I spoke to live chat again. Always polite, chatty and pleasant whenever I've used the service, this time I was more than a little frustrated at not being able to get a direct answer as to how & when the suspension would be lifted. I was given a vague explanation that it was a computer generated decision which could not be manually over-ridden and that there was no direct stipulation of the requirement necessary to lift the ban. I was told to 'Just keep playing across our casinos and eventually the ban would be lifted.
I felt so guilty and embarrassed. In my nature I feel it necessary to prove any doubtful suggestions about my integrity and will do whatever is needed of me to reassure their suspicions of poor conduct. Without any clarity as to what was required of me, my brain went bangwhizz into overdrive. My first thought was that although I'd registered and played at each of the casinos, if I hadnt won any of the freeplay bonuses, I didnt deposit there and moved on to the next one. My solution....I needed to make sure I've made a deposit in each casino. 28/9 casinos, even with the minimum deposit is still a significant amount to a single yummy mummy like me but my wholesome integrity had been questioned. With each deposit points were still being applied to the account. I found this even more confusing and I asked the question "Why are you continuing to automatically issue bonus points when there is clearly a questionable issue with the account?". Again I was informed that I would be able to use the points once the account had been restored but still no indication as to how this could be done. I had about 3 casinos to go before the cycle was complete and I had another win :notworthy and because I wasn't able to claim any of the bonus I could cash right out. Minimum of £50 to withdraw so anything above this, I took right out...it kept me afloat while I continued in my mission of worthyness tbh!
Eventually each casino had received at least one deposit

"Maybe it's two deposits in each?" I convinced myself. Hahaha

Again, I feel the need to say, although many deposits, not all were fails and maybe deposit to withdrawals have evened out somewhat, I'm still in profit (by my calculations) of approx £1500

It is then I come across these forums. In my quest to find the solutions. I found none BUT did discover that I am not alone and there are others also confused, disappointed and quite cross at the lack of warning, explanation or details on how to go about resolving their account suspensions dispite there being no defined requirements. It is now that I sigh to myself "You knew it all along, there's the catch babes". My disappointment comes fundamentally from the fact that during this journey, this group of casinos, are the only ones I feel best playing in. I enjoy a majority of their games, Very rarely do games crash and boot you out just as they win bonus rounds, Depositing & withdrawals are simple & quick, Live chat and support are always awesome in conversation & response....it's not their personal decision to lock you out, nor is it their fault in having to adhere to company policy in order to maintain their employment status. I want to cash in my points because I want to carry on playing there. I feel that if I have qualified for an award which has been accepted and credited, I should be able to get at it! However, I am resolute to the fact that I'm not going to get them and I have to find something else to do with my time.
First thing this morning, as always, I fire up the lappy to check E-mails etc. Burried amongst the billions of spam I've somehow managed to sign myself up for, there's one from Casino Rewards. It references to bonus points that have been awarded for something, it's different from the others, dunno how for sure, but it's different. I decide to log in. I go to the bonus tab and just try to redeem some points as I had done many, many times before and been warned off. Extremely blazee, I hit the button. IT PAID OUT!! Totally random & totally awesome.

I wanted to tell you my story because back in August, when I felt I had been accused of some kind of misdemeanor and helpless in being able to defend myself, I remembered a piece of a conversation with one of the support staff. I had made it quite clear I was willing to accept any convictions if only I could be informed of the charge accused of and that in the pursuit of discovery, I had come accross various websites such as this, and that there were others being treated in the same way actively vocalising their opinion. I might have suggested that I would join the opposing voice and with such bad practices, it wouldnt take long before the ball started to roll...so to speak!! At the time it was no idle threat, I really was going to join in and make as much noise as I could, they question my repute, I will surely questions theirs. It all fell on deaf ears anyway and then I lost my ghusto so I remained stchoom. As it turns out though, I think I've still managed to emphasise the unfairness Casino Rewards show toward 'keen' members in some policies & actions, but also that I am able to balance the agenda with personal experience that the casinos' integrety are equally restored and intact.
I hope that others will benefit in this knowledge and although I still dont know why or what solution was applied to rectify things, they are only protecting their business interests I suppose. I still believe some policies should be changed ie: If a player has reached maximum bonuses, stop giving them out!! But if you've done nought wrong, true to their word they WILL....albeit eventually..... honour their promises.
Thank You for listening
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