What's the ukgc guidelines around allowing deposits before a casino has verified you? I joined up with a casino today I had no recollection of joining, submitted my documents as I always do on live chat and to my surprise was able to deposit. Happy days I thought, they've verified my quickly. Lost about £50 so not life changing sums of money, but I then got an email tonight saying I've got another account that was excluded (which I used to do back in the day when I'd had enough of a casino). I could have deposited thousands though in a day! I thought all casinos had to verify you first to prevent this happening? Should they be returning my deposit? I'm not bothered about the money per say, just the principal of it. Have to add they are a well established sportsbook who previously had their license suspended for major fraud and other issues...I discovered this afterwards I should add.
Thanks all!
I’m going back to the original question as I am really trying to figure out how it goes.. I have looked at my previous gambling issues with most if not all the casinos you might know? I have been registered on GameStop off then on and so on and my gambling is like £50-£100 deposits every few minutes at times so quite alarming you might agree especially when you add in I’ve not always been verified or asked for id or have DOB saying 88 when it is 86 etc.. do you think that I should try and get some money back as it would be a ridiculous amount of money to get back?! I have mental health problems too as you can probably tell and I have to add I’m still betting on some well known sites and I’m still currently on GameStop and my credit score is not worth mentioning and I have fraud markers on my file too! Im uk also.
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