I do try to be helpful when posting. I may reply off-topic in a thread that has strayed. I may not know the answer and not reply at all. I may have missed reading a thread.
Footdr, if there's ever a thread you would like my input on, please pm me to alert me to it. Same goes for any member here.
I can't promise I can help, or that you'll like my response, but I will look to see if there's something I can offer.
Happy Holidays all.
I do think that MOST people here feel the same way. It's sometimes educational to view a situation from another persons' perspective. More times than not we all suffer from "tunnel vision" and occassionally need a slight nudge to get us back on track.
In the recent Betfair issue, CWC issue and GNUF issue, a lot of great advice has been offered. Whether a person chooses to follow or even consider and weigh what has been given to them is ultimately their choice. We can't force another person to take on our views. We can't force another to take the road we have chosen to follow. Each person needs to make their own mistakes and hopefully learn from them.
In doing so, it enlightens others who may say to themselves, "Hey, look what happened to that person, I think I'll try something different." And in doing so, perhaps we as a community can save one person from becoming a casualty.
There is a vast ocean of knowledge waiting to be tapped here. Many different experiences from every facet of the gambling world. If we apply patience and guidance to a person who is sincerely looking for answers/help, then that is something every contributing poster can be proud of.
For the ones who only want to have a pissing and feeling sorry for themself moment, think twice. You will be called out and may possibly be robbing someone who geniunely wants to be helped. Yes, some of the recent threads have turned nasty by much valued members of this forum. I hope this is just a passing phase and when the craziness of whatever is in the air clears, we can all go back to doing what we do best... Guide, teach, listen, and give a shoulder to lean on.
For those "newbies" who come here to rant and rave, ONLY to rant and rave, move on. At some point you need to take responsibilty for your actions or lack of actions, which ever scenerio may fit. These are good people, don't take advantage of their generosity by using deceptive and hidden agendas.
We all need to get back on track and start having fun again.
I hope every person here has a wonderful holiday with family and friends!
Merry Christmas all!