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What's this have to do with this thread?wowsers! I log in here and I see Zany bingo still cookin here as a site to play! lol That gone! Probably with at least a few players cash in hand.
I saw some posters furiously defending Zany in here... did they not bother to read the posts in here about how to spot a rogue or scam site? lol
Time is the great teller of truth in the end , isnt it? If Zany was so stinkin great, they would have done their best to hang in there, as many others are doing, to continue providing that wonderful,family style, safe place to play. HUH????????? Not dumping their loyal players onto another site like there doing them a big fat favor. Wonder what name stone lady will be using at their new site???? Remember her???? If you dont, just "google" the name, as it suggests at this very site as a way of detecting scams!