Question Videoslots - Account Issues

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Experienced Member
Apr 24, 2023
Just wanted to get some advice and maybe some help into the situation I'm having with videoslots right now.

I signed up for videoslots a long time ago, never deposited, never did anything and then I signed up again using my new email address and started playing with VS.

This duplicate account caused my account to get de-activated which was then fixed. Its been de-activated a couple times since then and I've been told it'd never happen again.

Recently my driving license expired and when I re-did my identification it's triggered another de-activation because of this duplicate account.

Usually its fixed within a day or two and it's fine.

But on this occasion I've been waiting nearly 20 days and I keep getting told to wait, I'll be bumped to the top of the queue all the usual customer service responses.

Today I've been asked for a GamStop form for both of my emails, they haven't even told me what this form is, how to get this form? I contacted gamstop via live chat and they said they can't assist me unless I have a GamStop exclusion. (I don't have any exclusions anywhere and never have)

Has anyone experienced this before? Is there some kind of underlying issue that I'm not aware of?

Any advice would be great, thanks.
Award winning Videoslots is reviewed by Casinomeister
Videoslots just banned me a good while back and it was because they made the assumption that I couldn't possibly afford it being a chronically ill person.
I explained pretty clearly where my income comes from and how much I allow myself to spend. I also told the truth which for me is that spinnif the ol' slots is one of the best distractions for the pain I'm in. They banned me for no valid reason at all. VS imo was going downhill anyway. The tournament games were always being won by the same people even though everyone is supposed to have the same chance ?
I do miss those though, they were a bit of craic at least!
Videoslots just banned me a good while back and it was because they made the assumption that I couldn't possibly afford it being a chronically ill person.
I explained pretty clearly where my income comes from and how much I allow myself to spend. I also told the truth which for me is that spinnif the ol' slots is one of the best distractions for the pain I'm in. They banned me for no valid reason at all. VS imo was going downhill anyway. The tournament games were always being won by the same people even though everyone is supposed to have the same chance ?
I do miss those though, they were a bit of craic at least!
You gave them far more information than I ever would.
Latest update. After having to send all my ID, proof of address etc from two different emails to GamStop which I wasn't really happy to do and about 8-9 emails back and forth from two emails to GamStop for days. I finally got the requested info and VS has now decided that's not good enough because I registered my account with instead of the default although they're the same thing.

In the correspondence with GamStop I even list this specific email when asked.

I've been told by GamStop that exclusions are tied by identity and not by email address and that it seems weird that I'm having to jump through hoops.

Seems to me that they know Gamstop takes a long time to reply and it's just an excuse to close my complaint?

Thanks @Team.Videoslots love the customer service, top job.

Hi @sbr992,

Your complaint has not been closed, and is still open. We request such forms to be able to fully investigate your complaint, and make sure that the investigations are thorough and conducted in full.

Gamstop will be needed to be contacted from the Email address your account is registered with, for them to be able to provide the necessary and correct information to yourself. The issue with the Email addresses is not that they belong to the same domain, but to the way the Email address itself is written, which differs from the one registered to your account.

As soon as we receive the requested information, we'll be more than happy to continue to process your complaint.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation regarding this matter.

Kind regards,
Team Videoslots
Hi @sbr992,

Your complaint has not been closed, and is still open. We request such forms to be able to fully investigate your complaint, and make sure that the investigations are thorough and conducted in full.

Gamstop will be needed to be contacted from the Email address your account is registered with, for them to be able to provide the necessary and correct information to yourself. The issue with the Email addresses is not that they belong to the same domain, but to the way the Email address itself is written, which differs from the one registered to your account.

As soon as we receive the requested information, we'll be more than happy to continue to process your complaint.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation regarding this matter.

Kind regards,
Team Videoslots
As said previously I cant email from that exact email domain as Gmail just decides which one it's going to use automatically but gamstop has confirmed that the exact email has no gamstop exclusion.

Still no response into why suddenly when I've raised a complaint you've decided to get me to check GamStop exclusions and why you keep insisting on it being email specific when GamStop assures me that it's Identity specific.

Why is the emphasis on me to do these things when it should be you?
As said previously I cant email from that exact email domain as Gmail just decides which one it's going to use automatically but gamstop has confirmed that the exact email has no gamstop exclusion.

Still no response into why suddenly when I've raised a complaint you've decided to get me to check GamStop exclusions and why you keep insisting on it being email specific when GamStop assures me that it's Identity specific.

Why is the emphasis on me to do these things when it should be you?
Hi @sbr992 ,

Thank you for your explanation, I see you have replied to our email, we will review and follow-up on your Complaint and give you an answer there.

Kind Regards,
Team Videoslots.
Update: Last week I provided proof that I wasn't gamstop banned, videoslots decided they wanted me to get GamStop to check if I was excluded with different spellings of my name and I had to explain that I couldn't do that because GamStop require you to provide proof of identity via ID and proof of address.

Videoslots have just gone silent since then.

It's been a month now, I've missed out on 30 days of freerolls, Mystery Mondays, Tuesday battles and Thursday Battles and a weekend freeroll battle and to top it off I missed the last month of actually good freerolls now that they've reduced everything.

Still pretty sure it's not allowed to unreasonably allow me not to withdraw my funds for this amount of time.
It's been 32 days now, apparently videoslots can just lock up your money and your account for as long as they want while they "investigate".

Good luck to anyone else who encounters an issue.
Award winning Videoslots is reviewed by Casinomeister

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