US political crisis


Well think about it this way. Someone gets wrongly shot then so many go out and act like animals.

You ever think maybe if they never acted the way they do them police might be less inclined to shoot so quick.

Yes I think shooting of anyone for nothing is wrong. Yes there are police that are racist. There are also police that are scared for their own safety and will shoot first. A lot of the ones that have been shot are not exactly the perfect citizen.

If someone that has various convictions looks like they may be reaching for a gun do you just say well I will let him until.he shoots me.

Yet again tho you still will not answer why it is okay for them to loot , act violent and cause millions in damage.
That has been going on for decades and nothing has changed. Police still face no consequences for their actions. Jurors need to start sending those police to jail or it'll never change.
Again fine protest.

But really why would you then go like animals and loot stores stealing everything you can get your hands on.

Is that the sort of behaviour that will change things and get you respect.

And actually much of the violence in these protests is way worse than anything else that has happened.
Again fine protest.

But really why would you then go like animals and loot stores stealing everything you can get your hands on.

Is that the sort of behaviour that will change things and get you respect.

And actually much of the violence in these protests is way worse than anything else that has happened.
Yeah keep protesting peacefully while getting killed. And white people keep saying: "not guilty". That'll work :P Then white people can have their peace of mind when no one is bothering them at least.
War ended slavery.
If you are talking about the US, then you should refer yourself to the 13th amendment that abolishes slavery under certain conditions.

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

So the prisons have the right to treat you as a slave RE: the chain gang.
If you are talking about the US, then you should refer yourself to the 13th amendment that abolishes slavery under certain conditions.

So the prisons have the right to treat you as a slave RE: the chain gang.
Isnt that what is happening in some states with for-profit prisons?
I have a vague memory reading something about it, and how judges were in on it, basically getting paid to convict people and send them to jail.

Edit: Something along these lines:
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It reminds people that I am tired of putting up with your crap in this forum.

I have run this forum for nearly 23 years and have no problem having a debate in public, balanced and good natured. Unfortunately you are unable to do this - and you have been warned ad naseum about this. You are like a pitbull and just can't let go of being victimized somehow.

Your aggressiveness is unwarranted - it is not appreciated, and I won't put up with it. You rag on about "attack the idea - not the person" but it is you are the one who is vitriolic. Just reread what you wrote.

Conflict with my ideas? LOL - you don't know what my ideas are since I rarely share them :p - except for siding with reason, logic, science, and goodwill towards creatures big and small - you really don't know. So don't try to fit me into one of your boxes.
The first time you ever made a political post like this on this forum and you choose now. You deserve all the heat you get.

black lives matter and antifa terrorists burned down innocent peoples businesses, beat elderly people, burned down peoples homes, beat police officers, beat people in the streets, surrounded innocent men and females in large groups and beat them. Large massive riots hurting totally innocent people...for MONTHS.

Where was your post then?

Sorry but I think colin was actually easy on you probably because he didnt want to get banned. Your big political entry post in my eyes is total bullshit.
The first time you ever made a political post like this on this forum and you choose now. You deserve all the heat you get.

black lives matter and antifa terrorists burned down innocent peoples businesses, beat elderly people, burned down peoples homes, beat police officers, beat people in the streets, surrounded innocent men and females in large groups and beat them. Large massive riots hurting totally innocent people...for MONTHS.

Where was your post then?

Sorry but I think colin was actually easy on you probably because he didnt want to get banned. Your big political entry post in my eyes is total bullshit.
Welcome back!

And what a post!
War ended slavery. I don't know what you expect black people to do if cops don't stop killing them. Asking them nicely doesn't seem to work. You tell me your ideas how to stop killing black people.
And how does looting innocent small businesses help with that in any way? Has the small shop owner who has been put out of business because his shop was looted or burnt down ever killed a black person? No? Well why should he suffer because someone else did?
Your post comes across as racist to me, and you have the nerve to call others it?
Out of interest, and I haven't looked at this as I am trying to stay impartial, how many black people were killed in the US in the past 5 years by the police? And how many white? What are the percentages in regards to each race and population?
The way you bang on it's as if the only people killed by the police are black.
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War ended slavery. I don't know what you expect black people to do if cops don't stop killing them. Asking them nicely doesn't seem to work. You tell me your ideas how to stop killing black people.

Wasn't it Republican party who Mr Trump represents who at the time of A. Lincoln added 13th Amendment to the Constitution? Democratic party split in half in the 1860 election due to their disagreement with slavery.

Sorry for off topic, just came to my mind from somewhere when reading this thread :)

edit: Didn't see Bryans post about same topic, sorry for repeating and yes, in prisons slavery still might exist, learning something new what didn't even think before..
Wasn't it Republican party who Mr Trump represents who at the time of A. Lincoln added 13th Amendment to the Constitution? Democratic party split in half in the 1860 election due to their disagreement with slavery.

Sorry for off topic, just came to my mind from somewhere when reading this thread :)

edit: Didn't see Bryans post about same topic, sorry for repeating and yes, in prisons slavery still might exist, learning something new what didn't even think before..

The Confederate States mainly fought to keep the old values in the Civil War which included slavery.
The Confederate States mainly fought to keep the old values in the Civil War which included slavery.
Modern day slavery only seems to still be a thing in certain religions now and not so developed

black folks in the western world have never had it so good as they do now, and rightly so due to the years of blatant and undeniable oppression, racism and honestly vile behaviour towards them solely due to the colour of there skin.

but to say now in 2021 in the west, especially Europe or the states that black folks are still oppressed or face institutional racism still is a massive fallacy, the diversity quotas alone prove this as fact.

@sufferinsilence this isn’t in anyway me having a go at you mate, this is just my thoughts on slavery as touched upon in your post above in which I’ve responded.
Unless black people are just dumb&lazy, there seems to still be some issues with racism.

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Racism is sadly not dead, its very much alive.

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Congress finds the following:

(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States."
Unless black people are just dumb&lazy, there seems to still be some issues with racism.

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Racism is sadly not dead, its very much alive.

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Congress finds the following:

(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States."
Lone wolf attacks actually are the most high risk threat mate, what you posted has been debunked many times.

radical Islam is the biggest terrorist threat, always has been and will be unless it reforms, but can’t and won’t.

racism will always exist because we are all different.

what I’m saying is this institutional racism nonsense and the fact people whom are coloured have it worse than the rest isn’t a thing no longer..

maybe it’s the culture that’s the problem?

you showed me a few stats there mate, you got the stats of stabbing victims and the people whom stabbed them in London for example?

pick any year you like..

it’s massively over represented by one kind of people’s...

Is this due to racism or culture?...
Lone wolf attacks actually are the most high risk threat mate, what you posted has been debunked many times.

radical Islam is the biggest terrorist threat, always has been and will be unless it reforms, but can’t and won’t.

racism will always exist because we are all different.

what I’m saying is this institutional racism nonsense and the fact people whom are coloured have it worse than the rest isn’t a thing no longer..

maybe it’s the culture that’s the problem?

you showed me a few stats there mate, you got the stats of stabbing victims and the people whom stabbed them in London for example?

pick any year you like..

it’s massively over represented by one kind of people’s...

Is this due to racism or culture?...
Where & when has it been debunked?
Homeland security said this as recent as October 2020

"Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists9 (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland"
"Since 2018, they have conducted more lethal attacks in the United States than any other DVE movement."
*Dve = Domestic violent extremists

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Where & when has it been debunked?
Homeland security said this as recent as October 2020

"Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists9 (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland"
"Since 2018, they have conducted more lethal attacks in the United States than any other DVE movement."
*Dve = Domestic violent extremists

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Terrorism comes and is classed a criminal act in many forms.

not just a peaceful muslim with a bomb is classed as a terrorist, it can be far right thug researching bombs online.

globally how many people have ‘far right terrorists killed’

how many suicide bombs have they used?

how many far right terrorists have raped people in your homeland?

how many in the U.K.?

far right terrorists lol!

we had Andres Brevik, that guy in NZ...

other than that I’m at a loss to find more far right terrorists..

also you didn’t answer at all regarding what I asked regarding London and stabbings, and didn’t answer about if you think culture plays a part..

Pointless posting stats if you don’t actually have a opinion.
Lone wolf attacks actually are the most high risk threat mate, what you posted has been debunked many times.

radical Islam is the biggest terrorist threat, always has been and will be unless it reforms, but can’t and won’t.

racism will always exist because we are all different.

what I’m saying is this institutional racism nonsense and the fact people whom are coloured have it worse than the rest isn’t a thing no longer..

maybe it’s the culture that’s the problem?

you showed me a few stats there mate, you got the stats of stabbing victims and the people whom stabbed them in London for example?

pick any year you like..

it’s massively over represented by one kind of people’s...

Is this due to racism or culture?...
Poverty increases crime rates. If you don't give the same chance to black people as you give to white people...then they won't get better lives for themselves. That's another part of racism. They just don't get the same chances as we white people do.

In the meanwhile My Pillow-guy going to White House for a visit:
Terrorism comes and is classed a criminal act in many forms.

not just a peaceful muslim with a bomb is classed as a terrorist, it can be far right thug researching bombs online.

globally how many people have ‘far right terrorists killed’

how many suicide bombs have they used?

how many far right terrorists have raped people in your homeland?

how many in the U.K.?

far right terrorists lol!

we had Andres Brevik, that guy in NZ...

other than that I’m at a loss to find more far right terrorists..

also you didn’t answer at all regarding what I asked regarding London and stabbings, and didn’t answer about if you think culture plays a part..

Pointless posting stats if you don’t actually have a opinion.

Wouldnt it be more pointless to have an opinion that is not based on the statistics regarding racism/terrorism?
What am i supposed to base it on, a feeling?
Homeland class far right extremists as the biggest domestic threat, where did you find info debunking this?
Please share it.

Why go global when we are talking about white supremacists and racism in USA?
Wouldnt it be more pointless to have an opinion that is not based on the statistics regarding racism/terrorism?
What am i supposed to base it on, a feeling?
Homeland class far right extremists as the biggest domestic threat, where did you find info debunking this?
Please share it.

Why go global when we are talking about white supremacists and racism in USA?
No post what your thoughts are...

@dealer wins was chastised for doing exactly what your doing in the corona thread.

Posting stats or some silly link with zero thoughts or opinions or experience in the matter in question...

if you have none of the above or won’t discuss it then basically your flaming.

a link or stat isn’t a discussion, it’s not a opinion neither....
Poverty increases crime rates. If you don't give the same chance to black people as you give to white people...then they won't get better lives for themselves. That's another part of racism. They just don't get the same chances as we white people do.

In the meanwhile My Pillow-guy going to White House for a visit:

Black people have the same chances.

sadly due to choices and culture, not to mention constantly being told they are not equal and are oppressed by the likes of you and certain media some less intelligent folks seem to buy into this utter BS.
No post what your thoughts are...

@dealer wins was chastised for doing exactly what your doing in the corona thread.

Posting stats or some silly link with zero thoughts or opinions or experience in the matter in question...

if you have none of the above or won’t discuss it then basically your flaming.

a link or stat isn’t a discussion, it’s not a opinion neither....

I already said what my opinions are.
That racism is very much alive, and still a big problem in USA.
The links are my way of showing what i base my opinions on.

Thats why i wanted you to share your sources, because i want to see what you base your opinions on.
I already said what my opinions are.
That racism is very much alive, and still a big problem in USA.
The links are my way of showing what i base my opinions on.

Thats why i wanted you to share your sources, because i want to see what you base
How on earth would you possibly know this?

you family and friends there?

also take it black family and friends at that, or you just going 110% of the media with no personal experience at all?

think id know which way I’d bet...
And how does looting innocent small businesses help with that in any way? Has the small shop owner who has been put out of business because his shop was looted or burnt down ever killed a black person? No? Well why should he suffer because someone else did?
Your post comes across as racist to me, and you have the nerve to call others it?
Out of interest, and I haven't looked at this as I am trying to stay impartial, how many black people were killed in the US in the past 5 years by the police? And how many white? What are the percentages in regards to each race and population?
The way you bang on it's as if the only people killed by the police are black.
For last 4 years about 900 black people were killed by the police and about 1640 white people. Then the right-wing goes: they're killing white people twice as many! Without understanding math. US population is 60% white, 12% black.
So black people have 2,5 times higher chance of getting killed by the police than white people do.
Black people have the same chances.

sadly due to choices and culture, not to mention constantly being told they are not equal and are oppressed by the likes of you and certain media some less intelligent folks seem to buy into this utter BS.
Why should I listen to a Proud Boys supporter when it comes to race relations? Makes no sense. I rather listen to black people and they keep telling that they're not getting the same chance as white people do.
globally how many people have ‘far right terrorists killed’

If you are really interested in it I can give you some keywords to search for what happened in Germany in the last years.

- Tobias Rathjen, Hanau
- Stephan Balliet, Halle
- the killing of Walter Lübcke, Kassel

list by far not complete. but those are the terrorist attacks that come to my mind from far right without thinking about it.

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