Uk Slotting Cap from September 2024


A greyhound loves you more than you love yourself!
Jan 30, 2017
Looks like the UKGC is implementing a max stake on slotting from September 2024!

'Remote-licensed operators will have a 6-month period to implement a maximum £2 stake limit on online slot games for customers aged 18-to-24.

A further £5 stake limit will be applied to adults aged over 25, as the government introduces protections for online slot games matching customer restrictions applied in land-based gambling venues.'

Read about it here
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Nothing 'landmark' or 'player protection' about it from what I can see upon first glance, though it's surprising to see them attempting to align online with land-based.

Doesn't strike me as particularly progressive though or well thought-out, just more prohibitiveness and rump-slapping in the locker rooms from the powers-that-be ?

How does 25 onwards make someone able to gamble £5 per spin as opposed to £2? And isn't that leap likely to cause more detriment than help? Is my missus seeing the milkman? All questions we'll never have the answers to!
That's fucked my Bonanza strategy up. :mad:

Everyone knows that on your 25th. birthday all employers raise your wages 150% so you can afford £5 spins.

We'll have a new celebration now - never mind valentine, xmas, wedding, birthday cards etc. there'll be a 'Happy £5 spins' card on Moonpig available soon to send people who've reached that privileged status in life.
Oh, that's annoying. So are casinos doing a blanket update on their games or go provider by provider? The reason I ask is that I play a lot of collection games (Kingmaker, Lil Devil, Royal Mint) and the like. I've a few in progress on higher stakes. Will the progress get wiped? Or will the Casino kindly inform their players of the upcoming changes so games like this can be finished. I mean do Casinos even know anything about their game libraries? If it wasn't for forums like this, would the player even know? Would there be any recourse if you had say 30 hearts collected on Lil Devil only to visit the game and find the stake you were playing on suddenly gone? Perhaps @L&L-Jan could provide some insight?
Fucking hell. What a sad sad state of affairs. All in the name of player protection but it's just going to push more and more consumers to crypto casinos. If they wanted to afford protection, how about stopping the cavalier attitude and behavior of the slot studios pumping out extreme volatility slot one after the other that can eat your money in no time at all. All in the vain hope that'll you get a bonus which with the state of some of these providers won't be a bonus that can actually pay as that's locked behind a debug menu (Wink Wink Pragmatic Wink Wink)

What a derisory nanny state the UK has turned into that these levels of control are now being applied to the average citizen. What next, being at the self-checkout till at Asda and being stopped because I've scanned too many cakes at the till? Too many beers? (As daft as that sounds, wouldn't surprise me if that gets limited next under the monkier of preventing obesity and reducing the NHS waiting list)
The usual sound bites are always trotted out, whether that be for 'consumer' or 'player' protection when changes are afoot, or 'protecting' something for the greater good. And who wants to be labelled selfish, after all?

Adult pastimes like vaping are soon to be neutered too, so this isn't beholden to one sector, with all flavourings bar tobacco and menthol to be outlawed, based on flimsy reasoning and obvious agendas spearheaded by tobacco lobbyists....

When drastic changes are made like this without rhyme or reason, you can be sure nine times out of ten it's for reasons other than disclosed to the masses, and usually self-serving :eek2:
If they wanted to afford protection, how about stopping the cavalier attitude and behavior of the slot studios pumping out extreme volatility slot one after the other that can eat your money in no time at all. All in the vain hope that'll you get a bonus which with the state of some of these providers won't be a bonus that can actually pay as that's locked behind a debug menu (Wink Wink Pragmatic Wink Wink)
Unfortunately this would need to be a coordinated effort across all jurisdictions so it won’t happen for a while, if at all. In the meantime the likes of Pragmatic will continue with their piss take strategy of hiding super bonuses behind bonus buys, and NoLimit City with their irresponsible max-win-or-nothing dice roll bonus buys.
I remember reading in my early - mid CM days that playing online slots was best referred to as "Buying Fun"

Back then, I sort of more or less agreed, knowing I could afford to lose my £20 'investment' but at the same time knowing I'd 7/10 get at least a couple of hours play so was indeed buying fun, also I did stand a fair chance of actually winning something (which was a bonus, not something I expected to do!)

Fast forward to present day and there is no way on this planet they can use this description without describing exactly the opposite.

Remortgaging or doing a serious dent in your savings for problem gamblers seems to be the new business strategy for these greedy "Super Bonus" providers.

About 5% or less of the players world wide can afford to even attempt these ridiculous costly buys which rarely deliver, where realistically ALL players should have a chance no matter how miniscule of getting these massive hits once in a blue moon.

A £2/£5 cap IMO won't do much as it won't affect low rollers who make up the majority of the player pool, crypto and Curaco will thrive and casinos will suffer and pass on this suffering with yet more cut backs and RTP hacks.

The industry is on its arse when it comes to satisfaction and reputation but the money is rolling in for the casinos so who cares :rolleyes:
Oh, that's annoying. So are casinos doing a blanket update on their games or go provider by provider? The reason I ask is that I play a lot of collection games (Kingmaker, Lil Devil, Royal Mint) and the like. I've a few in progress on higher stakes. Will the progress get wiped? Or will the Casino kindly inform their players of the upcoming changes so games like this can be finished. I mean do Casinos even know anything about their game libraries? If it wasn't for forums like this, would the player even know? Would there be any recourse if you had say 30 hearts collected on Lil Devil only to visit the game and find the stake you were playing on suddenly gone? Perhaps @L&L-Jan could provide some insight?

From my experience of this, yes they will just be wiped out with absolutely no compensation ( the reason these games should have been banned more than bonus buys ) like when they update a game as that can also wipe any progress, so I would play them out asap if I were you and don’t start any others.

I don’t start any more now as it’s too stacked against the player in so many ways, even a stuck game round often zeros all progress, I wish everyone would not play them and then they just wouldn’t produce any more and we would all benefit from that!
Mind you, we live in a country where my daughter at uni is asked for ID to buy a can of energy drink.

The only slotting 'cap' we had in the UK before now is the foil one we wear when playing the bastard things.

I can foretell the beefs coming - "Look at the amount of big wins/features I'm getting on two quid, never had that when I was playing a tenner...."
Long gone are the days when the UKGC was respected and set the benchmarks for dealing with iGaming regulation.

I understand the premise behind the new rules, but unless they are going to go after all the Curacao sites readily accepting UK players (I'm looking at you BCGAME, who, as a test, VERIFIED my account with my UK Driving License) - this is going to cause long-term mayhem IMO.

We've already seen tons and tons of players moving away from regulated casinos to play at crypto sites in Curacao (myself included, admitadley), but as popular streamers (Bandit, RockRollla) Craig Slots, and so on) are bringing crypto to a wider audience - I fear this is going to further push players into the abysss.

And, personally - I don't BLAME these players. IT's the exact reason I started playing at Crypto sites in Curacao. For five years, not once have I been denied a withdrawal. Some, even after finding out I used to play from the UK, even paid out my winnings but closed my account. So, the service they offer is, a lot of the time, solid.

But, the responsible gambling issues - the lack of accountability - and the lack of a solid ADR for players to turn to when things DO go wrong is, I fear, going to spell misery for UK players.

I will be getting a pretty long blog about this up in the coming week. Would anyone like to provide comment that I can use on the blog? Please reply to this message or DM me directly, and I can include quotes. Thanks
Many casinos rely on their high rollers for the bulk of their revenue and many won't survive with low betting limits unless their rake is increased substantially. It wont be long before the online RTP of UK facings casinos is reduced to 85% so they can make a profit.
Many casinos rely on their high rollers for the bulk of their revenue and many won't survive with low betting limits unless their rake is increased substantially. It wont be long before the online RTP of UK facings casinos is reduced to 85% so they can make a profit.
Don't you mean raised to 85%....:)
Oh, that's annoying. So are casinos doing a blanket update on their games or go provider by provider? The reason I ask is that I play a lot of collection games (Kingmaker, Lil Devil, Royal Mint) and the like. I've a few in progress on higher stakes. Will the progress get wiped? Or will the Casino kindly inform their players of the upcoming changes so games like this can be finished. I mean do Casinos even know anything about their game libraries? If it wasn't for forums like this, would the player even know? Would there be any recourse if you had say 30 hearts collected on Lil Devil only to visit the game and find the stake you were playing on suddenly gone? Perhaps @L&L-Jan could provide some insight?
Complete those games within the next half a year i would say. Not sure how yet how it will be working but my guess is: We send date of birth to game provider and depending on your age you can bet up to 2 or 5gbp per spin. Information regarding players who have a particular status in collection games is not easy to detect for casino operators, so you can assume you won't be informed about any colleciton status you might lose.
Complete those games within the next half a year i would say. Not sure how yet how it will be working but my guess is: We send date of birth to game provider and depending on your age you can bet up to 2 or 5gbp per spin. Information regarding players who have a particular status in collection games is not easy to detect for casino operators, so you can assume you won't be informed about any colleciton status you might lose.

I'd hope the collection games don't lose progress for those that play them - except for the stakes that are no longer available to the player, natch. We know casinos can choose the stakes available to their players anyway, so surely the restriction at the casino end shouldn't affect the history that remains relevant to the player.

If you see what I mean.

I mean, I do. Just about.
This was going to happen at some point I am shocked they have not already done this. I never bet that high anyway so even the cap of £5 will not affect me. The £2 cap is for anyone under 25 and it is £5 for anyone over 25. I really wonder if that means even high rollers and rich people who like to gamble will be able to get special treatment? or will they be forced to move to unregulated casinos? I am guessing the latter.
The UKGC clearly believe themselves to be doing a great job, evidenced by their continuation down this path. Likely they've identified slotting as the most problematic form in its 'ease of use' and accessibility to gambling and have now made it the poster child.

Like many establishments and companies around them, they'll just continue to double-down on their objectives until the whole thing's ruined, as long as their goals have been met - in this case, to drive not only problem gambling down, but the allure of wanting to take up gambling in the first place!

You can be sure these newly imposed £2 and £5 limits will take years to reverse, if ever. Woe betide the person that attempts to one day have them raised, as in reality, they're only going to get lower.

All the while, no scrutiny is brought on ever-decreasing RTP, rendering the games unplayable, but it's ok - you get to responsibly lose money in a more prolonged, tortuous and unsatisfactory way with £2 limits, so 'job done'!

Self-congratulation and appearing to do the right thing is more important than actually doing the right thing is what it's all about these days, made possible by the very people that have likely never gambled to begin with, but certainly despise the people that do....

And if purging problem gamblers from their books by creating a whole slew of them elsewhere, well then to them that's fine too. Chef's kiss ?‍?:D

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