Haven't posted here in several months, as my master's program is eating up huge chunks of time. Back in June, there were two constants here - Marco's incessant complaining of a certain casino, and Bethug's braggadocio. Good to see that at least one constant is still there.
As a previous poster mentioned, Bethug's "system" appears to be a variation of the Martingale (negative progression), plus betting by "instinct" (not following basic strategy). His system seems to be more of a feel for the game than anything else. He very well may have stumbled upon a weakness in casino software, but since he seems to be employing the same "system" to different software (RTG, Crypto), that seems unlikely. Perhaps he's just really lucky.
If he's winning what he claims, kudos. If not, then my sympathies - what is more pathetic then a poster claiming phantom wins? Either way, it has almost no relevance to me.
But I DO find it interesting that he feels compelled to pound his chest and tell us how much he made gambling. His boasts/claims somehow seem beyond than a poster excitedly telling how a jackpot was won. If you read his posts, the two recurring themes are (1) how he's from the "hood" and (2) how much money he has.
I liken him to others who may boast about their wealth or earning potential. Personally, I tend to gravitate to those who do not always feel compelled to tell me how much money is in their pockets.