Actually shaz is the owner of the poker forum I had posted my problems with initially about PokerAvenue USA. That forum was the only one that I actually got a reply from their site, basically they claimed I cheated them and stole $ by withdrawing. I guess to them a withdrawal is stealing. When I asked them over and over to prove that I cheated, they never replied and from what Shaz told me they deleted their account on the other forum. Here is the rest of the things I posted to address what they claimed was me "cheating" them. Sorry about the length of this post, but it contains all the info:
"I am posting this to as many forums as I possibly can to warn people. I started playing at a small poker site about a year ago called "PokerAvenueUSA." Their other skins include Banner Poker, PokerKA, and 2AdvancedPoker. They also used to have a site called Mr. X poker which I initially registered on. I was playing a lot of freerolls there, a few ring games, and some guaranteed $ tourneys. I deposited a few bucks there initially. I ran it up to almost $1000 playing freerolls and ring games, but I had doubts about the validity of the site. I saw the same players win with awful hands over and over again and never miss the $ in any tourneys.
It was very easy to make $ there initially, their $25 and $50 freerolls allowed unlimited $1 rebuys and add ons. There were not many players on the site yet, so I had some $ to rebuy/add on and I was able to win most of them or at least finish in the $. They ran several per day, so I was able to make $50 a day or so pretty easily with these tourneys. Their software was VERY buggy and still is, and I was there emailing them over and over to give suggestions to help fix things. I was one of the original members and was trying to help them out.
Well, a few weeks ago I emailed them to please withdraw the $ from my account. Nothing has changed with them, software still was awful, support non existent, same players seem to win with miracles every hand, etc After a week my account was closed as I had requested, but I had no clue what was going on with my withdrawal. I emailed them several times after this to their support and cashier accounts, and not one reply back. I logged on with a new account to speak with their live chat support, and they closed the chat window without replying. All I wanted was an update as to what was going on, and obviously they did not want to hear it.
This site has stolen nearly $1000 from me. Period. Several others on there I have spoken too during the games said they tried to cash out and nothing happens. These sites are 100% scams. I know many people do not care about these small sites, but DO NOT SIGN UP THERE AND GIVE THEM ANY $. You will not see it again.
And to those who say CALL THEM, I tried. Only one skin has a number listed, and it is a fax #. No humans. I sent them a fax, and a fax came back saying it was a printing company in Costa Rica. One of the older skins used to have a number listed, but it went to the home of an Asian lady who was sick of the calls.
HERE IS AN UPDATE. I posted this on another poker site, Someone from PokerAvenue responded saying I cheated them. They said I had multiple accounts under the same name SHANAX that were XSHANAX SHANAXX and SHANAY. That is 100% true, I never denied that to them, but those were never used for poker. Basically, they have a LIVE SUPPORT CHAT box, but you need to log on to the poker site to use it. When I had problems with SHANAX a while back I used the new names in order to talk to live chat so they would know who I was, hence the same name SHANAX with one new letter so they would know. Nothing tricky there. Other players on the site will back me up too and have told me they know I never used any other account as they played all the games with me too, and NEVER saw the other accounts besides the original SHANAX.
Well, the guy who posted on said I used the other accounts to collude with SHANAX by winning the freerolls then dumping the $ to SHANAX in a 2 player cash game. They also said I used ALL the names at the same time in the freerolls to win. Uhhh, yeah, that must be true. I tried to cheat them by using multiple names at the same time, and they were the SAME NAME. Duh, come on. Nothing wrong with being at a tourney table with SHANAX SHANAXX XSHANAX and SHANAY, eh? I asked the posted to PROVE it that I cheated. Post a screen shot of the account histories of all the other accounts, show when they were used, $ transfers, balances, etc. I guarantee 100% those were never used to play poker, and were never even logged on again after I spoke with Live Support with the names, the accounts were all deactivated right afterwards too by MY request. Since I asked him to show proof, he never replied of course, and I even sent a few new emails about it to support. They have time to post on the message board to lie and cover themselves, but no to reply to any paying customers. They were basically trying to cover their asses by making up lies about me, but when asked to show proof he never replied and I dont expect him to again. People who play on the same site have told me in private they back me up and know I am telling the truth, but do not want to post in public because their accounts may be frozen also and their $ taken too.