Forum Announcements


As of roughly 9:30AM GMT this morning -- Tuesday 11 February -- the Casinomeister Forums have lost two days of user activity including forum registrations, forum posts, PMs, PABs, Tickets, Announcements, etc.
All forum content added after roughly 10:40AM Sunday 9th until 09:30 11th February has been lost.
When we have more info to share we will. Until then please bear with us.
Needless to say we apologise deeply for the frustration and inconvenience this will have caused.

The Dude

The artist formally known as Casinomeister
Jun 30, 1998

29 November 2010:
For the past twelve years, has been the mecca for players of online casinos. John Abbott, the colorful owner operator of GoneGambling, has passed the torch over to Bryan Bailey, the director and creator of Casinomeister. John has made this move in order to spend more time with his family and to pursue other endeavors besides GoneGambling and Trader Auction Games.

“I am happy to say that I couldn’t be more pleased with who is taking over the sites. I’m sure that the sites integrity will remain intact under the new ownership,” stated John Abbott, former owner of GoneGambling. “I truly do thank the members and sponsors of GG from the bottom of my heart, and I know I’m leaving you in excellent hands with the new owner of the site.”

Bryan Bailey stated, “I am more than excited picking up this ball and running with it. John was an early webmaster mentor of mine, I always looked up to him and admired what he had done with GoneGambling. I will continue with his mission; to make GG the most fun place possible for the online gaming community. There are great things in store for GoneGambling and its dedicated membership. I am both honored and absolutely thrilled to be running this site.”

The online gaming community will be the primary focus of GoneGambling and will uphold its mission to be the most entertaining gaming website in the net. “We have some really cool things in store for GG members. This winter should bring them some surprises,” said Bailey, “I’m really stoked.”

About Casinomeister: is an advocate of fair play for the online casino community. It is one of the oldest and widely known online casino information websites having been reporting on casino related issues since 1998.

About GoneGambling: is one of the oldest player communities. Founded in 1998, it’s focused on playing games and downright gambling. Gamblers want to gamble, that’s why they join GoneGambling.

For further information, please contact:

Bryan Bailey
Casinomeister ®: Online Casino Authority - Advocate of Fair Play - Casinomeister

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Bryan.Congratulations & Good Luck with your new home for many years to come.

And I wish John Abbott & Family the very best of luck for many years ahead of them.
The first casino I ever played at was Slotland and John Abbott set the account up for me and helped me get started online playing back in 2000.

The best of luck to him and his family. Brian you have some big shoes to fill but I think your up to the task! Good Luck! :thumbsup:
It's good to know that GG will stay in the hands of a person who understands fairness and integrity when dealing with members. I look forward to being a member for a long time to come and enjoy the "Casinomeister" touch at GG :>) Congratulations .
First of all CONGRATS!!
Strange, however, there was not one link to "GONEGAMBLING" website

I guess this is a prime example of the word "esoteric".
I have always wanted to use this word never got a chance till now:lolup:
Congrats Bryan! I became a member of Gone Gambling a few years back but never spent much time there - I couldn't figure out what to do or how things worked over there. Maybe I'll have to try again!
First of all CONGRATS!!
Strange, however, there was not one link to "GONEGAMBLING" website

I guess this is a prime example of the word "esoteric".
I have always wanted to use this word never got a chance till now:lolup:

If you look at the bottom of the CM pages, the third link from the left takes you to GG - as it has for years...

Congrats Bryan! Been a member there for years and will proudly keep that tradition alive :)
Gone Gambling was one of the first sites I joined when I started in the industry. To this day I still receive regular sky diving race field results...Have no clue how they work though :)

Congrats on becoming the new owner of GoneGambling!!

One of my favorite reads on GG is the "
FRUIT LOOPS " stories... :D

Hopefully... you will continue this... and add some new updates to this on a regular basis... ;)
LOL... That is also one of my favorites! Being in customer service for the last 15 years, I can certainly relate to some of the troubles poor John and the gang have went through...

Although I certainly hope he doesn't have to put up with the likes of some of the nutsos that have been there in the past, I hope sometime one comes along and we can all read about how much the customer "is always right" (yeah, right) and they are put in their place by the almighty "new" Sheriff Bryan.

Here's to making GG last another 12 years (and more)!

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