POKERTIME Locked my account need help


Dormant account
Apr 3, 2008
OK so im at my wits end with pokertime . I signed up with them about 2-3 weeks ago ...Played every day and won 1600$ everything is fine ...I try to cash out $750 all looks ok i have to wait the 24 hour peroid. i log in the next day to see the status and play some poker and my account is locked up ??? says to contact support so i do and heres whats said

my account number is ptr29185686 When i tried to log in this morning it says my account is locked out of the system please contact support. why is this ? From what i understand i was told i had to make a deposit to verify myself which i did . please explain your actions and why this was done to me.


Steven A

there response was:
Thank you for contacting PokerTime Support.

I have checked your PokerTime account and can confirm that your account has been locked.

This was done on the MicroGaming network.

The reason that your account was locked was due to chip dumping having been identified on the account.

Chip dumping is a serious breach of the terms and conditions on the MicroGaming network.

The status of your account will not be reconsidered and your account is to remain locked.

Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact us again, should you have any further queries.

Kind regards

my response:


First of all i did not even know what chip dumping was so i did some reasearch and found out .. i absolutly did not do this your basically calling me a cheater. It seems pretty funny how i am able to play for weeks and as soon i ask for a withdrawl my account is locked. your company is the one commiting fraud. if if you think im going to stand by and let you cheat me out of MY money YOUR WRONG . i will do everything and anything in my power to get this straightened out first by posting to forums. and the authorities if need be. This may be closed to you but it by far is not closed to me. lets start by this i found on the internet.

"Locking accounts for chip dumping is definitely not fraud. However, the poker room must prvoide evidence of chip dumping and not make wild and irrational guesses. The burden of proof must be on the operator and not the players. However, if there is substantial proof as in the Absolute Poker case, then the player will have to put forward his counter arguments as to why he acted in such and such a way. AlohaHawaii, casinos/poker rooms have to protect themselves against these activities. You may well argue that there is no loss to the poker rooms but if this is true, the authorities that be will have more say in banning online poker as they could be tantamount to money laundering in extreme cases."

So at this time send the so called proof you have ....... so ill await your reply

Steven A

there response:

Hi Steven

Rudy here from Poker Time

Steven, your account was locked after it was found by MicroGaming Poker that two players dumped chips into your account. This was done by 1aww456 and staah001.

An extensive investigation was then initiated and it was decided to have all accounts locked. This decision is well within their rights as per their terms and conditions as well as ours which you agreed to when you registered your account.

Reminder: Please can you add our e-mail address to your "Contacts list" in your mail box. This way we can make sure that you will be receiving all the e-mails being sent to you from the poker room so that you will not miss out on any exciting promotions. If you would like to know more about this, please contact us and we will be able to assist you with this!!

Please contact us again should you have any further queries.

Kind regards

Poker Time Support

i did not cheat in anyway I want to make this clear i believe this is simply cause i won money and wanted to cash it out . if any 1 here can help i would welcome any1 tellin me what my options are i was pointed here cause i heard you guys are the best at dealing with cheating casinos and poker rooms.
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1) Demand a copy of your play logs, you have already been given details of the other two accounts involved.

This will allow independent verification of how strong the evidence is.

As well as showing chip dumping, they should also have to establish a connection between you, and the other two players. This will establish that wilful transfer of money was involved, and not just the other two being really crap poker players.
This is often done statistically, and indeed is how Absolute Poker got "busted" by the poker community for having "superusers" on the system.

A new player of only a few weeks winning a fair bit is also something that might add to their suspicions that chip dumping was involved, they can also look at the other two accounts, did they also join at a similar time, and perhaps lose only to you.

You will probably end up having to show that what they found was mere coincidence, perhaps based on mistaken information. Any regulatory rules do not affect INTERNET based poker, as they do not answer to any individual countries rules other than that of their gambling licence issuing juristiction, some of which have no real interest in regulating the industry in the player's interests.

there last email to me i need help

Hi Steven

Thank you for your e-mail.

We have conclusive proof from Microgaming Poker that you have participated in chip dumping with other players. As per the Terms and Condition that you accepted when the account was registered, this is not allowed and accounts will get locked and the users banned if this is breached.

On 1/04/2008 1aww456 chip dumped $ 477.40 to iplayhard78.

On 3/04/2008 staah001 chip dumped $ 327.65 to iplayhard78.

Your account has been locked globally and will not be considered for re-opening. The decision is final and will not be revised. Therefore your account balance will remain as is with no checks or refunds to yourself.

We will also consider this matter as resolved and will therefore cease communication to you.
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Hi Steven

Thank you for your e-mail.

I have logged your request to the Player Security Company and to MicroGaming Poker, requesting the information you want. This will be sent to you once we have received the information.

Kind Regards

Floor Manager

ther latest email .........
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they said they would send the required info it has been 2 days and not 1 word from them . Also note i phoned them and they disconnected me.
i still have not received anything from the pokerroom. they seem to be simply ignoring my requests and emails . I do not send lots perhaps 1 a day. can any 1 help with this . I also files a complaint with PAB section but havnt heard anything there either

Ive contacted Funny money still yet to hear back from him though. Pokertime still refuses to send me my play logs or even a hand history ..I dunno but that says to me that there hiding something ..All they do is send me back the same email

Hi Steven

Thank you for your e-mail.

We have conclusive proof from Microgaming Poker that you have participated in chip dumping with other players. As per the Terms and Condition that you accepted when the account was registered, this is not allowed and accounts will get locked and the users banned if this is breached.

On 1/04/2008 1aww456 chip dumped $ 477.40 to iplayhard78.

On 3/04/2008 staah001 chip dumped $ 327.65 to iplayhard78.

Your account has been locked globally and will not be considered for re-opening. The decision is final and will not be revised. Therefore your account balance will remain as is with no checks or refunds to yourself.

When i told them this isnt what I asked for they say its not them but its microgaming ..Ive contacted them but havnt even received a reply ...

I dunno this is very fishy to me ...I can just sit and wonder how many other people they have done this too .....

I Have a few questions im not up on how this all works im new to this i just like toplay poker never thought id have a problem

Can any1 tell me what Ecogra is and what they do ??? Can they help me ?? All i want is my $$$ i won fair and square ...Well ill await for a reply to work i go another fine day at the Toronto Transit Commission...
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It surely must be highly unusual to get chip dumps from two seperate players on two separate 6-10 men tables. It does not look rigth
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Ecogra is a regulator that Poker Time and many other Primas are a part of. These type of stories pop up a alot on that network. MG says someone cheated and provide zero proof, zero hand histories and refuse to communicate. The fact the Prima rep here is ignoring inquiries is disturbing as well. From what I've seen of them at 2+2 I'm not too surprised though.

Their profile says they last visited today. Maybe you have a reply waiting, if you don't you're being ignored. Go to Ecogra. If they refuse to provide at least the hand histories then they need to be rogued. This "You cheated but we can't prove it" BS has to stop from Prima. I must say though these type stories are not as common as they used to be which makes me want to see these hh's even more. There must be something in there that raised a flag but the fact they are ignoring the situation makes them look very bad.
Actually, the case is still under investigation. Funnymunny hasn't commented on this since that isn't the right thing to do at this present time.
If you want a few words of friendly advice, patience and persistence is most likely to get you the results you want.

Also, I generally don't like to discuss ongoing PABs in public. When there's a change in the status of your PM I'll let you know via PM.
Hmm.. Pokertime. I had an affiliate account there. I had active players. Couldnt access the account. Sent for a new password, no response then no account linked to my email account. Tried a few times. Gave up. Apparently I didnt have a email address linked to the account. Strange because I kept getting the monthly newsletter. I tried again one day, they sent me a password. I checked to the account to see, it had been closed to 6 months inactivity. Well obviously!! I still get emails from them. Ive never had a player account at that site, nor will I
ok max no problem ill continue to wait ..what other choice do i got ....i wasnt saying nothing about you was about them ...there tactics are deliberate id imagine designed to make most people give up ..cause to me its pretty simple they produce the logs to a qualified person who can examine them and thats about the extent of any investigation ....
Hey mate,

Just reading your thread. Any resolution as yet?

I was intersted in this because I am an affiliate for Poker Time, and just wanted to know how the process went?
ok im not wise when it comes to poker please, what in the world is chip dumping ? im just curious . me personally i do not like poker, im a slots fanatic lol.

ok im not wise when it comes to poker please, what in the world is chip dumping ? im just curious . me personally i do not like poker, im a slots fanatic lol.


Chip dumping is when you purposely lose chips to another player. Usually this is fraud related as a player is dumping from a stolen credit card or processor or they hacked an account.

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