for...*uck sakes
While I cant speak FOR them, I can SAY,
literally noone wants to habitually babysit this thread, be that myself, @maxd @dunover @Casinomeister or whomever.
Have opinions? Have at 'er (barring those contrary to forum rules or Bryan's stances)
Keep member to member digs out, share your thoughts and facts, and abide to the rules.
Christ,what a PM and report magnet.
Just be adults...and cognizant and respectful ones at that, yeah?
Then why has this magnet not been chucked in the bin....permanently?
Or better still, completely deleted from the forum records with no way of ever being able to retrieve it?
I mean, just for starters, the title of the thread itself is the biggest crock of shit going.
North Korea? Pffftt.....
WHEN EXACTLY was the last time that North Korea was actually discussed in this thread? A year? 18 months?
Going by recent posts in this thread, The "Sausages and Nature" * thread would be a more fitting title for this thread than "North Korea", for crying out loud.
* Not that I have anything against sausages. I love sausages. Especially the ones that can provide timely and much needed derailing of currywurst. Nom nom nom.....
Anyhow, let's just cut the crap here and give this thread the title it actually deserves.....Trump Thread, Part Deux.
Can someone remind me what happened to Trump Thread, Part Un? Oh got closed......permanently.
So why can't this thread, which is by far the most toxic thread on the entire forum at this current time, suffer the same fate?
I'm sorry to say this (AGAIN!), but this ONCE GREAT forum is going to the fucking dogs.
I can't speak on behalf on others, but these divisive, toxic threads are doing a fucking wonderful job of ruining my CM experience.
And I strongly suspect that I am not entirely alone.