North Korea and US politics

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Besides I don't know why you're whining. You're very willing to give your opinions and you think I shouldn't? I have very strong views on certain issues. I'm not going to let you treat immigrants, people from other faiths, people of color etc. badly. I have endless energy to defend them no matter where they live.
Where have I done any of this?

treated immigrants badly?..
People from other faiths badly?..
Or colour?

you can’t just accuse me or this as it’s utter nonsense.... infact it’s fucking offensive and I’d like @Casinomeister @maxd @dunover @dionysus

to all look at this.

ive never treated any person or colour badly, my daughters godfather is a black man...

where have I treated a immigrant badly ???

or anybody from a ‘other’ faith?.

are you even aware of my faith to base such a abhorrent accusation?...

im sorry but this is outrageous.
Where have I done any of this?

treated immigrants badly?..
People from other faiths badly?..
Or colour?

you can’t just accuse me or this as it’s utter nonsense.... infact it’s fucking offensive and I’d like @Casinomeister @maxd @dunover @dionysus

to all look at this.

ive never treated any person or colour badly, my daughters godfather is a black man...

where have I treated a immigrant badly ???

or anybody from a ‘other’ faith?.

are you even aware of my faith to base such a abhorrent accusation?...

im sorry but this is outrageous.
When you suggested sinking immigrant ships. And you've been vocal about muslims before and about your precious western culture etc.
I'll be happy to go through your history here if you really want.

Your support of Proud Boys is extremely offensive to me and to everything I believe in.

If Dunover feels like he wants to comment. I'd want his explanation to that immigrant ship comment and why he thought it was funny.
Besides I don't know why you're whining. You're very willing to give your opinions and you think I shouldn't? I have very strong views on certain issues. I'm not going to let you treat immigrants, people from other faiths, people of color etc. badly. I have endless energy to defend them no matter where they live.

You focus most of your opinions through personal attacks, in nearly every post you are trying to denigrate someone here you disagree with.

Going back to look at some old threads and you were doing it then too, personal abuse and baiting/flaming. Why can't you frame your views in a more positive, peaceful light ?
You focus most of your opinions through personal attacks, in nearly every post you are trying to denigrate someone here you disagree with.

Going back to look at some old threads and you were doing it then too, personal abuse and baiting/flaming. Why can't you frame your views in a more positive, peaceful light ?
Oh I should make jokes when you suggest Biden is a pedofile or HCQ cures Covid or migrant caravans are coming to kill US citizens or how Clinton does this and that and Gates is trying to control everyone through vaccinations and 5G kills everyone etc? I'm not going to let you do crap like that all the time and only get few jokes or sausage videos as a response.
I thought you didn't like political correctness? What happened to that?
When you suggested sinking immigrant ships. And you've been vocal about muslims before and about your precious western culture etc.
I'll be happy to go through your history here if you really want.

Your support of Proud Boys is extremely offensive to me and to everything I believe in.

If Dunover feels like he wants to comment. I'd want his explanation to that immigrant ship comment and why he thought it was funny.
Where have I mistreated or been racist?
I have issues with immigration yes, the sink it comment was in reference to thatcher regarding the belgrano in the Falklands, should you have seen the Iron Lady..

again you spout offensive nonsense with
Zero evidence... show me and answer what I’ve asked..

also what’s it you work as? I’m a key worker, you forgot to say what you do mate...

@dunover and myself ain’t even met, don’t suppose he wishes as a mod to be accused and brought into your lies and nonsense either..

I’ll await your job and evidence of what you accuse me of with baited breath...
Where have I mistreated or been racist?
I have issues with immigration yes, the sink it comment was in reference to thatcher regarding the belgrano in the Falklands, should you have seen the Iron Lady..

again you spout offensive nonsense with
Zero evidence... show me and answer what I’ve asked..

also what’s it you work as? I’m a key worker, you forgot to say what you do mate...

@dunover and myself ain’t even met, don’t suppose he wishes as a mod to be accused and brought into your lies and nonsense either..

I’ll await your job and evidence of what you accuse me of with baited breath...
You got banned for that comment. Maybe there have been too many bans for you to remember those. There was supposedly "serious" discussions about it and nothing really happened.
Oh I should make jokes when you suggest Biden is a pedofile or HCQ cures Covid or migrant caravans are coming to kill US citizens or how Clinton does this and that and Gates is trying to control everyone through vaccinations and 5G kills everyone etc? I'm not going to let you do crap like that all the time and only get few jokes or sausage videos as a response.
I thought you didn't like political correctness? What happened to that?

one, I'd question whether I have said those things, never said HCQ was a 'cure' but looked like it could help to stop people getting so ill if given early, and I can't help it if there are vids of Joe touching children and them flinching, but again not sure I've ever said 'Joe is a pedo'.

so you are not disagreeing that you denigrate members and spout personal abuse? And actually feel it is the right way to carry on because someone said something about bill gates or whatever?

I don't like too much censorship and PC, but if you are to carry on the way you do and people respond in kind, what happens the thread gets locked and then no one can post, all because you struggle to remain civil?
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You got banned for that comment. Maybe there have been too many bans for you to remember those. There was supposedly "serious" discussions about it and nothing really happened.
Again you can’t answer kid..

im having my left over food now so I’ll bid you goodnight.

Please don't refer to other members' opinions as BS
one, I'd question whether I have said those things, never said HCQ was a 'cure' but looked like it could help stop people getting so ill if given early, I can't help if there are vids of Joe touching children and them flinching, but again not sure I've ever said 'Joe is a pedo'

so you are not disagreeing that you denigrate members and spout personal abuse? And actually feel it is the right way to carry on because someone said something about bill gates or whatever?

I don't like too much censorship and PC, but if you are to carry on the way you do and people respond in kind, what happens the thread gets locked and then no one can post, all because you struggle to remain civil?
You can always report me if you think I'm crossing the line. If you keep bringing your bs opinions to threads then I'll be there saying something about it. Let's see which one will stop first.
You can always report me if you think I'm crossing the line. If you keep bringing your bs opinions to threads then I'll be there saying something about it. Let's see which one will stop first.

I've never reported anyone, it smacks to me of trying to cancel someone and just feels underhanded, but there's always a first time though, and if I saw personal abuse directed at someone else then I might.

I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me, there is always a chance they could open my eyes or convince me on a point, that say I had overlooked, however I draw the line at receiving personal abuse, that said I haven't put you on ignore [ as I thought I detected a bit of banter or joshing -maybe I was mistaken ] whereas I've had to do that to two other members.

Lastly, people are going through tough times all over, doesn't help when they go on their favourite forum, and another member is casually accusing them of all manner of things.
I've never reported anyone, it smacks to me of trying to cancel someone and just feels underhanded, but there's always a first time though, and if I saw personal abuse directed at someone else then I might.

I don't mind anyone disagreeing with me, there is always a chance they could open my eyes or convince me on a point, that say I had overlooked, however I draw the line at receiving personal attacks, that said I haven't put you on ignore [ as I thought I detected a bit of banter or joshing -maybe I was mistaken ] whereas I've had to do that to two other members.

People are going through tough times all over, doesn't help when they go on their favourite forum, and another member is casually accusing them of all manner of things.
I don't do baseless accusations. I'll stick to the facts always. Just like when you said something about vitamin D linked to helping with Covid and I thought you were saying something stupid. But that time you were right and I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong and I did apologize about it.

I wish you'd open your eyes finally and start seeing the real world. Not the "alternative facts"-world. But I guess since you have your more conservative stick with those with more conservative views and aren't willing to listen to other people.
I said lastly but missed this, which is really how you approach some things/respond to an opinion.
If you base your opinions to won't do any good to argue in those terms. You ignore facts anyway and then you just take another conspiracy and try that. I want you to stop doing the whole conspiracy thing. You start your thought processes from too biased points.
I said lastly but missed this, which is really how you approach some things/respond to an opinion.
You may think that those are harmless and they are just opinions. They are not harmless and people do crazy things based on their views. Just like that guy did his suicide bombing based on 5G theories. I just can't let it go and make it a joke or something.
I don't do baseless accusations. I'll stick to the facts always. Just like when you said something about vitamin D linked to helping with Covid and I thought you were saying something stupid. But that time you were right and I'm willing to admit if I'm wrong and I did apologize about it.

I wish you'd open your eyes finally and start seeing the real world. Not the "alternative facts"-world. But I guess since you have your more conservative stick with those with more conservative views and aren't willing to listen to other people.

I've been around the block a bit mate, walk in another person's shoes before you judge is not a bad policy, you live in finland with probably low crime and a general level of good behaviour, order and decency, I've seen how uk govt politicies have panned out in real time and it ain't pretty. The solution isn't more labour party leftism, in my humble opinion, or US republican style indifference to problems either.

Agree about the vit D, but even then you were a bit aggressive and in my face about it iirc ;)
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I've been around the block a bit mate, walk in another person's shoes before you judge is not a bad policy, you live in finland with probably low crime and a general level of good behaviour, order and decency, I've seen how uk govt politicies have panned out in real time and it ain't pretty. The solution isn't more labour party leftism, in my humble opinion, or US republican style indifference to problems either.

Agree about the vit D, but even then you were a bit agressive and in my face about it iirc ;)
I was! That's why I apologized since I was wrong about it.

And you really should try something different in the UK since Tories don't seem to have any smart answers.
You may think that those are harmless and they are just opinions. They are not harmless and people do crazy things based on their views. Just like that guy did his suicide bombing based on 5G theories. I just can't let it go and make it a joke or something.

I don't think I've ever brought up 5G re covid, however from a radiation or electrical pollution point of view I might take issue with it, read about sick building syndrome years ago, and that was poo-pooed by authorities etc...
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I don't think I've ever brought up 5G re covid, however from a radiation or electrical pollution point of view I might take issue with it, read about sick building syndrome years ago, and that was poo pooed by authorities etc...
Well let's say that they wouldn't build 5G things if they knew that those caused harm. 5G will be everywhere and will affect everyone (including those people who are building them). Self-preservation will make them do a thorough job to make sure that 5G is safe.
Well let's say that they wouldn't build 5G things if they knew that those caused harm. 5G will be everywhere and will affect everyone (including those people who are building them). Self-preservation will make them do a thorough job to make sure that 5G is safe.

I think the french made a recommendation for children not to use mobile phones a few years back, but not in the uk, so things aren't always clear cut. 5G masts could affect wildlife possibly, and would anyone really want one 30 metres from their home say?
for...*uck sakes
While I cant speak FOR them, I can SAY, literally noone wants to habitually babysit this thread, be that myself, @maxd @dunover @Casinomeister or whomever.

Have opinions? Have at 'er (barring those contrary to forum rules or Bryan's stances)
Keep member to member digs out, share your thoughts and facts, and abide to the rules.
Christ, what a PM and report magnet.
Just be adults...and cognizant and respectful ones at that, yeah?
for...*uck sakes
While I cant speak FOR them, I can SAY, literally noone wants to habitually babysit this thread, be that myself, @maxd @dunover @Casinomeister or whomever.

Have opinions? Have at 'er (barring those contrary to forum rules or Bryan's stances)
Keep member to member digs out, share your thoughts and facts, and abide to the rules.
Christ,what a PM and report magnet.
Just be adults...and cognizant and respectful ones at that, yeah?
Then why has this magnet not been chucked in the bin....permanently?
Or better still, completely deleted from the forum records with no way of ever being able to retrieve it?

I mean, just for starters, the title of the thread itself is the biggest crock of shit going.

North Korea? Pffftt.....

WHEN EXACTLY was the last time that North Korea was actually discussed in this thread? A year? 18 months?
Going by recent posts in this thread, The "Sausages and Nature" * thread would be a more fitting title for this thread than "North Korea", for crying out loud.

* Not that I have anything against sausages. I love sausages. Especially the ones that can provide timely and much needed derailing of currywurst. Nom nom nom.....

Anyhow, let's just cut the crap here and give this thread the title it actually deserves.....Trump Thread, Part Deux.

Can someone remind me what happened to Trump Thread, Part Un? Oh got closed......permanently.
So why can't this thread, which is by far the most toxic thread on the entire forum at this current time, suffer the same fate?

I'm sorry to say this (AGAIN!), but this ONCE GREAT forum is going to the fucking dogs.
I can't speak on behalf on others, but these divisive, toxic threads are doing a fucking wonderful job of ruining my CM experience.

And I strongly suspect that I am not entirely alone.
I didnt quote (ny virtue of length)
From what, I understand, it's simply a prevalent 'life' thing, as ominpresent as say, corona, or for those as in UK, as brexit

It could be shut down - its been championed - but theere's as those need an outlet, toxic as it may be, there's salient points as well.

We cant escape the impact it has on members.

I suspect, after transition, it will crawl into a hole, whimper, and die :)
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