Get two tickets to one of the quarter-final in Marseille with the Videoslots Raffle!

Yahooooo, congrats Asadzareef89 :yahoo: :cheerleader:

Have fun in France, and maybe extend your stay to visit Nice and Monaco, only a short train ride from Marseille, alternatively some of the fantastic beaches along the Cote d'Azur. :D

Great stuff Dan to post the draw on FB!!!! :thumbsup:
Hi all,

We have now done the raffle and we live streamed it on Facebook to show that there was no cheating.

You can see the raffle here in replay:
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So the winner is...... Asadzareef89.

We will contact you via a PM and confirm everything and thank you to everyone that joined the exclusive competition.



Thanks Dan und all your Team (especially the beautiful Maltese woman in the video) for the promotion and the draw and congrats to Asadzareef89. What an amazing prize. Enjoy your trip and share some pictures when you return :thumbsup:
Greetings, all!

I just wanted to make an update about the raffle, the previous winner was unable to claim the prize, unfortunately, so we have had another raffle and drawn a new winner. We were not able to get Lorraine to come on video this time, so you’ll have to do with my dashing assistant Tom instead.

The Video we recorded got so huge, so we had issues to upload it so we will still work on that, transparency is important :)

And the new winner is … PaaskeDKnowUK!!

We will contact him to receive the personal information needed, and thank you again for taking part in this promotion.

Best regards,
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Massive congrats Paaske.

And I want to see pictures!

Hi thank you very much :)

I can promise LOADS of picture and videos. ALSO even will be doing some live streaming as a "trial" as this is brand new on Facebook but could be I will try use my twitch channel hehe. But the streaming thing I cant really promise. As I think there will be to much "Booze" involved. One thing is sure my friends face will not be published and I will not be posting my own sorry guys. Those pictures and "dirty" ones will only be privately available for my own friends and "real life" friends and family on facebook :)

Anything for casinomeister and videoslots etc I am planning to hashtag with videoslots and their other page :thumbsup:

And yes I so excited and happy about this been so extreme lucky. I am also very sad for our original winner that he could not manage to go or use this fantastic prize.

I was very lucky also my management at work was so kind to give me the 3 days off work despite we were already way over booked. I had already tried one time to ask for those days in case I got lucky and i was turned down but Dan was superb and helped with a nice email for my work place and I can tell that it seems that actually did the outcome. :D:lolup:

I can also not say how thankful I am for the whole Videoslots team. They have all been outstanding week to get flights, football tickets and accommodation sorted simply top notch from Dan, Allan and the sweet Lorraine :) PS I also asked her if the airport transfer could be one of those LIMOS with a big soundsystem and a nice mini bar. I am still waiting for answer on that one though haha. I might actually walking trough Marseille nude only wearing a Videoslots Cap :P
Awesome! I have to admit that I was not watching the tournament in the beginning, but it got quite crazy with Iceland and Switzerland doing pretty well, Spain and England already gone. Would be great to go to France to see a match.

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