Angelciti (RTG) steal thousands of dollars of players' winnings.

If your refering to my post, I was actually going down the main road, just took a side street to miss the traffic :)
Yes, but I think these are related to what Angelciti is doing.

There is more than what meets the eye concerning what is happening to Angelciti and their stock exploits. It will only take one investigative report to reveal a lot of scandaous activities (IMHO). There are many pieces to this puzzle.
Sorry - that remark wasn't directed at you, Bryan.

Nice write-up in the newsletter. Watch yourself, or you'll be getting visits from the Costa Rican equivalent of the men in black suits.

No, hang on - that $66 they apparently have left in the AC kitty wouldn't cover the air fare.
Complaint Update:

Seven players have had their complaints forwarded to Angelciti via me. I'll keep the usernames confidential.

If you have submitted a complaint via Casinomeister and have not had a reply from me yet, check your inboxes. If I haven't contacted you, get a hold of me right away. Thanks!
Got your Email - thanks.

"Coincidentally", I'm now locked out of WTOC.

I Emailed support the other day, asking why they were opening a new site given that they were insolvent - and the CSR gave me a totally irrelevant piece of information: that all old accounts would be good on the "new" casino.

So with that piece of information in hand I DLed "Shark" and tried to log in with my old details. Locked.
This wouldn't be an attempt to prevent me accessing the relevant evidence in the bank, I wonder?

Too late anyway; I took screenshots - which Bryan has copies of.

I hope everyone else took the relevant screenshots.
Hello Bryan

I just found out about this place and the angel citi complaint. I went to your pitch a bitch page and it seems to be temporarily down so i assume i should post here.

I can't give you an exact date but months ago i deposited 25.00 and got a 25.00 bonus at angelciti from an email they sent me.

i played some slots and won a few hundred. i then played video poker and hit a royal flush for 1000.000. My final cashout was 1285.00

I have called debbie and talked to her many times but she keeps putting me off saying she is looking into it.

my login is davisd and i can be reached at

thank you
It's down because I'm going on vacation. People will have to stop bitching so much :D

I'll forward your info before I leave.
Angelciti paid me in full yesterday.
All aggrieved players, with legitimate complaints, will be paid in due course. There follows a detailed report on 48 hours' activity.

This all stems from the Montreal meeting between Bryan Bailey (Casinomeister), Brian Cullingworth (Jetset) and the two new people at Angelciti - Ricardo Del Sol, the affiliate manager, and Wilson Lee, their Chief Operating Officer (I believe that equates to "troubleshooter"). Ricardo and Wilson evinced a desire to resolve the matter, and requested that Bryan re-submit all the claims, since all our information had apparently gone missing. After everything had been re-submitted things must have started happening fairly swiftly behind the scenes - I got an Email from Bryan telling me to expect word from AC, so I knew he'd been up to something.

Ricardo emailed me, asking to have a chat, so I phoned him. I found him extremely professional and a pleasure to talk to. He made it clear from the outset that this matter now WOULD be resolved, with full payment of all the legitimate claims, as quickly as realistically possible. I was top of the list (I suppose "he who shouted the loudest"), but all the other players would be dealt with post-haste. In return, he asked that I report the facts of the satisfactory resolution to the gambling public, so that it would be known that Angelciti had settled their outstanding depts. This was an entirely reasonable and quite unnecessary request - I was always going to update. He then asked me to choose my preferred payment method, telling me I'd be paid in installments. I asked about all the other claims - how soon would they be resolved? He said that the company wanted this finalized and out the way as soon as possible, and invited me to stay in contact with him as he got through each case, so I'd be up to date myself on the continuing process after my own claim was settled and would be able to keep the matter updated on the boards, in the event the other players choose (incorrectly) not to do so - I'll certainly be doing this. At the end of our conversation I was perfectly happy that the matter now would indeed be resolved, and I felt very upbeat about the whole thing. When the vast majority of one's online gambling telephone calls, web chats and other communications tend to be with CS reps who are often non-native English speaking, occasionally incoherent or just plain clueless (sorry, CS reps), to have a chat with a no-nonsense and honest professional who knows his job is quite an uplifting experience.

I emailed him back yesterday morning, and he got back to me with another request for a chat. This time it was to tell me that, rather than payment in installments, I'd receive the whole lot within 48 hours if this was OK by me - which it certainly was. He was still anxious that the resolution of the matter be posted in all the forums where it's been discussed, so for simplicity's sake I directed him to the links in my initial post, suggesting he check the boards out himself and possibly contact the webmasters of those sites carrying simple articles rather than bulletin boards where I can post updates.

I then had a chat with Wilson; Wilson's another recent addition to the company, with them only for a few weeks in fact, and he's basically been brought in in a "troubleshooting" capacity, if I understand him correctly. I think this was a wise move on AC's part, as apart from anything else I could tell he was another skillful, motivated professional who was clearly a big factor in this happy resolution. Wilson was in fact a little bit aggrieved at what he perceived as alack of acceptance of the good faith and promises to resolve the matter expressed in Montreal. Apparently there was a "bouncing Emails" problem, most likely due to circumstances beyond his control; also, he may have been perturbed by the fact that his request to "re-submit" all our complaints was met by most of us with derision, and it was mentioned in the casinomeister newsletter, next to Wilson's name.

I pointed out to Wilson that while I would probably have reacted in the same way in his shoes, he needed to understand that for one thing, this matter had already drawn out over half a year with no sign of any light at the end of the tunnel before he and Ricardo had come on board. People were inevitably going to be HUGELY cynical of anything emanating from Angelciti at this point. If you add to that the general enormous cynicism rife amongst players, and mediators too, when dealing with online casino problems - I pointed out that there have been and are a hell of a lot of crooks in this business, and many people have been burnt badly over the years - and you have a recipe for little tolerance and the worst possible interpretation of the smallest glitch on the casino's part. In short: Ricardo and Wilson were always going to be in for a rough ride on this one; neither of them should feel too badly about any initial cynicism and the odd bit of bad press - they were always going to be entirely exonerated in the final outcome, as they have been here, and will be on all the settlements to follow.

My brief chat with Wilson over - which I concluded with more profuse thanks to he and Ricardo for handling this matter so quickly and professionally - I checked my Email and found that the first payment had been received. A minute later, the second one came through. Their stated time frame was 48 hours. Two minutes, in the end!

I make no apology for reiterating my regard for these two new fellows Ricardo Del Sol and Wilson Lee at Angelciti; they said they'd do it and they did it - you cannot ask for more on their part. Yes, I could have asked for rather more on the part of the management in the months leading up to this, but not from them. They came and they sorted. Top marks, gentlemen.

I'm deliberately avoiding all the other credits due for the time being - that'll come when we know all the other legitimate claims have been settled, and we can say a final goodnight to the matter.

To the players with remaining unsettled claims: please make sure you have submitted ALL your information to Bryan Bailey (casinomeister). I believe ONE player hasn't even provided his name! If your information is incomplete then your case will not be settled. I think Bryan is off on holiday right now, so things may be put on temporary hold if you haven't got your stuff through. That'll be nobody's fault but your own, I'm afraid. For the players who now start to receive their money, it'd be great if you can post about it here.

Who'd have believed it, eh?

And, since this is CM, I will add just one relevant credit:

Thanks, Bryan. ;) ;)
This is totally excellent news. I feel that with a new "gang" on board, they've seen the wrongs that have been done and are in the process of making amends.

I've mentioned this a number of times in situations like this: one thing I learned in the paratroopers is to cover your ass. Always ensure there is a way to get out of any screwed up mess, and when you can't, you have to take that bite in the ass.

This would have never have happened if they (the previous management) had just taken that bite in the ass. In fact, they would have been revered at that time as a company that is looking out for their players. It is unfortunate that this was drug through so many coals before resolution.

But anyway, I've spoken enough about this subject. I'm glad there is a happy ending to this story; this is a nice note to begin a vacation on (yes, I'll be out for a couple of weeks).

And thanks Jetset (Brian C.) and everyone else who kept insisting that fairness is the standard for this industry.
WOW, thats unbelievably wonderful that Angel City finnally paid up. The unfortunate thing is that it took threads spread all over the internet and about 3 months of labouring by Caruso, Casinomeister, Jetset, and I'm sure many others.

I only hope this sets a precedent for other casinos that if they act in unfair and unacceptable ways that the players do have a voice and can make your life a living hell if you do not work to right the situation.

Congrats to all!!!
Small caveat: only ONE player has currently been paid in full. The others WILL BE PAID, of that there is no doubt, and there are sufficiently few of them for this to not need to drag out any length of time. Maybe a fortnight or so. Hold the final champagne corks until the other six or so have happy conclusions to report.

I know, I'm such a loud-mouthed sonofabitch I can SOUND like several people at once. Fortunately there's only one of me. ;) ;)
Assuming that these commitments to the other players are honoured, this is good news, and kudos to Wilson and Ricardo for finally convincing Angelciti/George Gutierrez/Larry Hartman into doing the right thing.

Our bulletins will, in fairness seeing as this group has repeatedly *featured* in a negative sense, reflect that this week.

It's been an uphill battle, and we salute Caruso for having the determination to demand that which was due to him and others and fight for it for something like five long months. That included being subjected to snide comments from a certain Angelciti personality.

I hope this also sounds a warning note to any operator or for that matter his/her software provider who thinks they can screw players with impunity.

If players combine and have the means to communicate their distress and anger, they are a very powerful force with the capability to have a significant impact on a business. So deal fair and square and don't think that transgressions will be forgotten!
Will anyone ever really play this casino even after they pay everyone, I hope not. I dont care who has taken over the reigns there playing an RTG, especially one that ripped of players for thousands in the past is just asking to have your money stolen.
caruso whats your email?

ricardo is hassling me now saying i didnt receive the email for the promotion!
Okay, back on track.

<hr size=0>quote:<p>Hello Bryan

I just found out about this place and the angel citi complaint. I went to your pitch a bitch page and it seems to be temporarily down so i assume i should post here.

I can't give you an exact date but months ago i deposited 25.00 and got a 25.00 bonus at angelciti from an email they sent me.

i played some slots and won a few hundred. i then played video poker and hit a royal flush for 1000.000. My final cashout was 1285.00 ...<hr size=0>​

Maxmax, could you give me some status on where you stand with this casino? I want no loose ends here.
Ricardo refuses to pay me saying i didn't get the email. Hotmail has since erased my email since it was in my junk folder for over 30 days. I am positive i got this email but didnt think to print it up because it was a simple 25.00 bonus and who would get hassled over playin slots and vp
I take it they meticulously trawl through all losing accounts to find those that got a bonus but should'nt to return deposits etc yadi.Yeah right.

Bloody silly personal email offers cause this trouble quite a lot.

The problem is the player won some money.

Thats the problem.

Was this an email directly from the casino, or was it from someone else? This is important. If this was a promo from the casino, they would have record of this. (haven't we seen this before with Crown Vegas). If you used a bonus code, do you have record of the code?

I need a bit more information if you want me to persue this.

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