Absolute Poker is absolutely rigged. (New evidence, near certain proof its rigged).

I was just reading through some old comments from here

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It is also worth noting–since Absolute’s latest reply has been posted–who is doing the auditing.

From Link Removed ( Old/Invalid)
“Absolute Poker and this website is solely owned and operated by Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG, Route 138, Kahnawake, Quebec J0L 1B0. Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG is owned by a Mohawk of Kahnawake, and is operated from the sovereign nation of the Mohawks of Kahnawake, located near Montreal Quebec. The Mohawks of Kahnawake have an aboriginal right to conduct online gaming that is recognized and protected by the Canadian Constitution.

Absolute Poker is licensed by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission that enforces regulations designed to ensure, amongst other goals, that: (1) only suitable persons/entities operate within Kahnawake; (2) all games offered are fair to the player; and (3) all winners are paid.”
What does that mean? That online casinos are legal and government regulated in Canada? If so, why then doesnt any of these rich cheated players take Absolute to court?
What does that mean? That online casinos are legal and government regulated in Canada? If so, why then doesnt any of these rich cheated players take Absolute to court?

Would you take yourself to court?

If anyones not see it yet, here's some cheating illustrated on video

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I have seen this video. I have also read most of the threads and posts about this subject and figured how difficult it is to prove the wrongdoing with statistical calculations.

The whole gaming industry shifts the burden of proof to the single player who is not able to check the correctness of the random figures and the reliability of the used software etc. Therefore I ask and request the whole gaming industry to change their thinking about this problem.

Any Gaming Commission should provide for every player who is interested in it the following publicly accessible information:

a) when the last audit of a poker site has taken place
b) which institution has carried out this audit
c) what the result of this audit was
d) what the scope of this audit was, when and where the audit was carried out
e) whether the audit was based on generally accepted audit principles and
f) where the player can find and read the whole audit report
No one actually believes Kahnawake or some Indian chief up their owns Absolute. It's just a front for the real owners, presumably mostly Scott Tom.

Kahnawake is a semi-autonomous Indian reservation in Canada. Canada claims that running an online gambling operation up there is illegal, but dare not take on Kahnawake. The last time they did guns were brandished and one person died.

I don't think that anyone doubts Gaming Associates is reliable. Just take a look at who they work for and who works for them. But Kahnawake commissioned the report and can do what they want with it. Hopefully they'll release the full, unedited report.
Still no official response

Jetset, has anything as yet come of the 8th December deadline on the official audit/report. I've read back a fair bit here to my last post and there is still no reposnse at all from AP or the people doing the report's???..

Give it another 2 months and it will all be water under the bridge.
people will forget about the 7 figures they blatantly stole and operations will continue as normal..
Two weeks to review the report???

Like many things with this Absolute Poker cheating scandal, I find this outrageous.

So let me get this straight....

Absolute Poker is CAUGHT red handed cheating by players, the cheating is proven by players beyond any doubt.

Absolute Poker owners commission a report on the cheating by investigating themselves.

Now the owners of Absolute Poker want two weeks to review the report they wrote about themselves.

Anyone want to bet they find themselves completly innocent of any wrong doing...
GPF said:
Kahnawake commissioned it, not Absolute.
And just who owns Absolute Poker... Why the Kahnawake do...

GPF said:
Gaming Associates conducted it, not Absolute.
Really and just who has had a prior relationship with Gaming Associates??
Why the Kahnawake, thats who...

All the dirty little strings lead back to the current owners of Absolute Poker... the Kahnawake.
They promissed to inform the public within 2 weeks. It is now 26 days ago, since this statement was made. However, there are a lot of holidays included. Therefore, we should still wait a couple of days. From my experience as a former auditor I know that it happens relatively often in such cases, that the auditors are asked to change the wording of the report. And then it depends, whether the auditor has enough backbone to ignore such requests.
Btw: I belong to the guys with too much backbone. Therefore, I have decided relatively early for another profession. Real independency within the audit profession can be found relatively rare only; mostly within the very big audit companies which do not worry about any direct or indirect economic dependency from the client relationship.
Well I see the Absolute Poker shills have finally arrived.

So GPF, who do you think owns Absolute Poker?
Calling me a shill is not the way to get an answer.
Agreed. There is no cause for personal attacks. GPF's comments on this subject are non-biased in my opinion.
Calling me a shill is not the way to get an answer.

Im past caring who is a shill and who isnt. Im bored with the entire AP saga. I want genuine results. I wish someone like pokeraddict would offer an independent review. He is probably the most knowlegable poker person I know on this site & was the first person i know to point to AP's indescresions

Maybe I was a bit quick to call you a shill.

FYI - I am not currently in the market for a bridge.

My question still stands.

Who do you think owns AP?
Jetset, has anything as yet come of the 8th December deadline on the official audit/report. I've read back a fair bit here to my last post and there is still no reposnse at all from AP or the people doing the report's???..

Give it another 2 months and it will all be water under the bridge.
people will forget about the 7 figures they blatantly stole and operations will continue as normal..

Forgive the slow reply - I've been totally Internet hamstrung for the past 36 hours thanks to technical problems at my ISP.

To belatedly answer your question - no, nothing further either official or unofficial has reached me on the AP scandal.

I think Kellyblend is right - we've only just emerged from the festive season and all the dislocations and delays that this can entail.

I would be personally frustrated if nothing has emerged by the beginning of next week, and that would tend to raise questions about the integrity of AP, the Mohawks and Gaming Associates for me.
My question still stands.

Who do you think owns AP?

As I said in my previous post:

No one actually believes Kahnawake or some Indian chief up their owns Absolute. It's just a front for the real owners, presumably mostly Scott Tom.

Scott Tom is the founder of Absolute, and primary shareholder. I've never heard anything to suggest he sold out. He had been seen in the Absolute offices regularly until fairly recently, and was there at the closing when they bought UltimateBet.

Joe Norton, on the other hand (it was he, not Kahnawake, that
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to own Absolute), has never had a connection to Absolute as far as I know. There's never been a report of Absolute being sold or him buying it. And where would he get the money? There's nothing in his background that suggest he could come up with that kind of money. Based on their relative player volumes and Party Gaming's market price, Absolute/UB would be worth about $1.2 billion (though private companies change hands at lower multiples than public ones trade at). I don't believe that you could keep a transaction of that size quiet, that Joe Norton could come up with that kind of money, or that it happened at all.

I think that Norton's announcement is just what most knowledgeable observers believed it to be: a laughably-sloppy lie concocted to convince people that Tom didn't own Absolute any more. As an American in the online gambling industry he certainly has reason to conceal his involvement (legal risk). He may also have other reasons to conceal his ownership, e.g. he's reported to have frozen out the minority investors and there's been other negative speculation about him.

You can find what people with greater knowledge of the situation (e.g. Nat Arem, people working in the industry in Costa Rica) have written on the various 2+2 threads, among other places. Searching in Google I found Link Removed ( Old/Invalid) , which seems to have some relevant material.
IMO that is a good and likely summation of the ownership question, although I think the "ownership" may be more a case of cunning company reshuffling and registrations in diverse localities backed by discreet agreements rather than outright purchase, enabling Norton to become the front man but the ownership to remain in reality unchanged.

Unfortunately it is unlikely that such machinations will be exposed or substantiated if done cleverly enough.
Like much of this Absolute Poker cheating saga, who is in actual control of AP is very clouded.

But, on paper Absolute Poker is owned by Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG and Joe Norton (former chief of the Mohawks) has stated he is the sole 100% owner of Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG.

No way to verify this as Tokwiro Enterprises ENRG is a sole proprietorship company and is not subject to outside audits, nor is it required to release any information.

The information about Joe Norton owning Absolute Poker came from Absolute Poker and Joe Norton.

I don't personally believe that Tom Scott is involved in day to day operations of Absolute Poker, but he very well could be one of the guys making management decisions.
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I have been invited to be a guest on Lou Kriegers Keep Flopping Aces radio show tomorrow to discuss the Absolute Poker Scandal. After having written a series of columns on the subject for Poker Player Newspaper, Lou seems to think I know what Im taking about.

For the entire hour, well discuss the scandal, specifically the fact that Absolute Poker hasnt mentioned it in months and the Kahnawake Gaming Commission has yet to release its final audit report (though it was promised weeks ago).

The show just moved from Holdem Radio to Rounders Radio and will be live starting at 6pm PST (9pm EST). UNQUOTE

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